This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Archive for the ‘#everydaymollay’ Category

A Day In The Life

Ah, good morning!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you woke up as someone else? Well if that’s you, today’s your lucky day 😉 Here’s what a day in the life of me on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday looks like. My morning pictures are from Monday and the rest of the day is Wednesday (yesterday) since I forgot about my pictures on Monday afternoon. It worked out though because on these 3 days of the week I pretty much do the same thing.

6:54AM and my alarm goes off. Random fact: I never set my alarm on a 5 minute interval. It’s always a random number. And i’m really not sure why. At 7:00AM I finally hop out of bed.


I’m not a Keurig person, I just don’t like the taste. So i’m attempting to use our old coffee pot. This morning I had to get mom to teach me how to brew from our coffee pot.


With my brewed coffee and ice water (always), I make the long trek to my home office. AKA our dining room. I mean where else is a girl to go when she doesn’t have a desk and chair?


Time for Jesus and time for blog reading.


Yikes. Someone tell this girl to get more sleep. #bagsfordays Here I am. A college student. Doing work before 8:00AM. With my blanket, space heater, computer, and water for an hour before my day gets going. But we already knew I wasn’t normal, remember? It’s so quiet and such a great way to start the day!


At 8:05 I go upstairs to change for the gym, and at 8:10 I come down and listen to The Today Show for a little bit before I say bye to the brothers on my way out the door. We keep things healthy with Pop-tarts for breakfast…which i’m a little bitter about. When I was younger/their age I was ONLY allowed to have Cheerios for breakfast, never sugar. And now this kid eats Pop-tarts for breakfast, and lunch, and dinner, and snacks. UGH #oldestchildproblems


8:30 BodyCombat every Monday morning. I looovvveeee this class. It’s boxing, kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Muay Thai. I leave feeling like I could be the next Muhammad Ali or Floyd Mayweather or whoever is famous for fighting.


As soon as I get home from the gym I shower and change clothes. And then I eat a quick breakfast before work. It’s something different every day, but on this particular day it was an egg scramble.


I get into the office around 10:30 and work until about 2:00. Part time hours are great especially when you’re working a couple other jobs and going to school full-time.


Around 2:00 I hit the grocery store for the ingredients to make Andrea’s Pulled Pork for my brothers and dad to have as dinner while i’m in class tonight and mom is out of town.


Then it was time for lunch. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually made a sandwich and I was so shocked that I decided I needed to eat a turkey and swiss melt with a sliced tomato while I watched my PLL recording. And yes I ALWAYS have water on me at all times. Always. You’ll see.


And then I went back to the home office with a Seattle’s best frozen mocha while I worked on some schoolwork and a project for my mom.


Speaking of that project for mom, she happened to leave out the fact that I would need pictures that had to be scanned in. And since we don’t have a scanner, I had to come up with a solution. So to dad’s office it was!


Every time I go to the grocery store I get one thing that’s new. I love to try new things, so when I got home I tried this spearmint water. It’s an acquired taste…i’m still working on that one.


At 6:00, I put my future-baseball-mom skills to work and hopped in the car to pick Ry up. All I have to say is I better not have all girls *knocks on wood*. I snapped a super flattering picture of us for y’all because #itsadayinthelife.


On Monday afternoon, my mom and I made chicken salad…and can I just tell you that this is the best chicken salad you’d ever have. Ever. In your life. I became an addict at the young age of like, 10 when she first made it. I never was a picky eater growing up.


I’ve had it every single day since we’ve made it and I won’t confirm nor deny that I have eaten it for breakfast one morning. I mean, I crave this stuff. It’s pretty much all my favorite ingredients put together. Drooling.


So when I got home around 6:15, I unloaded the dishwasher while I munched on some of this infamous chicken salad. Pair this with rice crackers, or lettuce, or by itself. It doesn’t matter. Warning: You have to use some serious self-control with this stuff!


It was Wednesday. So around 7:00, I drove up to Church only to BE SURPRISED BY MY SWEET GIRLS AND CO-LEADER. I come trotting through the door and one by one they start walking up to me handing me flowers. Stop it. It was just a “thank you” for this past weekend. Y’all. It’s the little things like this that get me.


I was so confused by what was happening…I thought they were playing a joke on me but it turns out that they weren’t. Jen, my co-leader remembered me saying that I liked the flowers at our host home’s house and that my favorite color was yellow, so she planned this whole thing out! Oh. Wednesday nights rock.


Church goes until 9:00, but as soon as I got home these bad boys went in a vase and a picture was sent thanking them. Dead. Who needs a boy when you have 15 nineth grade girls to give you flowers???


