This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘couple minutes’

Friday Favorites: Lots o’ Kids Edition



Friday favorites time!!! Join Andrea, Erika, and Narci by grabbing their graphic and linking up to them.



Sleeping in.


My 8:00am class was cancelled on Friday and I knew that would be my favorite part of the day.  Once I got home from work on Thursday night I got ready for bed and CRASHED. I didn’t set an alarm for the first time in soooo long and I woke up at 10:15. It was the most wonderful thing. I went back to my room and laid in bed for a couple minutes just to soak in the fact that I had slept that long. Apparently I was tired?


Hanging out with kiddos.


Sometimes I wonder why I chose not to go into elementary education or something of that nature, because I love kids. Even though they aren’t my own, my favorite thing is taking care of them, hanging out with them, playing games with them, and making their parents happy by giving them some time to themselves.
Not only did I work this weekend, but I babysat too. Saturday night I hung out with a family that I met through Collin, littlest one I nanny. They are a super sweet family. The top picture is the best picture I could get of the four of us. You can see little feet on the bed, gray pants by the nightstand and yellow shirt running at me!!


Then, I had to stiff arm yellow shirt as he kept trying to knock my phone out of my hand. Haha boys will be boys. When in doubt, stiff arm them out. (This is a joke…no children were harmed in the making of this selfie.) (in fact, he laughed his butt off.)


Bargain finds.

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I babysat for about 7 hours on Sunday for a different family and was lucky enough to get gum stuck in my hair from one of the girls. Needless to say my favorite part of Sunday was my sporadic trip to Target in between Church and babysitting. I tell you. They roped me in. I saw so many sales and so much that I had to have and came back with a bag full of things.
Don’t you love these scarves?? Click to shop them now!! Plus, free shipping on all orders!


Fun texts from friends.


My least favorite part of Monday was this text I received from my girls, Em ‘n Mads. They wanted to eat Monday night to catch up because we all live in different cities around the same area and only get to see each other at work. And I couldn’t go because I nanny. and I missed them!!! They sent me a pic of them Halloween shopping & I got sad 😦
p.s. yes, they call me milky.




Tuesday I was super productive. After my class in the morning my mom and I headed over to the museum. I have to go there for a project in class and she said she would go, so I brought her along with me. Then, it was “me afternoon” while she napped. I got a hair cut, really a trim, and then got my eyebrows waxed. Keeping it real with my selfie. No make-up. However, my favorite football player was on the field that night. Love supporting my little #26.



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You already know there’s gotta be a #nannylife picture every week. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen that on Wednesday I was soccer nanny and sat out at Collin’s soccer practice. Then we came home, got them dinner, and took a couple selfies. My favorite thing about these kids is the fact that they make me smile even on days I may not want to. I got some sad news a couple minutes after getting to their house, but they helped keep my mind off of it.


 Mommy/Daughter day.

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Mommy/daughter days are my absolute favorite in and of itself. She’s going to visit her best friend this weekend, and I always miss her. So I went along with her to run her errands and do what she needed to accomplish. Then, I worked last night so of course I had to get that selfie in.

Oh, one more thing before we go today,
I sent this picture to some of my people.


Smile!!!! It’s the weekend 🙂

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