This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Archive for the ‘Home’ Category

Show and Tell: Your Hometown

Every other Tuesday I link up with Andrea and we show and tell about ourselves!

Momfess-Show and Tell Tuesday 2016

This week we’re talking…Hometowns.

Every time I think of my hometown, I think of Carrie Underwood’s song “Thank God for Hometowns”. It couldn’t be more true. When I would drive back from Norman I would blast this song as I was pulling up into my driveway and it would make me happy. In case you haven’t heard it, listen to it:

This song reminds me of college!

I grew up in Frisco, Texas. It’s a suburb about 25 miles north of Dallas. We moved here when I was just weeks into Kindergarten. While I can still remember Virginia and our house there, Texas is home.


When we moved here in 1999 the population was about 33,000 people. I went to school on a winding dirt road. There was nothing out here. Now in 2016, there’s about 150,000 people and growing. It’s so crazy!


This is our downtown area where there are many shops and restaurants. We don’t go there too often, but on the right side of this picture is where our “Snowcone Lady” had her little shop. It was just a shed and she would have lines down the road of people wanting snow cones. She put her kids through college with her stand and was the sweetest lady. I always got the wedding cake. We loved going there as a treat after a long, hot day of swimming in the summer!


Where to View the Best Christmas Light Displays in Frisco

This is another part of our downtown during Christmas. You can drive through this downtown area and if you turn your radio to a certain station the Christmas lights will flash along with the music.


The Athletic Shoulder Workshop in Frisco, TX

Near our downtown, we have this Heritage center. I’ve actually never been here, but heard it’s amazing. The restaurant I waited tables at all through high school is right next door to here. And fun fact: real cotton grows in front of the Heritage center.


Toyota Stadium is right across from the flashing Christmas lights part of our downtown and is home to FC Dallas, our Major League Soccer team by day and any kind of concert by night. The Women’s National Team was here a couple weeks ago playing Mexico. Jimmy Buffet comes every May. Blake Shelton, Sam Hunt, Eric Church, Chris Young, Chase Rice, Jana Kramer and more will be here for The Off The Rails concert in April. Dying to go to that concert!!! A lot of our high school football games were played in this stadium as well.


And our newest addition is the Dallas Cowboys practice stadium. It should be completed this year or next, and it is HUGE. Hey Jerry, your girl is graduating in August and needing a job!!!! 😉


We also have Dr. Pepper ballpark where the Frisco Roughriders play. They are the AA “feeder” team to the Texas Rangers. When Josh Hamilton got hurt, he came down to play for the Riders and it was the most packed I have ever seen it…obviously. My brother might try to get a job here, which would be SO FUN! I’d love that.


On the other side of the parking lot from Roughriders stadium is Ikea. It’s a HUGE furniture store that people drive hours to come to. I had a professor from OU once e-mail me during break to say that she was coming and thought of me because she knew I lived here.

And of course we have our mall, lots of shopping, tons of restaurants, and plenty of sights to see…but really,

It’s where I went to all my school dances.

It’s where I met all of my awesome friends.

It’s where I got my first job.

It’s where I know all the short cuts to any place I want to go.

It’s where all my memories are. Like my boyfriend and I breaking up in Toyota Stadium. Haha 😉 Although it wasn’t funny at the time.

It’s where we learned chores, where I learned to love cooking, where I learned to love exercising.

It’s where I learned to drive.

It’s where I found my Church and my love for the kids there.

It’s where we’ve spent all of our days. Rain or shine.

So many classmates of mine would always complain about “there’s nothing to do”…are you kidding?!?! We are so blessed to have been able to grow up in Frisco, Texas and I don’t take it for granted.

Frisco is my story. It’s who I am. And made me who I am.

Thanks for visiting home with me today, friends! 🙂

For more posts about home:

5 Things I love about Texas
Show and Tell: My Home
Colors of Life: A Homebody
Or look at the posts with the Home category.

In case you missed any of my S&T Tuesdays for 2016:

Momfessional Moments (I didn’t participate)
How To Win My Heart
Favorite Pinterest Pins (This was during my blog break)

And here are all my 2015 Show and Tell posts.

Happy Tuesday!

Show and Tell: Your Home


Today is another “Show and Tell Tuesday” with Andrea at Momfessionals. I cropped the picture so you could see what the rest of the year is going to look like. Go ahead and join in with us!!

