This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘target’

Friday Favorites

Can you believe it’s the first Friday of APRIL? Again, 1/4 of 2016 is already gone. Woah, Nelly.


In typical Friday fashion, i’m sharing my FAVORITES with you for this week. Join me and link-up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci.

Friday Favorites2016

Happy Friday to you!


The most exciting part of this past week was that Morgan and I threw together a little surprise for my parents. She had no intentions of coming home at all this semester, but when she told me her plans of leaving Gulf Shores halfway through their Spring Break I told her how fun it would be to have her surprise mom and dad. She agreed and we planned.

Our plan was that I would tell my parents I wanted to take them to lunch and when we’d walk in Morgan would be sitting there waiting for us. It worked for the most part, except Morg was awkward and didn’t know what to do so she went bouncing up to them and I couldn’t video it! ^ That was the best I got.


Pissed. Ha, just kidding, she’s in an intense conversation…aka probably being lectured by dad about something 😉


We got the cards going that night and enjoyed the rest of our weekend as a family of 6 again. So much fun.


My family has an obsession with Buffalo Wild Wings. Everyone but me that is. My siblings went for lunch that afternoon, but I tagged along for the company. You see, when Morgan isn’t here my brothers don’t want anything to do with me.


And then Sunday night she had to leave again. All good things come to an end, but as mom says, that just means she’s one day closer to coming home again.


While you northerners have been bundled up in your hats, coats, scarves, and snow flurries, we southerners have been laying out in our backyards catching some vitamin D. I’m usually not that excited for summer, but for some reason this year i’m seriously looking forward to it! This sun has been my FAVORITE lately and it’s putting me in the best spirits. I’ve been taking my reading out there while (hopefully) getting darker. We all know homegirl needs some of that.



On Tuesdays, I have a 3.5 hour break in between my classes. I dread it, but I’ve learned to take advantage of it. Usually I stay on campus, but this past week I drove to our nearest Starbucks and was pleasantly surprised to see this little outdoor area in the sun with comfortable cushioned chairs.


I pulled out my lunch, I got my coffee, and I ended up being so productive. It was one of those “ahhhh, I am seriously enjoying life right now” moments. You know those. This was definitely my FAVORITE 3.5 hours from this week.


For a while now I have been trying to get myself into hot tea. I just see all the advantages (on Pinterest of course) and I see how many people love it. I’ve been trying to detox lately and I picked up this Yogi Detox tea (which i’m totally loving) and sip on it right before bed while I finish up my blog or whatever it is that i’m doing. It seems like Yogi is everybody’s FAVORITE right now so I had to test it out. So far…2 thumbs up.



Okay. Hi, my name is Molly and i’m addicted to chocolate. And dessert. And having a chocolate dessert every night after dinner. Like it’s just a thing now. I was at the grocery store on Monday and snooped up and down each aisle as I always do. I’m notorious for spending way too much time at the grocery store.


This week I came upon this little snack. And friends. My life is changed for the better. I have a chunk or two every night. It goes along with my food allergies to dairy and gluten, it’s healthy yet it’s dessert, and it’s in line with my sugar detox. Like, there’s no sugar (because it’s sweetened with date paste). A packaged product with no sugar? I about died. If you see it, just try my FAVORITE grocery store find.



A couple days ago I found this bag and within seconds of spotting it, I knew it was a keeper. It’s my FAVORITE. It’s big, it’s roomy, it’s perfect for these upcoming summer months. I’m totally loving all this light colors this year. Lots of white and stripes. Two of my FAVORITE things.



This week on the blog…

Monday I shared an update on my 2016 Bucket List. Some of my FAVORITE goals have been checked off already.


On Tuesday I shared what my talk show would look like if I had my own. You can bet two of my FAVORITE ladies were on there.


It was the first Wednesday of the month, so of course, I hosted my FAVORITE linkup…Bookworm Wednesday. It’s good stuff.


And yesterday I shared my FAVORITE go-to breakfast recipe at the moment. Healthy almond butter banana waffles for the win!


Have the best weekend!

Thursday Favorites: Christmas On The Mind Edition

Well, tomorrow i’ll be elsewhere (come back to find out where!) so today i’m posting my Friday Thursday FAVORITES.


…with Erika, Narci, and Andrea of course.


And actually that brings me to number 1 today. A couple of weeks ago when Erika guest blogged for me on her love of online shopping, I didn’t really understand fully what she was talking about. I’d online shopped before, but not that much. After I ordered one thing in the mail this Christmas season, I just kept ordering because I AM OBSESSED WITH online shopping now. I mean, it’s my FAVORITE. This is me on Christmas morning last year and I can only imagine what this year will be like since I hardly had to go anywhere!! Which may or may not have meant more shopping and more gifts 😉



Speaking of deliveries and going places, I put this little gift together last night. I actually found this on Pinterest so I can’t take credit for it. After looking at it, I decided it was perfect and had to do one for our mail carrier. For $3.50, you can easily make their day. It’s not anything huge, but it’s something to let them know we are thinking about them during the holidays too. Making people feel special is one of my FAVORITES.



