This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘farm’

September 11, 2014

First of all, I just want to say that I have a heavy heart today for those affected 13 years ago during the 9/11 terrorist attack.


I still remember this picture like I saw it for the first time yesterday. I was in second grade when this happened and our bus driver made an announcement that after school we shouldn’t play outside. In fact, my neighbor’s sister was on one of those planes. It’s just horrific and sad.

But, on a brighter note! G TURNS 94 TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeek! I love me some G-Paw!

This my mom’s dad. He owns his farm in Iowa. He is so succesful. I wrote about it a little this summer. He was in World War II and he always tells us the story about the time he got shot in the butt. So funny. He’s 94 years old and goes to coffee every morning, drives himself places, and still gets around on his own. He’s in such good spirits. This picture is him standing by a memorial for WWII veterans with his name on one of the plaques.


This is a picture of my grandpa and grandma. Aren’t they just CUTE???


Grandpa will be goofy with us whether he wants to or not 🙂

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Grandpa always makes it hard to say goodbye at the end of summer.

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This is our 3 generations picture 🙂 We look nothing alike!!!! Everyone tells me i’m a carbon copy of my dad.


Grandpa still likes to play cards with us. This time we were the winners! He’s so good at cards too.


Grandpa has the funniest sense of humor and he is always a blast to be around. I told you, we talk on the phone every week. It’s true, about 20 minutes every week we play catch-up.


He’s just an all-around genuine person. This is him and my dad shucking corn one summer.


Here’s grandpa and 2/6 of his kids. (My momma is so purdy isn’t she???)


This is grandpa and all of his grandkids at the oldest grandkids’ wedding.


Of course I had to get my own photo shoot with him that day.

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Here we are comparing noses, because my mom has the worlds biggest nose and she definitely gets it from my gramps!


Gramps is the only living grandparent I have left so I try to cherish every moment we get together.Like eating frog legs, going to the fair, helping him pick out a bed, just some fun little things.


He’s testing out his new bed here, y’all. He stayed there for a looooong while.


Another sad goodbye 😦

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Can’t wait to see him next summer. And i’m so jealous of my mom and sister for getting to spend his special day with him today. Next year we get to go to his birthday party in september because it’s the big 9-5!! Wahoo!

So here ya have it, a special day, for a special person. Love my grandfather.

Everyday Mollay: A Day in The Life

The end of the month means another Everyday Mollay! This is going to be a farm edition because i’m at my grandpa’s this week, wahoo!

I couldn’t sleep for some reason so I woke up and the clock said 3:30. I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn’t so I got out of bed. And it was


FOUR THIRTY. And surprisingly I wasn’t that tired. But I was hungry…so I had a bowl of cereal.


And then I couldn’t fall asleep again so I read from about 4:30-6.


I guess while I was reading I finally was able to fall asleep because the next time I woke up it was about 10, so of course I had to have a cup of coffee.


After coffee I decided it was time to go over and play with some puppies at my Aunt and Uncle’s dog farm. I had some help from puppy with the blog that morning.


We went back to grandpa’s for dinner. Garlic bread, peas, rice, and swiss chicken. “Dinner” on the farm is the best.


After dinner mom and I spent the early afternoon baking fresh pies. This was the beginnings of a peach pie.


Ry was begging mom to let him drive on the highway. So, he did. Full speed ahead! Kidding, he was pretty good.


Everywhere we turn is a cousin in my grandpa’s small town. So, we went to one of our cousins houses to take whatever we wanted from his garden.


We got back, and almost half the peach pie was eaten. Grrrraaanndpaaaaa…..?


And then, naturally, before supper we had to go play with more puppies.


I must have forgotten our supper picture, because I couldn’t find one. Or maybe we just snacked. Time gets away from us out here on the farm. We sat around and talked for a little bit after supper and went to bed pretty early. I read more of my book and fell asleep quickly. As soon as I finish this book I will give you my review 🙂


So that’s it, just your average day on the farm. Puppies, relaxing, and the outdoors. It goes by quickly, but it was fun!

Wordless Wednesday
















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