Because i’m out of town right now and I don’t have the access to take pictures around my house, i’ll catch all of you up (new and old friends) on posts i’ve previously done around my house. It’ll be a semi-tour of our home. Some of these posts were done a while ago, so things might have changed (but you’ll get the picture) 😉

Home Organization
Closet Organization
Organization Tips and Tricks (Where I talked about my home)
Our Laundry Room
My Home Work-Space
Our Game Room
My Room
My Favorite Room In Our House

I think that pretty much covers all of my posts to date of our house. But my verrrryyy favorite place in my house is this…


…the balcony upstairs. I just “found it” ( I knew it was there, but I just now started using it) and I love that it’s kind of become my little space. And that’s it – plain and simple – my home 🙂

A Few Reminders:

Taralynn’s contacted me last week to let me know she gave y’all 30% off with code:


You know for this tank,


this skirt,


this outfit,


These bracelets,

watch IMG_4266 - Version 2

And these hoodies!

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Shop them all RIGHT HERE but before you check out don’t forget that you can get 30% off with our code and FREE SHIPPING!!!!

– This is the last day to comment below with any questions you have for me that you want answered. I’ll be posting them this week and i’d love to have a bunch of questions that you want answered!

Have a Happy Tuesday! XOXO

Show and Tell: Organization Tips and Tricks!


Today’s Show and Tell is all about our personal organization and tips. And if you know me you know this is SO up my alley. In fact, everything that I wanted to include was in my photo gallery already because i’ve posted about organization. I love. being. organized.

Organizing just makes me feel so much more put together when I feel like i’m going all sorts of directions. This is probably my guilty pleasure. I’ve been known to spend a couple $100 on organization stuff. I don’t know, maybe that’s just gossip. Maybe that’s true. Sooooooo today i’ve listed organizational tips from different parts of my life.

Home Office


I have my work office and my home office. In my home office ( a credenza turned desk), I usually keep all my personal paperwork (paystubs, medical records, receipts, etc). I usually put all my papers into these folders right away because I hate when there are random papers laying around on my desk. I labeled these folders with different colors; usually I can remember the colors associated with each: To do-green, to file-pink, to read-yellow and there are more of these, don’t you worry!. If you were a teacher you could put: To grade. Another good idea for bills is: To pay. You know, that type of thing.




I recently re-organized my closet. Check it out right here and see what I did. I love this jewelry box, my Uncle made it for me, however I couldn’t see all of my pieces of jewelry. One day I went to The Container Store and got this bracelet three-tier organizer and I really like it. I can see everything I have. The only difficulty is if I want something from the middle, but those are usually the pieces I don’t wear as often.





When I was using our guest room closet and when I was in my dorm room I used this bucket to hold all my shoes. Again, I couldn’t see anything and it was irritating when I was in a hurry or couldn’t find the match to a shoe I was looking for. So at Bed Bath and Beyond one day I snatched this shoe organizer and it’s awesome. I can see everything and it’s all organized!





We are right now in the process of re-organizing our attic and getting rid of things we don’t need. It’s crazy right now, but usually we have everything in sections (Dad’s stuff, Christmas, Kids’ stuff, Mom’s fabric, etc) We label all of our boxes, so we know what’s in everything instead of it being a guessing game. The picture above right is what we put all of our wrapping paper in to keep it together. Wrapping paper thrown everywhere = unwrapped disaster.

Spiritual Life

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Organization in your spiritual life is super important. These three things above left usually go everywhere together when they are with me, i’m thinking they should probably be glued together. Except, at Church I usually leave my Jesus Calling at home. I think setting aside specific time in your spiritual life is key. I love to highlight all over my Bible, I use those sticky tabs to mark certain sections or verses I want to memorize. And now i’m going to begin using this Daily Devotional printable from Emily Ley’s sight during my Quiet Times. Maybe this will help you too?



We organized our pantry this past fall. All of our extras went on the top shelf of our pantry and everything is now organized into labeled buckets within the pantry. Yes!!!! It’s an organized girl’s heaven.

Physical Life

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I’ve probably said it once before and I’m sure i’ll say it again, but working out is the. best. thing. you can do for yourself. It really is. Check out my running post here to see what I mean. I stay organized in my physical life and keep healthy by that LuLuLemon bag in the picture right above here. I keep a spare everything in that bag and all I have to do is pick it up and go work out. It’s a lifesaver!