And speaking of the holidays…this week we attempted our Christmas card picture. The brothers hate, hate, haaaaattteee taking these pictures. Me, any pictures are my FAVORITE so it doesn’t bother me and Morgan doesn’t care either way. This is usually a huge ordeal because the brothers don’t cooperate and it takes hours, so finally my mom just started snapping pictures…


…she obviously has a gift for the flattering pictures…


…but we ended up with one that nobody hated so we called it a winner, and were done no more than 5 minutes later!


Merry Christmas from the Middletons!


Speaking of Christmas, I went out with my mom and aunt last night to do some shopping and they take a sweet forever just to go through the aisles of the dollar store. So when we finally made it to Target I was about to keel over, naturally I hopped in the cart like the mature adult that I am.


Notice the fuzzy socks, leggings, and house shoes. #FAVORITE #it’smyuniform


Month 2 Fitness Goals: Week 2 Update

Having goals is one of my very FAVORITE way to keep me accountable. Now, how did I do this week you ask?

  • No eating within an hour of a meal. I did surprisingly well with this goal. I think part of the time I was conscious about it, but most of the time I was just listening to my body so if I wasn’t super hungry I didn’t eat. I’ve really found how much listening to your body makes a difference.
  • No QuestBars or Larabars more than 2 days in a row.  I actually did this one!! I think without even realizing it though. Although some days I did have one and a half, and some days I had some dark chocolate bark things or others in place. But at least i’m cutting back on these!
  • Continue working out 5 days a week. Yep, check! I’ve worked out every day except for yesterday this week. And I probably would have had I not talked myself into taking a break…it’s so needed!
  • Be in bed by 11:00. Nope. In fact, i’m finishing typing this up at 1:00AM. You guys, I told you this was going to be a real deal for me! My uncle even called me out on it when he saw I had texted him late the other night…oops.

Whew! And now this time next week it will be Christmas Eve…can you even believe that?! Ahhhh, I hope the rest of my online shopping arrives by then or things could get #awkward around here 😉

Have a great day!

Friday Favorites: Black Friday Edition

Oh boy! It’s the day after Thanksgiving. We’re all stuffed into our food comas, don’t want to get out of our PJs, and may or may not be debating that Black Friday shopping.

This year, we decided to forgo the crowds. In high school my mom and I would have a blast with Black Friday shopping. The real Black Friday shopping where we’d wake up at 4:00am to get in line at 5:00am. But now it’s just not fun anymore with the stores opening Thanksgiving night.

So i’ll just shop from my office this morning. Let’s get to favorites black friday style! Link-up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci today!



Are you ready for this? Starting November 24th through Monday, November 30thALL Stella & Dot sale items will be reduced by an additional 25% off! Prices will be available as marked and this sale will end at 11:59pm PST on 11/30.

This is the perfect opportunity to load up on pretty pieces to add some flare to your wardrobe this holiday season. Speaking of the holidays, Stella & Dot sales item also make for perfect gifts!

Don’t forget Dot Dollars too! For every $50 you spend, you’ll get $25 Dot Dollars to use towards your next purchase!! These are some of my favorite pieces that they offer.

The engrave-able necklace comes in silver and gold and is a nice gift to personalize, which is also why I like the engrave-able bracelet! I’ve seen names, dates, nicknames, whatever you like. These pieces are classy but also personal.


Blue Sentiment Stone Drops (they are part of the sale page and are at a great price!)

I have this cross necklace that I kinda refuse to take off. I love it so! I’ve wanted one forever and finally got it.


And honestly their entire bracelets page has me HOOKED. From the fabric ones


…to the elephant wishing bracelet


…and the arrow bracelet. I can’t get enough of them.


These studs need to be in your jewelry box by the end of Christmas. I mean, get a pair for you and the girls in your life!!


I haven’t even gotten a chance to peruse Old Navy’s site because ON and Targ are my go-to clothing stores. But I did have a chance to look through Target’s site. AND OH BOY!

I mean 40% off all clothing for the whole family? Pinch me!

I found the festive, Christmas leggings that I wore on Christmas Eve last year for $12.00 that’s right! I pair of festive, cozy, comfy, leggings for 12 bucks. I KNOW.

I’m pretty positive that by now y’all know I am obsessed with my chambray shirt. If I had to pick a favorite thing in my closet, this piece of clothing would be it. I wear it ALL. THE. TIME. (Even in the picture above haha!)

