This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘books’

Bookworm Wednesday: June


Happy Bookworm Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Summer!


Are you excited to be talking books like I am? Depending on when you’re reading this…I probably look like this right now…


…because (while I only read one book this month, thank you, school) books are the best. If you would have asked my elementary aged self if I would say that? Never. The answer would be never. And if you asked my younger self if I would be taking walks while listening to Jesus music and reading a book? Never. I guess you should never say never.

I definitely have blogging to thank for this love of books again because you guys read your books, talk about them, and then I get all excited because I want to read them too. And especially on days like today when Shay talks about books and so many people comment and share more ideas too!


Now, if you remember last month I told you all about Hoda’s book.


Well this month I stayed on theme with my Hoda woman and read another one of her books…this month I read Ten Years Later.


And holy cow was it humbling. Not only that but holy cow do I want to have Hoda’s job. And not only that but holy cow do I want to be friends with Hoda. Still. That hasn’t changed from last month either.

Ten Years Later is just Hoda telling us about 6 different people whose stories she followed. They faced some kind of hardship in their life…abuse, health, sexual disorientation, etc. and it tells you all about what the experience was and how it turned out for that person. This tugged at my heart strings as she shared the different kinds of stories from these people. And that’s only 6 people in this world! Like I said, it was so humbling and really made me look at myself and think “wow and you’re whining about bloating issues”. Now that I loved both of her books, I am dying to read her third one. I would seriously recommend these to you anyone! Honda woman rocks!

Next month, link-up with Katie and I on July 6th for our next edition of Bookworm Wednesday! I should have more to talk about because I’ve got a few vacations planned and that means lots of car/plane/travel time…meaning…BOOKS!!

Stranded: Books

Hi! It’s been crazy around here. We’ve been packing boxes and running errands and all sorts of things these past two weeks so my blogging as been sporadic. I’m hoping to get back on track soon…hang with me!!!

Today I’m participating in Shay and Erika‘s stranded link-up and we’re talking books.


What 3 books would I take off my bookshelf if I was stranded on an island?? Ugh, this is hard. I don’t know if I would want to read or if I would be too pre-occupied and anxious to read. You know what i’m saying?!


The first book that I would try to make sure that I had was some sort of guide for surviving on a deserted island. You know, ’cause i’m all practical and stuff 😉


I’d get this book so I could figure out WHAT THE HECK TO DO. It looks helpful and probably would be a good read as a just in case. In this guide you’re suppose to figure out how to signal for help, get drinkable water, and catch food. I’ll need all the help I can get!


If I was stranded on an island I would want a funny book, you know to entertain me and also keep me sane.


So i’d pick Bossypants by Tina Fey because…
-SO MANY OF YOU recommended it and really loved the book
-I haven’t read it before, which I’d love because I don’t read books more than once
-It’s also an autobiography which is my favorite!
-It was rated on buzz feed’s most funny books

Win, win!


And the third thing I would take with me is a series. You know, have a long drawn out series to read to keep me occupied while I am waiting on someone to come rescue me. That’s a good idea, right?!


I’m normally not into all the mystical creatures and made up stuff with vampires and witches, but Morgan LOVED the Twilight series along with just about everyone else. I’ve seen the movies (and liked them) but I haven’t read the books. Do you suggest I take this series or would I have a better series to read while I’m stranded??


YAY FOR READING!!! Except I probably wouldn’t be this happy and I wouldn’t have a school book with me. Haha!

So what do you think? Would you keep it practical or would you just take your favorites? I’m really hoping I would never be in that situation!

Ps…to see my reads for 2016 click here! And in case you’re looking for other great options, check out a link-up I host on the first Wednesday of every month (don’t worry it doesn’t interfere with this one) called Bookworm Wednesday!!!


So Long, Insecurity: Week 9

Happy St. Pat’s Day, my friends!

Today on the blog, it is our second to last meeting of online Bible study. If you have been participating, make sure to click here to see previous weeks. If you haven’t been participating, you always can. Buy the book by clicking the picture on my sidebar, and go through these weekly posts.

so long, insecurity

A Word From Beth:

“In this week’s discussion we can start moving the focus off our own insecurity. We will be thinking not just about how we experience triggers to insecurity but about other women and how we can help them deal with their triggers.

