This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Archive for the ‘EmilyJ’ Category

Friday Favorites: Fri-YAY edition

I’m not even going to act like I wasn’t excited for this Fri-YAY to come. Also, it’s casual day at work—do pjs count? Let me know. Now I do remember one of my New Years Resolutions went along with this…


But this was a long week. Starting school, working the other three days of the week, homework already, lack of sleep, cold weather, ugh. That’s not Fri-YAY material. That’s more like MON-DANE material. Was that clever?? Really, I would like to go hide back under my covers for a couple hours. But I won’t. I need to be adult-like and go make money. One day i’ll thank myself.

Join in with me as I link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for Friday Favorites!


After I got off work last Fri-YAY two of my FAVORITE girls and I went with my family to the Texas Legends basketball game and treated ourselves to a nice, healthy dinner afterwards.

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Saturday night was my FAVORITE kind of night. My parents and I went to the local bar (yes, I hang out with my parents on the weekend, and yes I have fun doing it!) to hear a band play, I posted a little about this earlier in the week. Are you not caught up on your Colors of Life reading???!!!!

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Sunday I turned everyone’s FAVORITE birthday….21!!!! Read about that here.



Mon-DANE was so Monday-like that I didn’t take a picture. But how about I leave you with this one today:


That could turn your Mon-DANE right around. In fact, they’re getting even lower!! Oh, happy day!


Tuesday is every college student’s LEAST FAVORITE day of the semester. The very first day. I did a heavy sigh as I woke up early Tuesday morning, with my bag packed up, my shoes tied tight, hope I don’t get in a fight. Ohhh, back to school, back to school…..if you didn’t see my post on Instagram, you would have understood my Adam Sandler reference.



So I was shopping the other day and I saw one of my FAVORITE sights. These two cute little ol’ ladies were shopping accessories, purses, wallets, belts, bags, you name it. I stalked overheard their conversation and one said “I don’t want to take too long, but i’d like to go look at that purse.” The other one replied, “Oh no don’t worry, you go right ahead and look at that.” Couldn’t you just DIE????? Cannot wait to own my retirement home one day.



I’m starting to get the hang of this new school thing. The days get a little long while i’m on campus, but I know my outcome will far surpass the boredom that I have while sitting around look at funky pieces of architecture between classes.



21 part two

(update: part one is here)

So as I was sitting by the fire blogging, mom made us Chili’s frozen margaritas…they were nasty. But I liked the thought and the little umbrella.


My dad remembered they had plans to go to the local bar for a little bit on Saturday night to see a band that was playing. I was almost 21 so I decided to start it off right with some 50 year olds!


I was the youngest one there, so my dad begged me to request his favorite song. He bought one of their CD’s and everyone there signed it….including the lead singer of the band.


“I’ve got gross hair, but I don’t care because it’s midnight and I just turned 21!!!” “I’ll shower in the morning.”


I woke up to my dad begging me to tell him what to get me at Starbucks that morning, haha. So finally after me being half asleep at 9:00 I agreed. And when I got out of the shower I had my coffee and gluten-free muffin my mom bought me from the Unrefined Bakery sitting there waiting for me.


“It’s Molly’s birthday, so we bought ourselves donuts”………WHAT?!


My birthday fell not only on a Sunday, but on the Sunday everyone goes back to college from being here for Christmas break. So I celebrated with my friends while having mimosas and breakfast tacos:)


I don’t want to brag or anything, but I’ve got the best friends out there. Thanks for coming Emily, Emily, Reeana, Morgan and Jonathan.

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The Emilys both had to leave early, but we cracked out the gluten-free cake (That everyone loved) hahah not! I mean, I thought it was good. But when it’s the only thing you an have, of course it’s good! Did my mom not do an AMAZING job ordering a leopard print cake for me. If this doesn’t prove to you that I love leopard print, I don’t know what will.


As Morgan and I walked back to the car we noticed someone (or some bird) left her a pretty little surprise. It’s two days later and this is still on there…i’m just saying.


