This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘halloween’

Life Lately

The last time that I caught you up on life lately was in July, so guess what? It’s time to get you caught up again…

…all the way back to the second to last weekend of October.

Reeana and I met up for margaritas at Fuzzys with some chips and guacamole. She obviously knows the way to my heart. A margarita or a mimosa..sign me up for both! We planned to go to our high school’s volleyball game against our rivals and we ended up spending the night laughing about high school and old memories and our coach.


That Saturday night my co-worker got married. Let’s all swoon over her cake here for a second.


I MEAN…if I could’ve had some I totally would have told you how amazing it was.

I have some of the best co-workers.


Adam is a hoot and a half. He had me cracking up all night! Love him!


The next week came and went…you already heard about that Friday.

So Halloween night had me spread out on the couch covered in blankets, watching Scandal, and eating WAY too much Halloween candy. Because I could. And because it was the perfect Saturday night.


Randomly around 9:00 the trick-or-treaters stopped coming. I mean, seriously so sad because even when I went out nobody was walking around either! Where are they?! I got a random craving for some coffee and hit up Starbucks for an Americano.


And then I forgot how much I missed my coffee after not having it for a while…


…that I went the next day, which meant THE RED CUP IS BACK! Happy November 1st!

I recently started volunteering on Wednesday nights for our Church’s youth group. I had been praying about this for a while and just felt called to be a leader for high school girls. I remember that time in my life and wish I would have had a college student as a leader as a Godly example or just someone to talk to. I was placed with freshman girls and have been going about 3 weeks. Praise Jesus for answering prayers and giving me exactly what I was praying for. I now have 4 years with these girls and know that it will challenge me in the best way possible. I mean, lifting my hands to praise Jesus with at least 100 high school and middle school students is exactly the thing that makes my heart the happiest.


It’s been rainy and getting colder here. I feel like class shouldn’t be held if it’s raining. Can we make this a rule? Government?


Last Thursday, Ry texted me to tell me the high school volleyball playoff game was that night. I asked him if he was going and he said “if you do then I will” so I told him to get mom to bring him to my school and i’d take him since I was still in class. So…I spent my Thursday night at the volleyball court again. This is the best picture I could get with him 😦


I spent my Friday, Saturday, and Sunday reading Candace Cameron Bure’s book “Dancing Through Life”. I just bought another one of her books too. Come back for Bookworm Wednesday to hear what I thought about them 😉

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Put yo’ hands in the air if you love Fridays! I spent this past weekend hanging out with Jonathan, his friends, and his brother!


I’m pretty sure I wore this outfit all weekend too and I have #noshame. It was so comfy and perfect for our weather here in TX.


Now you’re caught up. Aren’t you glad?! Me too 😉

Friday Favorites: An Average Week


Happy Friday Favorites day, friends!! Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci this morning’. I’m playing Pollyanna’s glad game again this week. And, i’ve got a new little graphic for this month 🙂


Happy Halloween!!

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Happy Halloweenie! On Friday, I wore my scary costume to class. Booooo longhorns! And after hanging out most of the morning I ended up working the night shift. I was so glad that I was able to leave early to hand out some candy to kiddos in my neighborhood. I felt like their favorite person in the world!


Cold weather.


Halloween was the first official cold day around here. And to celebrate how happy I am that it’s finally chilling out in this area, I took a bubble bath after work in the morning and made some hot chocolate. Welcome, November. I’m so glad you’re here!!!




I was dog-sitting/house-sitting all weekend and on Sunday morning in the super windy and cold weather Ryan and I took Daisy on a walk. She was so excited, but then her nose started running so we brought her back inside. It was some quality time with my brother and we were both glad we could do that because we’ve never had a dog before. *GASP!*

And a special treat for you, check out this hair. Someone enjoyed that extra hour of daylight savings time!!!




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So one of the many perks of being a nanny is this sight. My siblings and I are all too old to go trick or treating so we only have the left-overs that weren’t passed out to take for ourselves. Between the three of the nanny kids, they have 6 buckets of candy (one outside the pantry) and this random pile sitting on the dining room table. I’m so glad I went to nanny heaven. And they must be darn pros at trick-or-treating because when my siblings and I usually went it was not THIS excessive.




