This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘mom’

Let’s Talk…Moms

So I was going through my blog on Friday afternoon and realized that I completely forgot my post for Friday Favorites. What the heck??? Sorry about that. My post will just have to wait until this Friday…think: Gluten Free Products!


Today’s let’s talk link-up with Andrea and Erika is all about moms. And while i’m not a mom just yet, I thought i’d share with you two great moms that I know….starting with my mom. Even though the topic of this post is moms and that’s what i’m sticking to, a lot of what I say goes to my dad too. I’ve been blessed with the parents I got.

I know just about every girl says this, but my mom is truly my best friend. In every aspect of the title. She’s the first person I call when I have a good day and she’s the first person I call when I have a bad day. She defends me, she helps me, she supports me, she’s my biggest cheerleader, and she’s a huge comfort to me. I think the best way to describe her would be calling her my safety blanket.


My mom is the one who got me through my hard times at Oklahoma (like this day pictured below when we moved my things out). When I say I don’t know where I would be without her, I mean that with everything in me. I was spiraling fast down a long and dreaded path when she stepped in and helped me.


But when I was younger, we were not close at all. In fact, we could go days without speaking to one another. We butted heads far too often and were constantly in battle with one another. It wasn’t until my high school break-up senior year that we became close. I realized then how I could confide in her and how she would do anything for me. She would stay up until 3:00AM talking with me when I couldn’t sleep and she would sleep in my bed with me when I just needed her there.


Mom and I kind of have our own language. We think a lot of the same things, say a lot of the same things, and do a lot of the same things. My brothers and sister started calling me “mini” because they think i’m “mini mom” and while they’re just being obnoxious I actually take it as a compliment.


But at the same time, we can argue. We can be honest and tell each other when we’re being stupid or being sassy. I have to tell her to “calm down” sometimes and she has to tell me to stop being dramatic. I love it though because I wouldn’t want a mom who only shows the good side.


I can’t tell you how many times she has seen me cry within the past 4 years or listened to me whine. These past 4 years have been tough on me, but luckily I have had her there to just…be there.


My mom grew up in small town Iowa. She can cook, she can clean, and she can get down and dirty with the best of them. She has been known to tackle a dummy at my brother’s football camp, she can jumpstart her own car, and bugs do not scare her one bit…she’s a farm girl after all! And I love that about her. She’s the farm girl, my dad is the city boy, and i’m still wondering how that worked. 😉


The way to my mom’s heart is random acts of kindness without speaking on her behalf. I surprised her with flowers right before Easter, just because I thought they were pretty and it meant so much to her. I think there has been maybe 2 times in my life that I have physically seen her cry, but 1 time that I wasn’t there. I was going back to OU one day and it was before her birthday. I got her flowers, a card, an apple fritter, and a present and left it on the kitchen table for her to come home to and she texted me later saying she couldn’t call because it made her cry.


She has the mind of a creative genius. She is pure right-brained! She owned her own business, she was in charge of my volleyball banquets, and she used to make curtains and window treatments galore. Not to say her right-brain doesn’t drive my left-brain crazy because I want to organize her dad-gum pantry and refrigerator, and well, everything because it’s not organized!! Haha


It takes my mom FOREVER and A DAY to make any sort of big decision. She is very detail-oriented and needs all the facts from 324 different people and then she can process. I realized that I am this way too…and my dad is, so it makes sense


My mom loves cooking, and it’s where I get my love of cooking from. We can spend hours on end in the kitchen, with our Pandora on, and just be chopping away and chatting away. It’s one of my very favorite things to do on the weekends.


My mom looooovvveeesssss her kids. There are 0 doubts in my mind about that one. From all the days she has stayed awake worrying about us (literally she never went to bed until I got home at night), to being at all of our games and practices, to watching tv shows with us, mom is our #1 fan.

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Mom always tries to make holidays special for us and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny will be coming to our house until we have kids…and then they will probably make two rounds for our kids.


When either of my parents pass, it’s going to be a devastating day for me. I told them they were not allowed to die. But I know at their funerals I will be thinking nothing but good thoughts about them. And i’m truly thankful to Jesus for that. Some people don’t have good, loving parents. And some people my age don’t have their parents here on Earth anymore. I couldn’t image my life without my mom (and dad).


Mini loves her mom! 😉

Other posts about my momma you can just click here.

And I can’t forget to mention JJ. She is my paternal grandmother. My maternal grandmother died when I was just 3 years old so I don’t remember her at all. That’s why I feel extremely lucky to have had JJ in my life for so long.