I got home to the house decorated like this 🙂

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And we watched the Cowboys game until it ended.


I opened presents and Ry gave me this coat and scarf. Everyone was so distracted by the Cowboys game that I didn’t get pictures with anyone else. It was all cowboys>Molly that’s just rude.


Rick wanted me to have gluten free beer. Haha!


Then around 5:00 we got in the car and went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in downtown. Ry was so excited!


Margaritas and fish tacos. Be still my heart.

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My birthday was fun. I’m grateful for the people in my life now and I can only imagine what 21 has in store for me. I’m hoping next year will be even better than 20 and filled with plenty of family, fun, friends, and lots of love. That’s all you can ask for, right?

I already know 21 is going to bring me:

-One year closer to graduating college
-My sister graduating high school and going off to college
-My friends 21st birthdays
-Lots of traveling
-Probably some tears
-Probably some laughs
-Probably some obstacles
-Most definitely some good times

But isn’t that LIFE? At least i’ll be getting one more year’s worth of experience. I know i’m not guaranteed tomorrow, so today i’m thankful I made it this far. And i’m hoping for many, many more birthdays to come! Bring it on 21!!

21 part one

Yes, the infamous 21st birthday weekend has come and gone. I feel like I took a jillion and a half pictures this weekend, so i’m going to split it up into two different days.

“EEP, I’m almost 21”


Just kidding, the Emily’s both texted me and asked what I was wearing to the basketball game we were going to later that night and when I said probably what I wore to work they MADE ME stop what I was doing, take a selfie, and send it to them. How needy….am I right? But let’s not act like it was that big of a problem for me 🙂

Through my work, the employees got to request tickets for the Texas Legends basketball game because it was Miracle League night and we sponsor The Miracle League. I requested the max (10) and brought along Emily #1 and Emily #2 and then told my siblings there was 2 tickets left, so I let them argue who got it. Morg and Ryan won.


I had to take pictures of us. You know, to document that we are in fact friends. It worked out perfectly because they both knew of each other from the restaurant we all worked at.


And that picture above was apparently “too awkward” (thank you Morgan) so we had to take another.


And then strike a pose (we got to the game a little early, can you tell?)


And I didn’t like any of them so Morgan had to get it at a different angle.


And then after still not liking any, I gave up. Here’s a quick snap of the boys! All photos by MorgMiddPhotog because i’m sure you’ll be asking 😉


And this is our motley crew!!!! Nice selfie taking skills Morg, you do a sister proud!


We were serenaded by an elementary school choir singing God Bless America (so cute!) before the game.


And then we moved seats because ours sucked. And we watched the game from there.


The Emily’s had a little one crushing on them and making faces at them. He obviously did not want to be there but he was seriously giving us a good laugh! At one point I winked at him to see what he would do and he just stared at me and turned around. Too bad I creep little kids out 😉

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Hey girl, you single?


This game was suuuuuuuuuuuuper boring and I would have been disappointed had we paid for these tickets. There was too much going on, it was loud, kids were playing games on the sidelines, people were talking on the mic during the game, someone smelled like illegal substance. It was just all around bad. Nobody said they wanted to leave because they wanted to stay there for me, which is super sweet!!! Finally I was the one that said we should go because everyone was pretty much hating themselves at this point! Haha. So we left at half.

We went to Chili’s because Jowers was starving, the other girls wanted a milkshake, and I didn’t want to go home. We attempted another picture, but I again didn’t like it. Ugh!


There were fries involved…’nuff said. Plenty of grease. Plenty of smiles around the table.

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We drove through steak ‘n shake so everyone could get a shake because chili’s doesn’t make them anymore. And then we all went to our separate places and fell asleep.

Saturday morning I slept until 11:00, so yes I wasted the entire morning. But no worries I ran some errands for my momma, including a run by the grocery store for her.


Then we took some furniture to dad’s office. So here I am in the back with lamps, pictures, and a table.

