This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘football’

Halloween Weekend

I know this may be a little late, but i’ve been busy linking up with some of my favorite bloggers this week. If you missed them, check out my Simplicity Pin-Spired post and My Bucketlist. However, I want to keep track of all my holidays, so I want to recap this past weekend….Halloween! Now for some reason, ever since I went to college my weekends have always started on Thursdays. Don’t ask me why ’cause I couldn’t tell ya. Maybe it’s the fact that I usually don’t schedule Friday classes? Maybe it’s because Thursdays are usually when I went out of town for the weekend?

Halloween weekend started out with me nannying Thursday after I was “Sew Psyched”

to be picking up momma from the airport. The nanny kids got “boo’d” and in their goodie bag was sprinkles. They wanted to make something with the sprinkles in it, so I let them make brownies with sprinkles in the middle.

And lick the bowl…because are you really making brownies if you’re not licking the bowl??


And then #drama because the brownies were taking too long to bake.


I was watching Miss Daisy girl this past weekend, so of course we had to have play time when I went over there.


Friday morning I woke up super early for my 8:00am class and then because it was a holiday I totally deserved a McCafe Iced Mocha. Happy Halloween to me!


And then I was totally SCARED and SPOOKED OUT by my choice of shorts (get it) that I had to take an elevator selfie. Boomer Sooner!


After I got home from class I spent the day with my momma because I missed her while she was gone. And we went to run her errands…including finding this decorating glittery leaf thing.


And then of course I went to see Daisy.


And on the way over there this ugly stupid annoying crappy life ruining light came on forcing me to stop at my least favorite place ever on my way home. The gas station.


But I didn’t want to stop on the way over there because look who I wanted to play with. Her eyes don’t normally look like that 🙂


And on Wednesday I finally got a new phone, so when I actually got a chance to play around with it, it was Friday.


And guess what I did on HALLOWEEN night???


Yes, I WORKED! I asked off and still got scheduled to work. Is this a joke????

Apparently my dad thought it was.


But because nobody was actually eating out on Halloween (duh!) I got to leave early and give out treats to little cuties around my neighborhood. Love handing out candy the most.


And had a plate full of nachos for dinner with moms.


Then on Saturday I worked again, but the morning shift. When I got home around 5:00 I had hot chocolate and enjoyed a bubble bath because…..freezing outside!!


and mom’s vegetable soup for dinner.


and on that particular night Ryan went with me to stay with Daisy, so we watched football before we fell asleep. A happy first day of November!


Sunday morning we woke up and after enjoying our extra hour of sleep we felt rejuvenated enough to take Miss Daisy on a walk. This kid needs a dog.


and it was SO WINDY!


But Daisy was all smiles and ready to dance when we got back. Sweetest puppy ever.


The rest of my Sunday was spent catching up on homework and projects/cleaning my room/writing/doing nothing. It was finally a relaxing day after the past couple hectic weeks. Aren’t those the best??

How was your Halloween? Did you get lucky enough to work like I did or did you get to eat your body weight in candy??

Tomorrow on Meet My Peeps, i’ll introduce you to a cute little boy 😉 Hint: He likes dogs!! ^

Friday Favorites: Lots o’ Kids Edition



Friday favorites time!!! Join Andrea, Erika, and Narci by grabbing their graphic and linking up to them.



Sleeping in.


My 8:00am class was cancelled on Friday and I knew that would be my favorite part of the day.  Once I got home from work on Thursday night I got ready for bed and CRASHED. I didn’t set an alarm for the first time in soooo long and I woke up at 10:15. It was the most wonderful thing. I went back to my room and laid in bed for a couple minutes just to soak in the fact that I had slept that long. Apparently I was tired?


Hanging out with kiddos.


Sometimes I wonder why I chose not to go into elementary education or something of that nature, because I love kids. Even though they aren’t my own, my favorite thing is taking care of them, hanging out with them, playing games with them, and making their parents happy by giving them some time to themselves.
Not only did I work this weekend, but I babysat too. Saturday night I hung out with a family that I met through Collin, littlest one I nanny. They are a super sweet family. The top picture is the best picture I could get of the four of us. You can see little feet on the bed, gray pants by the nightstand and yellow shirt running at me!!


Then, I had to stiff arm yellow shirt as he kept trying to knock my phone out of my hand. Haha boys will be boys. When in doubt, stiff arm them out. (This is a joke…no children were harmed in the making of this selfie.) (in fact, he laughed his butt off.)


Bargain finds.

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I babysat for about 7 hours on Sunday for a different family and was lucky enough to get gum stuck in my hair from one of the girls. Needless to say my favorite part of Sunday was my sporadic trip to Target in between Church and babysitting. I tell you. They roped me in. I saw so many sales and so much that I had to have and came back with a bag full of things.
Don’t you love these scarves?? Click to shop them now!! Plus, free shipping on all orders!


Fun texts from friends.