By 9:30, pops and I were huddled up on the couch watching an episode of The OC. Because it’s what we do. And Ry came out for a little bit too.


Snack time consisted of blueberries and carrots. And then some other stuff that I forgot to photograph.


And after our episode was over, I came back down to my office so I could finish my blog post, get organized for today, and wind down. Last night was a late night and I didn’t hit the hay until 1:00ish. Usually I’m long gone before that, but I had some things to do.


G’night from Rachel Bilson and I. Heart of Dixie on Netflix before bed is always a good idea.

There you have it. A day in my life.

Curious of day’s past? Check out a Day In The Life (or as I used to call them #everydaymollay when I did it every month)…

After You Lose Your Job – November 2015
Summer Before Senior Year Of College – June 2015
Spring of Junior Year – First Semester @ A New School – April 2015
The Day of Thanksgiving – November 2014
As a Nanny – September 2014
The Day of Labor – August 2014
On The Farm – July 2014
My First (Most Amateur) One Ever – June 2014

#everydaymollay – june 2015

I love reading other people’s day in the life posts. I feel like it makes the blogger more relatable and more normal. And what if I like something that they do? Then I can do it too 😉

I chose Tuesday because it really was a typical day in my life this summer of 2015. One day i’ll look back and wonder what I did as a 21 year old in the summer. And then i’ll remember…typical adult things. And then i’ll wish I was a kid again.


6:05 I was up and at ’em. I’m trying to teach myself to become more of an early bird. I think it could be beneficial…but i’m not completely there yet – still working towards it.


By 6:10 I was on our upstairs balcony with my Bible, my journal, and my Jesus Calling for my quiet time. And of course my laptop to publish my blog post. Seriously….my slippers, the sunrise, the sound of our pool’s waterfall and Jesus time is the best motivation to get up early!


Digging into my daily devotional with one of my favorite verses – Micah 6:8. “No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. ‭Have you hear the song “Courageous” by Casting Crowns? I can JAMMMMM to that song. That verse is in there. Check it out!



At 8:00am I was in class taking a test. Every Tuesday for the next month i’ll be taking a test over Matrices, Vectors, and Linear Programming. Someone tell me this is going to be beneficial to me. And even when you can’t tell me that please just lie to me so it makes being in class from 8-10 every day a little more reasonable.


As soon as I got out of class at 10:00, I swung through the Starbucks drive through on my way to work for a vanilla latte. The classroom at school was cold and I knew my office was going to be cold, so hot coffee has just been my thing lately!


By 10:25 I was clocked in and at my desk with my latte to work all day. I’m not going to give you a play by play there, but it was spaghetti for lunch and paperwork and phone calls, oh my!


Around 3:00 I got a text from Emily telling me that happy hour was happening and they had $2 margaritas….I mean….what’s a girl to do? So I hit the road at 3:30 to meet her and Tyler.


I walked out the door to this disgusting weather. The humidity is ridiculous and I had just got my car washed. #thankstropicalstormbill


4:45 and I was sipping a $2 margarita, laughing with Em and Ty, and crunching on some chips and salsa. Life doesn’t get any better than that.


Tyler was ready to go at 6:15…like do you not enjoying my company or something?! So Emily invited me to come over and watch a movie with them. Just Go With It we watched. Well, I fell asleep and when I woke up at SEVEN THIRTY Em said “I should’ve taken a picture of you sleeping for your blog” #doessheknowmeorwhat #sowheresthepicture but she didn’t come through so i’m sorry you don’t get to see my sleeping. Don’t be too disappointed.


I got home at 8 and went for a walk so I wouldn’t fall asleep. I was nervous i’d fall asleep, wake up and not be able to go back to sleep.


So I walked around our neighborhood and got a look at some pretty, never before seen greenery around here. #thankstropicalstormbill


And on my way back to my house I stopped and took a picture of fireflies. THEY ARE THERE I PROMISE!! It took me back to when the siblings, my cousins, and I would catch fireflies peel off their butts (their lights) and stick them on our foreheads to be flashlights. HAHAH I look back now and all I can say is…#kidprobs #makingourownfun

I got back home, grabbed a snack and shower and went to bed. And that’s it. That’s what it’s like to be me Monday-Thursday. Have a fantastic day!

#everydaymollay April Edition


I really just can’t help but laugh every time I think about doing these posts. One day back this summer when I first started blogging I had my post pulled up on my laptop and it was an #everydaymollay post. Littlest brat brother saw and told the other brat brother and they instantly made fun of me even more than they already do for blogging. Now my name is no longer Molly to them, it’s EverydayMollay. It’s kind of funny but i’m also like #sigh #littlebrotherprobs

Now, I know you’re DYING to know how I spend every second of my day. I know. Sooooooo…today i’ll take you on a trip through a typical Monday in my world!

