This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Archive for the ‘College’ Category

A College Commuter’s 10 Tips To Staying Healthy


When you first think of the word “college”, what do you think? For me,


“Everyone’s” favorite part.


Before you go to college you hear everyone talking about how hard college classes are. You’re on your own and responsible for keeping track of 15-18 hours of coursework.


Tuition? Yeah, you mean my life savings?


And unhealthy…how many people have talked to you about gaining that freshman 15? Because it’s easier and cheaper to go to the McDonald’s dollar menu vs. buying groceries and making a meal. Right?

I discussed my college experience at The University of Oklahoma in a different post, but when I transferred home it became a different type of college life. I was now in a different classification…I became a commuter. My school is about 45 minutes from my house, so I made my schedule where I only drive there on Tuesday and Thursdays. But i’m there ALL. DAY. After attending this school for 3 semesters, I came up with some tips of my own for trying to stay healthy.

  1. Take your lunch.
    • Be nice to your body and pack lunch, dinner, and snacks that you know are nutritious. At the same time you’re saving money too! This semester i’m on campus from 11:30-9, so I bring a cooler filled with food and water.
  2. Utilize your breaks.
    • I have a THREE HOUR break during the day on Tuesdays to sit around and do nothing. By utilizing my breaks, I become so efficient. I get my blog post done, I get my assignments done, I answer my e-mails, I have my Quiet Time, I exercise. I just try to do something.
  3. Bring your laptop.
    • There is one class that I have at night where I am not interested one bit. This professor rambles and has the longest PowerPoint slides ever. I decided that if i’m already going to be playing around on my electronics i’ll just bring my laptop and blog or work on schoolwork instead of wasting time on Pinterest.
  4. Check out that gym.
    • It’s free! And we’re in college, so we like free! You’re paying for it with that expensive tuition in case you forgot. Once class is over, go lift some weights. Walk a couple miles on the treadmill. Attend a group exercise class. I’ve been going during my 3 hour break to just walk on the treadmill and foam roll for 30-45 minutes. It’s a refreshing break from learning that’s for sure.
  5. Wear workout clothes to class.
    • Some people don’t believe in this by saying “dress for success”, but let’s be realistic. If you’re sitting in classes all day the last thing you want is to be uncomfortable. Wear something you’re comfortable in, plus if you’re already wearing your leggings and tennis shoes then you’ll be more likely to hit the gym during your break or maybe before and after class.
  6. Stand in between classes.
    • During the Fall semester, I was in 4 classes straight from 1:00-6:45PM. That is a LONG time to be sitting in a chair. I can barely handle that much sitting as it is, but I’ve now gotten into the habit of standing in the hallway up until the professor starts talking. Stretch your legs and give that booty a break.
  7. Put a pillow and blanket in your car.
    • This is weird. I know. But I say if you’re exhausted who are you to deny yourself a nap? Instead of laying down in the middle of the business school, pull out your pillow and blanket and take a nap in your car. #commuterprobs
  8. Buy the expensive parking pass.
    • If your school has a large amount of students that are commuters, then you know my pain when I say PARKING SUCKS. I don’t know if you knew this, but schools will sell about 3 passes for every 1 spot. Dumb right? With buying the expensive parking pass I’ve found that while I may have to drive around for a while, I can usually find something within decent walking distance eventually.
  9. Take a refillable water bottle.
    • Now, I already said I pack a cooler for my long days at school. I’ll put about 2 water bottles in there and then fill up my camelbak before I leave. I’ve found that my school has water fountains all around, so once you finish all your water bottles, fill that camelbak up. We all know they up-charge water, so it’s a heck of a lot cheaper! Drink. Your. Water. even if you’re just sitting all day!!!!
  10. Create a routine.
    • By now you should know I am a woman of routine. I thrive on routines. On occasion i’ll switch it up but if I have my routine of everything that I want/need to get done in a day planned out then I make sure to stay healthy – physically (hitting the gym), mentally (planning assignments), etc.

As you can see, being healthy doesn’t just pertain to physical health. It’s important to keep healthy emotionally, spiritually, and mentally too. I’m sure I could probably list some more as well, but these were the first 10 that came to mind when I was sitting in class yesterday and thought of this post.

Let’s stay healthy! Do you have any tips for what you do/did to stay healthy in college whether as a commuter or not?