I’ll admit that when I invite women to share their vulnerabilities with each other, I’m suggesting something a little scary. Because let’s be honest: a struggling junior high girl who tells the popular girls that they make her feel insecure is, unfortunately, just asking for more of the same. But we’re not in junior high anymore, sisters (and praise the Lord for that!). In some ways, we’re all both the struggling girl and the popular girl. We all wrestle with insecurities, and we all (knowingly or not) do things that make others feel insecure. So let’s be open with each other and respond to that openness with support, respect, and honesty.”

Beth says: When I surveyed men about their take on women’s insecurities, one respondent said this:

“Most obvious is when women are around other women; they try to size each other up and look for reasons to not get along rather than to get along. They seem easily intimidated, whether by physical beauty, character status, or whatever makes them feel that the other woman has more going for her, and a barrier goes up. (pg. 275-276)

  1. How do you respond to this take on female relationships? Has insecurity ever robbed you of what could have been a rich friendship with another woman? Has it affected the type of woman you befriend?

She says: I have to admit that there’s more than a snippet of truth to what this man says. We women do sometimes let barriers come between us-and that’s terrible shame. Let’s do our best to break the mold by taking a look at four things we can do to promote security among the women around us. First, we need to stop making comparisons.

Now read from “our constant propensity” to “give credit to someone else?” on pg. 279-280.

  1. Talk about a time you fell victim to the “bad math” of insecurity (see pages 280-281). How can we correct our thinking when this happens?

Second, we need to start personalizing the other women. Read from “In order to nurse a rival mentality” to “in Jesus’ name.” (pg. 284, 286)

  1. Have you ever felt your insecure or jealous feelings evaporate when something occurred that humanized your “rival”? What happened?

Third, we don’t trip another woman’s insecurity switch. Read from “We all have just enough meanness in us” to “build up our wounded selves at somebody else’s expense.” (pg. 288-289)

  1. Tell someone else that you’re feeling insecure requires great vulnerability. How would you react if someone came to you with a situation like those described on pages 287-288 and humbly suggested that you were acting as a trigger? How could good friends or family members handle this?

The fourth way we can help others is to be examples of secure women. Read from “Most women will” to “because it’s as contagious to its counterpart” (pg. 290)

  1. Who have been examples of secure women in your life? What impact have they had on you?

When we cultivate the kind of focus where we take our minds off ourselves and think of others first our perspective changes. Our culture tells us to major on the minors, to embrace the superficial and spend our time and energy worrying about ourselves. And guess what? That’s a prime recipe for insecurity. We have to find the way out. Read “Human nature dictates” to “you must lose yourself in something larger” on pg. 309-310 to see how Beth puts it in chapter 16.

  1. Tell about a time when serving God or focusing on someone else freed you from the self-absorption of insecurity. Why do you think this happens?

The next section we will talk about today is the passage from Isaiah 58 that Beth quotes in chapter 16 (pg. 317-318). Before you read the verses, keep in mind the context. The Israelites were asking why God seemed not to hear them when they prayed. They held up their fasting as proof of their righteousness, but the Lord indicted them with their own actions. They patted themselves on the back because they went to the Temple, but otherwise they did as they pleased (v.3). They were oppressing their own workers, and even their days of fasting were ruined by quarrels and violence. They pretended to do the right things, but in reality, they were self-absorbed and superficial-and probably miserable as a result.

  1. Read Isaiah 58: 6-11. What do verses 6-7 tell us about the attitude God wants us to have toward others?
  2. According to verses 8-11, what will happen when we adjust our attitude outward instead of inward? What images are used to communicate the idea of renewal and refreshment?

There’s no question that the world benefits when we break free of our self-absorption and serve others. But the amazing thing is that we benefit as well. When we have a sense of purpose that goes beyond our own skin, we are renewed, refreshed, and satisfied.

As we think about moving our focus beyond ourselves, let’s look at some Scripture passages that address our relationships with other women. Keep your eyes open to ways we can build each other up and help each other find security.

  1. Read Galatians 5:22-26. How does celebrating each person’s uniqueness help us avoid jealousy and unhealthy comparisons? What role does the Holy Spirit play in helping us accomplish this?
  2. Read John 13:34-35. What is Jesus’ command here? What are some specific things that would happen if we followed it?
  3. When we get caught up in insecurity, too often we depersonalize those who threaten us. How does loving someone keep us from viewing her only as a competitor?
  4. Read Matthew 5:43-45. WH do you think we are commanded to pray for our enemies? How does the act of praying for them – or other people who just rub us the wrong way, threaten us, and trigger every possible security button – change us?

