This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘running’

Why I love running, and you can too!


I realize I might be preaching to the choir here. A small choir. A small choir that will probably fall asleep on me. But hang with me, i’ve got some good stuff!

My hobby of running has come about recently and running and I have come a long way through the years. I used to strongly dislike it. Scratch that, I loathed running. I’m serious, in middle school Tuesdays were deemed “mile days” and if I was “sick” on any day of the week it was Tuesday. Then, I ran track in 7th grade because all my friends were (go figure) and I didn’t like the competitiveness of running (having people counting on me in relays and coaches/runners/spectators yelling at me to move faster during the sprints.) To the yelling people: my short little legs can only carry me so fast!!!! So track and I were done after that. I was okay in soccer with the running thing, because I loved soccer so I didn’t really care about running if I was playing. Same with volleyball, we had to run sprints inside the gym, and on occasion we ran on the track. But it was something I loved to do, so I did. After volleyball season senior year was over, I said a big fat SEE-YA to running and we parted ways.


Then, good ol’ college came along. And yeah, freshman 15. Whatever. We don’t talk about it. I knew I had to start doing some sort of exercise. We had a rec center, but the group exercise classes cost extra so I said no…i’m not a money tree. Trying to get broke college students to pay extra for an exercise class?? Did they get anyone to go?? So I had to start running on the treadmill, ’cause it was free. I like free. BUT I DISLIKED TREADMILL RUNNING SO MUCH! I hated that I stayed in the same place and didn’t feel like I got anywhere and people were next to me and they smelled and I could hear them breathing and it just stunk. Literally and metaphorically. Plus I didn’t lose weight like I was thinking I should have, so I said sayonara treadmill. I tried the elliptical and the stair stepper but it hurt my knees (I have osgood-schlatter for all you docs out there).

I then tried doing some work-outs that I found on Pinterest and I got way too bored with them so I stopped. As for a gym membership, like I said…broke college student…it’s not gonna happen. My dad ran marathons, triathlons, etc. but had to stop a couple years ago. I always saw him running so I began to run, but I only ran one mile at a time. That’s all they taught us in school with our “mile tuesdays” so I thought that’s what I had to do. And I disliked that too. I was exhausted and it was unpleasant and I didn’t look forward to it, so I decided it was on to something else. Thus, my interval running was born.


I love running because….

  1. It’s a different kind of “in-shape”. I’ve heard it before and now i’ll repeat it but there is a complete difference in being in shape and being in running shape.
  2. It’s refreshing after a lousy day. They say exercise release endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. (Legally Blonde reference…I really hope you caught on)
  3. I feel great when i’m exhausted and sweaty. This is totally weird, I know. But it gets your pores to open up, and releases those toxins out of your body. Plus at night you fall asleep so fast cause you’re tired.
  4. It’s helped my intestinal health. We’ve already talked about my issue with constipation on my health post. But i’ve noticed that running, well working out for that matter, has increased my gastrointestinal function.
  5. It’s free. I don’t have to buy the sidewalk I run on or the air I can breathe? I like that.
  6. I love fresh air, it’s good for the lungs. It’s good for the heart. It’s good.
  7. You get effects even when you’re not doing it. Running revs your metabolism, so even when you’re at rest your metabolism has still increased from your normal.
  8. It tones your entire body. After you do it for a while, you start seeing results. The more often you run, the faster the results.
  9. If nothing else, it gets me to drink tonnnnnns of water, and that’s awesome. We need water.
  10. It’s AMAZING for you mentally. Running is such a mental thing. If you can push through that last 30 seconds of your interval, you can push yourself to just about most things. And it just gets your mind off whatever is bothering you. See below.

I don’t know, this just gets me pumped up for some reason!!!
ps. this applies to you males too.