My Last First Day + Giveaway

It’s that time again. You know the time where our clothes are picked out, our lunch is packed, our binder and backpacks are all put together and we decide we’re going to make this the best year we’ve had yet. It’s back to school time.


I never thought this day would come…my last first day of school. And I am more than excited about it. Some of you probably loved school, but not me. I’d pretty much rather be doing anything else than sitting in a chair for an hour and a half listening to someone I may or may not be able to understand try to explain this subject that I probably don’t care about. (Entrepreneurship actually wasn’t that bad.)


It’s about this time i’m getting pretty nostalgic. I know there’s a whole world out there ahead of me but school is all i’ve ever done come fall and spring. I don’t know what it’ll be like without it. But I think that’s the fun it in too. I’m sure later this week i’ll post some more “back to school” pics but for now i’ll let you just admire baby Morgan and baby Molly going to elementary school. Sweet shoes, right??


For all of you going back to school today, good luck!


 This is the giveaway that I was supposed to do on my Back to School traditions post, but I decided to wait until today to do it. I think this is better anyways 🙂 The items in my giveaways usually come from my own pocket, therefore limiting me on the amount that I can actually do. I really don’t do as many giveaways as i’d like to do through this blog. I seriously appreciate you all and I look forward to getting to work in the morning because I know my phone is going to keep buzzing with e-mails about comments from you all. It makes me feel so special and that someone does care about what I think and write about :). YOU are all the best. So in honor of today being back to school Monday for most of us and as a little “thank you” I decided to send one of you my favorite necessities for back to school…

My favorite Aromatherapy scent from Bath and Body works. I swear by this stuff.
A gift card to Starbucks
so you can purchase your favorite cup of coffee on your early morning.
Everyone’s favorite Nordstrom BP studs.
The bracelet to match from Nordstrom Rack. (I love this so much I bought myself one!)
A notebook to take notes/write for your blog/make comments/etc. for you back to school or work.
And a couple of my absolute favorite pens.


To Enter:

  1. Leave a blog post comment.
  2. Follow me @mollymiddleton01 on Instagram.
  3. Like Colors of Life blog on Facebook.
  4. Follow Colors of Life blog on Pinterest
  5. Pin your favorite post from the Colors of Life board.
  6. Follow me on Bloglovin’.

Then on Thursday night I will put your entries into a random number generator online and announce the winner on Friday for our Friday Favorites!

Have a great first day…whether it’s back at work or back at school!

Morgan’s Moved In

 At this time exactly one week ago we were in the crazy humid state of Louisiana moving Morgan in for her very first year of college. And to be honest it was really bittersweet. Sunday I went into my dad’s office and said “Dad, is this what is was like when I left? I feel like 1/6 of us is missing.” He said “Yeah, but look we all survived.” And of course we will. It’s just weird to think that first of all, we’re getting older…but second of all, this is the longest i’ll have ever gone without seeing her. So i’m going to plan a little road trip to see one of her games at the end of September because Thanksgiving is way too long. And her school is way too far.

Monday morning we planned to leave around 10:00am to drive to Louisiana. I was ready before everyone else (go figure) so I ran an errand for mom and got Starbucks for dad and I to sip on during the drive down there.


This picture below doesn’t even do it justice. This is the window looking into my moms car at all of her stuff. Plus dad’s car was filled to the top. Both were packed full.


Morgan, Ryan, and I rode with dad down there. Morgan had to get the front in case there were any spontaneous “dad lectures”…i’ve heard them all plenty of times so it was her turn!


I cracked open a book and read ’til I was tired of reading because 6 hours in dad’s tiny, uncomfortable cadillac isn’t pleasant.


And i’m not quite sure how this was either. Ry pulled an all-nighter the night before so he would sleep the whole drive down there.


We got to Louisiana around 5ish and just hung out at the hotel for a little bit before grabbing dinner.

The next morning we were up and at ’em by 7:00am to check this girl in. Here she is walking out with her room assignment, key, and whatever else in hand. AHHH!


We got lucky and the soccer team, coaches, and managers helped move everything in to where we had to do nothing. BLESSED. Because there are no elevators in her dorm. What?!?! And then we spent the next couple hours getting stuff situated and what not. The boys and I left around 3 that same day for Rick to get his license the next morning and me to get back to work so Morgan sent me some pictures of her closer to finished product of a room for me to see.

