This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘stella and dot’

Friday Favorites: Black Friday Edition

Oh boy! It’s the day after Thanksgiving. We’re all stuffed into our food comas, don’t want to get out of our PJs, and may or may not be debating that Black Friday shopping.

This year, we decided to forgo the crowds. In high school my mom and I would have a blast with Black Friday shopping. The real Black Friday shopping where we’d wake up at 4:00am to get in line at 5:00am. But now it’s just not fun anymore with the stores opening Thanksgiving night.

So i’ll just shop from my office this morning. Let’s get to favorites black friday style! Link-up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci today!



Are you ready for this? Starting November 24th through Monday, November 30thALL Stella & Dot sale items will be reduced by an additional 25% off! Prices will be available as marked and this sale will end at 11:59pm PST on 11/30.

This is the perfect opportunity to load up on pretty pieces to add some flare to your wardrobe this holiday season. Speaking of the holidays, Stella & Dot sales item also make for perfect gifts!

Don’t forget Dot Dollars too! For every $50 you spend, you’ll get $25 Dot Dollars to use towards your next purchase!! These are some of my favorite pieces that they offer.

The engrave-able necklace comes in silver and gold and is a nice gift to personalize, which is also why I like the engrave-able bracelet! I’ve seen names, dates, nicknames, whatever you like. These pieces are classy but also personal.


Blue Sentiment Stone Drops (they are part of the sale page and are at a great price!)

I have this cross necklace that I kinda refuse to take off. I love it so! I’ve wanted one forever and finally got it.


And honestly their entire bracelets page has me HOOKED. From the fabric ones


…to the elephant wishing bracelet


…and the arrow bracelet. I can’t get enough of them.


These studs need to be in your jewelry box by the end of Christmas. I mean, get a pair for you and the girls in your life!!


I haven’t even gotten a chance to peruse Old Navy’s site because ON and Targ are my go-to clothing stores. But I did have a chance to look through Target’s site. AND OH BOY!

I mean 40% off all clothing for the whole family? Pinch me!

I found the festive, Christmas leggings that I wore on Christmas Eve last year for $12.00 that’s right! I pair of festive, cozy, comfy, leggings for 12 bucks. I KNOW.

I’m pretty positive that by now y’all know I am obsessed with my chambray shirt. If I had to pick a favorite thing in my closet, this piece of clothing would be it. I wear it ALL. THE. TIME. (Even in the picture above haha!)

Click here to shop all the deals for women’s clothing and accessories! You really just need to see for yourself!


This is going to be me today. The two of us in HR are taking shifts, i’m working this morning, while she’s taking the afternoon. So as soon as I get there, I’m going to grab myself an Americano or a Blonde Roast Misto, turn on my Christmas Radio Pandora, and shop shop shop for Christmas. It’s pay day (PTL) and i’ve got things to do! It may not be in my pjs but jeans will have to do this morning 😉



Before we go here’s a semi-pathetic Fitness Goals update  for week 3!

  1. No eating after 8:00 p.m. I did this only twice this week, I think??? It usually just depends on the day and when I eat, but i’ve definitely been trying to be more conscious about it!
  2. Meal prep every Sunday for the week ahead following the 21 day fix plan. I still have not meal prepped or followed the 21 day fix food portions. I’m honestly not sure why, but I think I might just save this goal for next time.
  3. Eat 5 small meals without snacking in between those. I think this week I was more often eating less meals and eating until I was full. The thing that stuck out to me this week was that I really just tried listening to my body whenever I could. It’s been so much better!
  4. Work-out 5 days a week. Working out more than that. Check!
  5. Cut down on the carbs. I cut down on the protein bars and shakes. I think carbs have still been about the same as usual though.


Those of you who signed up for the online Bible study should have received an e-mail from me this week. If you did not and would still like to join we’re trying to get this moving, so please e-mail me ASAP!!!!!


And that’s it for this Friday. Good luck braving the crowds today. Or working. Or whatever you’re doing. Have a great Holiday weekend!