Click here to shop all the deals for women’s clothing and accessories! You really just need to see for yourself!


This is going to be me today. The two of us in HR are taking shifts, i’m working this morning, while she’s taking the afternoon. So as soon as I get there, I’m going to grab myself an Americano or a Blonde Roast Misto, turn on my Christmas Radio Pandora, and shop shop shop for Christmas. It’s pay day (PTL) and i’ve got things to do! It may not be in my pjs but jeans will have to do this morning 😉



Before we go here’s a semi-pathetic Fitness Goals update  for week 3!

  1. No eating after 8:00 p.m. I did this only twice this week, I think??? It usually just depends on the day and when I eat, but i’ve definitely been trying to be more conscious about it!
  2. Meal prep every Sunday for the week ahead following the 21 day fix plan. I still have not meal prepped or followed the 21 day fix food portions. I’m honestly not sure why, but I think I might just save this goal for next time.
  3. Eat 5 small meals without snacking in between those. I think this week I was more often eating less meals and eating until I was full. The thing that stuck out to me this week was that I really just tried listening to my body whenever I could. It’s been so much better!
  4. Work-out 5 days a week. Working out more than that. Check!
  5. Cut down on the carbs. I cut down on the protein bars and shakes. I think carbs have still been about the same as usual though.


Those of you who signed up for the online Bible study should have received an e-mail from me this week. If you did not and would still like to join we’re trying to get this moving, so please e-mail me ASAP!!!!!


And that’s it for this Friday. Good luck braving the crowds today. Or working. Or whatever you’re doing. Have a great Holiday weekend!

**This post contains affiliate links, which just means that clicking on a link may result in a small compensation for the blog author. Thank you all so much for reading and supporting my blog! XOXO**

Friday Favorites: Lots o’ Kids Edition



Friday favorites time!!! Join Andrea, Erika, and Narci by grabbing their graphic and linking up to them.



Sleeping in.


My 8:00am class was cancelled on Friday and I knew that would be my favorite part of the day.  Once I got home from work on Thursday night I got ready for bed and CRASHED. I didn’t set an alarm for the first time in soooo long and I woke up at 10:15. It was the most wonderful thing. I went back to my room and laid in bed for a couple minutes just to soak in the fact that I had slept that long. Apparently I was tired?


Hanging out with kiddos.


Sometimes I wonder why I chose not to go into elementary education or something of that nature, because I love kids. Even though they aren’t my own, my favorite thing is taking care of them, hanging out with them, playing games with them, and making their parents happy by giving them some time to themselves.
Not only did I work this weekend, but I babysat too. Saturday night I hung out with a family that I met through Collin, littlest one I nanny. They are a super sweet family. The top picture is the best picture I could get of the four of us. You can see little feet on the bed, gray pants by the nightstand and yellow shirt running at me!!


Then, I had to stiff arm yellow shirt as he kept trying to knock my phone out of my hand. Haha boys will be boys. When in doubt, stiff arm them out. (This is a joke…no children were harmed in the making of this selfie.) (in fact, he laughed his butt off.)


Bargain finds.

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I babysat for about 7 hours on Sunday for a different family and was lucky enough to get gum stuck in my hair from one of the girls. Needless to say my favorite part of Sunday was my sporadic trip to Target in between Church and babysitting. I tell you. They roped me in. I saw so many sales and so much that I had to have and came back with a bag full of things.
Don’t you love these scarves?? Click to shop them now!! Plus, free shipping on all orders!


Fun texts from friends.


My least favorite part of Monday was this text I received from my girls, Em ‘n Mads. They wanted to eat Monday night to catch up because we all live in different cities around the same area and only get to see each other at work. And I couldn’t go because I nanny. and I missed them!!! They sent me a pic of them Halloween shopping & I got sad 😦
p.s. yes, they call me milky.




Tuesday I was super productive. After my class in the morning my mom and I headed over to the museum. I have to go there for a project in class and she said she would go, so I brought her along with me. Then, it was “me afternoon” while she napped. I got a hair cut, really a trim, and then got my eyebrows waxed. Keeping it real with my selfie. No make-up. However, my favorite football player was on the field that night. Love supporting my little #26.



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You already know there’s gotta be a #nannylife picture every week. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen that on Wednesday I was soccer nanny and sat out at Collin’s soccer practice. Then we came home, got them dinner, and took a couple selfies. My favorite thing about these kids is the fact that they make me smile even on days I may not want to. I got some sad news a couple minutes after getting to their house, but they helped keep my mind off of it.


 Mommy/Daughter day.