A poster of pictures that mom made hangs on the wall with spiderman over top of her my keurig, which is right next to her closet.


Her little desk area is just so cute with the quotes, cross, and PICTURE OF ME.


Her bed is my favorite. I love those pictures, the lights, the colors, the pillows (my mom made the two smaller ones in grey with the Texas and Louisiana state cut-outs on them).


And right next to her bed is the necessities. Folks if you’ll look to your bottom left you will see a scrapbook sitting next to her bed. That’s her graduation present from me. And i’m so proud of it. And she loved it. Yay! Also, this is just her room. Her roommate is in the room next to her where they both walk out an share a bathroom and then outside of that is a living area. I mean, hello mini apartment living!!!!!!!!!!!


I was a little bit bitter about the fact that she has a MANSION for a dorm room while I had to live in a cardboard box of a room my freshman year. But then I had to get over it because it was time to say our goodbyes. Serious note: I really got lucky in the siblings department.


And my dad’s not half bad either. Mom got to stay a couple extra days so she didn’t have to give hugs yet. Don’t worry we didn’t forget her!


And we were northeast bound back home. 12 hours in 2 days. Whew.

IMG_8625 IMG_8626

We got another Starbucks…surprise surprise. And it kept me up all night ’cause i’m so smart to drink caffeine after 6pm!


And then that was that. We got home to start getting used to have one less around here. It’ll be a fun experience for her and I know that she will make us proud on and off the soccer field. I’m excited to hear about all her fun college adventures! We love you, Morg!!!!!

Show and Tell: Back to School Traditions


Today I should be talking back to school traditions, but this year our back to school tradition is a little different…


…today I say goodbye to my sissy as we drop her off at college. To read about dropping her off, click here!

So while i’m sweating in the heat moving dresses and shoes and bedding, you should check out my previous Show and Tell Tuesdays:

My Home
My Beauty Routine
My Yard
When I Grow Up
Favorite Party I’ve Hosted
How I Got My Name
My Favorite Vacation
My Favorite Room In Our House
My Groundhog Day
My Organization Tips and Tricks
My New Year’s Resolutions

I’ll be back tomorrow, though 😉

10 Things I Wish I Would’ve Known Before College.


I’m currently typing this as a study break (Wednesday night) for my test this morning. What better topic to talk about as i’m studying for a college final right? Can I just tell you though, this class is HARD. And i’m scared i’m going to fail. And i’m about to just say my prayers, take a bath, and hope for the best because I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND Matrices, Vectors, and Linear Programming. I mean, fo’ real. Enough complaining though….i’ll be fine. Sigh. 😉

As the school year comes rolling around again (in a month and a half oh my gosh!) and i’m getting ready to take my sister to college (in a month oh my gosh!), I can’t help but think about my time in college. Like freshman move-in day below haha!


I feel like if I would have had someone sit me down and say “this is what you should know before you go to college” I would have listened. HAHA…okay probably not. I was 18 years old about to move 3 hours north of home and I was not about to listen to anyone tell me about life. I knew how it was going to go…you hear everyone talk about how much of a party college is and you meet all your bridesmaids and on and on. Now, my experience may be different than other people’s, but here’s what I would say to my sister before she leaves in August (again, oh my gosh!):

