This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

What’s Been Up


It’s been a while.

Before we get to anything today, go check out Katie’s blog for our Bookworm Wednesday series. I wasn’t able to participate this month but she has the link-up going!


So lately…I just haven’t been up for blogging. I feel like I haven’t had much to say, I don’t know how to say what I want, I don’t feel like what I want to say is of any relevance, and I just didn’t want to spend the time on it. You’ve been there, right? We’ve all been there. It’s been a rough couple of months recently. But we’re here now and we’re moving right along. Let’s see what’s been up.

There has been A LOT going on around here. And really I’ve just been trying to survive for the most part. Since the beginning of May, so for 2 months now, our house has looked like this…


Paper covered floors, paint samples on the wall, an entertainment center that’s no longer there, no blinds, it’s been a mess. For a straight 2 months. We haven’t been able to use anything and we can’t find anything. It’s like we’re in a foreign land. We’re all at the ends of our rope with this re-model and it feels like it’s never ending…but alas I see the end nearing soon.

Along with a destroyed house, I have been spending time Monday-Wednesday at school because TWO CLASSES and I will finally be done with school forever.


I also (since May) was offered a new job and finally got all of my on boarding paperwork completed a couple weeks ago, so I was able to officially begin. This is a horrible picture of me, but when your dad asks for a “first day pic” at 8AM you just say yes.


Now that it’s summer here in Texas, my butt has been laying out by our pool as much as I can. I like to go out while my dad is there so we can float around in the pool together or I can talk to him while he’s working in the yard. I’m almost done with this book by the way and can’t wait to share it with you next month!


On the weekends (and sometimes during the week) I pick up a couple shifts at the restaurant, you know, to earn a couple bucks while I am trying to adult…AKA buy a car this month. YAY ME. #saidnooneever


A couple of weeks ago I was sick (with I still don’t know what) so I woke up one morning at 2AM and then when I couldn’t fall asleep at 4AM. I got a craving for warm pancakes because my throat was hurting. Ry ended up going on a late night (or early morning) run to Market Street with me to get some.


And not only that but I have been having a horrible time with my digestive issues, like real bad. And we’re not sure why (again). So last week I spent a couple hours at the doctor’s office before my vacation for blood work, a breath test, etc. and should be getting those results back next week. #prayingforgoodthings

In the meantime…I sliced open my finger with a knife the day before I left for vacation.


Yes. Genius. Right after my blood work I was at home trying to open something and went straight through the plastic into my finger. A couple stitches and a tetanus shot later…I’m still alive! I got my stitches out yesterday, but my finger is still super tender.

A couple months ago my cousin told me that he had to close his account at the gym but he had personal training that he already paid for. They were able to transfer it to my account since we both use the same gym, so my workouts the past couple months have been all based off of my trainer’s plan for me. It’s been such a nice change of pace in my physical/exercise life. I totally recommend changing your pace for a little while…no matter what your style is.


More home workouts, but shorter workouts and higher intensity. I’m digging it.

So as you can see…a lot has been going on over in this neck of the woods. I’ve got lots more to share, but that’ll come later this week and next when I can catch you up some more. I hope you all are doing well!! I’ve got some serious reading to catch up on!

Happy Wednesday!

Comments on: "What’s Been Up" (6)

  1. Wow your pool looks so amazing!! Congrats on your job and your outfit is super cute =)


  2. Glad you popped back in for a little catch up! Good luck with the remodel – hopefully it’s semi close to being done. Just relax by the pool as much as you can. 🙂


  3. Yay! Missed you. As you can see, I’m still on hiatus. Welcome back 🙂


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