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Mommy/daughter days are my absolute favorite in and of itself. She’s going to visit her best friend this weekend, and I always miss her. So I went along with her to run her errands and do what she needed to accomplish. Then, I worked last night so of course I had to get that selfie in.

Oh, one more thing before we go today,
I sent this picture to some of my people.


Smile!!!! It’s the weekend 🙂

WIWW: Target Edition

I’m so excited because today I am linking up with The Pleated Poppy, Get Your Pretty On, and Because Shanna Said So for the first time in their “What I Wore Wednesday” series. You should too! 🙂

pleated poppy

Okay we know I have a problem when it comes to Target, I can’t walk out empty-handed. Like Sunday for example, I went for one little drawer organizer tool, and left with


and entire bag of almost $80 worth of goodies. See. A problem.

I went to Target a couple weeks ago for some fall inspiration and I have to share some outfits that are just PERFECTION. I love, love, loooooove Target. You can go there, find everything and be on your way. Granted you might be there for twelve hours, but at least you have everything!!!

Pssssssttt…..BEFORE WE GET STARTED…..I just want to tell you that all orders are available for FREE SHIPPING starting TODAY! How perfect is that?!?! Take advantage! Save your gas!!!

First up is a denim shirt. The first picture is of Morgan when she wore her denim shirt to get her hair and make-up done for prom. The next two pictures happen to be at Church. I wear my denim shirt a ton!!

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It’s obviously a repeated outfit of mine as you can tell of the selfie of me shopping at Nordstroms. Mom is wearing hers in the picture above on the left, and i’ve got mine under that sweater.

Click HERE for a denim shirt option.

Leopard Slip-Ons


I slipped on these bad boys and really liked them for casual wear.

Leopard Flats


Moms’ particular pair is not online, however this is a good option HERE


A couple weeks ago I did a post…PINTERESTed in: Leopard Flats that you should take a look at for some cute leopard shoes and other options, including the pair that I bought.

Okay…right now i’m just going to say it. Excuse the total creepy smile. I didn’t know my mom was taking the picture, so this is my “getting ready to smile” smile. Don’t look at me, look at the cute clothes!!

Scarf HERE (I wear this one a lot!!!!) (Buy one, get one 50% off deal!)
Green legging pants HERE
Similar white blouse HERE (couldn’t find the original online)

Scarf HERE
Green legging pants HERE
Blue blouse HERE

Same outfit, but adding this new piece of clothing (that you’ll find me obsessing over) makes it look brand spankin’ new.

Scarf HERE
Green legging pants HERE
Blue blouse HERE
Crotchet Vest HERE (Only $20 now, but could be $10 with B1G150%!!)


Plaid top HERE
Crotchet Vest HERE
Gray legging pants HERE


Blue Floral Scarf HERE (Part of the Buy one, get one 50%!!)
Crotchet Vest HERE
Essential Gray Legging Pants HERE
Red Tank Option HERE (Mine isn’t online anymore!! Ugh.)

Here I am re-creating that outfit for another night!!


Crotchet Vest HERE
Red Tank Option HERE
Leopard Scarf Option HERE
Leopard Flats HERE
& those capri’s i’ve had forever!


And a couple weekends ago when I went to a baby shower, I wore this outfit from Old Navy! It was inspired by my Booties and Bluejeans October PinSpired. Feel free to hop on over and take a look!

Happy Day!!!
One more thing…

PS – This post contains affiliate links, which just means that if you click on a link and purchase what I’ve linked to, I’ll receive a commission. Thank you for reading and for supporting my blog! Love y’all!

PINTERESTed In: Closet Organization

Mornin’, y’all!

“PINTERESTed In” is a new series that I started last month. I was really inspired by Mel, Sheaffer, and Shay in their Pin-spired posts, and I started participating in them. However,  instead of just being about clothes I thought I would use “PINTERESTed In”  to be for every category. Thus, last month was shoes, and now closet organization.

I know we’ve talked about it during the peek inside my room, but again, I have a tiny closet. When I was in the guest room that closet was impossible to deal with. Those closets remind me of a mouse hole. You can barely fit in them. Now that I have one of the upstairs rooms, the closet is still super small, but i’ve been able to do some things with it. I mean i’ve lived in a dorm room, and having that “closet” makes this one feel ginormous to me. I’m a total organization junkie. Tell me to organize something and before you finish your sentence i’ll be on my way to the container store. 😉 I started seeing all sorts of closet organizing pins on Pinterest, and some of the ideas below I used from my own noggin or got inspiration from seeing the products in stores. Let’s go to my closet, we’ve got a long way to walk!

This is looking directly into my closet from my room/bathroom area.