  1. Don’t have expectations.
    • I went into college with a ton of expectations. Just from things I heard from other people who had already been in college, on TV, in movies, and whatever other source I got it from. When my expectations weren’t met, I felt like my college experience wasn’t normal. And then I was let down.
  2. Your body WILL change.
    • Good Lord…this has been a big one for me. There’s the whole freshman 15 and what not, I know. However, I think that it’s really just the fact that you’re getting older and your body is changing. If you drink every weekend all weekend yes, you’ll probably gain some weight. But we all age and our bodies all change. There’s so much stress that college kids take on when it comes to this topic.
  3. Leaving your family will be hard.
    • Look, you’ve grown up with and seen the same people for 18 years of your life. That’s a LONG time. That’s your entire existence at this point. I guess I didn’t expect how much that was going to change my life when I went to college. It’s not like you don’t see them ever again, but there’s no more being able to walk downstairs if you need some social interaction. Or just having those people around you that you can do and say whatever and they’ll just love you regardless. They are your safety blanket.
  4. Life is expensive.
    • Maybe you were lucky enough to have mom and dad pay for your tuition. But one day you’ll realize life. is. expensive. Taco bell runs add up. That coffee you’ve become addicted to? Yep, adds up! Sorority dues take your entire life savings. One book costs your entire minimum wage paying paycheck. And then you realize mom and dad were right…you do need to study hard and get a good education so you can pay for things.
  5. Stay connected in God’s word.
    • Looking back now I really wish I would have been better about this. There’s just a sense of calm and peace that you feel when you’re constantly spending time with God and talking to Him. I wish I could explain it. I just learned so much when I was actually doing this. There’s certain moments when all you can do is pray. So just pray!
  6. Say yes.
    • Say yes to those 10:00am McAlister runs…even if you aren’t hungry. Go for the fellowship. You never know what kind of friendship might form when you spend that extra time laughing and talking with other people. Say yes to going to the gym, not only is it good for your physical and mental health – there’s usually some good looking guys there too 😉
  7. Say no.
    • Sometimes I think people are scared to say no. I had girls in the sorority house with me that would be invited to do things and then would just complain about it afterwards because they didn’t want to go. Say no. Saying no once or twice isn’t going to cause people to stop asking you to do things.
  8. You’re starting over.
    • You may know a few people in this new town, but in essence you’re starting over. You have to find the short-cuts in a new town. You having to figure out where the cops sit. You have to meet new people. You have to learn how to deal with school, extra-curricular activities, other people, priorities, appointments, and so on.
  9. It’s okay to transfer.
    • When I was at The University of Oklahoma I don’t think I was ever truly happy. Did I have fun weekends? Absolutely. Did I meet some cool people? Absolutely. Do I still cheer for my Sooners? Absolutely. But I wasn’t happy like other people were. I enjoyed coming home more than being there. I didn’t think it was okay to transfer. I thought people would think bad things about me and talk about me. Yes, I realize how childish that sounds now…but I think it happens to a lot of us. Turns out, transferring back home was the best thing I could have done for myself. You shouldn’t make yourself miserable to please others.
  10. It is hard…but you’re 4 years from being done.
    1. College is hard. They forget to tell you that when they’re talking about the totally rad frat parties going on every Thursday, Friday, Saturday (and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) nights. You’ve got professors you can’t understand. You’ve got a full-time school schedule you’ve got to plan out and take tests for, write papers for, and memorize non-sense for. You don’t get to the fun stuff that pertains to anything you care about until Junior and Senior year. But look, for most of us – four years from being done with school foreevvveerrrr. And for that reason…STUDY so it doesn’t take longer!

Cheers to that!!!

Okay, so tell me…what would you add to this list if it was yours? What would you take off this list if it was yours??


Good Morning, everyone!

I was contacted earlier this month by the social media team at Chobani to write a post about someone who I think deserves a break.

When trying to come up with someone I think that needs a break I just kept thinking about all the people I could nominate. So I started asking myself – who works really hard and doesn’t typically get recognized? Sure my parents work really hard. That’s just a given. But who does a job I would never want to do? Who probably isn’t appreciated as much as they’d like to be? To be honest, I drafted my post this weekend, but could not for the life of me decide on who I wanted to nominate. Now it’s currently 11:35 and i’m writing this post with the perfect nominee in mind. College students. It doesn’t matter what kind of college student…whether you’re working towards an associate’s, a bachelor’s, or a master’s degree. College students deserve a break.


Okay before you jump to the conclusion that i’m a procrastinator as I’m sure some of you are probably thinking back to that 11:35-getting-around-to-my-blog-post comment and questioning where my priorities lie…can I just let you know that this is the first time i’ve been able to sit down in the quiet of my own room all day? Because not only did I sit through a 2 hour lecture at 8:00am, but right after that I went straight to work for the rest of the business day. Because I have to figure out how i’m going to pay that infamous tuition bill. Because it’s true what my parents told me about money not growing on trees. And then after work i’ve got to figure out how i’m going to get dinner prepared at a decent time. Because immediately after scrambling through the pantry to find something I can throw together to call dinner I know i’m going to be sitting at the end of my table, head in my palm, math homework spread out in front of me, chewing on the cap of my pen (gross I know), trying to figure out how i’m going to complete 2 assignments by midnight over material I couldn’t understand through my professor’s thick accent. And 3 hours later when i’m finished with that I realize I forgot what fresh air felt like being cooped up all day so I take a walk. When I finally get back in the door I am able to spend a few minutes chatting with my family.
And it looks like the next thing you know you’re opening your laptop at 11:35pm to finish your blog post for the next morning. And to each his own…