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I swear my mom has been there every day for the last I don’t know how long trying to get his office set up for him, everything in it’s place, pictures hung, etc. It sounds hard being a wife 😉


When we got home it was late in the afternoon so I made some food and caught up on Parenthood.


And after that I decided to go to the Saturday night service at my Church because I knew I wasn’t going to get up early to go Sunday if I was heading out to brunch at 10:30.


The message was good and challenged me a little for this upcoming year, so i’m glad I made it. I came home and sat by the fire and blogged a little for part of the night.


UPDATE: Check out part 2 here

Friday Favorites: All over the place

Wow, this week has been crazy and i’m glad it’s Friday!


I’m joining in with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Friday Favorites this morning.


Friday, Emily and her family invited me to go to her little brother’s playoff football game at SMU’s stadium. Sadly, they lost right before they would have gone to state. But on the bright side, I got these pictures with Em and her mom bought me a book. #winning The Jowers’ clan are quickly becoming one of my favorite families!



Saturday I shopped for my angel tree gifts, which is one of my favorite things to do around the holiday season. One of our past managers at the restaurant I work at got cancer and passed away. He had three kids and his wife and our restaurant decided that this year his family would substitute as our angel tree gifts this year. So i grabbed some cute shirts and a necklace for three girls. But then found out it’s two girls and a boy…so I returned one the other day and got a boy’s plaid shirt.



Sunday morning our favorite elf, Fritz was found making a Naughty and Nice list….i’ll be posting where he was all season long coming up. However, it looks like none of us were very nice this year. Uh oh 😉



This is my last week of nannying due to my new job. I’m super sad to leave these kiddos. Monday night their parents had some friends over, so they asked me to take them to get dinner and they all wanted their favorite greasy food. CANES! And they ate their delicious looking gluten right in front of me. 😦 We recorded a video, laughed, and all sorts of goofiness happened. They started with 12 chicken fingers and only left with four. #domination



Tuesday morning was my first day at the office. Confession: I feel super special saying “I’m going into the office” and that i’m wearing a badge. So here are my ever famous pictures/selfies from the day. Yes, I was the loser to take a picture and no, I do not care that I might be considered a nerd for that! And i’m sure this is going to be your favorite part of the post 😉

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Wednesday started off with me watching Miss. Daisy again. Ryan loves to go over with me and play with Daisy, so he begged my mom to let him come. He got to and in the process got $5 for Mcdonald’s for dinner. Homeboy put away that 20 piece nugget and Dr. Pepper. Fast food is his favorite thing, you can read that on his MMP post.



So yesterday seriously stunk. Other than work that morning–that was good. But the rest of the day was long and tiring and every other possible horrible adjective you can think of. After waking up at 6:00, working all day, checking on Miss Daisy, I found myself here…


in the Urgent Care near my house for how long? TWO HOURS!!!!! Yes, I got there at 5:15 and didn’t leave until 7:15; it was awful! I was tested for strep and am now being treated with antibiotics and rest and OJ. On the bright side, I don’t work all day today like I was suppose to.

So now i’m going back to bed…
Cheers to the weekend!

Meet My Peeps: Emily #2

It’s that time of the week again 😉 Let’s say….



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How do I know Emily?
Funny thing, Molly, because she asked me this the other day. And I do remember! We work at the same restaurant, right? Right. Well, one shift we both worked together she had just gotten there and her entire section was seated. And I of course was doing nothing…so I helped her make salads and drinks. Then a couple weeks later she and I were both invited by a mutual friend to go to Church together, and another week, and another. The rest was history…<3

What do I love about Emily?
The fact that she’s been BEGGING me to post hers. Seriously I love it. She’s an encourager. She always says nice things about me {like she wants my determination}. She has a beautiful heart. She just wants everyone to be happy, I don’t think i’ve ever seen her involved in drama. She’s so…I don’t know how to describe it…cheerful? Happy? Giddy? There was one day we were running walking in the Susan G. Komen race and I just remember her saying “I love this day. I just want to talk about each other’s lives and get to know each other.” She’s just the cutest. Also, I love her parents! And THE BEST THING….she subscribed to my blog via e-mail and said she reads it in her bed every morning!! She was the first person to tell me this and I love her for it 🙂 She’s one of this blogs best supporters.