My running tips for you:

  1. Listen to your body, most importantly. Some days you’ll feel strong like you could run twelve marathons (I haven’t hit that yet), and some days it will feel tough to even get your feet going. On those days don’t push yourself too hard.
  2. Change things up. Some days I run intervals of “walk5-run5-walk5-run5-walk5, etc”. Some days walk5-run6-5-6-5-6,etc. “. Sometimes “walk2-run5-walk2-run4-2-3-2-2-1, etc.”. It’s good for the body to change it up so your muscles don’t get in too much of a routine. Plus, I like getting a little “rest” time in between my running time.
  3. Get some sort of a watch that will keep time. I keep my iPhone or iPod in that running band (THIS is mine for $6!!) so I don’t want to be looking over at it while i’m trying to run. I use my dad’s super old watch because he can’t use it anymore. I know plenty of people that use the Garmin and love it.
  4. Get good shoes. Y’all, I wore Nike Frees allll of high school and the beginning of college for running because they were cool. Ow, did my feet ever hurt. Even at the Nike store the salesperson said those shoes aren’t for working out, they’re for looks. Now, I’m an Asics girl, so you’ll always see me in my favorite shoes. The pair I have is the ASICS Women’s GEL-Noosa Tri 9 Running Shoe and I promise, promise, promise they are worth the money and you will not regret buying them. (Sorry for the sweaty pics, just trying to keep it real haha)IMG_2147 IMG_2474
  5. Find a playlist. If nothing else it will help distract your mind from the “oh my gosh, I hate this” thoughts. I usually pick either really upbeat songs or songs that take me back to a memory and then i’ll start thinking about that, and what I was wearing, and who I was with, and oh yeah….I just went .5 of a mile.
  6. Find a running buddy if you want. I usually go alone because I don’t like people listening to be breathe really heavily haha, but I have before. It gives you some social time, and you’re exercising. Win, win!
  7. And lastly…stretch, stretch, stretch!


And when you do ;), take some weird sweaty selfies like mine, and tag me so I can cheer you on!!
Can’t wait to share more fitness posts with you.

Friday Favorites

If you’ve ever watched Pollyanna you remember her playing the “glad game”. This movie is particularly special to me because my dad and I watched it alllllll the time when I was little. It’s a good little message and brings good memories. And he calls me Pollyanna. So, my new thing is finding something to be glad about in every day, so my favorites are going to be a my favorite thing about each day every week! I’m totally excited about this idea.

Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci!!!



: Running in the rain.


 Last Friday night I decided to do my run for the week, because I had the night off work. My dad and I were going to watch our show together while the other kids were at the football game. I went on a run beforehand and I had to capture the fact that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and some yoga capris with my favorite ASICS Women’s GEL-Noosa Tri 9 Running Shoe!!!! It was 60 degrees and raining, perfect running weather for me. Loved. It.

2: Date night with dad.


One of our old neighbors had a set of twins when I was eh, maybe 8. I don’t really remember. They moved away and then came back. My dad has kept in touch with them because their dad and mine both went to the same Military college in South Carolina. Anyways, so his kids’ b’nai Mitzvah was on Saturday and because my mom was gone, I got to fill in as his date. And this was the best picture I got, and it’s dark because this was during the dancing part. Arg.

3: Church and lunch with dad & siblings.

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Sunday we decided to get to Church, which I was so excited because this was one of my September goals! Don’t mind Rick, he hates pictures. But after Church we went to Applebee’s for some lunch, which consisted of wings and soup. Yep, total Middleton meal!

4: Ryan’s foot.



Monday I took Ryan to the doctor in place of my mom where he got his cast taken off (he fractured some bone by a muscle near a tendon next to the ankle….I really don’t know medical terminology) and got this boot on for the next two weeks. Next week he can start applying pressure to this and i’m glad that nothing else was wrong and he is healing.

5: Mom comes home.



“Molly, what is this mess you left me?” I’m kidding, she was mid-sentence to Ryan when I snapped this. I’m so thankful my mom is home now, because I get to be a normal college student again and not have to worry about dishes and laundry! Thank you, mom!

6: Nannying and peanut butter.