To wrap it all up:

We’ll never be healed of our self-centeredness until we are wounded irreparably with love for an aching world. Insecurity puts us in a prison of self-absorbtion, but when we reach out to others, those prison bars are shattered. Sharing the love of Christ will become life to us, bringing us renewal, perspective, and purpose. May we leave our superficiality behind and reap the benefits God will graciously bestow.

In your journal:

  1. Think through your closest female relationships. What things do others do that trip your insecurity switch? Are there things you’re doing that likely trip other people’s triggers? What could you do to change?
  2. Consider the questions from page 310. What is your passion? What do you want your life to be about? If you long for something that makes you feel fully alive and part of something specific God is doing for the greater good, ask Him to nurture that vision in you.

Assigned Reading: Chapter 17 and 18. As you’re reading in the book, underline what is jumping out at you, what you think is true, what surprises you, and what seems to be the most challenging. Maybe you highlight the answers to each of those questions in a different color.

Prayer Requests?

See y’all soon for our last week!

Bookworm Wednesday: February

It’s Bookworm Wednesday! Every first Wednesday of the month just blog about your reads, include this graphic below, and link back to Katie and I. It’s quite simple 🙂


Then you can go through the links to ideas from others on what to read next 🙂

2016 Bookworm Wednesday dates:

March 2nd
April 6th
May 4th
June 1st
July 6th
August 3rd
September 7th
October 5th
November 2nd
December 7th

This month i’ve been reading/spending a lot of time with a faith-based book, a “for fun” read, and a serious/school read.

For my faith-based book it’s been for Online Bible Study


We’re still reading So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore and it has been so challenging! In a good way. If you want to participate, you still can. Click the link above or the picture of the book on my side page. Once you get the book you can go through the posts and catch up! It is beneficial to all women (and men) who struggle with insecurity of any kind.

It’s a lot of reading the book, reading the Bible, journaling, and a lot of time. But so, so worth it!

I also started Winter Stroll this month since I got it for Christmas, but then I realized you have to read Winter Street before because it’s a 3 book series. So I had to close the cover…and i’ll go back another time. Sigh. I tried.


So for my “for fun” book, I decided i’ll go ahead and still get my Elin Hilderbrand on by reading her Nantucket Nights that I bought a few months ago.


Another book i’m reading right now is actually assigned for a class, but I think it will help me in my career as well. Actually I know it will because why else would the professor have us read the book and write papers on it??


The HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership is a book compiled with articles relating to leadership, what it means to be a leader, how to act as a leader, how to get others to respect you as a leader. I mean you name it. I’ve had the professor teaching this course for the past three semesters and every semester we have had to read the Harvard Business Review articles from different books and I go through them and really think about how beneficial it will be when I remember this as i’m in the workforce. If you’re struggling with this, whether in work, school, life I think you might find this interesting.

So that’s it for this month!

And to see my book posts from the past…

Bookworm Wednesday – January
Bookworm Wednesday – December

Bookworm Wednesday – November
Bookworm Wednesday – October
Bookworm Wednesday – September
Books in July
Books (and some Netflix) in June
Books in May
Books in March

Happy reading!!

So Long, Insecurity: Week 2

Week two is here!

The reading for this week was the Chapter 2 and 3.

so long, insecurity

Week 2 is all about how insecurity affects us. We read that before we can really cut insecurity out of our lives we need to understand what it is. To be completely honest, there may be some envy among us bloggers. As Beth states in her leader’s guide: Let’s not let envy get in the way of the support a group like this can offer. Let’s pray that we can see each other clearly and with hearts of compassion not comparison.

So how do we know if we have a problem with insecurity? Beth says in Chapter 2:

“We all have insecurities. They piggyback on the vulnerability in our humanity. The question is whether or not our insecurities are substantial enough to hurt limit, or even distract us from profound effectiveness or fulfillment of purpose. Are they cheating us of the power and abundant life Jesus flagrantly promised?…I’m convinced many women-if not most-have enough insecurity to hinder them.” Pg. 15-16

  1. Share a specific time in your past when insecurity kept you from doing something you wanted to do or stopped you from using your gifts. How does it hinder you today?
  2. Before we go further, we need to develop a working definition of insecurity. How would you define insecurity in a word or brief phrase?

