This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘working’

Halloween Weekend

I know this may be a little late, but i’ve been busy linking up with some of my favorite bloggers this week. If you missed them, check out my Simplicity Pin-Spired post and My Bucketlist. However, I want to keep track of all my holidays, so I want to recap this past weekend….Halloween! Now for some reason, ever since I went to college my weekends have always started on Thursdays. Don’t ask me why ’cause I couldn’t tell ya. Maybe it’s the fact that I usually don’t schedule Friday classes? Maybe it’s because Thursdays are usually when I went out of town for the weekend?

Halloween weekend started out with me nannying Thursday after I was “Sew Psyched”

to be picking up momma from the airport. The nanny kids got “boo’d” and in their goodie bag was sprinkles. They wanted to make something with the sprinkles in it, so I let them make brownies with sprinkles in the middle.

And lick the bowl…because are you really making brownies if you’re not licking the bowl??


And then #drama because the brownies were taking too long to bake.


I was watching Miss Daisy girl this past weekend, so of course we had to have play time when I went over there.


Friday morning I woke up super early for my 8:00am class and then because it was a holiday I totally deserved a McCafe Iced Mocha. Happy Halloween to me!


And then I was totally SCARED and SPOOKED OUT by my choice of shorts (get it) that I had to take an elevator selfie. Boomer Sooner!


After I got home from class I spent the day with my momma because I missed her while she was gone. And we went to run her errands…including finding this decorating glittery leaf thing.


And then of course I went to see Daisy.


And on the way over there this ugly stupid annoying crappy life ruining light came on forcing me to stop at my least favorite place ever on my way home. The gas station.


But I didn’t want to stop on the way over there because look who I wanted to play with. Her eyes don’t normally look like that 🙂


And on Wednesday I finally got a new phone, so when I actually got a chance to play around with it, it was Friday.


And guess what I did on HALLOWEEN night???


Yes, I WORKED! I asked off and still got scheduled to work. Is this a joke????

Apparently my dad thought it was.


But because nobody was actually eating out on Halloween (duh!) I got to leave early and give out treats to little cuties around my neighborhood. Love handing out candy the most.


And had a plate full of nachos for dinner with moms.


Then on Saturday I worked again, but the morning shift. When I got home around 5:00 I had hot chocolate and enjoyed a bubble bath because…..freezing outside!!


and mom’s vegetable soup for dinner.


and on that particular night Ryan went with me to stay with Daisy, so we watched football before we fell asleep. A happy first day of November!


Sunday morning we woke up and after enjoying our extra hour of sleep we felt rejuvenated enough to take Miss Daisy on a walk. This kid needs a dog.


and it was SO WINDY!


But Daisy was all smiles and ready to dance when we got back. Sweetest puppy ever.


The rest of my Sunday was spent catching up on homework and projects/cleaning my room/writing/doing nothing. It was finally a relaxing day after the past couple hectic weeks. Aren’t those the best??

How was your Halloween? Did you get lucky enough to work like I did or did you get to eat your body weight in candy??

Tomorrow on Meet My Peeps, i’ll introduce you to a cute little boy 😉 Hint: He likes dogs!! ^

Weekend Recap: Totally Beat Edition

Wanna know why it’s the totally beat weekend? Because….I worked all. dang. weekend. long. And I haven’t run since Monday, and I cleaned my room Saturday and now it’s messy again, and I didn’t get to have my weekly phone call with grandpa, and I didn’t get to write for the blog at all this weekend and school. And I just want to whine.

But i’ll get over it because we have my totally rad and exciting weekend to chat about, you know…. 😉
I consider Thursdays to be weekends for some reason. But in my head weeks run Monday-Sunday. So i’m all sorts of scattered. Anyways, I worked Thursday night. #waitresslife. And I got home and was super excited because my 8:00am Friday was cancelled….AKA no class. AKA sleep my butt off. So yes, I woke up at 10:15 on Friday and I immediately heard that angel chorus. Little did I know how much I would need that sleep-in. A neighbor came over at 11 for my help with something and was here until 2. By that time Morgan was home and we had to help mom with something. I don’t know, I can’t even remember back that far. What…….