Let me just start by saying that I never sleep during the days ever. Sometimes i’ll try to nap, but I end up laying there for a little bit, and then I get bored because I have too much energy and end up getting up to do something. But Sunday was different. Not only did I nap, but I slept. And I slept hard. For a couple hours. It was good considering that I couldn’t keep my eyes open to do anything, but it wasn’t good in the sense that I couldn’t fall asleep on Sunday night!!!

Here I am at 2:42 wide awake. I wake up at 5:45 MWF, so I got 2.5 hours of sleep that night…not so much a good thing for a long week ahead of me 😦 So whats a gal to do at o’dark thirty? She shall blog and cuddle with her computer. Ha! Officially accepting applications for a new cuddle buddy.


Naturally, first thing Monday morning I walked down to the coffee shop. After I was late to work. Monday….


I snacked on this fruit bowl (that I made when I couldn’t sleep Sunday night) pretty much all day. Goodness, I love fruit.


My breaks at work consisted of me studying for my Organizational Behavior exam that I took Tuesday morning. What a fun lunch, right? Wanna be me yet???? It’s okay to say yes.


And got a call from La Hacienda Ranch Monday afternoon. Now I want chips and salsa.


And then I had to leave work early to meet a group at school to practice for our presentation. And by the time I was finished practicing with them it was 5:00 and I sat in some traffic all the way home. Ahhh….Monday. Ahhh… life. GAG.


I got home close to 6, grabbed a snack (I can’t even remember what!), and got my work-out on in my homemade work-out room. Side note: when I have a house of my own I WILL have a work-out room so I don’t have to use a step stool against my couch as a sturdy bench. Obviously, i’m a pro improvisor.


During my work-out I walked downstairs to grab a water bottle and my mom made a look at me like why are you walking downstairs and you’re sweating. I said “Mom, if i’ve got to release some endorphins if i’m going to keep my sanity this week!” Geez. Mother’s just don’t understand, do they?


Then I sat on our top balcony for a little bit and studied while it was pouring rain. It was actually kind of nice. I think I found my new favorite spot around our house. Also accepting applications for a study buddy. And work-out buddy. Better yet, accepting applications for a new bff seeing as mine are hours away from me. Then maybe I won’t have to take sad selfies by my lonesome. Although let’s be honest…I totally don’t mind looking like a loser.


Then I got cold (what?! that never happens) so I went back inside and grabbed some dinner (I forgot some of this day’s pictures apparently). Afterwards, I GOT THE GOLDEN TICKET! I GOT THE GOLDEN TICKET! Yes. I won a trip to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Also accepting applications for the lucky visitor that gets to come with me.


I showered and I studied some more and I fell asleep. With my lights on. And my notes still in my hand. Because COLLEGE IS EXHAUSTING!

So make sure you get your applications in people! Now that I look back at my day it seems like it goes pretty fast. Maybe that’s why it’s May. Next #everydaymollay i’ll take more pictures and maybe do something fun? Maybe.

#everydaymollay November Edition

It’s been a long time since i’ve done a day in the life of me post, so I figured what better day to do another one than on Thanksgiving??? Here’s a totally scary good morning from me picture, can you tell i’m tired?


First things first, publish my blog post and read my other favorite ones!


I went downstairs to see that our pumpkin pie, mini cherry pies, and blueberry muffins have already been made. At 10am!


But then it was my turn for breakfast, I made Shay’s 3 ingredient pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. and LOVED them!


We watched the parade while we ate breakfast.


Then everyone got bored and decided to come to my room and lay on my bed.


After working on some school work, I finished the table setting. Do you like the chalk name tags on our wine glasses??


And I was ready to eat….and take pictures. But nobody would so I had to take a selfie.


And finally my sister came out…but only to take a picture and not be in one.


I tried to get one with her but she ran away…


And then my awesome mom said she would take one with me! But lost her balance in the middle of one picture….no worries she figured it out and we got a good one!

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Shortly after that Turkey Tom came out of the oven looking beautifully golden brown.




After dishes we were tired and stuffed that we jus watched tv, and I did some more school work. Perks of being a college student towards the end of the semester….you work on school work your entire break!

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And we spontaneously deciced to go black friday shopping! Noooooow she‘ll take a selfie.


I told her I wanted one more picture and then we could be done.


We found all kinds of sales.


And Morgan’s favorite kind of milk??? Black Friday Shopping at its finest.