On page 17 Beth writes the definition of insecurity by Joseph Nowinski:

“Insecurity refers to a profound sense of self-doubt – a deep feeling of uncertainty bout our basic worth and our place in the world. Insecurity is associated with chronic self-consciousness, along with a chronic lack of confidence in ourselves and anxiety about our relationships. The insecure man or woman lives in constant fear of rejection and a deep uncertainty about whether his or her own feelings and desires are legitimate.” Pg. 16

  1. What part of this definition seems accurate? Is there anything about it that surprises you? If you feel comfortable, explain how you fit this description in the comments.

Part 2 of that same definition says:

The insecure person also harbors unrealistic expectations about love and relationships. These expectations, for themselves and for others, ar often unconscious. The insecure person creates a situation in which being disappointed and hurt in relationships is almost inevitable. Ironically, although insecure people re easily and frequently hurt, they are usually unaware of how they are unwitting accomplices in creating their own misery.” Pg.23

I particularly loved this definition and really resonated with it. I found it so true in my own lives and seeing it played out in the lives of others.

  1. So think about movies and/or tv shows, or even news items. Can you find an example of self-sabotage in relationships? If you think of something, share it with us!!
  2. What unrealistic expectations have you placed on relationships in the past? How can we become more conscious of our negative pattern in relationships?
    • Are you the one thinking he’s going to text you every morning to say “good morning”? Do you think he’s going to tell you how beautiful you are every day?
    • It can be in regards to your friendships as well.

Beth then moves on to discuss in chapter 3 about the “false positive” on page 36-37 when she was in a conversation with a friend and the friend mentions how she can’t imagine Beth struggles with insecurity…because she’s so tiny. The false positive is one thing that we think would make us more secure in all things.

  1. Look at the list on page 38 of false positives. Which ones really stand out to you the most? Can you identify which is your false positive – the one thing you think would make you secure?

Our insecurities are too deeply rooted within us to be easily fixed. Although we have unhealthy ways of thinking, we are not hopeless because we have Christ in us. Nothing can make us secure, not a husband, or a fit body, or a prettier face. Nothing but Jesus.

  1. So read Romans 8:9. What hope does this verse offer?
  2. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7. What words does this verse use to describe Christ living within us? How should this transform the way we view ourselves?

Beth shares about how her own insecurities affect her view of God. Read on page 18 from “This morning I went on a walk…to…I wonder if you can relate.”

  1. Read Psalm 139:1-4, 13-14. What does this passage reveal about how well God knows us? How does He view us,e even with that full knowledge?
  2. Then read Ephesians 2:10. How are believers described in this verse What impact should this truth make on how you view yourself and live your life?
  3. Then read 1 Peter 2:9-10. How are believers described in this passage? What is our purpose?

In your journal:

  1. What barriers does insecurity place on you that you want to be free from?
  2. Also, re-read Psalm 139, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 2:9-10 every day this week. And just think about them.
  3. Re-read the challenge Beth put at the end of chapter 3 on page 43: “Let healthy, utterly whole, and completely secure part of us increasingly overtake our eaten vessels until it drives our every emotion, reaction, and relationship. When we allow God’s ruth to eclipse every false positive and let our eyes spring open to the treasure we have, there in hHis glorious reflection we’ll also see the treasure we are. And the beauty of the Lord our God will be upon us.”

Assigned Reading: Chapter 4. As you’re reading in the book, underline what is jumping out at you, what you think is true, what surprises you, and what seems to be the most challenging. Maybe you highlight the answers to each of those questions in a different color.

Prayer Requests: How can we be praying for you this week?

**If anyone is wanting to join the study, just purchase the book (click the picture on my sidebar) so you can follow along with us!! We’d love to have you.**

Ephesians 2:10

Bookworm Wednesday: December

It’s the first Wednesday of the last month of 2015! Oh, wow!


This month, I read 2 books. Both Candace Cameron Bure. Listen, I am a huuuugggeee fan of her. I was before. But became a fan even more so after reading her books. If you ever watched Full House, (which let’s be honest if you didn’t, you did not grow up right) you would be too!


Love me some Tanner family. So when I saw that DJ, oops I mean Candace wrote a book I was all over it! I’m pretty sure I read them backwards, but oh well.

