This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘simple outfits’

What’s Up Wednesday: March

What’s up?!


I’m here and i’m linking up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer. Every last Wednesday of the month, we all blog about what’s been going on. If you missed 2015’s posts, check them out!

What I’m eating:

I post about food a lot…if you hop around here you’ll be able to find something. 😉

Yesterday I posted everything about the sugar detox I completed.


A couple weeks ago I mentioned my daily eats.


Before that I told you all about my favorite lactose free products. Later this week my favorite gluten free products are coming!


What I’m reminiscing about:

My spring break in the midwest. Oh how I miss it and my family. It was such a great vacation. Check out my recaps of this trip:

Day 1, 2, and 3
Day 4, 5, and 6
Day 7, 8, 9 and 10


What I’m loving:



Look, I realize i’m hopped on this bandwagon super late, but I am ALL ABOUT kale right now. This salad has kept me going for the past couple weeks.

What I’ve been up to:

A little bit of everything. I like to keep busy, so that’s just what I have been doing!

What I’m dreading:

All of the schoolwork that I see coming up on my calendar. It’s just so time consuming and boring and I just want to whine okay 🙂


On another note…I love the simplified planner.

What I’ve been working on:

Something exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I don’t want to mention anything just yet in case it doesn’t pan out, but there’s the potential that I may have just gotten my degree in one thing and take a complete opposite direction.


What I’m excited about:

Baseball is back!

Last night I cheered on my brother at his baseball game…


…and in 2 weeks i’ll be cheering on the Red Sox for opening day!! YAY!


What I’ve been reading/watching:

I’ll talk about what i’m reading next Wednesday, April 6th for Bookworm Wednesday!! Link up with Katie and I for that.


As for what i’m watching…

My last Bookworm Wednesday turned into TVworm Wednesday. Check it out because I talked about all my favorite shows. But since then I found this show on Netflix…


…and i’m obsessed with it. I find it so dang hilarious. Do you watch?!

What I’m listening to:

This song on repeat for the past month!

 What I’ve been wearing:

Jeans, booties, and some kind of cute shirt. This is my go-to outfit. Always.

What I’m doing this weekend:

Work and school. Nothing exciting is on the agenda this weekend.

What I’m looking forward to next month:

The semester being over and only having 3 classes standing between me and graduation! I’ll be looking like this come last week of April!!! 🙂



What else is new:

I’m trying to get myself, specifically my blog out on social media.

Follow me and i’ll follow you back!!!

Instagram: @mollymiddleton01 here
Facebook: click here to like my blog
Pinterest: @mollymiddleton1 here
Bloglovin’: click here
Snapchat: I’m “mollymiddleton”

What is my favorite spring cleaning tip:

To get rid of all the winter clothes in your closet that you didn’t even wear. I like to do this after every season. My clothes get all sorts of piled up and I end up keeping it because I think i’ll wear them next season, and then I don’t, and then they sit. Just do it now!


And that’s March!

November Pin-spired!

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Well, I thought that Pin-Spired was going to be on Wednesday because um I don’t know why? But then of course after I did my daily Shay and Sheaffer blog stalking on Friday I found out it was Monday with Mel, too. And then all of a sudden I got all “holy crap I can’t be my normal procrastinating self and wait until Tuesday” panicky. *Cue me getting on Pinterest during my 8am Friday lecture*

So I’m searching Pinterest and all, right? I can’t seem to understand why nothing is popping out in my face and inspiring me to get Pin-Spired. Then I got mad at Pinterest and broke up with her for a day. (No it wasn’t me being moody and cranky in my 8am lecture. How dare you think that!) Saturday I was drinking some hot chocolate and I thought I should apologize to Pinterest for being breaking up with her and try again. So, I got back on and started scrolling, then it hit me….I’m not finding anything popping out at me because it’s all so SIMPLE! I know that the holidays are coming up, so we tend to spend less on our own outfits and clothes and more on presents, obviously. This is that difficult “there’s so many things I want but I have to wait until after Christmas” time. Therefore, I thought this was the perfect month for turning the simple pieces of your wardrobe into simply comfy, cozy, cute outfits. November’s Pin-spired is brought to you thanks to Pinterest being forgiving and that hot chocolate on Saturday. Let’s check out…


*Because most of my outfits were pieces in my closet put together, some clothing recommendations might not be exact, but most are.*
Also, Target is offering free shipping and save 20% when you spend $75 on clothing, shoes, and accessories!! Links under the pictures.

Simplicity #1:


This outfit just screams my name. Leopard, leggings, boots, and military green. I think I started drooling once I came across this outfit. Here’s my version…

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Leopard Scarf//Black Legging Pants//Green Tunic Option//Another Green Jacket Option//Brown Boots//Layering Tank
The brown boots I linked to got 4.7 stars and have a quilted part. They look amazing! Also, I do believe that thanks to the tank it covers the crotchal area. So I think I pass Sheaffer’s test!!