The dresser is a really old piece of furniture from when my dad was young. My parents have a hard time throwing the darn trash away, much less a piece of furniture. This dresser is pretty big, so although it doesn’t match anything I can totally deal. And I can always refurnish it if I want. And I don’t have a choice anyways, haha.

First thing is first. I see my scarves in my closet!!! And my belts. I don’t think you can see as well as I thought you could, but that belt hanger spins around. I was totally sold on that and I love that I don’t have to take all the belts off the hanger to get to one that happens to be on the very bottom. My scarfs are just in the little “scarf organizer” so I can see them all. I’m pretty sure if you click right here you will be able to find more than half of them. On some major sales too. What, my favorite word????? 🙂


And then in the “old closet” I was totally annoyed because whenever I went to get a bracelet, or earrings, or a watch out of my jewelry box they would always tangle because I had so many in such a small box…So here it is before


and using  my “Pinterests” in this Stella and Dot organizer. Drooling.


that one is sold out, but here’s another option
loving the bracelets like I am?!
This is after….I know mine is such a bare bracelet holder compared to the one above, but guess what’s on my Christmas list??? And the picture on the right is my “little black dress” holding each pair of my earrings in their own pouch so I can see them. The back of my closet door holds my robes.

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And i’m kicking myself for not taking a before picture of my “little black dress” because you didn’t see the mess I had with all my necklaces. That’s where they used to be, then I saw this Pinterest picture from Place of my Taste….


and I was Pinterested because I liked the fact that she can see all of her jewelry pieces. I tried getting a picture where you can see all of mine, so I had to take it from the floor up. Whenever I walk in I have no problem trying to untangle or find my necklaces and it makes me giddy every time I walk in my closet. haha. giddy. 🙂


Then the next goodie I found was this scented shelf paper, I thought i’d try it out…so far so good!


My bottom shelf on the right holds my tanks and sweatshirts


My top shelf holds my long sleeves/jackets/dresses/skirts. I’m currently in the process of organizing them by color because i’m OCD like that.


Last but not least I took a before picture of my shoes. I despised when it was like this picture below!!!!! I could never find any shoe, and I forgot I had some and they would be bent when I found them, and it had to change. So this is before….


during, while I found the Pinterest picture…


and after….

I really liked that the picture above could see all of the shoes, but the bookcase thing would not work for me. I found this little ol’ organizer, and put it up. Now I can look at all my shoes and be even more giddy!


So after I took this picture, a couple days later I brought down my winter clothes from the attic….shoe mess!! But have no fear, the organizer is here!!

Hope you’ve enjoyed.
Click to see my first PINTERESTed In: Leopard Flats

Weekend Recap: Totally Beat Edition

Wanna know why it’s the totally beat weekend? Because….I worked all. dang. weekend. long. And I haven’t run since Monday, and I cleaned my room Saturday and now it’s messy again, and I didn’t get to have my weekly phone call with grandpa, and I didn’t get to write for the blog at all this weekend and school. And I just want to whine.

But i’ll get over it because we have my totally rad and exciting weekend to chat about, you know…. 😉
I consider Thursdays to be weekends for some reason. But in my head weeks run Monday-Sunday. So i’m all sorts of scattered. Anyways, I worked Thursday night. #waitresslife. And I got home and was super excited because my 8:00am Friday was cancelled….AKA no class. AKA sleep my butt off. So yes, I woke up at 10:15 on Friday and I immediately heard that angel chorus. Little did I know how much I would need that sleep-in. A neighbor came over at 11 for my help with something and was here until 2. By that time Morgan was home and we had to help mom with something. I don’t know, I can’t even remember back that far. What…….


I worked the dinner shift Friday night, so I didn’t get home until very late that night.


And then Saturday I worked the lunch shift, so I was back at it (I need to take a new work selfie so you don’t have to keep looking at the same thing, this is just #waitresslife)


While I was at work I received a text asking me to babysit Saturday night. And so I did…I got home from work with an hour and a half to spare. I ate, cleaned my room, and left to babysit wrestle with kiddos for the night.


I’m kidding, we only wrestled a little bit. But we cuddled up in front of the tv with some popcorn and watched Mr. Peabody and Sherman before bedtime.

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Morgan and Rick’s homecoming dance was Saturday night. I already told you Rick was a totally cool freshman and didn’t go to the dance, only to his friends house at midnight to hang out with some people. Morgan didn’t go to the dance either, but instead dressed up with the soccer team and went to dinner and hung out.


Saturday night I got home and was super tired, so I crashed. I woke up the next morning and realized I slept in but thought I could still make it to Church, so I hustled out the door looking at hot mess to get there. And I was late..go me ❤


After Church I had to run some errands that I couldn’t get around to this past week because of my busy week school-wise. Most of it was returns, but I also had to run by Target to get an organizer for one of my drawers. And then I saw this….