First up….Dancing Through Life.


This one was about Candace’s journey on Dancing with the Stars. She really dug into how she stood on her convictions of being a Christian on the show. Candace told us how badly she wanted to be on the show and she finally got the opportunity. There were times when she’d have to say no to certain things like outfits or dance moves because it didn’t match up with her Christian beliefs. I loved learning about her and the DWTS journey. It made me wish that I actually watched her season. There were parts of this book that I felt like she was rambling on so I found myself drifting in and out. I would still recommend it!

The next one I read was Balancing It All.


I personally liked Balancing It All better because it was about how Candace has balanced her life starting at the age of 5 when she landed her job on Full House to now. We got a sneak peak into her childhood life and Full House in general. And because I am such a huge fan of this show (like cried when it was over huge fan…just like Gilmore girls) it was fun for me to see what it was like. We learned how her and her husband met and how she juggles life being a mom. She raises her kids very normal considering their circumstances…as to not get wrapped up in Hollywood life. It’s how she grew up too. I also love that she touched on her struggle with Bulimia, which is why i’m so excited to read her next one…

…Reshaping It All (I can’t find it in stores anywhere, so now it’s on my Christmas list :)).


I love me some Candace Cameron Bure. Candace, if you’re reading this let’s hang out because I LOVE YOU and we have a lot we could talk about! 😉

  • If you’re interested in reading any of the books, check out my “Shop My” page.
  • Link-up (with the link below) and tell us what books you read this month…I asked for at least 15 on my Christmas list, but I can always add more you know.
  • Also, sound off in the comments as to whether or not you would like for us to continue Bookworm Wednesday!! We love it but want to see if you all still want the link-up to continue!

If you know why Wordpress doesn’t show the widget feel free to let me know???

Life Lately

The last time that I caught you up on life lately was in July, so guess what? It’s time to get you caught up again…

…all the way back to the second to last weekend of October.

Reeana and I met up for margaritas at Fuzzys with some chips and guacamole. She obviously knows the way to my heart. A margarita or a mimosa..sign me up for both! We planned to go to our high school’s volleyball game against our rivals and we ended up spending the night laughing about high school and old memories and our coach.


That Saturday night my co-worker got married. Let’s all swoon over her cake here for a second.


I MEAN…if I could’ve had some I totally would have told you how amazing it was.

I have some of the best co-workers.


Adam is a hoot and a half. He had me cracking up all night! Love him!


The next week came and went…you already heard about that Friday.

So Halloween night had me spread out on the couch covered in blankets, watching Scandal, and eating WAY too much Halloween candy. Because I could. And because it was the perfect Saturday night.


Randomly around 9:00 the trick-or-treaters stopped coming. I mean, seriously so sad because even when I went out nobody was walking around either! Where are they?! I got a random craving for some coffee and hit up Starbucks for an Americano.


And then I forgot how much I missed my coffee after not having it for a while…


…that I went the next day, which meant THE RED CUP IS BACK! Happy November 1st!

I recently started volunteering on Wednesday nights for our Church’s youth group. I had been praying about this for a while and just felt called to be a leader for high school girls. I remember that time in my life and wish I would have had a college student as a leader as a Godly example or just someone to talk to. I was placed with freshman girls and have been going about 3 weeks. Praise Jesus for answering prayers and giving me exactly what I was praying for. I now have 4 years with these girls and know that it will challenge me in the best way possible. I mean, lifting my hands to praise Jesus with at least 100 high school and middle school students is exactly the thing that makes my heart the happiest.


It’s been rainy and getting colder here. I feel like class shouldn’t be held if it’s raining. Can we make this a rule? Government?


Last Thursday, Ry texted me to tell me the high school volleyball playoff game was that night. I asked him if he was going and he said “if you do then I will” so I told him to get mom to bring him to my school and i’d take him since I was still in class. So…I spent my Thursday night at the volleyball court again. This is the best picture I could get with him 😦


I spent my Friday, Saturday, and Sunday reading Candace Cameron Bure’s book “Dancing Through Life”. I just bought another one of her books too. Come back for Bookworm Wednesday to hear what I thought about them 😉

IMG_9761 IMG_9763

Put yo’ hands in the air if you love Fridays! I spent this past weekend hanging out with Jonathan, his friends, and his brother!


