This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘What’s Up Wednesday’

What’s Up Wednesday: March

What’s up?!


I’m here and i’m linking up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer. Every last Wednesday of the month, we all blog about what’s been going on. If you missed 2015’s posts, check them out!

What I’m eating:

I post about food a lot…if you hop around here you’ll be able to find something. 😉

Yesterday I posted everything about the sugar detox I completed.


A couple weeks ago I mentioned my daily eats.


Before that I told you all about my favorite lactose free products. Later this week my favorite gluten free products are coming!


What I’m reminiscing about:

My spring break in the midwest. Oh how I miss it and my family. It was such a great vacation. Check out my recaps of this trip:

Day 1, 2, and 3
Day 4, 5, and 6
Day 7, 8, 9 and 10


What I’m loving:



Look, I realize i’m hopped on this bandwagon super late, but I am ALL ABOUT kale right now. This salad has kept me going for the past couple weeks.

What I’ve been up to:

A little bit of everything. I like to keep busy, so that’s just what I have been doing!

What I’m dreading:

All of the schoolwork that I see coming up on my calendar. It’s just so time consuming and boring and I just want to whine okay 🙂


On another note…I love the simplified planner.

What I’ve been working on:

Something exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I don’t want to mention anything just yet in case it doesn’t pan out, but there’s the potential that I may have just gotten my degree in one thing and take a complete opposite direction.


What I’m excited about:

Baseball is back!

Last night I cheered on my brother at his baseball game…


…and in 2 weeks i’ll be cheering on the Red Sox for opening day!! YAY!


What I’ve been reading/watching:

I’ll talk about what i’m reading next Wednesday, April 6th for Bookworm Wednesday!! Link up with Katie and I for that.


As for what i’m watching…

My last Bookworm Wednesday turned into TVworm Wednesday. Check it out because I talked about all my favorite shows. But since then I found this show on Netflix…


…and i’m obsessed with it. I find it so dang hilarious. Do you watch?!

What I’m listening to:

This song on repeat for the past month!

 What I’ve been wearing:

Jeans, booties, and some kind of cute shirt. This is my go-to outfit. Always.

What I’m doing this weekend:

Work and school. Nothing exciting is on the agenda this weekend.

What I’m looking forward to next month:

The semester being over and only having 3 classes standing between me and graduation! I’ll be looking like this come last week of April!!! 🙂



What else is new:

I’m trying to get myself, specifically my blog out on social media.

Follow me and i’ll follow you back!!!

Instagram: @mollymiddleton01 here
Facebook: click here to like my blog
Pinterest: @mollymiddleton1 here
Bloglovin’: click here
Snapchat: I’m “mollymiddleton”

What is my favorite spring cleaning tip:

To get rid of all the winter clothes in your closet that you didn’t even wear. I like to do this after every season. My clothes get all sorts of piled up and I end up keeping it because I think i’ll wear them next season, and then I don’t, and then they sit. Just do it now!


And that’s March!

What’s Up Wednesday: February

What’s up, friends?!


I’m back and i’m linking up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer. Every last Wednesday of the month, we all blog about what’s been going on. If you missed my 2015 posts, check them out!

What I’m eating:

I went straight to the source to get the answer for this…my iPhone pics. Lately I’ve been having so much fun in the kitchen creating, and then photographing, and of course eating. It’s become a hobby. I could probably make a post on all my pictures, so instead i’ll just show you a few.

Turkey bacon and an egg-white omelet just about every morning 😉


Pesto fish in foil for the win.


Yes ma’am, banana protein pancakes drizzled with almond butter.


I’ve been making my plate colorful with some chicken, snap peas & asparagus, and grapes.


Why and of course my FAVORITE creamy fudge protein shake.


What I’m reminiscing about:

Just this time last year. Today…but in 2015 I was blogging about our first snow day of the year.


And right now our weather is sunny and warm and 70 degrees. That’s crazy.


What I’m loving:

The relationships that i’m making with my kiddos at Church. If you follow me on Instagram (DO IT!) then you saw a picture I posted with my little Alina. This girl gives me a run for my money and the other morning she was playing around on my phone and took about 5 videos that make me smile every single time I watch them. I love Sunday mornings with my 4 and 5 year olds!

What we’ve been up to:

Speaking of Church, and kiddos, and following me on Instagram, and what i’ve been up to…this past weekend was the high school retreat. Church retreat weekends are incredible and life changing and I was so happy to be a part of this one. Students dedicating and re-dedicating their life to Christ, fellowshipping with one another, pigging out on tons of sugar (we did lots of that!), not sleeping, and just enjoying each other. Is there anything better?


STOP. Are they not the cutest?!


A little co-leader love, plus some photo-bombers. Jen (the one in the red next to me) and I co-lead a group of freshmen girls, and Megan (the one taking the picture) co-leads a separate group of freshmen girls all at the same campus. This weekend our groups were merged and it was A BLAST.


I love Wednesday nights with my 9th grade girls.

What I’m dreading:

All of the schoolwork that I see coming up on my calendar. It’s just so time consuming and boring and waahhhhh. Let me whine okay 🙂


On another note…I love the simplified planner.

What I’ve been working on:



You guys know I took close to two weeks off from blogging here. More details to possibly come at a later date.

What I’m excited about:

FULLER HOUSE COMING TO NEXTFLIX ON FRIDAY!!! Two sleeps. Two sleeps. Two sleeps. I’ve been waiting for this for what feels like forever!


What I’ve been reading/watching:

I’ll talk about what i’m reading next Wednesday, March 2nd for Bookworm Wednesday!! Link up with Katie and I for that.


As for what i’m watching…

I found a new show that I am IN LOVE with. Seriously. I watched the 2 seasons in a week. I was first intrigued when I saw Lori Loughlin starred because I’M OBSESSED WITH HER (see above “what i’m excited about”), but then when I realized it was an old western drama tv show that was it. Season 3 aired on Sunday and you all need to go watch it…this is not a drill. 🙂


And of course, i’m watching my boy. Ben is a charmer y’all. Did you watch on Monday because hometowns were awesome! I’m #teamjojo what about you??


What I’m listening to:

A fan in the background, my space heater making noise, and Pops saying goodnight. You know.

 What I’ve been wearing:

Apparently nothing of any relevance because I couldn’t find any pictures. But I will tell you it’s just been the usual workout clothes and work clothes (as usual). With some Nike shorts and fuzzy socks thrown in for good measure!

What I’m doing this weekend:

Hopefully visiting my friend who just had her baby! Other than that I work all day Friday, babysit Saturday, Church on Sunday, and then i’ll hit the gym a couple times. Nothing out of the ordinary over here!


What I’m looking forward to next month:

Oooooh, lots. February is blah to me so i’m glad it’s coming to an end. But I always look forward to March because….two words….

Spring. Break.

A week off of school, some days off of work, vacation planned. Even if it is the last Spring break i’ll ever have (sigh)…bring it on!

And then there’s baseball season starting, getting outside more, Easter, my bestie coming home from school for her birthday. So much fun to be had.

What else is new:

A LOT. But i’ve already put so much in this post, sooo that’ll have to wait.

What is my favorite Easter tradition:

When mom decorates the dining room table. Mom was an interior designer (well, still is considering that’s not something you just grow out of…lucky for me) and she makes everything look amazing all the time. I love our house around the Holidays.

Well, that’s February! Missed y’all!

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