And college students wake up and do the very same thing the very next day. Don’t get me wrong here – i’m not naive enough to think that changing a few things around could create more time. Maybe spending an hour or so talking to the family could be used writing my blog post? But that’s the kind of stuff that keeps us sane. Maybe for some college students their hour work-outs keep them sane? We all do what we have to do.

And you know, the majority of us have been there. We know what it’s like. We can relate to those professors we can’t understand. We can relate to the homework assignments over material you can’t figure out how to do. We can relate to speeding straight from school to make it to work. And we can relate to not wanting to go to work because we are just plain tired. How many of us have a professor who’s pulled them aside or e-mailed them saying: “You’re doing a great job?” or “Keep up the good work.” According to, in a given year 2.35 million students enroll in college, and only 1.75 million will graduate. Close to half will not graduate…why is that??


But regardless, college students get it done. They pull all-nighters to pass an exam, they take on a week’s worth of projects and papers and tests because all of their professors decided to schedule them at the same time, they take classes throughout the summer semester so they can follow their degree plan in order to graduate on time, they worry about how to balance work, school, socializing, and Church. College students work really hard with little recognition. College students have a job i’d never want (ha). College students probably don’t always feel as appreciated as they’d like. So to my fellow college students past and present, cheers to you, this is the #breakyoumake.


Now i’m headed to my 8:00 exam…. 😉
See you back here same time, same place tomorrow!

Colors of Life: Depression

Heavy topic today. Bare with me here, y’all. I’ve got to give you a little background before we dive in.

A couple years ago I was at the University of Oklahoma. Fresh out of high school and I could smell the sweet, sweet freedom I just knew college would bring me. I won’t go into too much detail about that, because I already did in my OU post. Needless to say, I was EXCITED to be “living on my own” quotes because dorms are not necessarily on your own. But I had fun….I think just about anyone that went to college could probably agree that your freshman year is the most fun of the four. New people, new beginnings, new places, new atmosphere, new city. Everything is new. You’ve been living in your parent’s house for 18 years and you’re super super smart and mature. I don’t know if you’re aware, but when you’re 18 years old and you’ve just graduated high school you’ve basically mastered life.


I moved into the dorms and partied. I’ll just put that out there now. Because duh. You went out Thursday – Sunday. But then, after 1 seamster of doing that I was over it. I didn’t get the same excitement going out every weekend as some people did. I was kind of thinking then that maybe things were a little off. Going to college I was under the impression that everyone is single, you’re friends with your entire hall, your roommate is going to be your best friend and be a bridesmaid, partying is fun, your sorority is the best thing in the world, etc. etc. I kept thinking I didn’t know what to expect, but in the back of my mind I had all of these expectations of what was about to take place that 2012-2013 school year.

Disclaimer: These are my experiences. I’m absolutely not trying to tell anyone how their college experience is going to be. These are all my own opinions.

My first semester was fun and I was thinking “eh, okay i’d go back for the Spring.” That spring there was just something different. Football games weren’t every weekend, studying was a lot more common, and people partied but it just wasn’t the same. I started seeing more of the reality of college that semester. My freshman roommate was cool, but her and I could both agree we weren’t besties. The financials of the sorority began to hit my bank account. And I started going home every three weeks to get my laundry done and keep up with some of those appointments I was telling you about.

That summer I came home and I had some discussions with my parents about how OU was okay, but I didn’t know if I really liked it all that much. We continued to talk and we basically came to the conclusion that the Fall of 2013 was going to be a lot better because I would be in the sorority house, which would force my introverted self to have conversations with people walking by, girls across the hall, and sitting in the dining room. I talked it up to myself to make me excited about that semester.

