This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘applebees’

Friday Favorites

If you’ve ever watched Pollyanna you remember her playing the “glad game”. This movie is particularly special to me because my dad and I watched it alllllll the time when I was little. It’s a good little message and brings good memories. And he calls me Pollyanna. So, my new thing is finding something to be glad about in every day, so my favorites are going to be a my favorite thing about each day every week! I’m totally excited about this idea.

Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci!!!



: Running in the rain.


 Last Friday night I decided to do my run for the week, because I had the night off work. My dad and I were going to watch our show together while the other kids were at the football game. I went on a run beforehand and I had to capture the fact that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and some yoga capris with my favorite ASICS Women’s GEL-Noosa Tri 9 Running Shoe!!!! It was 60 degrees and raining, perfect running weather for me. Loved. It.

2: Date night with dad.


One of our old neighbors had a set of twins when I was eh, maybe 8. I don’t really remember. They moved away and then came back. My dad has kept in touch with them because their dad and mine both went to the same Military college in South Carolina. Anyways, so his kids’ b’nai Mitzvah was on Saturday and because my mom was gone, I got to fill in as his date. And this was the best picture I got, and it’s dark because this was during the dancing part. Arg.

3: Church and lunch with dad & siblings.

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Sunday we decided to get to Church, which I was so excited because this was one of my September goals! Don’t mind Rick, he hates pictures. But after Church we went to Applebee’s for some lunch, which consisted of wings and soup. Yep, total Middleton meal!

4: Ryan’s foot.



Monday I took Ryan to the doctor in place of my mom where he got his cast taken off (he fractured some bone by a muscle near a tendon next to the ankle….I really don’t know medical terminology) and got this boot on for the next two weeks. Next week he can start applying pressure to this and i’m glad that nothing else was wrong and he is healing.

5: Mom comes home.



“Molly, what is this mess you left me?” I’m kidding, she was mid-sentence to Ryan when I snapped this. I’m so thankful my mom is home now, because I get to be a normal college student again and not have to worry about dishes and laundry! Thank you, mom!

6: Nannying and peanut butter.


Wednesday is one of my nannying days. So, we hang out for a little bit while they get a snack before it’s time for homework. You know, nothing beats hanging out on the fireplace with a spoonful of peanut butter. #bestnannyever #i’dhireme #forgivemyiphone4camera

7: Accepted!


I finally got my acceptance letter to the Unversity of Texas at Dallas. Eeeks, y’all! I could not be more excited because it stands for my life finally being back on track. I have a plan (i’m a total planner) and I know where I will be spending the majority of my time the next couple of years!

That’s it for this week, have a fun-filled, happy weekend!!!

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