**This post contains affiliate links, which just means that clicking on a link may result in a small compensation for the blog author. Thank you all so much for reading and supporting my blog! XOXO**



First thing’s first, my Stella and Dot trunk show won’t be open too much longer!!!
Shop, shop, shop ladies! Once you click the link, select “shop online now” to get your wonderful products!

janicestudgiveaway wishingbracelets&d s&dbracs&ddeshart s&dring

Depending upon how sales turn out for the trunk show, I might be hosting another giveaway if I see that you all love their product like I do!!!


I know, I know. It’s the end of November and i’m drinking Iced Coffee, but y’all once you try this beautiful drink you will understand why one would want to drink Iced Coffee in Novmeber!!!!! We’ve already talked about my awkward selfie during Friday Favorites, so that’s besides the point today…The medium is $3.87, you can get this three times a week and it’s still under $10. So do it. Remember McCafe Iced Mocha!

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There are few things I love more than a good sale and a good quote, especially for home decoration. For some reason, I cannot get enough of them! And I know a lot of people don’t care for them. This is my very favorite verse on a plaque that I got at Hobby Lobby for $6.00…total win!!! It sits next to my soap by the sink for me to read every morning when i’m getting ready and every night before I go to sleep.



I’m sure at some point we have already discussed my love of all things Bath and Body Works, but let me just tell you again how much I love this store. First of all, so so sooooo many things have been on sale or are part of good deals for the holidays. Look above at my Bath and Body soap 🙂 I showed my friend Emily about Vanilla Bean Noel when I saw her last weekend and she loooooved it. Converting people, one scent at a time! I left with 5 products and only spent $20, so if you go in there and mix and match things, or look online you can absolutely get things under $10.

My absolute favorite is Vanilla Bean Noel, however it’s only seasonal. In the fall I adore the Pumpkin Latte and Marshmallow scent because it reminds me of VBN. I am also obsessed with their Aromatherapy…the stress relief and sleep ones are amazing.

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I found Taralynn’s through Momfessionals, and was looking online the other day and I just have to show you this bracelet that is only $10…how.freaking.cute. Come to me, adorable bracelet! I have a feeling I am going to be frequenting this shop a lot more…



Thanksgiving break is here TOMORROW for me, and i’m super excited for food and family and football. Let’s just talk about Turkey day last year….


My mouth is drooling already.

Link up with Erika and Andrea today for their #FavThingsParty

Favorite Things PArty

so I can see some of your favorites!!!

Friday Favorites: Stella and Dot Giveaway!

Happy Friday Favorites day to you and to Erika, Narci, and Andrea also!!

Before we get started I wanted to share about my Stella and Dot trunk show TODAY!!!! Eeeks!


And from now until 12/15 you can earn Dot Dollars!!! For every $50 you spend, you earn $25….what what?! Get to shopping!

Candace Cameron Burre, Molly Mesnick, and Catherine Lowe look fabulous in their Stella and Dot.

Candace-Cameron-Bure-JaniceFlorenceSerenity sdmollymesnick sdsean&cath

I love my bracelets!

Oh and….enter my giveaway by clicking the link below for the chance to wear a pair of Janice studs or wishing bracelet of your choice!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

janicestudgiveaway orwishingbracelets&d

And now for my Friday Favorites…


My favorite things about this past week!



Last Friday morning I wore my very favorite scarf to my 8:00am class. I ended up loving this pink and leopard thrown together. And it was comfy for being awake at 8:00am in cooler weather.



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Saturday I had a super happy heart knowing that I saw just about ALL of my absolute most favorite people. If you saw my weekend recap on Monday you saw me talk about how I got to spend just a little bit of time with my people. At the mall for lunch, surprise partying, and slumber partying after work. So much fun! Can’t wait until they are all introduced to y’all!



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And it continued on Sunday afternoon when I saw Emily, her boyfriend, and her pup Scout. We went to the dog park, got Tyler to drive us to Mcdonald’s, ate some french fries, and talked about how our favorite girl’s new CD is growing on us.