I hope you got some ideas today. I’m sure there will be way more where this came from 😉 Stay organized, people! It really does change things!

PS. If you’re having a bad day, just think…you could be me sitting in classes for 12 hours. Hmmm, suddenly that traffic isn’t so bad, huh?

21 part one

Yes, the infamous 21st birthday weekend has come and gone. I feel like I took a jillion and a half pictures this weekend, so i’m going to split it up into two different days.

“EEP, I’m almost 21”


Just kidding, the Emily’s both texted me and asked what I was wearing to the basketball game we were going to later that night and when I said probably what I wore to work they MADE ME stop what I was doing, take a selfie, and send it to them. How needy….am I right? But let’s not act like it was that big of a problem for me 🙂

Through my work, the employees got to request tickets for the Texas Legends basketball game because it was Miracle League night and we sponsor The Miracle League. I requested the max (10) and brought along Emily #1 and Emily #2 and then told my siblings there was 2 tickets left, so I let them argue who got it. Morg and Ryan won.


I had to take pictures of us. You know, to document that we are in fact friends. It worked out perfectly because they both knew of each other from the restaurant we all worked at.


And that picture above was apparently “too awkward” (thank you Morgan) so we had to take another.


And then strike a pose (we got to the game a little early, can you tell?)


And I didn’t like any of them so Morgan had to get it at a different angle.


And then after still not liking any, I gave up. Here’s a quick snap of the boys! All photos by MorgMiddPhotog because i’m sure you’ll be asking 😉


And this is our motley crew!!!! Nice selfie taking skills Morg, you do a sister proud!


We were serenaded by an elementary school choir singing God Bless America (so cute!) before the game.


And then we moved seats because ours sucked. And we watched the game from there.


The Emily’s had a little one crushing on them and making faces at them. He obviously did not want to be there but he was seriously giving us a good laugh! At one point I winked at him to see what he would do and he just stared at me and turned around. Too bad I creep little kids out 😉

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Hey girl, you single?


This game was suuuuuuuuuuuuper boring and I would have been disappointed had we paid for these tickets. There was too much going on, it was loud, kids were playing games on the sidelines, people were talking on the mic during the game, someone smelled like illegal substance. It was just all around bad. Nobody said they wanted to leave because they wanted to stay there for me, which is super sweet!!! Finally I was the one that said we should go because everyone was pretty much hating themselves at this point! Haha. So we left at half.

We went to Chili’s because Jowers was starving, the other girls wanted a milkshake, and I didn’t want to go home. We attempted another picture, but I again didn’t like it. Ugh!


There were fries involved…’nuff said. Plenty of grease. Plenty of smiles around the table.

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We drove through steak ‘n shake so everyone could get a shake because chili’s doesn’t make them anymore. And then we all went to our separate places and fell asleep.

Saturday morning I slept until 11:00, so yes I wasted the entire morning. But no worries I ran some errands for my momma, including a run by the grocery store for her.


Then we took some furniture to dad’s office. So here I am in the back with lamps, pictures, and a table.

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I swear my mom has been there every day for the last I don’t know how long trying to get his office set up for him, everything in it’s place, pictures hung, etc. It sounds hard being a wife 😉


When we got home it was late in the afternoon so I made some food and caught up on Parenthood.


And after that I decided to go to the Saturday night service at my Church because I knew I wasn’t going to get up early to go Sunday if I was heading out to brunch at 10:30.


The message was good and challenged me a little for this upcoming year, so i’m glad I made it. I came home and sat by the fire and blogged a little for part of the night.


UPDATE: Check out part 2 here

Come on In…Laundry Rooms & GIVEAWAY!

momfessionals come on in

Linking up with Andrea today for the Laundry Room edition of Come on In.
Our laundry room is in just about the worst possible place it could be in a house. It’s right inside the back door, so in order to get in the house from the garage you have to go through the laundry room. And it gets loud when you’re trying to watch tv in the kitchen.

So looking in from the door to the garage this is what you see. Looks like someone has some work to do today!


Let’s zoom in on this awesome sign I got mom for Christmas last year. Brilliant. Perfect. So true.


Check out our washer hahah


and dryer that doesn’t match the washer. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!


Above the washer is our laundry chute (that I frequent)


This is the chute in the game room leading to the laundry room.