Back I went in July for sorority recruitment and I really liked it. My roommate and I weren’t that close, but we got along. They had all of us doing exercises during recruitment that forced us to get to know one another and there were some girls that I really liked. I was ready for this next year! Rush came and it was a blast! We got a new pledge class, met some girls who could be our littles and hung out together. I remember one girl in my pledge class, Natalie, came in my room at the sorority house and was telling me about where she grew up. She was always so friendly and when she left my room that night I thought to myself “Wow, this is going to be fun!” I NEVER in my life would have imagined myself living with a bunch of girls but here I was.

The semester went on and we all began to get bogged down with homework, projects, test, etc. There wasn’t as much comrodery and I spent more time in office hours and studying than I did in my room. Sophomore year is hard classwork wise! It really is. When I came back to the house for my short 30 minute lunch I needed time to relax from class so I generally ate in my room and watched some tv. Then i’d leave until about 5. I was exhausted from class that the last thing I wanted to do was socialize. I’m an introvert, remember?  As per the unsocializing usual, I didn’t make all these friends I was expecting to make when I moved into the house. I felt like I didn’t have friends, my classes were hard, I was grossed out by our dirty sorority house, my roommate and I were butting heads, and then started that little thing I talked about a couple weeks ago: my eating disorder.

I went home many weekends that semester and after my annual with my OBGYN she found an issue with my Thyroid levels. So I started having to go home a lot more. And I went home. And I went home. I was gone from Thursdays-Mondays. I began spending more time away from my sorority house and everything else that I was so upset about. One weekend I came home and cried the entire time because I knew I would have to go back. Honestly y’all…I can’t tell you how miserable and how long those few months were for me. And that feeling is the reason that I am writing this post. So that anyone in that position I was in knows someone else was there and they’ve come out on the other side.

Finally….that seamster was over!!!! After figuring out all of my health issues that semester: I was seeing 3 different endocrinologists, my gynecologist, my general practitioner, my dermatologist (I had acutane follow ups), and my gastroenterologist for my constipation issues. Oh, I was so happy when July 2013-December 2013 was O.V.E.R. I was able to talk with the lady in charge of housing through my sorority about my health issues and with my gastroenterologist’s help I was out of my housing contract through the sorority and I moved into an apartment that I could have my own bathroom. We decided this would be best for me because I had constipation and then diharrea and it’s hard when you share a bathroom with about 21 other girls. It’s embarrassing, too.

So January 2014 I decided to move into my own apartment with a couple of other girls in my sorority. Whoooo, this was going to be so. much. better. My mom and brother drove to Norman with me to help move my things from the sorority house to the apartment. And that Sunday afternoon (1/12/14) we moved and packed and hung and cleaned. While we were taking my stuff into my apartment I remember this heavy feeling of fear set in and I sat in our car and began to cry. My mom came out, we talked, she told me things would be okay and we continued to move me in. That should’ve been a sign for me right then because I do not cry. Anytime ever. But I did that day. Mom and brother stayed with me that night and dropped me off at my first class at 8:30 that monday the 13th. And I teared up. I was nervous for that class but I got through it and was home by 1:30. And then I sat there…in this empty apartment all alone in this city by myself. And it was weird.

I called my mom crying because I didn’t want to be there. The next day I got up and didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to think about what was ahead of me. I didn’t have class that day so I had the entire day to just think. I called my mom again and she told me to just clean my room, do some stuff for my online class, and things to keep my busy. I was in the middle of hanging my clothes in my closet and before you could snap your fingers I started shaking, I started breathing really fast, and tears filled my eyes. This my friends, was just the beginning of a long week of panic attacks. And then it was Wednesday and finally Thursday. I was going home that weekend and I was so excited when Thursday hit.

I had an interview that Thursday morning and I was really excited about it at first, but then as I got on the highway this intense heavy feeling of scared and fear hit me again. On the way to an interview. Afterwards I went home because I was planning to have friends come over that night and we were going to go out to the bars. We went out and when I got home I called my mom that (after the 3rd time) that day crying about not wanting to be there. Can you imagine anything like that? I went home and was a wreck that weekend. My mom couldn’t leave the room without me worrying, I was stressing about having to go back to school, I slept in my parents bed with my mom, and so on. I was 20 years old and never before in my life had I been so dependent.