Buy one, get one 50% fall fashion scarves on the website!!!

and then I ended up with about $100 worth of stuff because they pulled me into their trap and I can’t help it!!


but seriously….

Target is having a buy one, get one 50% off sweaters & jeans sale!!!

So yeah, after I spent a lot of time in Target, I got home in enough time to eat and go babysit a different family while their parents went to the Cowboys game.

They played outside and at the park…

Oh yeah, and got gum stuck in my hair. #babysitterlife



And I came home, and typed this post, and fell asl


I hope your weekend was full of a relaxing nothing 🙂
If you need me i’ll be hibernating.

What’s on…your feet?

Today I’m linking up I thought I was linking up with Andrea for her “what’s on…?” series. However, this morning on her blog was about her cute friend Manda and her battle with cancer. My heart aches for Manda and her family. So, I am praying for her.

I still thought today I would post this month what’s on…your feet. How funny, because I posted about what was on my feet all last week!

what's on

Monday was the FAV THINGS PARTY where I featured comfy, furry boots and slippers from Target. First up, is wintery shoes.

Check them all because it’s still BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF SHOES AT TARGET!!!

Aka…buy THESE (5/5 stars)

target boots

And get THESE (4.5/5 stars) and

target moccasins

THESE for $10, you guys!!

(Ps these got 5/5 stars)

target slippers

I also found these slippers, that you could potentially get for $6.50
WHAT?! Do I need to say that again??? SIX DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS!!! These slippers look so perfect for slipping on early morning in the fall and winter. Honestly, i’d probably wear these in the spring and summer too. But i’m just weird like that 😉

knit slippers

Then, my wednesday pin-spired was: booties and bluejeans! So falltch! (get it, instead of so fetch, mean girls reference, anyone?? yeah that was pretty stupid. okay i’ll stop)

By the way, I don’t know why this picture looks so funny, but I wore my booties and bluejeans Saturday to a baby shower.


booties-ruthie booties-anya booties-marley bootie-mollys


and this just in….ladies and gents….


THIS pair of booties (the nikita) is now on clearance for $20.98 and available for the buy one get one 50% off deal.

GET. TO. SHOPPING. Shoes don’t wait!!!

Now, when i’m working out, these bad boys (ASICS Women’s GEL-Noosa Tri 9 Running Shoe) are on my feet. And I love them, at first they felt weird and I was unsure about them, but we have grown to get along very well and I realized I wasn’t used to all that padding and support in tennis shoes because I always had nike frees and let’s be honest those are just meant for looks.

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When i’m hanging out with my girls at the fair/rodeo these Western Bootsare on my feet.


And if you read my PINTERESTed in post back on the 24th you saw about my love for these leopard flats. I’m sorry for the caps below and everywhere, but i’m just SO excited! The flats are




And the fact that I talked mom into getting herself a pair 🙂
Her specific pair is not online, but the link above is a close match…also on sale!


I took some pics for ya yesterday for what my feet were sportin’ and…that’d be some sandals. It was kind of warm to me yesterday and when I went to yoga in the morning I wanted something that could be easily taken off.


Like so…


And then at Church I had on some leopard flip flops to match my leopard scarf. Hehe, of course!


I got my leopard flip flops (I know it is hard to tell) a long time ago, and i’m actually trying to replace them because I use them so dang much, i’m considering this cute pair though!

As I was looking last night, I saw that there is a HUGE SALE going on right now for heels and flats at Target!! And what better timing than fall/before Christmas???

If you don’t need anything for yourself don’t worry about it, do some Christmas shopping friends. Bargains, bargains, bargains!! I could go on, but i’m going to stop because…this is overwhelming. Comment and tell me what you get and what you love!

Happy Monday!

#everydaymollay: September

#everydaymollay are the day in my life posts for every month towards the end of the month. I took my pictures on Monday, so you could see what I day in the life of Molly on a Monday looks like.

Monday morning was a little different than normal, because, Monday.

My alarm went off at 7:00am and I hopped right up to post my Fav Things Party and look at all the other fun things.


by 7:45 I was up and out the door for my 8:00am. No time for real clothes!


And I got a front row spot. Take that, Monday!!!


Then when I got home mom and I turned on The Today Show. And I had my big ol’ cup of coffee and an english muffin for breakfast.


Windows down, scarf on with real clothes, sass happening, hair crazy, #selfiestatus going, I headed over to Target to pick up a baby outfit for my friend’s baby shower this weekend.


How cute is this onesie??


Then when I came home I grabbed some trail mix and mom and I went together to pay some bills, and hit groc-a-holics other favorite grocery store…Wally world.