My absolute favorite, favorite, favorite scent is now out for the holidays and I could not be happier. I spent a large amount of money that I don’t have getting these things hahah and my eucalyptus spearmint, also. It’s a necessity though. Have to smell good! I went needing bubble bath soap and then left with all of this and probably would have left with more if I didn’t have to go get my brother. #noshame


Freezing Weather & Running


Tuesday morning I woke up to 39 degree weather. After my presentation that morning I went on a run bundled up in gloves, a headband, long sleeves and went by this beautiful sight. That’s one of my favorite things about running in my neighborhood… the scenery.


Good Morning to Molly.


I woke up with a hot (a first) cup of coffee, a lit vanilla bean noel candle, my music playing, and working on my computer the other morning. It was complete bliss. This is the reason that this is my favorite time of year ❤


Christmas Shopping


I finished some more Christmas/Thanksgiving shopping and it was fantastic. My favorite part about doing it this early is avoiding all the hustle and bustle of last minute shopping close to Christmas. Now it’s time I get to wrapping!

Happy Friday and don’t forget to shop ’til you drop….on your couch….in your pjs…because my trunk show is online! Whoop!

Friday Favorites: An Average Week


Happy Friday Favorites day, friends!! Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci this morning’. I’m playing Pollyanna’s glad game again this week. And, i’ve got a new little graphic for this month 🙂


Happy Halloween!!

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Happy Halloweenie! On Friday, I wore my scary costume to class. Booooo longhorns! And after hanging out most of the morning I ended up working the night shift. I was so glad that I was able to leave early to hand out some candy to kiddos in my neighborhood. I felt like their favorite person in the world!


Cold weather.


Halloween was the first official cold day around here. And to celebrate how happy I am that it’s finally chilling out in this area, I took a bubble bath after work in the morning and made some hot chocolate. Welcome, November. I’m so glad you’re here!!!




I was dog-sitting/house-sitting all weekend and on Sunday morning in the super windy and cold weather Ryan and I took Daisy on a walk. She was so excited, but then her nose started running so we brought her back inside. It was some quality time with my brother and we were both glad we could do that because we’ve never had a dog before. *GASP!*

And a special treat for you, check out this hair. Someone enjoyed that extra hour of daylight savings time!!!




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So one of the many perks of being a nanny is this sight. My siblings and I are all too old to go trick or treating so we only have the left-overs that weren’t passed out to take for ourselves. Between the three of the nanny kids, they have 6 buckets of candy (one outside the pantry) and this random pile sitting on the dining room table. I’m so glad I went to nanny heaven. And they must be darn pros at trick-or-treating because when my siblings and I usually went it was not THIS excessive.




I’ll have to admit, i’m a huge sucker for anything with quotes. I think just finding inspiration that can make you think differently. I also like seeing them again and again because they get stuck in my head. I also think you can tell a lot about a person by quotes they have around their house (if they have any). I came across this the other day and just loved everything about it. everything. I really think you’ll be glad you did 🙂


Errand day.


This was deemed errand day, where I got to run all of our town doing all sorts of things (mostly for mom). I gladly accepted the challenge and put on these “sassy pants” for it. I wore a pair of pants similar to this one night out in Norman and so many girls came up to me talking about how crazy my pants were. There, the “sassy pants” were born. I’ll show you those some other time.




Mark NEXT FRIDAY (November 14th) on your calendars, ladies! I am hosting an online trunk show. You should definitely RSVP so I know you’ll “be there”/participating!! I’m so pumped about this and can’t wait to tell y’all more.

Get your wish lists going now, so come 7:00 am NEXT FRIDAY with your cup of coffee, you could potentially take advantage of this offer below…..


Glad you stopped by today. Get those Stella and Dot wish lists going, enjoy some candy and hot chocolate this weekend, read some good ol’ quotes. Enjoy yourselves! See you back here Monday ❤

PINTERESTed In: Closet Organization

Mornin’, y’all!

“PINTERESTed In” is a new series that I started last month. I was really inspired by Mel, Sheaffer, and Shay in their Pin-spired posts, and I started participating in them. However,  instead of just being about clothes I thought I would use “PINTERESTed In”  to be for every category. Thus, last month was shoes, and now closet organization.