JJ passed away my senior year of high school and it was a sad, sad time for me. I will always remember going to visit her during the summers, playing cards with her while drinking cranberry juice and sprite with bugles during Christmas, and laughing about the silliest things with her. I see her a lot of myself in her (my uncles laugh about that because she could be feisty at times).


We all miss her a lot, but she was a good mom to my dad and his brothers. I always remember them talking about how they would never tell her when their games were as kids because she would be the only parent in the stands. That’s our JJ!

Molly loves her grandma too!

Moms make the world go ’round, y’all. What are some of your favorite memories with your mom?


I have a list of posts that I could have put in here, but instead I decided to do a little life lately check. I like doing these every so often…they’re just fun to me! Beware: this is a long post since I haven’t done one since November!!!

Lately, I have been getting to Church a little early on Wednesday nights to have some quiet time or school work time before my high schoolers start getting there.


With a mocha fit frappe of course. Honestly, I think any kind of iced/frozen drink (especially if it has coffee) is the way to my heart. See. These are two separate nights!


Lately, I have found Gilmore girls re-runs on TV so when i’m at home eating, I like to remember the good ol’ Gilmore girls watching days 🙂 Oh and you heard a couple episodes are coming to Netflix right? So much of my heart was caught up in this show as a middle schooler. Ahhhh!!


Shortly after the new year, we (as in Mom, Morgan, and I) went to some shops so Morgan could exchange her Lululemon leggings and on our way out, we were walking by Mi Cocina and we were all feeling Mexican food. #gimmealltheguac #andchips #andsalsa


Lately this is what my desk has been looking like. My planner, recipe books, my Bible, Pandora in the background…gettin’ work done, bein’ productive, one day at a time!


The first week back of the semester I tried out for my school’s volleyball team. I didn’t tell anyone I was doing it, but when I made the team I finally told the fam. I decided not to join the team due to my schedule this semester and other things, but I was still pretty proud that after not playing for 4 years I even made it! (This was before I told them I probably wasn’t going to do it.)


I told you that on the 11th, I turned 22 years old. That Friday night I had a birthday dinner and Valley, Maddie, Emily J., Me, Reeana, Emily S., Morgan were all there. I love these people. They are the absolute best!


A photographer at the restaurant came and took our picture and on our way out showed us the original, and one where they switched our face on someone else’s. So funny! I snapped a picture…and I wasn’t suppose to because they wanted me to buy it. #oops #buti’mnotsorry #ididn’tliketherestaurant


We went back to my house after dinner and pictures and these three stayed and hung out with me for a little bit. We decided to run up to the grocery store and buy a gluten free cake mix for them to try…and me to be able to eat. This was after going about 4 places for dessert and they were all closed! #rude


Emily took this picture and said “put this on the blog and tell them you forgot to add water to your cake mix”. Because I did. And then she was convinced my mom does all my baking and cooking that I post about on the blog. #bloggerfail #i’mreallyintohashtagstoday


And then this one saying we added water so it looks normal again. She cracks me up because she’s always like “are you taking this picture to put on the blog?”. Love that girl!


My personal photographer got me pouring the mix into the pan 🙂


And the (uncooked) finished product! Gluten free funfetti cake, y’all. They all tried it and said it was good! And I don’t think they’d lie to me…


Lately, i’ve been trying to spend my free time with my Bible, my journal, and my Jesus Calling. Quiet Times are the best and i’m really working on this becoming a priority and not a “free time” thing.


Lately, i’ve been drinking a lot of this. But is that really much of a surprise? Nope. My iced Starbucks of choice is an iced doppio espresso with soy milk. This day I got 1/2 a pump of mocha. I don’t like sweet coffee as it is (never thought i’d say that) and now that i’m doing the sugar detox, I don’t get it. And I don’t miss it! Tomorrow i’m talking about what you can/can’t eat on the detox since I got some questions about it 🙂 So come back!


The Monday after my birthday dinner, Valley and her husband invited her brother and I to a Dallas Mavs game with them. Uh, going to watch sports? I’m in!


We got a group picture with Valley’s little boy Clay. Couldn’t you just eat him up?! Oh yeah, and she’s due February 22nd with her second boy!!! I cannot wait!


Lately there has been A LOT of traffic around here. I think I read somewhere that the Dallas metroplex is the fastest growing metroplex in the nation. It’s true. And it’s kind of ridiculous that we can’t even get anywhere without it taking 25 turns of a light. Like, do you see it all the way up there??? Don’t drive with me, i’m not pleasant.