When we got back at 3:45 I ate scarfed down some Tilapia because at 3:00 I went to the bus stop to pick up my kiddos I nanny.


Littlest one went to play with a friend so Miss. Avery and I played a game of Life and ate some popcorn.


And the oldest came home and I had to follow him as he did his running.


He didn’t go to practice that, so he did some homework, while I got to also. Then when both boys were home I got them some dinner while I snacked on some fruit, chicken, and whatever else they had that was gluten-free/lactose-free.


Collin (littlest) and I had to pick up Avery at 8:30 from gymnastics. So he read a book while I went all #selfiestatus as we waited for her outside.


I didn’t get home until 10:30 Monday night (which is not my usual Monday). And y’all, i’ll be 50 and my mom will still be waiting up for me to get home before she will fall asleep. Even when I was at OU she’d send an occasional text message checking on me. Maybe she’s crazy, but I love her for it. And if her waiting up for me makes her happy, i’m all about it! 😉


(Ps. She did stay up until I got home…I was wrong for even thinking she was kidding about going to sleep.)

And as soon as I got home I read through my Bible a bit and then prayed and was asleep by 11:30.


It’s nothing super exciting, just an average Monday in the life of a student/nanny/daughter/friend.
I’ll see you back here for some Friday Favorites, dear friends! One day ’til the weekend!!

October Pin-spired: Booties and Bluejeans

It’s my first time linking up with Shay, Sheaffer, and Mel for Pin-spired and i’m so excited!!pinspired2 copy

Now that it’s finally October, we will officially be getting into fall clothes. I’ve been wearing some fall clothes even when our weather is in the 80s, but it will be sooooo much better with the cooler, crisp weather. Like Monday registered 85 degrees in my car and guess what I wore?

Scarf HERE
Military green v-neck HERE
Jeans HERE

Hahaha I probably got looks from people like, does she know what temperature it is outside? Oh well 🙂

On to bigger and better things…


(funny story…Avery, the little one I nanny, saw I typed “booties” into my phone and asked why I was looking for butts..oh honey, wait ’til you get older and learn the more important definition of bootie)

So, I saw all kinds of pictures of booties on Pinterest.

booties4 booties2 booties3    booties7booties8booties11

And different ways to wear them.

booties5 booties

And different kinds.


And I was just overloaded with cuteness, that I had to go see what the fuss was about….

I have a couple pairs of booties, but only black. My shoe collection is sadly nothing to be proud of, however, it is growing!!!!

Sorry this second picture below is so blurry, but these I just had to try first…guess what the name was? Molly! They remind me of combat boots, but in bootie style. They really stuck out to me when I was looking at shoes to try on.



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The next pair I found came in tan and black. I tried on the black in these.



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These heel booties I tried on in grey. I thought they were super cute, but it had a pretty big heel for me. If you like big heels, these are perfect for you!



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This pair was what I think of when I think of booties. Just a normal ol’ black pair of short ankle boots that look fantastic with bluejeans rolled up!




I personally thought these booties were perfect for a little extra height, and they didn’t feel uncomfortable. I like that they had padding under the toes as well and the lace-up front. These would be SO CUTE in the cognac color too.



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These however, were my absolute favorite of all the booties I tried on. They were so comfortable and so easy to wear.




And do you know what I really like about booties? My faaaaavorite thing? No? Okay, i’ll tell you. They can be worn during all four seasons…cue the angel chorus! Just tell me how adorable these girls look with their skirts/dresses/shorts and booties for spring and summer. Love. It.

booties-shorts booties-shorts2 booties-shorts4 boties-shorts3


P.s. Here’s some bluejeans for ya to put with your booties.

Click HERE to shop Target’s skinnys.

targetjeans targetjeans2 targetjeans3

Shop your booties off for some booties 😉 and bluejeans!

Fav Things Party

All fall favorites under $10, y’all! Linking up with Andrea and Erika!

Favorite Things PArty

1. This Essie nail polish.


Actually, you know what. ALL essie nail polish for that matter. This color is just what I put on Saturday and the polish is $8.49 a bottle. I got a light blue for my mom, sister, and I to wear to the beach this past summer. Last week my mom put on a Revlon color and said “I’m throwing all these bottles of Revlon polish away and we’re getting Essie from now on.” This is serious if pack-rat Polly (aka my mother) is wanting to throw something away!!! This stuff stays on so long and it covers REALLY well. This bottle is dark blue/purple/black looking polish and I love it for fall.


2. Ice Sparkling Water

ice drink

Okay, this is the best drink. The lemon-lime in particular, tastes just like Sprite, so if you’re trying to get away from soda this might be a good way to do it, and there’s carbonation in the drink. I know some people are just addicted to the carbonation. This is $1.00 at Target right now, I saw a special going on. When you’re there getting groceries or shopping, snag one to put in your basket!