And moms’ very very very favorite laundry soap that she gets by the gallons. Yall my sheets smell so good after this. Sooooooo good. I lay in bed to smell my sheets. That’s weird. Let’s forget I said that.


And this is our laundry room leading to the garage from the kitchen. It becomes our recycle bin before our recyle bin haha. The sink next to the dryer is where we bleach clothes and under that sink holds our beach towels.


That’s it. A little ol’ room that everyone hates. 🙂 Also, DON’T FORGET….

This is so awesome. Purchase a cute scarf through my trunk show!!

Click to shop now and I promise you won’t be disappointed! Because these people Anna Kendrick, Des from the Bachelorette, and Candace Cameron Burre weren’t ❤

s&dannak s&dbrac s&ddeshart
Candace-Cameron-Bure-JaniceFlorenceSerenity pin-closetorgbrac


For a pair of Janice studs or a wishing bracelet of your choice!

janicestudgiveawayOR wishingbracelets&d

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Winner will be verified before gifted. Good luck!!!*

#FavThingsParty & Project: Show Us Your WorkSpace

Happy Monday to you! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

Favorite Things PArty

Well it’s currently 11:21 and I just found out about the Favorite Things Party with Andrea and Erika. My original post is still going to be underneath, however I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to participate in a link-up party! So, i’ll highlight a few of my favorite things and then proceed on with our regular viewing….which will be good so stick around! And don’t wish hateful things to happen to me due to the length of this post :/


I know i’ve been saying this a lot, but Target is being completely awesome and basically GIVING us stuff. Right now, some of their scarves are buy one, get one 50%, so with that they will be suuuuuper cheap also free shipping. Also, they’re adorable. Also, don’t forget Christmas coming soon. Let me just tease you:
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I bought this first one recently. And i’m soooooo excited to finally wear it.
Get you some of these plus other darling ones HERE


Desk Organizer


As I will mention below, I really like this organizer and how there are enough compartments to keep all of my things. HERE is the one that I got.

Jesus Calling

jesus calling

I used Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence in college after I got it as a graduation present. Y’all this is such an easy devotional for kids, adults, etc. It’s my favorite thing right now and I love follow along with it. It will be such a nice thing to wake up to in the morning with your cup of coffee. It’s so relatable and I feel like every day speaks to me.


icedpumpkinspice mcdonalds-McCafe-Iced-Mocha-Small

Can we just talk about all the beauty in these pictures? Starbucks has really been keeping me cozy…and awake during this fall season. Nothing sounds better than a good ol’ Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte with Soy to start your morning. But then on my off days or when i’m not making coffee at home i’m digging McCafe iced mocha.

Christmas Movies


I know it’s only October, but as soon as these Christmas movies start playing on tv, i’m watching them!! I’m also thinking about ordering this Family Holiday Gift Set – 20 Movie Collection. What do you think?? Are you with me? Or not quite yet?


I was recently contacted by a company, WeWork and they asked me if I would be willing to show my current work space and what I love about it. WeWork is a co-working company that builds communities to empower people to do what they love. I didn’t hesitate to participate one bit, especially because i’ve already showed you my closet and my room. So now we’re like totally besties you know. Why not show you the work space??

My workspace is one of the most important spaces that I have. And I think it is for most people too. Besides your room/your house/apartment/etc this is where you spend most of your time. My post is going to be a “doing the best with what you’re given” version.

If you read in the tour of my room you saw that I was stuck with all the furniture that was in the room before I moved in. Therefore I was given the challenge of using what I was given into “my” space. Challenge accepted, family! Now, let’s jump right in.

So, here ya go! This is my “desk”. As you can see there is not an actual desk in this room, however I took the middle shelves out of these armours and turned it into my version of a desk that I do my work at.


This next part is my actual “desk” side. This is where I do work for Colors of Life, plan events, work on my school things. I write my papers here, I play pandora here, I write the blog posts here, I can do it all from my little nook! All the magic happens here 🙂


Here’s a closer view of the desk part of it.


I keep my motivational quotes on the back so I can look up at them and read it when I want to! These are from Andrea over at Momfessionals, she made some free printables and if she posted more I would take print those bad boys out. ’cause I neeeeeeeeeeed more. Hint, hint Andrea 🙂 Bible verses and inspirational sayings, it makes the best decor!