I’m pretty sure I wore this outfit all weekend too and I have #noshame. It was so comfy and perfect for our weather here in TX.


Now you’re caught up. Aren’t you glad?! Me too 😉

Bookworm Wednesday – November

I’m honestly still in shock that it’s November. Yes, it felt like August when August came around. It felt like September. It felt like October. But it just doesn’t feel like November. I just love this month though.


And that’s exactly why. I mean I love October, November, December. Those three months are my favorite time of year. Because…family. You all know i’m all about family. So put that together with family, the happiness of the holidays, the weather, and you’ve got one happy Molly! 🙂

And now that it’s the first Wednesday of November…


…it’s time to get our Bookworm on.

I had a lot going on this October and didn’t get around to reading anything other than textbooks and articles to write papers on (again). So instead of telling you what I didn’t read…this is what i’m planning on reading this month. That’s if I can ever stop binge watching this:


I watched an entire season this weekend and I have #noshame. My goal has been to get caught up so I can watch this season as it’s been airing. All of my free time was spent eating leftover Halloween candy and Scandal watching on Sunday. And Saturday too. Ha!

Oh yes, back to what we were talking about. So when i’m not watching Scandal this November (i’m really going to try and back off a little bit), i’m planning on reading/ordering these books below.

  1. I want to finish up something borrowed. I started it month’s ago and it’s been on my Bookworm posts ever since. I really need to just finish it.


2. Elin Hilderbrand anything.


I’ve seen in Shay’s book posts that she (and many others) love Elin Hilderbrand. So I figured I might as well give her a try and see if I like her books too!

3. Paul Miller’s A Praying Life


My pastor spoke about this book one Sunday and i’ve been wanting to read it ever since. Actually, any book he recommends I usually want to read.

Don’t forget that all the books i’ve read in the past are on my Shop My page. You really need to check them out. Such great deals!! Okay, so tell me what else I need to be reading. I need to order some more books…today!! No seriously, i’m probably placing an Amazon order today so help a girl out!

Please and thank you!

Read Any Good Books Lately?

As you might have read on my Hobbies homepage I have become a fan of reading. Weird for my age, actually. But it’s fun and I do enjoy it. I try to make it through one or two books a month with all of my other activities. But this summer I have made it through a lot more than that. It’s kind of my downtime thing, when i’m babysitting, waiting in a doctor’s office, before brother’s baseball games, etc. This summer started off with the Love Comes Softly series:


One of my absolute favorite series i’d have to say. Mainly because of the memories from watching the movies with my grandma, but also because of the story line. It’s the perfect “olden days” western time story. Click to get Love Comes Softly (Love Comes Softly Series, Book 1) for yourself!

And click to get the movie! Seriously, you won’t regret it. Plus, Katherine Heigl is in it. You can’t go wrong. I definitely recommend either reading the book or watching the first movie and then you will fall in love with this old love story.

I recently just finished the second book, Love’s Enduring Promise (Love Comes Softly Series #2).


It’s already kind of wrinkled because I look my copy with me everywhere. I can’t wait to finish the rest of the series. I’ve seen the movies so many times! Here’s Love’s Enduring Promise movie link.

In between the Love Comes Softly books I read the famous The Fault in Our Stars book. It’s a must read and must see in theaters. #1 everywhere.

Click here to get The Fault in Our Stars for yourself!

And of course, because Nicholas Sparks is wonderful, I had to throw in one of his books to my mix. I usually watch movies before I read the books (Yes, I am backwards) and that’s how I came across the book. If you don’t already have a copy of A Walk to Remember, get it!!!

Or the movie.
And the last bit of my summer reading, so far…goes to this book, 90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death and Life.

I happened to find this book for a fantastic sale, but I found it for you for about $8. So worth every penny. There’s a lot of skepticism with this book but I actually found it to be rather uplifting and informational.

This one and Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back
should be on your summer reads. There are frequently bought together. Also, Heaven is For Real was in theaters. Yet again another book and movie combination for you. If you are ordering you get free shipping after spending $35, wahoo!


Monday: Read Any Good Books Lately?
Tuesday: Foodie Toosdy:Week One
Wednesday: What’s on my DVR?
Thursday: Shopping for the beach!!
Friday: Friday Favorites with (Momfessionals, A Little Bit of Everything blog, and Grace and Love blog)

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