This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘2016 bucket list’

Fitness Goals: Month 2 Complete

You might have seen my 2016 bucket list in my introduction post on Tuesday. Well, at the end of that post I broke my 2016 bucket list up into what I think are the 4 most important categories…Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social.


(And apparently someone else agrees!)

You also probably know that in 2015 I kept up with monthly goals, but i’m not doing that this year. This year, i’m continuing my fitness goals in place of monthly goals.

Because like I said in my 2016 bucket list, this year i’m focusing on fitness. In 12 months, when my phone is showing January 1, 2017…I want to be able to check these 4 fitness-related goals off my list.

*Be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see.
*Get my group exercise certification. I’m still contemplating this one to be honest, it’s been on my mind a lot lately, but i’m not sure if i’m wanting to put in the time and work for it yet.
*Work out 5 times/week no matter what is going on. I think this goal and healthy eating will help my fitness goals and i’ll be able to take progress pictures. Hopefully, then i’ll achieve physical goal #1 above.
*Finally get a gym membership. For the past couple months i’ve been testing out gyms across our area to see which one fits me the best. I think I have found one, so I need to sign up!

Month 2 Fitness Goals:

These were my fitness goals for 12.6.15-1.6.16.

  • No eating within an hour of a meal. I cut down on this A LOT, but I feel like there’s still room for improvement.
  • No QuestBars or Larabars more than 2 days in a row. At the beginning of this month, this goal was very hard. But now…I think I burned myself out on them. I don’t crave them as much as I used to, in fact I almost feel sick when I look at Larabars now. I’m still into QuestBars, but usually as dessert at night….heat them up for about 12 seconds and they get gooey. Next to a class of milk or water and YUM!
  • Continue working out 5 days a week. Around the Holidays, when the gym was closing there was about 3 days in a row I didn’t go. Other than that, i’ve been very proud of how often i’ve been hitting the gym.
  • Be in bed by 11:00. Nope, I always make getting to bed early a goal and it’s so hard for me. It’s on my bucket list this year so maybe i’ll be able to at some point.

Month 3 Fitness Goals:

Month 3 will be my goals from 1.7.16 – 2.7.16. I cannot believe it will be February by the time these goals are done. So crazy!

  • Follow the physical goals on my 2016 bucket list. Just look above, I want to work towards those goals so this month I want to do things that will help that. 🙂
  • Stay under macros 5 days a week. I’ve been using the My Fitness Pal app to track for the most part what i’m eating. It shows the macros of everything i’m eating when I log it and my goal is to stay under in the Fat, Carbohydrates, and Sugar (yes I know that’s a carb but the app measures it and I still don’t want to go over) categories. I never go over on protein haha so I don’t have to worry about that one!
  • Research/find out what’s causing me to be bloated. I thought I had this figured out for a while but lately it’s been a problem again so this month I want to research what could be causing that!
  • Cut sweets out 1 day a week. Listen, I have something sweet every single day of the week…whatever it is. I wonder what would happen if just one day of the seven days in a week I didn’t have a piece of chocolate, or ice-cream, or whatever??

I truly do feel as though how i’m feeling physically affects the rest of my life. I don’t know if that’s good or bad but the only way to fix that…is to do something about it. I’m hoping with my fitness goals this year it will make things a little easier on me/for me and in turn make me a happier person.

Show and Tell: Introduction

It’s the first Show and Tell Tuesday of 2016…for those of you who don’t participate already, I recommend it! These are fun posts to write and read of other people. You simply write on the topic, find the link-up at the bottom of Andrea‘s post and go through everyone else’s. Do it! 🙂

Momfess-Show and Tell Tuesday 2016

So today’s topic is a little about myself…hmmm. A whole post to telling you about me. Oh boy 😉

Where to start?

I’m a daughter…

…and a sister.


I will choose my family first before anything.

A friend…

A Starbucks enthusiast…

…but only because McDonald’s doesn’t have Soy milk.

Which leads me to food allergies…if you want to know what life is like without gluten and lactose you’ve come to the right place!

I am an exercise fanatic. I’ve recently found a passion for health and fitness and i’m looking at possibly doing something in the future within that field.

I’m turning 22 in a couple of days and graduating college in August (FINALLY!). I’m pretty much an open book.

I’ve been a Red Sox fan since a young, young age and would choose baseball as my favorite sport. I am a total left-brain and find a lot of joy in planning and organizing.

And most importantly, I find my identity in Jesus and try as hard as I can to live my life like He would. I’ve had a few struggles in life so far, but I feel like it’s taught me so much at the same time. I consider everything in my life a blessing and do my best to find the positive part of everything.

I’m just your average girl.

As for my resolutions this year…i’m doing them a little differently. This year I decided to make a 2016 Bucket List. I sat down on New Years Eve-yes my New Years Eve as a 21 year old was spent at home. That’s another thing about me. I’m fine hanging at home on the biggest party night of the year. Maybe i’m not just the average girl 😉 And New Years Eve night was spent writing down 3 things under the 4 categories that I think are most important for any individual. It’s my 2016 bucket list.

This year, i’m focusing on fitness.


*Be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see.
*Get my group exercise certification. I’m still contemplating this one to be honest, it’s been on my mind a lot lately, but i’m not sure if i’m wanting to put in the time and work for it yet.
*Work out 5 times/week no matter what is going on. I think this goal and healthy eating will help my fitness goals and i’ll be able to take progress pictures. Hopefully, then i’ll achieve physical goal #1 above.
*Finally get a gym membership. For the past couple months i’ve been testing out gyms across our area to see which one fits me the best. I think I have found one, so I need to sign up!

This year, i’m focusing on contentment.


*Go on a mission trip. I haven’t been on a trip since 2011 and it’s now 2016. That’s five years…it’s time for another mission trip!
*Spend each morning in Quiet Time. I’m going to do my veeerrrryyy best to spend the first 30 minutes of every day with Jesus. I think it will make a difference for me in how the rest of my day goes.
*Join a small group. Whether it’s another Bible study, a group of young adults, a group of women, or something. I want to find a small group to get connected with.

This year, i’m focusing on independence.


*Graduate college. August, August, August!
*Find a (full-time) job. Boo. This is bittersweet. Right now i’m loving the free time i’ve been having so it will be sad when I have to go work full-time again.
*Say yes this year. This is self-explanatory.

This year, i’m focusing on happiness.


*Do something i’m uncomfortable with. I want to do something that’s going to push me mentally.
*Find happiness with something. Happiness comes from within, which is why I made it a mental goal. I want to find something that I wake up every morning excited for!
*Be in my room at 10:30PM. This has already been hard and it obviously won’t be possible EVERY night but I think it will be a good time for me to relax and reflect on the day. During this time i’m writing down something i’m thankful/grateful for every day. (Got that idea from Reeana, thanks Ree!)
*Work on being satisfied. I think this will be hard because it’s difficult for me to be satisfied, i’ve already figured that out. But i’m working on it this year i’m going to start by writing a list of 15 good things about me and keeping it somewhere that i’ll look at it.

So that’s me. And that’s what 2016 will hopefully look like for me. I hope if this is your first time here you come back, and if it’s your 320957238 time to read all of that, bless you.

Happy 2016!!!

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