On the desk part, I keep an organizer next to it. Pens/Pencils, stapler, scissors, tape, extra paper, you name it. I don’t have a drawer unfortunately so this is what I have to use. The file folders behind the organizer are what I use to keep my spare papers straight. “To do!” “To file” “To read” whatever kind of papers I need to keep separate.


And then of course my computer, phone, mouse, all sit next to eat other. I have a little speaker in the back that I can hook my phone up to. Then above is a little under shelf basket. This is where I keep really important things that I don’t want to misplace, right now a recipe is sitting there that I want to make. And the top shelf hold books that I want to read, my bible and journal, and my exercise journals.

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I made the left half the side for me to watch tv, or put dvds in when i’m working. I lifted the tv on an old locker shelf and then was able to store my dvd’s underneath. I can turn the tv to face anywhere in the room in order for me to see it.


See here’s my old locker shelf and all my DVDS underneath. It works, y’all!


Above is where I keep my recipe books, DVD player, textbooks, school things.


And when i’m feeling extra tired, I might go cuddle up on this furry chair or use this big ol’ bear as a back rest while i’m working. College students are not given enough credit. It’s tiring being us!! 😉


What I love about my workspace:

  1. It’s all mine. I can make it what I want, and it’s not bothering anyone else.
  2. I love that I have a tv next to it so it can distract me from actually doing work 😉
  3. Surprisingly, I love that it’s a small enough space where I can’t spread out all my papers. I’m forced to be organized.
  4. I love that everything is right there next to me.
  5. I LOVE that I can look up and see my inspirational quotes surrounding me when I may get overwhelmed.
  6. I love that it also incorporates my “bookshelf” and textbook holder to save me space in my room.

 What would I add to my space?

  1. I’d make it a little bigger, if I could knock out the two sides and make it a huge long piece of furniture, plus make it deeper, i’d be in hog heaven.
  2. I’d add some frufru to it. Maybe I should put some Christmas lights or boas or something to make it more girly. Hmmmmm…currently pondering that thought.
  3. Because I am such an organizer, if I had unlimited funds I would totally hop on over to the Container Store and do something like this… everything has it’s own place…aaaahhh organization
  4. I would like adding something sort of similar to this as well, so when I get those random thoughts that I know I need to write down (happens ALL the time) I can do so quickly before I forget.

So there ya have it. Thank you WeWork for contacting me to be apart of this project!
Be checking their social media sites to see if I am included in one of their posts!!!
We Work:

PINTERESTed In: Closet Organization

Mornin’, y’all!

“PINTERESTed In” is a new series that I started last month. I was really inspired by Mel, Sheaffer, and Shay in their Pin-spired posts, and I started participating in them. However,  instead of just being about clothes I thought I would use “PINTERESTed In”  to be for every category. Thus, last month was shoes, and now closet organization.

I know we’ve talked about it during the peek inside my room, but again, I have a tiny closet. When I was in the guest room that closet was impossible to deal with. Those closets remind me of a mouse hole. You can barely fit in them. Now that I have one of the upstairs rooms, the closet is still super small, but i’ve been able to do some things with it. I mean i’ve lived in a dorm room, and having that “closet” makes this one feel ginormous to me. I’m a total organization junkie. Tell me to organize something and before you finish your sentence i’ll be on my way to the container store. 😉 I started seeing all sorts of closet organizing pins on Pinterest, and some of the ideas below I used from my own noggin or got inspiration from seeing the products in stores. Let’s go to my closet, we’ve got a long way to walk!

This is looking directly into my closet from my room/bathroom area.


The dresser is a really old piece of furniture from when my dad was young. My parents have a hard time throwing the darn trash away, much less a piece of furniture. This dresser is pretty big, so although it doesn’t match anything I can totally deal. And I can always refurnish it if I want. And I don’t have a choice anyways, haha.

First thing is first. I see my scarves in my closet!!! And my belts. I don’t think you can see as well as I thought you could, but that belt hanger spins around. I was totally sold on that and I love that I don’t have to take all the belts off the hanger to get to one that happens to be on the very bottom. My scarfs are just in the little “scarf organizer” so I can see them all. I’m pretty sure if you click right here you will be able to find more than half of them. On some major sales too. What, my favorite word????? 🙂


And then in the “old closet” I was totally annoyed because whenever I went to get a bracelet, or earrings, or a watch out of my jewelry box they would always tangle because I had so many in such a small box…So here it is before


and using  my “Pinterests” in this Stella and Dot organizer. Drooling.


that one is sold out, but here’s another option
loving the bracelets like I am?!
This is after….I know mine is such a bare bracelet holder compared to the one above, but guess what’s on my Christmas list??? And the picture on the right is my “little black dress” holding each pair of my earrings in their own pouch so I can see them. The back of my closet door holds my robes.

