This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘morning routine’

A Day In The Life

Ah, good morning!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you woke up as someone else? Well if that’s you, today’s your lucky day 😉 Here’s what a day in the life of me on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday looks like. My morning pictures are from Monday and the rest of the day is Wednesday (yesterday) since I forgot about my pictures on Monday afternoon. It worked out though because on these 3 days of the week I pretty much do the same thing.

6:54AM and my alarm goes off. Random fact: I never set my alarm on a 5 minute interval. It’s always a random number. And i’m really not sure why. At 7:00AM I finally hop out of bed.


I’m not a Keurig person, I just don’t like the taste. So i’m attempting to use our old coffee pot. This morning I had to get mom to teach me how to brew from our coffee pot.


With my brewed coffee and ice water (always), I make the long trek to my home office. AKA our dining room. I mean where else is a girl to go when she doesn’t have a desk and chair?


Time for Jesus and time for blog reading.


Yikes. Someone tell this girl to get more sleep. #bagsfordays Here I am. A college student. Doing work before 8:00AM. With my blanket, space heater, computer, and water for an hour before my day gets going. But we already knew I wasn’t normal, remember? It’s so quiet and such a great way to start the day!


At 8:05 I go upstairs to change for the gym, and at 8:10 I come down and listen to The Today Show for a little bit before I say bye to the brothers on my way out the door. We keep things healthy with Pop-tarts for breakfast…which i’m a little bitter about. When I was younger/their age I was ONLY allowed to have Cheerios for breakfast, never sugar. And now this kid eats Pop-tarts for breakfast, and lunch, and dinner, and snacks. UGH #oldestchildproblems


8:30 BodyCombat every Monday morning. I looovvveeee this class. It’s boxing, kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Muay Thai. I leave feeling like I could be the next Muhammad Ali or Floyd Mayweather or whoever is famous for fighting.


As soon as I get home from the gym I shower and change clothes. And then I eat a quick breakfast before work. It’s something different every day, but on this particular day it was an egg scramble.


I get into the office around 10:30 and work until about 2:00. Part time hours are great especially when you’re working a couple other jobs and going to school full-time.


Around 2:00 I hit the grocery store for the ingredients to make Andrea’s Pulled Pork for my brothers and dad to have as dinner while i’m in class tonight and mom is out of town.


Then it was time for lunch. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually made a sandwich and I was so shocked that I decided I needed to eat a turkey and swiss melt with a sliced tomato while I watched my PLL recording. And yes I ALWAYS have water on me at all times. Always. You’ll see.


And then I went back to the home office with a Seattle’s best frozen mocha while I worked on some schoolwork and a project for my mom.


Speaking of that project for mom, she happened to leave out the fact that I would need pictures that had to be scanned in. And since we don’t have a scanner, I had to come up with a solution. So to dad’s office it was!


Every time I go to the grocery store I get one thing that’s new. I love to try new things, so when I got home I tried this spearmint water. It’s an acquired taste…i’m still working on that one.


At 6:00, I put my future-baseball-mom skills to work and hopped in the car to pick Ry up. All I have to say is I better not have all girls *knocks on wood*. I snapped a super flattering picture of us for y’all because #itsadayinthelife.


On Monday afternoon, my mom and I made chicken salad…and can I just tell you that this is the best chicken salad you’d ever have. Ever. In your life. I became an addict at the young age of like, 10 when she first made it. I never was a picky eater growing up.


I’ve had it every single day since we’ve made it and I won’t confirm nor deny that I have eaten it for breakfast one morning. I mean, I crave this stuff. It’s pretty much all my favorite ingredients put together. Drooling.


So when I got home around 6:15, I unloaded the dishwasher while I munched on some of this infamous chicken salad. Pair this with rice crackers, or lettuce, or by itself. It doesn’t matter. Warning: You have to use some serious self-control with this stuff!


It was Wednesday. So around 7:00, I drove up to Church only to BE SURPRISED BY MY SWEET GIRLS AND CO-LEADER. I come trotting through the door and one by one they start walking up to me handing me flowers. Stop it. It was just a “thank you” for this past weekend. Y’all. It’s the little things like this that get me.


I was so confused by what was happening…I thought they were playing a joke on me but it turns out that they weren’t. Jen, my co-leader remembered me saying that I liked the flowers at our host home’s house and that my favorite color was yellow, so she planned this whole thing out! Oh. Wednesday nights rock.


Church goes until 9:00, but as soon as I got home these bad boys went in a vase and a picture was sent thanking them. Dead. Who needs a boy when you have 15 nineth grade girls to give you flowers???