Simplicity #2:


For the not so cold, cold days you can throw on a sweatshirt shirt with a scarf of your choice, jeans, and booties. Because why not? It’s a comfortable, easy outfit. Especially for a day you’re just hanging around the house.

Grey Sweatshirt Shirt (ON CLEARANCE)//Navy Scarf//Black Booties//Skinny Jeans

Simplicity #3:


I love a long cardigan. This one is super soft. Now, I don’t really wear heels except for fancy occasions, but I love a good pair of booties so I chose that instead with a long necklace.
 Charcoal Cardigan//Layering Tank//Black Legging Pants//Black Booties//Long necklace (cute tassle option)

Simplicity #4:


Another staple that I believe EVERY closet needs. Women, men, kids, whomever…need. a. denim. shirt.! And you will see why I say that in the rest of this post. Instead of the military green pants in this collage, I used grey pants. And then as we know from Shay, that #leopardisaneautral (the link is the first post that I saw her actually say it) I throw leopard in my outfits as often as possible. The scarf and the flats. Oh my goodness. I love.

Leopard scarf//Denim Shirt//Grey Legging Pants//Leopard flats

Simplicity #5:


This is absolutely the most simple outfit in the world. If you’re ever in one of those “omg I have no clothes I hate my closet (when it’s full of clothes) mood” that I go through at least once a week..this is super easy to pull together.

Leopard scarf//Denim shirt//Black Legging Pants//Brown Boots

Right about now is when I got “the look” from my brothers. The why are you running by us every minute in different, random clothes all excited look. All I said was #FTB (for the blog). They just don’t understand. Boys…

Simplicity #6:


I fell in love with this outfit, it was definitely one of my favorites. First of all girl in the emerald, you’re ADORABLE! and I can’t find her on Pinterest, so sad. I didn’t have emerald in my closet but I did find this loose fitting flowy shirt in the closet and knew this was the one. Look, i’ve even got my cup of coffee like she does. 🙂 I love the back of this shirt. It doesn’t show your bra in the back, which I love because it’s such a pain having to change your bra in order to cooperate with a piece of clothing.

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Scarf//Shirt//Skinny Jeans//Tall Black Boots (version of the brown)

(I think Sheaffer’s case for over-the-knee boots would apply here)

Simplicity #7:


Sometimes it’s cold outside but I don’t feel like I need to bundle up completely, maybe just wear a warm sweater. Maybe because i’m from Texas and am used to it being warm. I really don’t know. But I liked this outfit. A good sweater = a good day. See, i’m cuddling with myself because i’m so warm and cozy. There those leopard flats come making an appearance. And i’m sure it would look cute with the scarf too if I wanted that.

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Sweater Jacket//Layering Tank//Jeans Rolled up//Leopard flats

Simplicity #8:


I do understand that not many people probably have this outfit in their closets and it’s not simple, but when I saw this on Pinterest and knew I had some funky leggings, I had to show it. There’s something about funky leggings that can brighten your day and your look. The second picture is me thinking “Ohhh I don’t know if I look completely ridiculous or cute but I like it either way”. There’s that darn denim shirt again. How dare this piece of clothing be so versatile!! 😉 I’m telling you. It does wonders.

Scarf (not exact, but would look good with leggings)//Denim shirt//Fun leggings

Simplicity #9


Dear Sheaffer, (if you can’t tell I love her blog. she can rock anything. check it out if you haven’t already) yes, I am absolutely, most definitely, positively, one thousand percent crazy MAD FOR PLAID! You nailed your post, and I hope I can do it some justice here. This is also such an easy outfit for a fall day when it’s chilly but not freezing. And check out the totally awesome striped elbow pads on this shirt. Love. I wanted some height to this outfit so I threw on my booties. And the best part is you can accessorize this outfit however you want.
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Plaid shirt//Skinny Jeans//Black Booties

Like throwing the navy scarf in there.
Navy Scarf

I really hope you were inspired to pull out your simple clothing pieces to throw together some cute, cozy, and comfy outfits this holiday month or get some of these very versatile closet staples. Happy Monday after Halloween!!!! I know i’m well rested after that extra hour yesterday.

PSA: even when you’re cranky and tired don’t break up with Pinterest because she really is good to you and might save your procrastinating self some day.

Don’t forget what I said earlier! Target is offering free shipping and save 20% when you spend $75 on clothing, shoes, and accessories!!

Please note, this post contains affiliate links. Clicking on these links may result in compensation for the blog author. Thank you for reading and supporting my blog.

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