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And i’m kicking myself for not taking a before picture of my “little black dress” because you didn’t see the mess I had with all my necklaces. That’s where they used to be, then I saw this Pinterest picture from Place of my Taste….


and I was Pinterested because I liked the fact that she can see all of her jewelry pieces. I tried getting a picture where you can see all of mine, so I had to take it from the floor up. Whenever I walk in I have no problem trying to untangle or find my necklaces and it makes me giddy every time I walk in my closet. haha. giddy. 🙂


Then the next goodie I found was this scented shelf paper, I thought i’d try it out…so far so good!


My bottom shelf on the right holds my tanks and sweatshirts


My top shelf holds my long sleeves/jackets/dresses/skirts. I’m currently in the process of organizing them by color because i’m OCD like that.


Last but not least I took a before picture of my shoes. I despised when it was like this picture below!!!!! I could never find any shoe, and I forgot I had some and they would be bent when I found them, and it had to change. So this is before….


during, while I found the Pinterest picture…


and after….

I really liked that the picture above could see all of the shoes, but the bookcase thing would not work for me. I found this little ol’ organizer, and put it up. Now I can look at all my shoes and be even more giddy!


So after I took this picture, a couple days later I brought down my winter clothes from the attic….shoe mess!! But have no fear, the organizer is here!!

Hope you’ve enjoyed.
Click to see my first PINTERESTed In: Leopard Flats

A peak inside our game room.

I had a couple requests to see our “playroom”/”game room” and being that playrooms was Andrea’s August “Come on in!” and the Home Organization “Come on in!” was yesterday, it was just worked out perfectly to post this today. So, if you’re here for the link-up from Come on in…Home Organization scroll down some more. After you read this one of course 🙂

momfessionals come on in

We’ve lived in the same house since I was in Kinder. This house is HOME. Being that we’ve lived in the same house for so many years we are one of the few homes in our neighborhood without a media room. There was no such thing when we moved into our home. It’s so crazy how things change. So…our game room was our play room, media room, spare bedroom, you name it. When you walk up the stairs, this is what you see:


And I moved towards the entrance of my brothers room so you could see a little more.


And here’s our sofa. See that corner seat there? That’s my spot for catching up on my tv shows!


Usually, I am super un-creative. This is where I call myself a left-brainer. Tell me to organize something, i’m all for it. But telling me to get creative on a school project and i’d probably rather….do laundry. Or I don’t know, something boring!

However, my mom is one of those super creative people (she was an interior designer when we were all younger and LOVED it) that it takes her so. dang. long. to finish any project because she just over thinks it or the colors aren’t right or she just doesn’t like it…whatever it is she has SO many unfinished products. However, she knows if she gives me a project it might take me a couple days but i’ll get it done. She was tired of seeing a bare wall in the game-room so she gave me the task of doing something with it. And this is what I came up with. And i’m super proud of it. *Pats self on back now*


The little pictures are baby pictures, well more like toddler pictures. And the bigger ones are pictures of us now. Funny thing is I found all “nature settings” but they weren’t taken at the same time. You go, creative Molly! 😉
I’m allllllllll about quotes. I joke about how my mom is going to hate my house one day because everything I like she usually hates. This framed quote that I found says: “The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.” LOVE. IT. I made it a growing up type theme. ps. this is right above my “molly corner”!

Mom’s normal obsession is usually roosters. They’re EVERYWHERE in our house, but recently she’s found a love of peacocks, I think it’s probably more about their color though.


Back in that little corner sits my keyboard from when I was a wee-little tot. And the door to the upstairs patio. And of course the computer that nobody uses, because…laptops.


Here’s the tv. This is where dad and I watch the OC, Rick, Ryan, and Mom watch Chicago Fire. You name it. Oh, yeah and that open door on the right is my room.


Now flip yourself around. You’re looking back towards the entrance of the game room.


And this is outside the door to my room. A Christmas card picture. And one to be filled above for this year!


And that totally “organized” junk closet? Yep, still there.


And that’s it for our ol’ game room. Now that we are all older and don’t need it to play, we just use it as a media room. And it works for us when we need it!