Every time I thought about going back to school i’d get a lump in my throat and couldn’t talk. I’ve been going to therapy now for 14 months. Depression comes in many different shapes and forms. Depression can be a lifelong battle for some and i’m here to say that it really is horrible. I just want to hug anyone who is struggling with it.

Most people my age look at me funny when I say i’m living at home but I couldn’t be happier. I love my family, i’m healthy again, we’ve figured out all of my issues, i’ve got good friends, and I made it to the other side of this. Not to mention the free housing and food 😉 Just do you, my friends. And you’ll be happy.

I recently had a friend reach out to me about this and i’d be so happy to talk to anyone else going through something similar because I know at least one person reading this knows what i’m talking about….


This sits right next to my sink to look at every morning 🙂

Colors of Life: Anxiety


Okay, if you have bad anxiety or anxiety in general, I am so so sorry! I actually never thought I had anxiety until I was told that I did. I grew up thinking that we were suppose to solve all our own problems. My parents are both very strong mentally and so I always thought that whatever happens to me I have to work out on my own. Little did I know, that’s not always the case. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing (obviously) i’m just saying it doesn’t have to be like that all the time.

At Oklahoma, I remember having moments of complete panic where I would start shaking, breathing really heavy, and all I wanted to do was pull my hair out. Or slap myself in the face. Or cry. Or punch of wall. Just these extreme emotions and feelings. I couldn’t “snap” myself out of it and I wasn’t able to focus on anything else. I won’t go too much into that, but that last week in Norman (January of last year) was the worst week of my life to date. I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks multiple times a day.

Fear consumes maaaany people. Each day you wake up, you probably have some fear driven thought and if not when you wake up then at some point throughout the day. Again, everyone isn’t the same so i’m not generalizing the human population here. It could be: “What am I going to do today?” “How am I going to make money for my family?” “What college am I going to?” “I do not want to go to work and see those people.” “How am I going to do on this test?” “Will my mom or dad come home safely today?” Whatever your fearful thought is, we’ve all had them.


Now, if you’re saying: “I never live in fear.” I’d have to disagree. You may not think you do but look…while others are aware of their fears and fearful thoughts, many people try to avoid those fearful thoughts. Why? Because who wants to think about something that they fear? Nobody. This is where anxiety comes in to play.

If I have learned anything throughout my past year’s experience it is that when you rely on Jesus somehow your fears don’t seem as big. Jesus is bigger than any fear we can have. I can say this all day long, but the fact of the matter is that when you know Him, you know it.

Anxiety can be many things…

It can be fear. It can be stress. It can be nervousness. It can be a cloud hanging over your head. It IS mentally painful. It can be whatever, and it can come in many different forms. Anxiety is serious and it kills people.


I personally think this particular scene (if you’re a Bachelor watcher) was pathetic. And I think examples like this are how anxiety and panic attacks get such a bad rap in today’s society.


This little stunt pulled by Kelsey that she called “a panic attack” is not what happens. You don’t fall to the floor (maybe some people have, but that’s not what i’m talking about.)

7 tips for anxiety:

1. Get Bath and Body Works Stress Relief (Eucalyptus Spearmint) lotion or mist or whichever you prefer. Spray it if you need it! In all honesty, eucalyptus is a natural calming ingredient.

2. Pray!! Seriously, when you’re in the moment that’s the last thing you’d probably ever think to do. But really and truly God heals all wounds.


3. Talk to a therapist! Y’all, they are trained in these areas. They went to school and learned how to help people like us. Therapists will show you how to think differently and help you see how it may not make sense that you went from this thought to that thought. Anxiety comes from irrational thoughts.

4. It’s NOT YOUR fault! I remember thinking that it was all my fault I was having panic attacks and crying and calling my mom (as a 20 year old). I thought what could I possibly be doing that is making me feel this way?!


5. Know that you will get through it!

6. Take control. Don’t let it control you. Do what you have to do about your anxiety, but just know that if you don’t do anything it won’t get better. Don’t ignore your anxiety.