And we stood in some lines.


We got home and all fell asleep super fast from the day’s adventures. I have to say black friday was not as fun when they open so early. It just loses it’s feel and i’m not a fan of that! What do you think? Did you black Friday shop?

#everydaymollay: September

#everydaymollay are the day in my life posts for every month towards the end of the month. I took my pictures on Monday, so you could see what I day in the life of Molly on a Monday looks like.

Monday morning was a little different than normal, because, Monday.

My alarm went off at 7:00am and I hopped right up to post my Fav Things Party and look at all the other fun things.


by 7:45 I was up and out the door for my 8:00am. No time for real clothes!


And I got a front row spot. Take that, Monday!!!


Then when I got home mom and I turned on The Today Show. And I had my big ol’ cup of coffee and an english muffin for breakfast.


Windows down, scarf on with real clothes, sass happening, hair crazy, #selfiestatus going, I headed over to Target to pick up a baby outfit for my friend’s baby shower this weekend.


How cute is this onesie??


Then when I came home I grabbed some trail mix and mom and I went together to pay some bills, and hit groc-a-holics other favorite grocery store…Wally world.


When we got back at 3:45 I ate scarfed down some Tilapia because at 3:00 I went to the bus stop to pick up my kiddos I nanny.


Littlest one went to play with a friend so Miss. Avery and I played a game of Life and ate some popcorn.


And the oldest came home and I had to follow him as he did his running.


He didn’t go to practice that, so he did some homework, while I got to also. Then when both boys were home I got them some dinner while I snacked on some fruit, chicken, and whatever else they had that was gluten-free/lactose-free.


Collin (littlest) and I had to pick up Avery at 8:30 from gymnastics. So he read a book while I went all #selfiestatus as we waited for her outside.


I didn’t get home until 10:30 Monday night (which is not my usual Monday). And y’all, i’ll be 50 and my mom will still be waiting up for me to get home before she will fall asleep. Even when I was at OU she’d send an occasional text message checking on me. Maybe she’s crazy, but I love her for it. And if her waiting up for me makes her happy, i’m all about it! 😉


(Ps. She did stay up until I got home…I was wrong for even thinking she was kidding about going to sleep.)

And as soon as I got home I read through my Bible a bit and then prayed and was asleep by 11:30.


It’s nothing super exciting, just an average Monday in the life of a student/nanny/daughter/friend.
I’ll see you back here for some Friday Favorites, dear friends! One day ’til the weekend!!

#everydaymollay: August Edition

Let me just start today by saying: Red Sox beat the Yanks last night, woot woot!!!! I’m sure Mix and Match Mama is just as excited as I am!

Wow, another month has already gone by! It just so happened that my #everydaymollay fell on Labor Day this year. #everydaymollay is usually on the last day of the month, but I thought I would hold off until Labor Day to show you what I did. So here.we.go.

I’ve been staying at the house I was watching this weekend, so first things first. Gotta take out Daisy about 7/8am:


I don’t think she’s feelin’ me this morning. After we hang out for a little while, I had to leave so I could get home in time and head off to work.


Once I get off around 2, I come home and guess what we are doing?


Cleaning out the garage today. I get home from work to work around the house. Aye, Aye, Aye! But seriously, we’ve lived in this house for so many years and I have the biggest pack-rat parents…I don’t know if that’s even spelled right…but they do not get rid of anything. I’m just proud they started on the garage. It looks so much better!

About 4:00 it’s time to let Daisy out again. Are we becoming friends yet, homie??


Maybe a little bit. I decided to do my run at their house for a little change of scenery. Getting my goal #3 from my September list started!


HA! Why didn’t anyone tell me how stupid I am? It’s 96 degrees outside and in the heat of the day I decide it’s a great time for a run. Look people, there are my running shoes again!!

I come back from my run and after I cool down and stretch Daisy and I have a little play time.


She did not want ANYTHING to do with me the first time I went over on Thursday, but now she’s diggin’ me.

I got home, showered, and my family and I sit down for Labor Day dinner about 7:00.
What is it you ask? Duhhh, burgers and brats (forgive my cheese, it doesn’t melt) #lactosefreeprobs, fries, watermelon, and a Giada vegetable recipe. Yum!


After the dishes are all done, I go back to work in my room. And about 9:00 it’s time to let out Daisy. Look at those li’l puppy dog eyes! She gets the hang of our routine by the time I get over there at night, just so we can do it again.


So on Labor Day I labored all. day. But actually, it was fun. I told you I like to work. I’m an odd bird.

Link to my page and show me what a day in your life looks like!!

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