Again, if you’re here for the link-up scroll down a little more for my “Home Organization” post.

Come on in…Home Organization

As Hoda and KLG say “Hello everybody welcome to Boosday Tuesday it’s October 14th”. There’s actually no mention of booze in this post so that’s awkward. Well I guess there was just there, but not anymore. I love Hoda and KLG and I just really wanted to say that. But let’s get this organization thing going!

I laughed at the thought of my home and organization used in the same sentence because people, 4/6 of our crew is unorganized. My mom and sister are total right-brainers. Some people don’t believe in right brain/left brain thing but I absolutely do.

Mom is obviously the one who’s in charge of the house. Dad says he is, but no no no. I tell her how unorganized her pantry is all the time and she said “this is my house. leave it alone” Ma’am yes ma’am. So needless to say, our home is not going to be the most organized house you’ve probably ever seen, however I can’t pass up the opportunity to link-up with Andrea. And this being my first “come on in…” I decided to give it a whirl.

momfessionals come on in

Soo… brothers, sister and mom being the unorganized part of the crew leaves my father and I the organized ones. I’ll prove it… Let’s go take a look in their closet. I missed last month’s Master Bedrooms (which is okay ’cause that’s pretty weird to show you my parents’ room haha) so this is my little bit of that. Here’s my dad’s side of the closet.

He has all his shirts color-coded, his pants hanging together color coded, and his dress shirts separate from his golf shirts. That’s what i’m talking about Pa!


Now mom’s side on the other hand….is colors thrown separately, a random ladder in the middle, and actually she just cleaned her closet last week so this is looking pretty good. Usually her shoes are a crazy mess. She says my organization drives her crazy. I’ll tell her about color coding my planner and she says “that’s just a sick mind.” Hahah I don’t think we’re anything alike.


and next to her side of the bed…


and her desk…


that she throws her junk on,…so she actually works from this part of the counter.


I won’t hold this against her too much because my dad does have a study that he gets to work at, and she only has that little ol’ desk. So i’ll go ahead and allow her to throw her things all over this part of the counter 😉

My mom tries to be organized, so I applaud her for that. For example, this is how she tried to organize our attic.


It’s still organized a little bit, buuuuuut now it’s like this:


crap thrown everywhere. I don’t blame her though she has 5 people putting their junk everywhere messing up “her system”. Part of her fall bucket list is to clean out the attic and then organize it by seasons. You go girl! She has our wrapping paper in a bucket when you first walk in. That’s organization, right?!


Then you walk downstairs into our laundry room (i’m not going to give you too much of a peak in there because that’s next months come on in…) but the closet is where all my brother’s baseball pants are stored with coats and shoes as well.


and our garage has my dad’s work bench that keeps all our nails/hammer/pool chemicals/etc. each of the cabinet doors is dedicated for the four of us from sports and everything.


Oh, here’s a good one. My dad has hung up all the license plates he’s had on the wall from when he lived wherever.


On the other side of the garage keeps our extra drinks that don’t fit in the refrigerators.


Our pool toys/ sports balls and gloves/ bike things


and next to the cabinets that we built into our garage for storage is our golf clubs and baseball bats.


Our pantry is a darn mess (except for what I claimed as the g-free section) so the only organized part I could find is the top shelf where extra Ziploc, parchment paper, and plastic wrap are kept, because we shop at Costco and have an abundant amount of extra stuff. That’s the way we roll.


And back upstairs in our game room closet is where we keep our board games, printer paper, card stock, colored pencils, etc. Another place to throw our junk basically.


I gave you a tour of my room and told you that one of my goals for October was to organize my closet after my brother and I switched rooms. Excitedly enough, I got started on Sunday. And it makes my heart so happy looking at my new closet. I don’t want to go into too much detail because that will be in another post (probably some time next week). However, I do want to tease you a little bit with this picture. I LOVE love L0Ve organization.


Our house is nothing like the container store (although that’d be a dream come true for me hahaha) but it’s our house and it works for us. And even though mom is a total right-brain, creative, unorganized woman I love our house and love what she does with it.

Link up with Andrea, y’all!
Ps. This week is crazy, busy week school-wise. Keep me in your thoughts as I might actually feel like making it a boozday tuesday. Midterms, finals, quizzes, tests, work, ahhhhhh.

Thank you, mom!