Wednesday is one of my nannying days. So, we hang out for a little bit while they get a snack before it’s time for homework. You know, nothing beats hanging out on the fireplace with a spoonful of peanut butter. #bestnannyever #i’dhireme #forgivemyiphone4camera

7: Accepted!


I finally got my acceptance letter to the Unversity of Texas at Dallas. Eeeks, y’all! I could not be more excited because it stands for my life finally being back on track. I have a plan (i’m a total planner) and I know where I will be spending the majority of my time the next couple of years!

That’s it for this week, have a fun-filled, happy weekend!!!

Friday Favorites

It’s Friday, Friday gonna get down on Friday!!! Bringin’ back that Rebecca Black…it’s time to link-up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci again!



 1: The spontaneity of an uno night with my siblings this week.


One random day this week we had nothing going on after school, so a couple hours at home my sister  says “i’m bored” as we were sitting around, someone decided we should play a game. The only one we could all agree on was Uno because we hadn’t played in forever! And it was fun. The little things.


: My new running armband.



Y’all, I bought myself something! I decided I was going out and buying one myself because I was tired of carrying my phone in my hand and getting it sweaty and worry about dropping it, etc. So, after I did more research I found this one for a lot cheaper than what I bought it. It’s less than $13!!! It says it only fits iPhone 5 and up, but my 4 fits perfectly fine. I was looking around the other day  and also found this iPhone Armband for less than $3. Honestly, you don’t even have to be a runner, but if you enjoy working out and listening to music I would highly recommend one of these! And for those who have a Galaxy, here’s a similar Samsung Galaxy Armband.

3: The little things in life, like picking up my brothers from school.



I totally sound mom-like looking at this picture, but I enjoy spending time with my family. I enjoy being able to help out my parents, so now that my mom is gone this week, I take over her duties. It’s kind of fun picking them up from school and having those couple minutes to hang out, even though they probably don’t enjoy it as much as me 🙂


4: Samoas


This has definitely been my go-to dessert this week. These are my absolute faaaavorite girl scout cookies and make a yummy dessert when you’re craving some chocolate. We order about 20 boxes every year…our girl scout loves us for that. We always make sure we have them year round!


: Jesus time.

Honestly, there’s no better way to start your morning than with a little bit of Jesus. I’m planning to post about my Quiet Time and also about my morning routine in the near future.

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If you want a wonderful devotional to help guide your special time with God, buy yourself Jesus Calling I promise you will enjoy it. It is so uplifting, true to life, and it has spoken to me many times. If you don’t have the financials to get this devotional, please e-mail me and I will find a way to get you a copy.

Everyone have a GREAT weekend!!!

#everydaymollay: August Edition

Let me just start today by saying: Red Sox beat the Yanks last night, woot woot!!!! I’m sure Mix and Match Mama is just as excited as I am!

Wow, another month has already gone by! It just so happened that my #everydaymollay fell on Labor Day this year. #everydaymollay is usually on the last day of the month, but I thought I would hold off until Labor Day to show you what I did. So here.we.go.

I’ve been staying at the house I was watching this weekend, so first things first. Gotta take out Daisy about 7/8am:


I don’t think she’s feelin’ me this morning. After we hang out for a little while, I had to leave so I could get home in time and head off to work.


Once I get off around 2, I come home and guess what we are doing?


Cleaning out the garage today. I get home from work to work around the house. Aye, Aye, Aye! But seriously, we’ve lived in this house for so many years and I have the biggest pack-rat parents…I don’t know if that’s even spelled right…but they do not get rid of anything. I’m just proud they started on the garage. It looks so much better!

About 4:00 it’s time to let Daisy out again. Are we becoming friends yet, homie??


Maybe a little bit. I decided to do my run at their house for a little change of scenery. Getting my goal #3 from my September list started!


HA! Why didn’t anyone tell me how stupid I am? It’s 96 degrees outside and in the heat of the day I decide it’s a great time for a run. Look people, there are my running shoes again!!