The other day at school I was fuhhhreeezzinnggg and tired. The only obvious remedy was hot coffee (I know, where is my iced coffee!) during my lecture for the night. Yes, coffee at 5:30PM. #becausecollege


Mom went to visit her dad the other week and she sent us a picture of her in the snow and considering it’s been between 50-70 degrees around here, i’ve just been taking a dip in the pool. I mean come on??? It’s February! Texas weather I tell ya.


Lately, i’ve been hitting the steam room after my workout classes. This was my first time in a sauna/steam room setting so I had to document it. It was always something I wanted to do, but didn’t know what to do so I never did. I was like, do I go with shoes? or a swimsuit? or what do I do?


The next time I was in there, homeboy decided to do pushups in the middle of the steam room. I’m sorry what??? Sit. Down.


The other day we got a ping pong table. WARNING: DON’T GET ONE IT WILL TAKE AT LEAST 2 DAYS TO SET IT UP. Ryan was obviously super helpful…


Whew! I think you’re caught up with the random happenings in my life. Did you make it? I hope so. Now I need to go tell my mom to read this post so she can learn to hashtag properly…

Now you deserve a second cup of coffee! Have a great Thursday!

Friday Favorites: The Glad Game

It’s FRIIIIIIIIIDAY!!!!! Linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci this mornin’…totally the best part of my day.

Last week I started my own version of Pollyanna’s glad game, where each week my Friday Favorites that i’m posting about something that makes me glad from each day. Check out last week’s HERE!

1: Pathetically texting my father when he’s gone.


I’m glad that I have the ability to work and make money but some days you’re just like, “Do I haaaaaave to go????” And Friday was one of those days, so I pathetically texted my dad while he was out of town and my reply: Work Harder. Yes, that’s the Gen for ya. And if you can’t tell he gets really behind when you have multiple conversations going on at one time…males.

2: Sister’s “birthday party.”


For Morgan’s 18th birthday she wanted to go to Luke Bryan. She made me wait and wait because she didn’t want me spending the money….well, I spent the money and a lot of it. But it was so worth it! She said she had a blast. She took her friend Jessy with her Saturday night. And I got videos of Lukey singing 🙂

3: Relaxation/family days.

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Sunday is my relaxation/family day. Every Sunday morning my dad wakes me up at the buttcrack of dawn. Literally, it’s still dark when i’m getting dressed. We get to the golf course as soon as it opens and go about our routine. But don’t forget the Starbucks that we get before we get there! It’s become our little routine of daddy/daughter time. Which i’m all about.

After I got back from golfing, an hour later I dragged my mom to Yoga class with me. This was a new class I started and I didn’t want to go alone on the first day so she got to come. And if you can’t tell she’s SO EXCITED! So on Sunday I got mommy/daughter time too. It was fun! But she told me “you’re on your own next week” in the middle of class. Sigh. Mission turn mom into a Yogi was unsuccessful.

4: Morgan’s 18th birthday.

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Monday was Morgan’s 18th birthday, which I posted about Tuesday. She had school all day and our busy schedules gave us 15 minutes to spend together, so she opened presents then. She didn’t get her birthday cake until late that night. I’m so excited she had a good birthday, but also sad she’s going to college next year. I’ll miss her.

5: The ability to learn.


Tuesday was no eventful day whatsoever. However, while i’m sitting in class for FOUR consecutive hours dreading waking up those mornings, i’m still glad I have to ability to learn and pay for a college education.

6: Christmas present #1.


I told you not to hate me on Monday when I posted about Christmas pictures, and i’m going to say it again. Don’t hate me!!!! I know fall just started but Molly likey to be prepared. So, on Wednesday night when I got home I wrapped the first Christmas present of the season. Honestly, it was super weird. Maybe i’ll just get them and not wrap them until I can play Christmas music and drink hot chocolate.

7: Lazy days.



Now, if you asked my family they would say I have “lazy days” every day. But no. Yesterday was a particularly lazy day. I had to close at the restaurant last night and be up early for class yesterday so I dressed in my Nikes and Large polo shirt for class. Once I came home I organized, worked on homework/projects, worked on the blog, and relaxed for a couple hours.

And these are a fewwww of my FAVORITE things!!!!! When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when i’m feeling sad i’ll simply remember my favorite things and then I don’t feel sooooooooo bad. (Please tell me you got The Sound of Music reference) (or else i’ll be super embarrassed). BE GLAD, FRIENDS! It’s the weekend!!