I’ll have to admit, i’m a huge sucker for anything with quotes. I think just finding inspiration that can make you think differently. I also like seeing them again and again because they get stuck in my head. I also think you can tell a lot about a person by quotes they have around their house (if they have any). I came across this the other day and just loved everything about it. everything. I really think you’ll be glad you did 🙂


Errand day.


This was deemed errand day, where I got to run all of our town doing all sorts of things (mostly for mom). I gladly accepted the challenge and put on these “sassy pants” for it. I wore a pair of pants similar to this one night out in Norman and so many girls came up to me talking about how crazy my pants were. There, the “sassy pants” were born. I’ll show you those some other time.




Mark NEXT FRIDAY (November 14th) on your calendars, ladies! I am hosting an online trunk show. You should definitely RSVP so I know you’ll “be there”/participating!! I’m so pumped about this and can’t wait to tell y’all more.

Get your wish lists going now, so come 7:00 am NEXT FRIDAY with your cup of coffee, you could potentially take advantage of this offer below…..


Glad you stopped by today. Get those Stella and Dot wish lists going, enjoy some candy and hot chocolate this weekend, read some good ol’ quotes. Enjoy yourselves! See you back here Monday ❤

Friday Favorites


I’m glad you’re back for another week of Friday Favorites; thanks to Andrea, Erika, and Narci for hosting. The weather is finally moving towards staying in the 60/70s during the day. Ahhhh…. as Andrea says #fallelujah

FALL1 Work day.


After I finished class Friday morning, mom and I darted over to Old Navy’s sale, but didn’t get to stay long because I had to work all day. both shifts. lunch and dinner. during my break I came home to eat and work on my paper, and after the dinner shift I fell asleep so early. Friday was not eventful, but i’m glad I was able to make some money…and spend it at Old Navy 😉 That’s how you’re supposed to do it, right?




Y’all it’s so much fun to celebrate friends, but it’s even more fun to celebrate friends who have little ones. My buddy since 7th grade Jonathan, the one i’m squinting with above, was blessed with a little nephew. I can’t wait to finally meet baby Isaiah. The party was decorated so cute and i’m glad I was able to make it! Yellow and gray are my absolute favorites. And I made the little tricycle guy above to take as my gift 🙂


Yummy bread and cheese.


Sunday funday of course included Church, yoga, daddy-daughter golfing, and family time…but what I am MOST glad about on sunday was the fact that I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have found gluten-free bread that doesn’t fall apart in my hands and holds the sandwich together. (Aldi’s loaf in their section is new) AND cheese that is lactose free, will melt and doesn’t make me gag. (from Trader Joes) Of course my two favorite grocery stores. If you look you can see the melty cheese and it’s such beautiful thing. So this is a total win. Total win. You’d be happy too if you were me 😉




Monday, sweet Avery was SO excited when she opened up her mailbox because her Halloween costume was in the mail. She’s such a precious little fifth grader. Her and her friend are SweetTarts and Nerds for Halloween and she talks about it all the time. I’m so glad she’s excited and looks darling in her costume.


Ry’s football game.


Ry has football games on Tuesdays, and i’m glad I am able to watch him play. This was his first game to play in this year because he cracked a bone in his ankle and was out for a couple weeks. This will be his last year in football because he just wants to focus on baseball in high school. He said he only played this year ’cause his friends were. Funny…I was like that too when I chose to play softball in high school.


Iowa State Cyclones.


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For some reason wednesday mornings are always tough. It’s the middle of the week, i’m usually exhausted, you know how it goes. So I took my coffee to class in my FAVORITE Iowa State cup…part of me will probably always wish I chose this school because of how much I loved it on my visit. However, things happen for a reason and I became a Sooner. I’ll forever be glad to root for those Cyclones though. Anyways, I got this cup in Iowa this summer. My cousin Dani, who just so happens to be my (not really) big sister (and is having a baby in a couple months!!!!) graduated from ISU, so I had to send her a picture of course.


Meaningful pictures.


While I was on Twitter yesterday I came across the picture. And i’m glad I did. It was a good reminder of how your personal outlook can affect every day. It’s about how you have a choice to see the “Colors of Life” when you’re dreading spending the day at work, or seeing someone you don’t want to, or going to class, or doing the laundry, or whatever it may be.

Choose to see the sunshine today! We made it to the weekend!!!

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