7. Find your “little things in life”. Find things that make you want to keep on keepin’ on. I’ll share mine with you tomorrow. 🙂

If you’re reading this and you know exactly what i’m talking about because you’ve been there or know someone who has/is there. I’m praying for you. Just know that God sees you! You are not invisible. We’ll lighten it up tomorrow. XOXO

Friday Favorites: Siblings, Organization, and Rain Boots Edition

I love Friday, love Friday, love Friday, love Friday, love Friday! I consider myself a full-time student and a full-time employee (but i’m technically not a full-time employee) because i’m taking 16 hours this semester and the other days when i’m not at school, I work so i’m not getting home until 5/6/7 most nights. I finally understand what all the hype is about Friday!


Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci. Lots of people are!!!


Friday night I was basically the best sister ever and went to support Morg at her soccer game in the freeeeeeeezing cold with my momma. One of my favorite things to do is watch my siblings play their sports. I know it’s not normal for people my age, but it’s just me and that’s how i’ve always been! Morgan will be 5 hours away next year so I won’t get to see that many games, so i’m definitely going to go to as many as I can!



Saturday’s are my favorite when it’s one of those hang-out-in-your-pjs-and-get-your-stuff-back-in-order-and-cleaned-up kind of days and that’s what this past weekend was. My momma had me run to the grocery store, but said Rick had to drive. Yikes he’ll be 16 this year, and yikes I should dress better when I go out in public!



Sunday afternoon I met up with Lana, a friend’s friend, and she captured some of my favorite picture to date from one of my favorite online boutiques. I’m posting them in three parts, but you should check out my God made girls post from Monday.



My parents came and met me for lunch at work on Monday because my dad was off for MLK holiday. My mom and I were getting everything set to where we wanted it hung and then the maintenance guy walked in. It was perfect timing and now my office is all decorated with my favorite things. You should check out that post!



Because you can’t sit through entrepreneurship without your favorite Erin Condren spiral notebook and your favorite iced drink from Starbucks. What a way to wake you up on a super tiring Tuesday morning. PS. I got complimented on my Erin Condren today, too! Have you used any EC?



Rain rain go away. Traffic was bad the other day. But at least I was looking good with my favorite rain boots and favorite hot coffee in hand 😉

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School is fun.


Here’s an introduction to my family for ya 😉

Hey, have a good weekend! I’ll catch ya on Monday!

Friday Favorites: Fri-YAY edition

I’m not even going to act like I wasn’t excited for this Fri-YAY to come. Also, it’s casual day at work—do pjs count? Let me know. Now I do remember one of my New Years Resolutions went along with this…


But this was a long week. Starting school, working the other three days of the week, homework already, lack of sleep, cold weather, ugh. That’s not Fri-YAY material. That’s more like MON-DANE material. Was that clever?? Really, I would like to go hide back under my covers for a couple hours. But I won’t. I need to be adult-like and go make money. One day i’ll thank myself.

Join in with me as I link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites!


After I got off work last Fri-YAY two of my FAVORITE girls and I went with my family to the Texas Legends basketball game and treated ourselves to a nice, healthy dinner afterwards.

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Saturday night was my FAVORITE kind of night. My parents and I went to the local bar (yes, I hang out with my parents on the weekend, and yes I have fun doing it!) to hear a band play, I posted a little about this earlier in the week. Are you not caught up on your Colors of Life reading???!!!!

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Sunday I turned everyone’s FAVORITE birthday….21!!!! Read about that here.



Mon-DANE was so Monday-like that I didn’t take a picture. But how about I leave you with this one today:


That could turn your Mon-DANE right around. In fact, they’re getting even lower!! Oh, happy day!


Tuesday is every college student’s LEAST FAVORITE day of the semester. The very first day. I did a heavy sigh as I woke up early Tuesday morning, with my bag packed up, my shoes tied tight, hope I don’t get in a fight. Ohhh, back to school, back to school…..if you didn’t see my post on Instagram, you would have understood my Adam Sandler reference.



So I was shopping the other day and I saw one of my FAVORITE sights. These two cute little ol’ ladies were shopping accessories, purses, wallets, belts, bags, you name it. I stalked overheard their conversation and one said “I don’t want to take too long, but i’d like to go look at that purse.” The other one replied, “Oh no don’t worry, you go right ahead and look at that.” Couldn’t you just DIE????? Cannot wait to own my retirement home one day.



I’m starting to get the hang of this new school thing. The days get a little long while i’m on campus, but I know my outcome will far surpass the boredom that I have while sitting around look at funky pieces of architecture between classes.



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