By 9:30, pops and I were huddled up on the couch watching an episode of The OC. Because it’s what we do. And Ry came out for a little bit too.


Snack time consisted of blueberries and carrots. And then some other stuff that I forgot to photograph.


And after our episode was over, I came back down to my office so I could finish my blog post, get organized for today, and wind down. Last night was a late night and I didn’t hit the hay until 1:00ish. Usually I’m long gone before that, but I had some things to do.


G’night from Rachel Bilson and I. Heart of Dixie on Netflix before bed is always a good idea.

There you have it. A day in my life.

Curious of day’s past? Check out a Day In The Life (or as I used to call them #everydaymollay when I did it every month)…

After You Lose Your Job – November 2015
Summer Before Senior Year Of College – June 2015
Spring of Junior Year – First Semester @ A New School – April 2015
The Day of Thanksgiving – November 2014
As a Nanny – September 2014
The Day of Labor – August 2014
On The Farm – July 2014
My First (Most Amateur) One Ever – June 2014

Smoothies and Slippers: My morning routine

Hi y’all. You’re waking up as me today!

Sometimes my day’s routine changes depending upon what’s planned, but my general routine typically stays the same. For instance, all last week I had to take my brother to football practice at 6:30 while my mom was gone. So I was getting up with the moon to finish packing his lunch, getting him breakfast, waking him up, and getting him there on time. Last week was so off that I had a smoothie before 7. It just felt so strange.


This year I decided to quit staying awake until 2/3am and sleep in super late. I’m going to have to be a working adult some day and that will never fly. So I told myself that I need to get into a better routine, to make that transition soon. But, my “normal” routine goes a little something like this…

6:30 wake up every morning. My most faaaaavorite thing to do is check blogs and post mine, but I usually have my Quiet Time first thing. If I don’t i’ll spend too much time looking at blogs and being rushed during my Quiet Time. And that’s just not what it’s about.

6:40 after my candle is lit, and my slippers are on i’m having my Quiet Time. Now, my family is NOT fond of mornings. Well, my father is, but we’ve already clarified that he’s the weird one. Anyways, we don’t talk in the mornings. It’s like our secret code or something so I don’t go downstairs until i’m ready to leave the house.

I’ll go into detail about my Quiet Time during another post, but most mornings it’s just me, my bed, and my Bible. It’s my transition from sleeping to waking up. Quiet Times first thing in the morning just get your day going on a positive note. See, here’s my Jesus Callingagain, like I mentioned in my Friday Favorites post.


7:10 After about 30 minutes talking with Jesus, i’ll usually get out of bed and hop on over to my “desk” to post my blog and then read some others. I like getting out of bed because it forces me to officially wake up. I make my bed after I get up so I just feel so ready for the day and my room feels clean.


About 7:30, i’ll have to stop blog stalking…so sad. Then I get ready. Even more sad. I just wanna stay in my slippers. My crazy self decided to sign up for an 8am and 8:30am every morning. So, i’m usually the second one out the door every morning after my youngest brother.

7:40 on 3/5 days out of the week I only have one class, so i’m back at the house at 9. I thought it would be a brilliant time to take naps, but I did that once and couldn’t sleep the following night so I quickly vetoed that idea. When I come back at 9 on these days i’ll make my coffee and grab some breakfast. I’ll work on upcoming assignments, run errands, write blogs, do some laundry, etc.

10:00 though…coffee, mom, Hoda & KLG…now that’s a perfect morning. Usually at 11:00 when their show is over we leave to do what we need to.


However, the 2/5 days I get to stay longer in the mornings until 8:10 so I usually spend more time blogging, but because I don’t get to come home at 9:00, I usually make my coffee beforehand and take it with me to wake me up in my first class along with a snack. And I usually don’t get home until about 1:00 on those days. I’ll do as I need to after some lunch.


I’ve never been much of a morning worker-outer because i’m usually half asleep until about 9:00am anyways…but I might try and do my Yoga and Pilates in the wee hours of the morning instead of at night before I go to bed. We will see how that goes 🙂 I’m trying to make myself more of a morning person, because I have found that I get A TON more accomplished during the day with that extra time.


As long as you have something to look forward to in the mornings, you can become a morning person. I look forward to my little routine. I look forward to that extra hour or so of just me time before a day gets going. I look forward to having my blog and Quiet Time checked off my to-do list before classes start. And on days that I can squeeze in a quick Yoga or Pilates session, I look forward to that calmness also. I like that I am really tired at night because it’s easy for me to fall asleep. There are some pro’s to being a morning person.

There ya go! A happy (early) morning! Are you a morning person? What does your morning routine look like? What do you look forward to? Let me know, i’d love to hear!

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