I worked the dinner shift Friday night, so I didn’t get home until very late that night.


And then Saturday I worked the lunch shift, so I was back at it (I need to take a new work selfie so you don’t have to keep looking at the same thing, this is just #waitresslife)


While I was at work I received a text asking me to babysit Saturday night. And so I did…I got home from work with an hour and a half to spare. I ate, cleaned my room, and left to babysit wrestle with kiddos for the night.


I’m kidding, we only wrestled a little bit. But we cuddled up in front of the tv with some popcorn and watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman before bedtime.

 IMG_2604 IMG_2605

Morgan and Rick’s homecoming dance was Saturday night. I already told you Rick was a totally cool freshman and didn’t go to the dance, only to his friends house at midnight to hang out with some people. Morgan didn’t go to the dance either, but instead dressed up with the soccer team and went to dinner and hung out.


Saturday night I got home and was super tired, so I crashed. I woke up the next morning and realized I slept in but thought I could still make it to Church, so I hustled out the door looking at hot mess to get there. And I was late..go me ❤


After Church I had to run some errands that I couldn’t get around to this past week because of my busy week school-wise. Most of it was returns, but I also had to run by Target to get an organizer for one of my drawers. And then I saw this….


Buy one, get one 50% fall fashion scarves on the website!!!

and then I ended up with about $100 worth of stuff because they pulled me into their trap and I can’t help it!!


but seriously….

Target is having a buy one, get one 50% off sweaters & jeans sale!!!

So yeah, after I spent a lot of time in Target, I got home in enough time to eat and go babysit a different family while their parents went to the Cowboys game.

They played outside and at the park…

Oh yeah, and got gum stuck in my hair. #babysitterlife



And I came home, and typed this post, and fell asl


I hope your weekend was full of a relaxing nothing 🙂
If you need me i’ll be hibernating.

#everydaymollay: August Edition

Let me just start today by saying: Red Sox beat the Yanks last night, woot woot!!!! I’m sure Mix and Match Mama is just as excited as I am!

Wow, another month has already gone by! It just so happened that my #everydaymollay fell on Labor Day this year. #everydaymollay is usually on the last day of the month, but I thought I would hold off until Labor Day to show you what I did. So here.we.go.

I’ve been staying at the house I was watching this weekend, so first things first. Gotta take out Daisy about 7/8am:


I don’t think she’s feelin’ me this morning. After we hang out for a little while, I had to leave so I could get home in time and head off to work.


Once I get off around 2, I come home and guess what we are doing?


Cleaning out the garage today. I get home from work to work around the house. Aye, Aye, Aye! But seriously, we’ve lived in this house for so many years and I have the biggest pack-rat parents…I don’t know if that’s even spelled right…but they do not get rid of anything. I’m just proud they started on the garage. It looks so much better!

About 4:00 it’s time to let Daisy out again. Are we becoming friends yet, homie??


Maybe a little bit. I decided to do my run at their house for a little change of scenery. Getting my goal #3 from my September list started!


HA! Why didn’t anyone tell me how stupid I am? It’s 96 degrees outside and in the heat of the day I decide it’s a great time for a run. Look people, there are my running shoes again!!

I come back from my run and after I cool down and stretch Daisy and I have a little play time.


She did not want ANYTHING to do with me the first time I went over on Thursday, but now she’s diggin’ me.

I got home, showered, and my family and I sit down for Labor Day dinner about 7:00.
What is it you ask? Duhhh, burgers and brats (forgive my cheese, it doesn’t melt) #lactosefreeprobs, fries, watermelon, and a Giada vegetable recipe. Yum!


After the dishes are all done, I go back to work in my room. And about 9:00 it’s time to let out Daisy. Look at those li’l puppy dog eyes! She gets the hang of our routine by the time I get over there at night, just so we can do it again.


So on Labor Day I labored all. day. But actually, it was fun. I told you I like to work. I’m an odd bird.

Link to my page and show me what a day in your life looks like!!

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