It’s 9:00 pm and all I would wish for right now is the ability to go to sleep. But I have to do this whole studying thing for my midterm tomorrow but..…tired.of.cramming. So, I decided to take a break and blog because….fun!

As you might have read last week my mom was visiting Grandpa for his 94th birthday. She left on Tuesday morning, and not even 24 hours later she received this text from me:


I know I’m not a kid. I’m in my 20s and doing my thing, but some days I just want to be a kid forever!! Don’t get me wrong I LOVE being home and helping my family. But, HOW DO MOMS DO IT ALL????? If I wasn’t in class I was emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, vacuuming, making lunches, grocery shopping, figuring out the menu, picking out my dad’s clothes (he’s colorblind), taking kids to doctor appointments, and the list goes on and on and on. And I still had to work and do my homework.

Because all the boys in our household do is play video games, or play computer games if they’re not at baseball.


But you guys, give me some credit. I got all 5 of us dressed to Church and there EARLY. I say all five of us and you’re thinking well you’re dad is an adult…because let’s face it, my pops is totally one of the kids. He’s always the last one out the door, but he’ll tell you otherwise. Now I didn’t say everyone was happy (one didn’t even want to take a selfie) but we were there ready to sing and worship!


And then on Tuesday as my mom and I were texting before her flight….


And I felt like superwoman!!!! I can’t wait to be a wife…not to my mom though hahaha and a mom myself! But definitely after I graduate school.

“What? I had to come back to this mess?”


Sorry moms, I tried. It’s your turn now! Welcome home!!!!

But listen, I just have to say THANK YOU to my mom and to all you other moms out there. You all are very under-appreciated! Stop and tell someone you know that’s a mom how awesome they are! And if you still don’t believe me, watch this video that was played last Mother’s Day at my Church.

A peak inside my room.

My room is definitely my favorite space in my house. I thought I would go ahead and show you around the sacred land….So, come on in!

Do. Not. Disturb. Probably. Napping.

Kidding. I wasn’t napping, i’m snapping pics. Okay the four of us have switched rooms about ummm a jillion times, because everyone wants a different room for a different reason. So, the room I occupied in high school was taken over by my sister. When I went to OU, I was put in the guest room 😦 during my transition deciding what the heck I was going to do with my life I was still in the guest  room. Once I officially decided to transfer and live at home while I am finishing my degree, I told my parents that I need my own space to study and put all my crapola (cause it was EVERYWHERE) from moving back. So they switch my youngest brother and I. It really did make sense. My clothes didn’t even fit into that closet it was so tiny, like c’mon. Anyways, that is the reason that the walls and furniture do not match my room at all.

So you walk in and there immediately is my bed. With my adorable comforter momma made me (there’s an “M” monogrammed at the bottom) with my leopard pillows and such. #cheetahprintforever


See how cute?! I only wish the beautiful window treatments she made me could fit in this room. I love my momma and her creativity!


Laying on my bed this is what I see:

My clock on top of the book cases (handy when I may have missed my alarm). My TV on the left side and my “desk” on the ride side. I had to improvise with this stuff. And all my cookbooks, books, movies, exercise videos are in there as well.


This is where I go every morning at 6:30 to check other blogs and post mine! I know, I know it’s a trek. But I seem to make it. I like checking my blog here because it gets me out of bed to get going in the morning.


Next to the book shelves is the entrance to my bathroom and closet. Above are some cute shoe pictures with some cheetah print on them.


The wall to the left of my bed sits my ol’ pal big brown bear with of course pictures of friends and family, and shoes on canvases. I really love that quote on the wall. My mom would sing it to us before bed at night and so she found it and bought it. She couldn’t find anywhere to put it so I may or may not have stolen it. Thanks mom!


In between big brown bear and my bed is my exercise equipment. Dumbells, ball, pilates video with a mat and my yoga video with my blocks. And of course my fan remote, people magazine, and Sweet Salt Air
are there waiting for me tonight! Y’all this book is so good this far. I’m only maybe half way.


This is more hidden behind my door but, Texas and baseball. Duh and duh! This is also where I keep my music stuff. You have to have space for your music, you just do.


Yep, a bunch of randomness all packed into a tiny room, and I love my little space!
And that’s about it! Thank you for choosing Molly airlines and we hope you choose to fly with us another time.


Happy Thursday, don’t worry you’re almost to the weekend!!!!

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