I know we’ve talked about it during the peek inside my room, but again, I have a tiny closet. When I was in the guest room that closet was impossible to deal with. Those closets remind me of a mouse hole. You can barely fit in them. Now that I have one of the upstairs rooms, the closet is still super small, but i’ve been able to do some things with it. I mean i’ve lived in a dorm room, and having that “closet” makes this one feel ginormous to me. I’m a total organization junkie. Tell me to organize something and before you finish your sentence i’ll be on my way to the container store. 😉 I started seeing all sorts of closet organizing pins on Pinterest, and some of the ideas below I used from my own noggin or got inspiration from seeing the products in stores. Let’s go to my closet, we’ve got a long way to walk!

This is looking directly into my closet from my room/bathroom area.


The dresser is a really old piece of furniture from when my dad was young. My parents have a hard time throwing the darn trash away, much less a piece of furniture. This dresser is pretty big, so although it doesn’t match anything I can totally deal. And I can always refurnish it if I want. And I don’t have a choice anyways, haha.

First thing is first. I see my scarves in my closet!!! And my belts. I don’t think you can see as well as I thought you could, but that belt hanger spins around. I was totally sold on that and I love that I don’t have to take all the belts off the hanger to get to one that happens to be on the very bottom. My scarfs are just in the little “scarf organizer” so I can see them all. I’m pretty sure if you click right here you will be able to find more than half of them. On some major sales too. What, my favorite word????? 🙂


And then in the “old closet” I was totally annoyed because whenever I went to get a bracelet, or earrings, or a watch out of my jewelry box they would always tangle because I had so many in such a small box…So here it is before


and using  my “Pinterests” in this Stella and Dot organizer. Drooling.


that one is sold out, but here’s another option
loving the bracelets like I am?!
This is after….I know mine is such a bare bracelet holder compared to the one above, but guess what’s on my Christmas list??? And the picture on the right is my “little black dress” holding each pair of my earrings in their own pouch so I can see them. The back of my closet door holds my robes.

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And i’m kicking myself for not taking a before picture of my “little black dress” because you didn’t see the mess I had with all my necklaces. That’s where they used to be, then I saw this Pinterest picture from Place of my Taste….


and I was Pinterested because I liked the fact that she can see all of her jewelry pieces. I tried getting a picture where you can see all of mine, so I had to take it from the floor up. Whenever I walk in I have no problem trying to untangle or find my necklaces and it makes me giddy every time I walk in my closet. haha. giddy. 🙂


Then the next goodie I found was this scented shelf paper, I thought i’d try it out…so far so good!


My bottom shelf on the right holds my tanks and sweatshirts


My top shelf holds my long sleeves/jackets/dresses/skirts. I’m currently in the process of organizing them by color because i’m OCD like that.


Last but not least I took a before picture of my shoes. I despised when it was like this picture below!!!!! I could never find any shoe, and I forgot I had some and they would be bent when I found them, and it had to change. So this is before….


during, while I found the Pinterest picture…


and after….

I really liked that the picture above could see all of the shoes, but the bookcase thing would not work for me. I found this little ol’ organizer, and put it up. Now I can look at all my shoes and be even more giddy!


So after I took this picture, a couple days later I brought down my winter clothes from the attic….shoe mess!! But have no fear, the organizer is here!!

Hope you’ve enjoyed.
Click to see my first PINTERESTed In: Leopard Flats

Creepin’ on my Phone + Stella & Dot

We all know that when we first visit someone’s blog we usually click the “About Me” button. We want to know about this person. When we know about this person we have a better understanding of their personality, their goals, their blog, their life, etc. And sometimes we’re just straight up nosy. I know I am. I like to know things and I like to know about other people. I like to “creep” on people…in a normal way, not a stalker way hahah! SO, that being said I thought i’d let ya creep on my most prized and personal possession. My phone!

When I thought about this it was obviously 11:10 yesterday morning, so I went and found my phone wherever it was hiding and took some screenshots. I’m not very good about having  my phone with me sometimes, but usually there’s a text from someone at work asking to pick up a shift…#waitressprobs


And I unlock my phone and this is my home screen. These are the apps that I use most. This is what I love about the iPhone (yes I still have the 4 and am on 3G, but i’m getting a new one soon!) is that you can personalize you apps to how you want it.


