This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘Red Sox’

What’s Up Wednesday: March

What’s up?!


I’m here and i’m linking up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer. Every last Wednesday of the month, we all blog about what’s been going on. If you missed 2015’s posts, check them out!

What I’m eating:

I post about food a lot…if you hop around here you’ll be able to find something. 😉

Yesterday I posted everything about the sugar detox I completed.


A couple weeks ago I mentioned my daily eats.


Before that I told you all about my favorite lactose free products. Later this week my favorite gluten free products are coming!


What I’m reminiscing about:

My spring break in the midwest. Oh how I miss it and my family. It was such a great vacation. Check out my recaps of this trip:

Day 1, 2, and 3
Day 4, 5, and 6
Day 7, 8, 9 and 10


What I’m loving:



Look, I realize i’m hopped on this bandwagon super late, but I am ALL ABOUT kale right now. This salad has kept me going for the past couple weeks.

What I’ve been up to:

A little bit of everything. I like to keep busy, so that’s just what I have been doing!

What I’m dreading:

All of the schoolwork that I see coming up on my calendar. It’s just so time consuming and boring and I just want to whine okay 🙂


On another note…I love the simplified planner.

What I’ve been working on:

Something exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I don’t want to mention anything just yet in case it doesn’t pan out, but there’s the potential that I may have just gotten my degree in one thing and take a complete opposite direction.


What I’m excited about:

Baseball is back!

Last night I cheered on my brother at his baseball game…


…and in 2 weeks i’ll be cheering on the Red Sox for opening day!! YAY!


What I’ve been reading/watching:

I’ll talk about what i’m reading next Wednesday, April 6th for Bookworm Wednesday!! Link up with Katie and I for that.


As for what i’m watching…

My last Bookworm Wednesday turned into TVworm Wednesday. Check it out because I talked about all my favorite shows. But since then I found this show on Netflix…


…and i’m obsessed with it. I find it so dang hilarious. Do you watch?!

What I’m listening to:

This song on repeat for the past month!

 What I’ve been wearing:

Jeans, booties, and some kind of cute shirt. This is my go-to outfit. Always.

What I’m doing this weekend:

Work and school. Nothing exciting is on the agenda this weekend.

What I’m looking forward to next month:

The semester being over and only having 3 classes standing between me and graduation! I’ll be looking like this come last week of April!!! 🙂



What else is new:

I’m trying to get myself, specifically my blog out on social media.

Follow me and i’ll follow you back!!!

Instagram: @mollymiddleton01 here
Facebook: click here to like my blog
Pinterest: @mollymiddleton1 here
Bloglovin’: click here
Snapchat: I’m “mollymiddleton”

What is my favorite spring cleaning tip:

To get rid of all the winter clothes in your closet that you didn’t even wear. I like to do this after every season. My clothes get all sorts of piled up and I end up keeping it because I think i’ll wear them next season, and then I don’t, and then they sit. Just do it now!


And that’s March!

Show and Tell: How To Win My Heart

Ah, yes. It’s that time again…show and tell with Andrea!

Momfess-Show and Tell Tuesday 2016

So you wanna know how to win my heart, huh? To be honest, I kind of feel like i’m filling out a profile. I can just see my friends making fun of me now, haha! But in the name of #blogworld we’re doing it.

First, you might want to wake me up with some coffee. For you and for me.


And you see that B in the background of this picture? With the red and the blue? Yeah, to win my heart we will probably take a trip to Fenway.


Or if you’re more of a football person, I don’t discriminate. We can go watch another sport besides baseball. As long as we can see the Sox play at some point 😉


If you’ve won my heart, we’re probably going to the gym together.


And on our first date we most likely got frozen margs with a side of chips and salsa because #indulgences


To win my heart, you’ve got to be okay with my scented candle obsession.


AND YOU HAVE TO BUY ME A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know where you can get one too!


We’ll probably spend a lot of time watching some of my favorite shows…we can watch yours too. I can be fair.

You’ll have to be okay with a gluten free/lactose free cake on my birthday.


And my constant obsession with trying new recipes/foods even when they go wrong.


You’ll have to accept me on my days when I look this good…because more often than not this is how you’ll see me 😉


You’ll have to get along with my family. And they will have to like you. I know some people don’t care if their family gets along with their significant other…but there is no way. Not for me.


To win my heart, you’ll have to want this many kids. Ha kidding. But seriously my significant other will want kids because I know that’s where a lot of my joy in life will come from…raising a family.


But most importantly…if you’ve won my heart…it’s because God has your heart first.


I mean, is that so much to ask for?? 😉 Really though, I could care less about chocolate and flowers and jewelry…those don’t mean anything to me. I took the 5 love languages test and I got quality time BOTH times. And now as i’m done writing this post and looking back i’m seeing a lot of what I said was quality time related. So there ya have it…now i’m just hoping I haven’t scared off any potential contenders at this point. Haha!

Have a great Tuesday!




In case you missed any of my S&T Tuesdays for 2016:

Momfessional Moments (I didn’t participate)

And here are all my 2015 Show and Tell posts.

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