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What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Emily?

WE HAVE A TON IN COMMON! Emily and I’s favorite colors are yellow and grey. We both have 3 siblings, plus ourselves in our families. We both love home and our parents. We both love Jesus. We both struggled with college (she read my OU post and texted me later saying it was crazy because it was her same experience). It’s so awesome when life experiences bring two friends together. There’s been many times we’ll say “OMG me too!” haha especially when we first met.

What do I think is one fun fact about Emily?
She likes a screamo song!

That’s true, but i’m just going to forget that fact…weirdo! I think it’s actually the fact that I knew I was going to be friends with her from the first time we talked. (It’s like when they say you know you’re going to marry someone when you first meet them haha). It’s kind of weird to think after just meeting someone and not really one of those things you want to admit to a person, but not only did I know we were going to be friends, I really wanted to be friends!! I remember when we both were invited to the Church with Carli I said something how I texted my family saying “Molly is being social and hanging out with people on Tuesday night!!!” And she said “You’re joking, I just did the same thing also.” It was great.


Okay, here with go with the interview!!

What is your name? Age?
My name is Emily Nicole Jowers and i’m 20 years old.

1. If money weren’t an object, what would you do with your life?
Okay well I feel like everyone says travel, but I would travel. *Cue Maddie and Emily arguing about who said this first.* But I would also go shopping.

2. List 3 of your favorite things.
Yellow. Maddie: Um family time. Emily: Can you PLEASE stop? So, Yellow. Egg nog…like not just Christmas time all the time. And I love twizzlers too. Just the ones you peel not the sticks!
(I agree on the twirlers!)

3. If you were another person would you be friends with you?
I would be my friend because I feel like i’m a good variety of like, everything. Got some fun, got some chill, got some crazy.
(About this time was when she was moving her hands around in front of my face to show me the different categories.)

4. What annoys you most about me?
Nothing really annoys me…I like you. But maybe that you’re not a very good texter, we always want to talk and you never answer.
(Maddie and Emily get mad I text them at 1:00am #nightowlprobs)

5. Do you like taking this?
I kinda do. I do. This is my second time and I still do.
(Seeeeeeeeeee #1 supporter)

6. Who’s the first person you’d call if you had a bad day?
My sister or my mom. Probably my sister first and then my mom.
(I totally knew this before she even answered)

7. What’s one thing I don’t know about you?
Um, probably that I have nine toes…HA! Just kidding. *And then she remembered her first time taking this she said*….I’m insecure, but I think I play it off well enough that nobody really knows.

8. What is your favorite Bible verse?
James 1: 2-3
(About that time someone was asking about the blog and said how often do you write on your blog. She responds “Every day; it’s great.”) *tears of happiness* *good friend*

9. What is one thing you hid from your parents?
I think it was drinking but now they know so it doesn’t really matter.

10. What would you rather be doing than this right now?
Well I should be cleaning, but I really don’t want to. Um probably watching Netflix.
(We may or may not have been doing this interview at work last night.)

11. Who is the funniest person you know?
Oh I would have to say my sister. She’s seriously…she’s hilarious. I’m pretty funny too. It’s a tie between me and my sister.

12. What is a “color of your life”?
Well I would say yellow again just because I always try to look on the positive side and yellow is just bright and fun and happy. 

13. What is your favorite holiday? Why?
Oh, definitely Christmas! Because I feel like you can celebrate it all month long. I love Jesus. And who doesn’t like a good present or family activity?
(I’m going to one of those family activities!!!)

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Love you, homegirl. I’m glad I met this chick and i’m glad y’all got to meet another one of my best girls. Come back next week to meet another one of my besties 🙂
If you missed any of my previous people, check it out HERE!

This is our little crew ~Maddie, Me, and Emily~

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