This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘Christmas tree’

Show and Tell: Christmas Decor

Show and Tell Tuesday…


…Christmas decorations style!

Last year, my mom was really into making these wreaths. She made one for Fall and then one for Christmas. Welcome!


Mom does an AWESOME job decorating our bannister every year.


And Morgan’s job is to set up this little snow village scene…I have no idea what it actually is. Those are her little Houndstooth snowmen she gives mom for her birthday every year too.


Dad decided one year that he wanted to be like the big kids and get lights by his room….so he now has a strand of colorful lights with branches on the window opening of his wet bar.


Another one of my favorites is the decoration around the columns. There are little elves (and big ones) spread throughout garland. PS these are a pain in the backside to put on!


In the entry way sits this table, and this year it’s decorated with one of the 3 plates Morgan made mom for Christmas last year that says “The Middletons” and some fun candy canes with a boot, ornaments, and another Santa.


And this piece of iron decor has little elves looking like they’re hanging off of the fabric and playing 🙂


My favorite part of our Christmas decorations is always, always the fireplace. The fireplace at Christmas just makes my Holiday loving heart happy. Mom decorated the mantle, Santa sits next to it, and I lay in front with the fire crackling behind me. Our stockings are hung by the chimney with care…and my grandma’s stocking is the first one in line 🙂


My grandma made our stockings herself. Hand-stitching each of them with love, and all the bells and whistles, with the year we were born. They are my favorite.


We all have a different stocking holder every year. I don’t know why, but i’m assuming it’s because ours would break all the time.


My aunt gave this Santa to my mom a couple of years ago, and now he sits by our fireplace to watch over make sure that we’re being nice and not naughty.


We love having a real Christmas tree at our house. Ahhh, the smell of freshly cut wood with the mix of the needles. Right now, our tree is sitting naked in our house because we are a lazy fam. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your (bare) branches.


Eeek! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Once we get lights and ornaments on our tree that is. Truth be told, our decorations are pretty much the same as last year, and the years before. It’s just easier that way.

Now I can’t wait to see yours. Just in case you missed any of my previous Show and Tell Tuesday posts:

Mission Trips/Service Opportunities
A Day In The Life

Halloween Costumes

My First Job

The 5 people you’d invite to dinner

Where I was on 9/11

Who I was in High School

My Back to School Traditions

My Home

My Beauty Routine
My Yard
When I Grow Up
Favorite Party I’ve Hosted
How I Got My Name
My Favorite Vacation
My Favorite Room In Our House
How (2 of my favorite couples) Met Each Other
My Groundhog Day
My Organization Tips and Tricks
My New Year’s Resolutions

Friday Favorites: It’s Christmas Time in the City


Welcome back y’all, it’s another week of Friday Favorites! I’ve got a new graphic as number 4, because it’s a new month! Join me and link up with Andrea, Narci and Erika today 🙂


Morgan went to an alternative concert with her friend one day last week, and we went shopping for her to get a beanie. We were walking by this Christmas tree at our mall, and of course Molly wanted a picture. So Molly got a picture! And she was not feeling it. Go figure she’s pushing me away.




My pops and I went on a Starbucks date saturday morning. He sat on his phone the whole time while I had to watch him. #rude #adultsthesedays



The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. We came home Sunday after Church and we decorated and decorated. We finished our outside lights and the inside decor…this time of year is so cozy.



Dec. 1 means Jonathan turned 21! He had his birthday dinner that night and I met up with him, his family, and another family friend for some good ol’ grub. He was then brought out a dessert and we sang to him. Happy Birthday to my pal!



Tuesday night after work I went and picked up my Christmas tree skirt that I won from Andrea’s blog thanks to the lovely Moon Pie Designs. I had to see how it looked once I got home, but i’m thinking it’s going to go on our upstairs tree that’s a little smaller.

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It’s getting extra extra Christmasy around here. Our good friend, Fritz came out to see us, and later that night I spent a good hour and a half decorating the tree because nobody else would put the ornaments up and I couldn’t put presents under there until the ornaments were up. And I wanted my presents to go under the tree already!

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I babysat last night and before the littlest went to bed we had to put out their elves (not elf on the shelf) and feed them water and crackers, or else they wouldn’t hide. I love seeing what traditions other families have, and it’s fun to watch kiddos get all excited about these kind of things!


And that’s it. It’s all Christmasy in our city right now, officially! It’s so wonderful!!!!

Come on in…Christmas Decorations

Well, ho ho ho! Come on in to take a peak at my Christmas decorations!

momfessionals come on in

My family takes FOREVER AND A DAY to get things accomplished around the house. Hence why our Christmas decorations aren’t completely up, but are scattered around the upstairs. Also, why we have an empty Christmas tree and we are still waiting to purchase our little tree for upstairs.


 However, look who I found in the tree yesterday morning…our elf made a visit for the first time, for the first year. Now keep in mind all the kids in our family are 13+. My sister and I were telling our mom about the elf on the shelf deal because it’s always at the houses that we babysit. If you need to know one thing about my mom it’s the fact that she is a gigantic Christmas-a-holic. She loves this season!! We were at Target one day last year and decided to show her what the elf on the shelf was. She picked up the book and tossed it in the cart. We looked at her all “realllllyy….?” But there was no talking her out of it. Elf was coming home with us! And now here he finally is!


Yesterday morning our elf took a trip to the top of our tree as a temporary angel and we read the book last night when everyone was home. The whole deciding on the name thing did NOT come easy with 6 people having to agree. It took us thirty minutes and plenty of “NO! Not that name!” until we decided….on two names….Fritz and Corky. The deal was whoever found him first this morning gets to decide on the name. Let the games begin!!

I had the honorary task of putting the first ornament on the tree.


A leopard print sparkly owl. Can I get an amen??

My momma made this wreath for our front door earlier this season. Is it not stinkin’ cute? She’s super crafty and I think it turned out awesome!


We decorated all of our outside lights Sunday when it was hot and 75 degrees. I actually did start sweating. Give me cold weather or give me death! (history quote) #nerdstatus

Our columns are lit bright with garland wrapping around them and little elves sit on the garland to represent my siblings and I.


Our entry way holds some fun Santa’s…that happen to be scattered throughout our house.



Like this “Wine Lover” Santa.


And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care….


My grandma made each of us stockings so these are very near and dear to my heart. I was working the day these were put up, and whoever did it put my grandma’s up first in line. I loved it! Here’s a close up, and our decorated mantle.

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How about creepy santa who just stares that sits next to the fireplace?


The banister was all decorated too with garland and lights. And putting up our fall decor in the background of this pic haha


Fun picture: This is my sister pulling away from me as i’m trying to get a picture in front of our mall’s Christmas tree. By now, people were walking by and staring. It was great. She was so embarrassed.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere. And the weather is starting to feel like it, too! Now to finish my wrapping and then I can hibernate for the winter until the calendar turns December 25! Because when you have a big family and others coming in town, this is only the beginning…


Also, because we just got on the topic of Christmas and gifting….be sure you finish up your shopping through my Stella and Dot trunk show, it’s ending soon!


You can’t miss this!!!!

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