My next page are the apps that I use, but not all the time. I like this one because I can see my pictures from Orange Beach this summer. Miss those early beach mornings.


And because I love taking pictures, i’m showing you my camera roll. These are the latest pictures I have. Most of the time I delete my pictures after I put them on my computer because this darn 8G iPhone 4 doesn’t have a lot of space to hold pictures.


Then, of course i’ve got all my social media apps next to each other. You can follow me on Twitter @mollymiddleton


But i’m usually checking my Instagram when I get into my phone. Follow me! @mollymiddleton01


And the wonderful Pinterest. I like using it on my computer more than my phone because I can usually see more things at one time, however sometimes there are just days class is stretching out too long and you’ve got to get on Pinterest to make the time go faster.

Molly (Colors of Life blog)


Pandora! Obviously I listen to multiple kinds of music. Sometimes instead of my iPod I take my phone for Pandora on my runs. Sometimes I turn on Pandora to study. Sometimes I turn on Pandora for some noise. Sometimes I turn on Pandora to jam in the car. I love this FREE app.


Andddddd of course AtBat is on my phone. This is where I keep up with my Red Sox season after season to see News, Standings, Scores, etc. I love the Red Sox and I love baseball.


The Bible app is on my phone. Sometimes when i’m out and about or at school and need some motivation or inspiration i’ll open up my Bible app and look at my verse of the day or read along with the series i’m currently in. But most of the time i’m usually using my Kids’ Bible (of which I absolutely LOVE) because it’s tangible.


And then there’s safari. I don’t have the Facebook app, ’cause I don’t get on as much as I have in the past, but when I do I usually just use safari to do so. I also open up Mix and Match Mama’s recipes on safari if i’m at the store and needing to know what my grocery list is. And then of course checking my grades. That’s really all I use safari for, and it’s funny because this is what was actually on my safari app when I opened it. I didn’t have to change it one bit to take this picture.


Phones are very descriptive of people’s lives. I think you can tell a lot about someone by the contents of their phone. Hopefully you know me a little better, or you just got some pleasure out of “creeping” on my phone!

Leave a comment below if you would like to “creep” on another part of my life!! I’m open for all kinds of requests.

Oh, one more thing….

Some of you may know that when I was at the University of Oklahoma I rushed and pledged Pi Beta Phi. I’ve been seeing all sorts of Instagrams and Tweets about big/little recently. Initiation will be coming up soon, so I thought i’d feature some CUTE S&D arrow jewelry. This would be the perfect gift for your big/little/g-big/friend/house mom/daughter/you/etc. for initiation, Christmas, you name it!

That famous arrow necklace everywhere?

arrownecklace arrownecklacesilver

yes…can we all just take a minute to “oooh and ahhh” over how cute Anna Kendrick (singing the cup song in my head) and Des (hi bachelorette fans!) look with that arrow wrapped around their neck???


so get your arrow necklace (in gold or silver) HERE

and how ’bout  those ladies like me that just love you some bangles? This precious arrow bracelet

arrowbracelet arrowbraceletsilver

is the perfect thing for you.

s&dbracelet s&dbrac


arrow bracelet HERE
spikey bracelet HERE
link bracelet HERE
small bead “love” bracelet HERE (promo is 3 for $60 as seen in Health Magazine!!)
beaded stretch bracelet HERE
So layer, layer, layer!


The arrow wishing bracelet is part of the new arrivals. The arrow stands as a reminder to follow your dreams.

s&d arrow 2

Hurry and snag this bracelet HERE before everyone else does!!!

and the arrow ring



is HERE in silver
and HERE in gold

As for those of you other ladies that don’t necessarily want an arrow piece of jewelry, click HERE to shop stella & dot’s new arrivals!!

These are going fast this time of year. If you are an owner of Stella and Dot pieces i’d love to see it on you. Tag me @mollymiddleton01 on Instagram so everyone can look under my tagged photos and see your jewels! Happy fun shopping!!

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