3. Target

We already know about my love affair with Target from my PINTERESTed in post, but look.

THESE boots right here are buy one get on 50% off!

So buy these boots here

target boots

and get these slippers below for 50% off, making them $10

target slippers

or these moccasins

target moccasins


Let me tell you. I’ve had all three pair of these shoes (which recently have come out for fall online at Target) and i’ve worn them so many times that i’m getting another pair because i’m scared they might give out soon. Perfect and cozy for fall!

4. Christian Reading

I haven’t read any of these books yet, but I have heard good things about them, so I will be ordering them and reading them soon. Reading is such a relaxing thing to do when you have some quiet hours.

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life


The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands


The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts


5. Scarves

Targ is having some major sales right now. And this scarf is only $12….but buy 2, save 15% & buy 3, save 25% and this knit will go with everything! So love it!


There’s 11 colors, go check it out!!

And shop at Target’s clearance section for all sorts of deals!! Happy Monday funday!

PINTERESTed in: Leopard Flats

I decided to start a new series today called “PINTERESTed in” where i’ll find something all over Pinterest and just have to show you because it really interests me…get it?? They will be things that you just have to have. Feel free to link up to me!

So friends, if you’ve been hanging around here long enough you are well aware of my love affair with leopard print. You know that

leopSo, that being said I just got this pair of leopard flats AND I’M IN LOVE. Really and truly, why get married, when I have already found my soulmate. Yes! they go with EVERYTHING…and get this?! $17….SEVENTEEN DOLLARS. Look at that again. $17 for a soulmate. Yep, never getting married.

I even talked my mom into buying herself a pair. And she just couldn’t put them back because of how comfortable they were. I totally sold her on the idea that they can match just everything! (Her pair not online, sorry!)

IMG_1931 IMG_1932


leopard ona

HERE they are. I like them because they are scrunchy and form fitting.

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Don’t like my pair? I’ve found you others!!!

leopard odell

Women’s Odell Flats HERE

leopard trina

Leopard Trina Loafers HERE



Sorry this picture is so blurry. BUT LOOK AT THE CUTE BOW!
Sam and Libby Chelsea Bow HERE

f2601a38dce521d8c8f582dac594f71fMadeline Flats (Model #2) HERE

So you look at my picture and say, yeah Molly those look okay, but why do I want these? Because friend, all. the. cool. people. are. doing. it. I’ve found similar clothing items all from Target (because…bargains), they are having a special deal going on!! Please know these are not exact. However,  spend $50, get FREE shipping. FREE RETURNS. AND BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF CLOTHING, SHOES, AND ACCESSORIES!!!!

 Ashley Olson has paired hers with a leather jacket, white shirt, and distressed jeans.


Black leather jacket HERE
A White blouse HERE
Cute distressed jeans HERE
Similar black tote HERE

Sheaffer over at Pinterest Told Me To has hers paired with a brown/cognac leather jacket and stripped dress.


Cream Stripe Dress HERE
Juniors Floor Length Stripe Dress HERE
 Leather Jacket HERE (select Cognac)
Gold Jewelry that would look great with Cognac HERE

Shay over at Mix and Match Family has hers paid will rolled-up jeans, and a buffalo check shirt. She always says Leopard is a neutral. I totally agree!! How else would it go with everything??

shay leopard

Similar plaid tunic HERE
Light roll-up jeans HERE

Random Pinterest model #1 has hers with just a regular ol’ sweatshirt and jeans.


Similar color pull-over sweater HERE
Essential Jeans HERE
Leopard print sunglasses HERE (I had to!!!)
Black stiff tote HERE

 Random Pinterest model #2 has hers with a white blouse, and red jeans.


Red leggings HERE
Flowy White blouse HERE
White statement Pearl Necklace HERE
Women’s Leopard Flats HERE
Love your pairing with the leopard belt, model #2. Well done.

Radom Pinterest model #3 is looking comfy and casual with blue shorts, a plain black shirt, and a statement necklace. And a delicious looking drink, whatever it is.  leop9

Blue shorts (on clearance) HERE
Simple black blouse HERE
Statement necklace HERE

And cute Pinterest model #4 has her black leggings and long red coat. Cozy!!!


 Black leggings/skinny jeans HERE
Red Coat HERE
Women’s Red Jacket (Check out the dress underneath) HERE
 Paired With Black Jeans HERE
Similar Black Purse HERE

AND PEOPLE! You can’t let this adorable little girl show you up??? Get. The. Flats. TODAY! You won’t be disappointed.


Here are more options and color combinations thrown together for you:

leop8 leop3

Happy Shopping! Live on, leopard!

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