My least favorite part of Monday was this text I received from my girls, Em ‘n Mads. They wanted to eat Monday night to catch up because we all live in different cities around the same area and only get to see each other at work. And I couldn’t go because I nanny. and I missed them!!! They sent me a pic of them Halloween shopping & I got sad 😦
p.s. yes, they call me milky.




Tuesday I was super productive. After my class in the morning my mom and I headed over to the museum. I have to go there for a project in class and she said she would go, so I brought her along with me. Then, it was “me afternoon” while she napped. I got a hair cut, really a trim, and then got my eyebrows waxed. Keeping it real with my selfie. No make-up. However, my favorite football player was on the field that night. Love supporting my little #26.



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You already know there’s gotta be a #nannylife picture every week. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen that on Wednesday I was soccer nanny and sat out at Collin’s soccer practice. Then we came home, got them dinner, and took a couple selfies. My favorite thing about these kids is the fact that they make me smile even on days I may not want to. I got some sad news a couple minutes after getting to their house, but they helped keep my mind off of it.


 Mommy/Daughter day.

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Mommy/daughter days are my absolute favorite in and of itself. She’s going to visit her best friend this weekend, and I always miss her. So I went along with her to run her errands and do what she needed to accomplish. Then, I worked last night so of course I had to get that selfie in.

Oh, one more thing before we go today,
I sent this picture to some of my people.


Smile!!!! It’s the weekend 🙂

The University of Oklahoma

In honor of Oklahoma’s win over Texas saturday morning….BOOOOOOOMERRR!!!! I thought I would share with those new to the blog my OU story that I posted back on July 10th this summer. So, here goes.

3 years ago (wow…) I had what seemed like a big ol’ decision to make: What college do I attend? My original decision of 6 was between: Iowa State, Oklahoma State, Oklahoma, Baylor, Arkansas or Alabama. I got accepted to all of them so that didn’t narrow down my decision for me. The decision process took my entire senior year to make. Literally, I made my decision in April. And I was moving to wherever in July. Seriously….procrastination queen.

After some more time I decided to cross out OSU and Alabama because I had never visited and really had no intention of visiting. That wasn’t too hard of a decision. Why did I apply then?? Don’t know. I crossed out Arkansas because what seems like my entire town goes there and I wanted something new. Keep in mind this was 18 year-old never left home high schooler me. Then, it was down to my top 3: Iowa State, OU, and Baylor. This took me quite a while to decide. Side note…with my dad being in the military our family gets 4 free years of school. Hallelujah, right? That being said, I decided to cross Baylor off my list because if my dad decided not to give me all 4 years I was not about to pay that money for it. So then the BIIIIIIG decision: Iowa State or OU? ISU or OU, ISU or OU, OU or ISU, OU or ISU back and forth I went for months. Pros and cons to each, but I made my decision, from mainly one factor. Distance from my family.

Fast forward to July….i’m moving to Norman, Oklahoma. Two cars, my bear, and my naive self headed North on I-35.

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I could tell you about my two years at OU but you’d be reading until your eyes fell out. Needless to say (i’ll keep it as brief as possible)…

I moved in,


I rushed,


I pledged a sorority,


I got my big,


And my little,


Moved into the sorority house,


Participated in the other side of rush,


Attended many football games (with OU/TX weekends involved),


Dressed up for a good amount of events,


Went to my fair share of date parties,

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And came home very frequently (these pictures are a measurement because every time I came home mom and I would cook together…more on these recipes another time).

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And yes, did the whole go to class thing too. But who takes pictures of that??

Fast forward again…to now. I am sitting in my house completing my application with a completed application to attend another school.

How did that happen? Well, ever since I was a junior in high school I had a multitude of health issues. I’m sure I will go into detail about that in another post because that’s definitely part of life’s colors. (Update: I did HERE) However, I still went to OU because I figured that while I was in Norman I could come home a couple weekends out of the semester to make my appointments and carry on with my life. Besides, I wanted to do my college thing! A lot of my appointments ended up becoming “We need you back in 2 weeks” and “Please come back in 6 weeks but a week before that you need to get blood work done” Mind you, at this point i’m seeing approximately 2-8 different kinds of doctor’s so I started coming back home often, hence all of the meals mom and I made together. The more I came back the more I missed home and hated leaving again. The more doctors I went to who couldn’t give me answers the more frustrated I became because I still wasn’t feeling well.

I have never been one to admit defeat easily so through the frustration, the waiting on answers, the missing home, the always feeling sick, I pushed through. I drove back to Norman every Monday morning when I didn’t want to after a weekend at home. I went to class every day when I felt so sick that I didn’t want to get out of bed. However, after semesters of pushing myself and putting up a “front” when all I really wanted to do was curl up into a ball and hide. I got extremely tired of it and couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t be the Molly that most people know. And you really don’t get it until you’re put in this situation, so i’m sure it was “sketchy” to my friends that I was gone all the time.