Friday Favorites

If you’ve ever watched Pollyanna you remember her playing the “glad game”. This movie is particularly special to me because my dad and I watched it alllllll the time when I was little. It’s a good little message and brings good memories. And he calls me Pollyanna. So, my new thing is finding something to be glad about in every day, so my favorites are going to be a my favorite thing about each day every week! I’m totally excited about this idea.

Link up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci!!!



: Running in the rain.


 Last Friday night I decided to do my run for the week, because I had the night off work. My dad and I were going to watch our show together while the other kids were at the football game. I went on a run beforehand and I had to capture the fact that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and some yoga capris with my favorite ASICS Women’s GEL-Noosa Tri 9 Running Shoe!!!! It was 60 degrees and raining, perfect running weather for me. Loved. It.

2: Date night with dad.


One of our old neighbors had a set of twins when I was eh, maybe 8. I don’t really remember. They moved away and then came back. My dad has kept in touch with them because their dad and mine both went to the same Military college in South Carolina. Anyways, so his kids’ b’nai Mitzvah was on Saturday and because my mom was gone, I got to fill in as his date. And this was the best picture I got, and it’s dark because this was during the dancing part. Arg.

3: Church and lunch with dad & siblings.

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Sunday we decided to get to Church, which I was so excited because this was one of my September goals! Don’t mind Rick, he hates pictures. But after Church we went to Applebee’s for some lunch, which consisted of wings and soup. Yep, total Middleton meal!

4: Ryan’s foot.



Monday I took Ryan to the doctor in place of my mom where he got his cast taken off (he fractured some bone by a muscle near a tendon next to the ankle….I really don’t know medical terminology) and got this boot on for the next two weeks. Next week he can start applying pressure to this and i’m glad that nothing else was wrong and he is healing.

5: Mom comes home.



“Molly, what is this mess you left me?” I’m kidding, she was mid-sentence to Ryan when I snapped this. I’m so thankful my mom is home now, because I get to be a normal college student again and not have to worry about dishes and laundry! Thank you, mom!

6: Nannying and peanut butter.


Wednesday is one of my nannying days. So, we hang out for a little bit while they get a snack before it’s time for homework. You know, nothing beats hanging out on the fireplace with a spoonful of peanut butter. #bestnannyever #i’dhireme #forgivemyiphone4camera

7: Accepted!


I finally got my acceptance letter to the Unversity of Texas at Dallas. Eeeks, y’all! I could not be more excited because it stands for my life finally being back on track. I have a plan (i’m a total planner) and I know where I will be spending the majority of my time the next couple of years!

That’s it for this week, have a fun-filled, happy weekend!!!

Thank you, mom!

It’s 9:00 pm and all I would wish for right now is the ability to go to sleep. But I have to do this whole studying thing for my midterm tomorrow but..…tired.of.cramming. So, I decided to take a break and blog because….fun!

As you might have read last week my mom was visiting Grandpa for his 94th birthday. She left on Tuesday morning, and not even 24 hours later she received this text from me:


I know I’m not a kid. I’m in my 20s and doing my thing, but some days I just want to be a kid forever!! Don’t get me wrong I LOVE being home and helping my family. But, HOW DO MOMS DO IT ALL????? If I wasn’t in class I was emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, vacuuming, making lunches, grocery shopping, figuring out the menu, picking out my dad’s clothes (he’s colorblind), taking kids to doctor appointments, and the list goes on and on and on. And I still had to work and do my homework.

Because all the boys in our household do is play video games, or play computer games if they’re not at baseball.


But you guys, give me some credit. I got all 5 of us dressed to Church and there EARLY. I say all five of us and you’re thinking well you’re dad is an adult…because let’s face it, my pops is totally one of the kids. He’s always the last one out the door, but he’ll tell you otherwise. Now I didn’t say everyone was happy (one didn’t even want to take a selfie) but we were there ready to sing and worship!


And then on Tuesday as my mom and I were texting before her flight….


And I felt like superwoman!!!! I can’t wait to be a wife…not to my mom though hahaha and a mom myself! But definitely after I graduate school.

“What? I had to come back to this mess?”


Sorry moms, I tried. It’s your turn now! Welcome home!!!!

But listen, I just have to say THANK YOU to my mom and to all you other moms out there. You all are very under-appreciated! Stop and tell someone you know that’s a mom how awesome they are! And if you still don’t believe me, watch this video that was played last Mother’s Day at my Church.

Wordless Wednesday











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