I come back from my run and after I cool down and stretch Daisy and I have a little play time.


She did not want ANYTHING to do with me the first time I went over on Thursday, but now she’s diggin’ me.

I got home, showered, and my family and I sit down for Labor Day dinner about 7:00.
What is it you ask? Duhhh, burgers and brats (forgive my cheese, it doesn’t melt) #lactosefreeprobs, fries, watermelon, and a Giada vegetable recipe. Yum!


After the dishes are all done, I go back to work in my room. And about 9:00 it’s time to let out Daisy. Look at those li’l puppy dog eyes! She gets the hang of our routine by the time I get over there at night, just so we can do it again.


So on Labor Day I labored all. day. But actually, it was fun. I told you I like to work. I’m an odd bird.

Link to my page and show me what a day in your life looks like!!

Friday Favorites

Whew! Today has been an on-the-go, non-stop day! I’ve been housesitting for a friend and for some reason I can’t connect to her wifi, so I just got to thinking…what in the world did people do without the internet?? I don’t know, probably be more productive. That leads me to favorite number one this week for


 with Andrea, Erika, and Narci.

Fav 1: The internet is such a beautiful thing. I really think there are many pros and many cons to the invention of the internet, but all I can say is today I am grateful for it. It’s how I created my blog!


FAV 2: My Vera Bradley Planner. Yes to organization! Can I get an amen? This is my favorite thing ever, to be organized! I just got this for the school year and so far it has been wonderful! Please ignore all my color-coded events, I promise i’m not a freak! 😉

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Fav 3: These s’more faces. I nanny these kiddos and their brother twice a week after school and they are fun. We play board games, take them to their sporting events, and we run around the house and act crazy. They just want to get their energy out from school! Every once in a while i’ll let them have a s’more. That’s giant. And messy. But it’s fun memories!

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Fav 4: People magazine. Oh, I love me some good ol’ people gossip! I always read people as soon as it comes in the mail, when i’m sitting in doctor’s office (like this below pic) and I get to find recipes, or even when i’m going to bed at night. Gotta keep up with the world!


Fav 5: Music. There’s nothing better than your favorite song coming on the radio and you turning it up to jam! I love how music can cause different emotions in everyone. I especially love listening to music when i’m running.


Psssstttt. 9 hours until THESE BOSE HEADPHONES aren’t 47% off anymore! Snag ’em while you can!

Also, I found another deal for you today!

If you’ve ever been a fan of Izumi Women’s Running Shoe

running shoes

they are only $50.00 for 9 more hours!!! Hop on it 🙂

Have a great 3 day weekend everyone!

Friday Favorites!

It’s time for another Friday Favorites with Erika, Narci, and Andrea. I’ve enjoyed these past two weeks of Friday Favorites!
Favorite #1: My New Cookbook
This came in the mail when I got home from vacation, and being the foodie I am I spent part of the weekend going through the recipes and figuring out which ones I want to make. You can see my stickies in there already. The recipes from my monthly goals post yesterday are definitely coming from this book. Delicious gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free Paleo cooking.
For those of you participating in this diet, purchase this book for yourself. I found you Against All Grain for less than $20. That’s pretty awesome and so worth it!
Favorite #2: The ability to work out
Often times I get so caught up in life I forget to just be thankful for the ability to work out. Having two legs that work, money to buy running shoes, and a beautiful neighborhood to run in are things I take for granted. It’s time I thank Jesus for giving me these simple things in life that bring me joy.
Favorite #3: A mom to bake with
This week my mom and I made a fresh peach pie out of scratch. Everyone came to my grandpa’s for the weekend. We found a local stand with peaches so we bought a box and made some pie. It was gone within the day. It was really suppose to be my pie but I needed some help with it 🙂
Favorite #4: Puppy
How sweet is this face????? This is ONE of the puppies from my Aunt and Uncle’s dog farm. Check it out here. These are the sweetest dogs and oh so much fun to play with.
That’s it for this week! Happy Weekend!!

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