My parents and I spent maaaaaaaany late nights awake talking. I didn’t want to come home because I felt like I would be a failure if I did, kind of like I quit school. What would people think of me? What would I do if I came home? Everything was so unknown. I didn’t want to stay there because it brought back all the memories of how awful I felt all the time and besides that, I WAS feeling awful all the time. And I was just plain tired of driving home for appointments.

My mom said something to me during one of the late night conversations that has still stuck in my head: “Molly, everyone takes different paths throughout life to get to the same end result.” That result being a college diploma. After I heard her say that I realized if I came home and transferred somewhere else I wouldn’t be a failure.

I decided to come home. And it was STILL difficult for me to do so.

On Tuesday (this past July) my mom, sister, and I drove to Norman (ladder in tow) to move the rest of my stuff back home.



And we did just that. We got my stuff, grabbed some lunch, said our goodbyes to Norman and we were heading home. I said farewell to my home of 2 years and shut that chapter of my book closed.



I have no clue what my entire future has in store for me, but I do know that I am getting my diploma. My decision to transfer has nothing to do with the school. It was just my decision and what was best for me. OU was a path that I chose to travel that didn’t work for me. So now I have to choose another path (TBA after I finish my application) that will take me to MY end result of a diploma. (UPDATE: I will be attending the University of Texas at Dallas this spring). The University of Oklahoma was 2 year experience that taught me about the Colors of Life. And now I am trusting Jesus to take care of the rest. But i’ll forever be a Sooner….and a Cyclone.


Life’s Color today is Crimson and Cream.
Be thankful for family always. Do what is best for you. Not everyone follows the same path. God always has a plan, so trust it. Don’t worry about what others might think.

Friday Favorites


I’m glad you’re back for another week of Friday Favorites; thanks to Andrea, Erika, and Narci for hosting. The weather is finally moving towards staying in the 60/70s during the day. Ahhhh…. as Andrea says #fallelujah

FALL1 Work day.


After I finished class Friday morning, mom and I darted over to Old Navy’s sale, but didn’t get to stay long because I had to work all day. both shifts. lunch and dinner. during my break I came home to eat and work on my paper, and after the dinner shift I fell asleep so early. Friday was not eventful, but i’m glad I was able to make some money…and spend it at Old Navy 😉 That’s how you’re supposed to do it, right?




Y’all it’s so much fun to celebrate friends, but it’s even more fun to celebrate friends who have little ones. My buddy since 7th grade Jonathan, the one i’m squinting with above, was blessed with a little nephew. I can’t wait to finally meet baby Isaiah. The party was decorated so cute and i’m glad I was able to make it! Yellow and gray are my absolute favorites. And I made the little tricycle guy above to take as my gift 🙂


Yummy bread and cheese.


Sunday funday of course included Church, yoga, daddy-daughter golfing, and family time…but what I am MOST glad about on sunday was the fact that I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have found gluten-free bread that doesn’t fall apart in my hands and holds the sandwich together. (Aldi’s loaf in their section is new) AND cheese that is lactose free, will melt and doesn’t make me gag. (from Trader Joes) Of course my two favorite grocery stores. If you look you can see the melty cheese and it’s such beautiful thing. So this is a total win. Total win. You’d be happy too if you were me 😉




Monday, sweet Avery was SO excited when she opened up her mailbox because her Halloween costume was in the mail. She’s such a precious little fifth grader. Her and her friend are SweetTarts and Nerds for Halloween and she talks about it all the time. I’m so glad she’s excited and looks darling in her costume.


Ry’s football game.


Ry has football games on Tuesdays, and i’m glad I am able to watch him play. This was his first game to play in this year because he cracked a bone in his ankle and was out for a couple weeks. This will be his last year in football because he just wants to focus on baseball in high school. He said he only played this year ’cause his friends were. Funny…I was like that too when I chose to play softball in high school.


Iowa State Cyclones.


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For some reason wednesday mornings are always tough. It’s the middle of the week, i’m usually exhausted, you know how it goes. So I took my coffee to class in my FAVORITE Iowa State cup…part of me will probably always wish I chose this school because of how much I loved it on my visit. However, things happen for a reason and I became a Sooner. I’ll forever be glad to root for those Cyclones though. Anyways, I got this cup in Iowa this summer. My cousin Dani, who just so happens to be my (not really) big sister (and is having a baby in a couple months!!!!) graduated from ISU, so I had to send her a picture of course.


Meaningful pictures.


While I was on Twitter yesterday I came across the picture. And i’m glad I did. It was a good reminder of how your personal outlook can affect every day. It’s about how you have a choice to see the “Colors of Life” when you’re dreading spending the day at work, or seeing someone you don’t want to, or going to class, or doing the laundry, or whatever it may be.

Choose to see the sunshine today! We made it to the weekend!!!

Wordless Wednesday

















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