This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Archive for the ‘Molly’ Category


Hello friends!

After a lot of time to think and consider I decided I am going to be moving my blog. A lot of factors went into this decision, but it’s just what I’m going to do!

I have been having quite a few issues with privacy and security recently (which is also why I haven’t been blogging). Because of that, I’m not going to be putting my new information on this site. If you’d like my new URL shoot me an e-mail:

I’m hoping to get my new site launched within the week! Stay tuned!

And know that I do miss interacting with y’all every week. Hope each of you are doing well.


New To The Blog?

So this weekend I’m going out of town which means there is just no time for blogging.

With that said, I thought I would make today’s post a little introduction post. I know I have new readers that probably don’t really know anything about Colors of Life.

First of all…thanks for reading! I’m so happy you’re here!

This me…


I’m Molly. I’m 22 years old. I’m currently headed to Vegas for the first time in my life (haha).

I’m a huge baseball fan…especially the Boston Red Sox.

I love Jesus. I volunteer in my Church twice a week (on Sundays and Wednesdays) and enjoy every second of it.

I’m currently studying for my Health Coach certification and trying to start my own business afterwards.

I’m a Business Admin major with an emphasis in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior where I’ve worked in HR for a year and a half.

I love my family, I mean love them. I’m super protective of my family members and would choose them over anything.

I’ve dealt with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder and while those things do not define me I still talk about them. I’m hoping that through that I can help someone else in those situations. This is also why I have such a huge passion for helping others specifically in the form of health coaching.

You could call me a military brat. My dad recently retired but was in the Air Force for 30 some odd years.

And really there is so much more!

If you want to read more you should check out my introduction post from January. And this post on what Colors of Life is all about.

You can always read guest blogs I’ve done for other people:

How I Manage It All
5 Things I Love About Texas
Guest Blog Introducing Myself (A lot like this post)

And follow me on social media too:

I’d love for you to pin some of my pins from my “Colors of Life” board that you have specifically liked reading too. Oh, and follow me on Instagram to see what kind of crazy I may be getting into this weekend!

Instagram: @mollymiddleton01 here
Facebook: click here to like my blog
Pinterest: @mollymiddleton1 here
Bloglovin’: click here
Snapchat: I’m “mollymiddleton”

See ya next week if I’m still alive from Vegas 😉

Let’s Talk…Hair and Makeup

Well hello Monday morning, you sure came fast! 😉


I’m excited because the next time we “talk” it’s all about summer…BRING IT ON! I am so ready for the days full of nothing but beautiful vitamin D and hanging out with my girlfriends.

But in the meantime, today we’re linking up with Andrea and Erika to talk all things beauty related. I’m such a fan of reading about and learning tips and tricks that work for other people.

Let’s talk hair and make-up!

First up…hair.

Now I’ll be the first to tell you beauty is not super high on my radar. It does not get me all kinds of excited. For some people, this is what they love. Me? I like to spend AS LITTLE time as possible on hair, make-up, etc. It’s just me.

I get my hair done twice a year….yup. I’m telling you, I am ridiculously low maintenance when it comes to beauty. Usually when I can start to notice that it’s looking dry and dull then I figure it’s time to do something about it. That time is about now by the way 😉

About a year ago at the end of May 2015 we talked about our favorite hair products.


Most of it has stayed the same, but some has changed. I really like how Shay does the number system with these posts because it’s so much easier to follow, so I’m using her idea 🙂


#1: Prescription Shampoo. There’s really nothing to talk about here, so we’ll just move on. I still have to use prescription shampoo because…i’m balding 😉

#2: Pureology Conditioner. This conditioner smells so darn good! Truth: I showered before Church one Wednesday night and 2 separate girls came up to me at different times and said “Omg, what do you put on your hair it smells great!”

#3: TreSemme Dry Shampoo. I mean…we all have some, right? I’ve tried the whole baby powder ordeal, but I don’t think it helped and then I smelled like a baby’s butt the rest of the day. I love this product.

#4: Tigi Catwalk Hairspray. This is my favorite hairspray. I have had it for I don’t know how many years now (although I don’t use it every day) but it lasts me such a long time.

#5. Deva Styling Cream. I used up all of my hair protectant, so I had my mom scope out a new one for me and the sales associate sold her this one. So far, it works. It’s more of a gel/cream instead of a spray so I am having to get use to that. But it smells good…do you see a running theme now?

#6: Rogaine. Yeah remember when I mentioned balding? I need to start using this stuff again. But if you get rogaine, get it for men! The women/men thing is just an advertising scam!

#7: Moroccan Oil. Honestly, I have no clue what this product really does. I put it on my hair for the smell and also because I feel like it’s suppose to liven it up and shine my hair.

#8: Styling Tools.

My straightener has been with me since my high school days. I will use this thing until it dies on me. I love the GVP brand. I’m not a fan of Chi or any of the other ones…plus this one is cheaper! I’ve also found that this one doesn’t catch my hair on the sides. I’ve used straighteners before that have done that and pulled my hair.


I also use a wand that we got a kiosk in the mall when I want to put some curls in. It’s so easy to use, quick, and does the job. I’m also planning to keep this bad boy until it dies on me too.


#9: Brushes. I have my normal ol’ brush and my wet brush. You need the wet brush especially this coming summer. I always use it when I get out of the shower because it’s so much more gentle on my hair! If you have a sensitive head, it’s a must.


I wish I could be all fancy, creative, and artistic with make-up like some people. But I just choose not to spend the time after 15 minutes i’m done (if it takes that long). I’ll be honest and say that many times I don’t even wear make-up unless I have to. And if I do it’s super simple like this…


I always do mascara and eyeliner, but rarely any eye shadow. It takes too long 😉 I just use whatever mascara my mom has in her drawer that hasn’t been opened because that stuff gets EXPENSIVE and #poorcollegestudent.

Eye Makeup

Tip: I have dark features, so I get black mascara and not the “very black” otherwise I look scary with spider eyes.

I LOVE MY URBAN DECAY PENCIL. And so did my sister when she stole mine and had to buy me another.

Tip: Purple eyeliner makes green eyes pop friends! Read this article 🙂

Eye Makeup Colors

I use the black liner when I want to do it on the bottom lid…and my purple liner when I’m putting it on my top eyelid.  (most of the time)


My face takes little time as well.


FIRST, I apply two different types of primer on my face (#1 and #2). The green is for redness which I had a lot of from acne.

Tip: I was told that this is better for your skin (especially if it’s dry) to make it not look so caked on. Also then your foundation doesn’t set into your skin.

THEN, while it dries I start to do mascara. Once I do a coat of mascara, i’ll use brush #3 to apply foundation #4 (in the summer months) or tinted moisturizer #5 (in the winter months). Yes I realize that’s a little backwards but that’s how my colors worked out.

Tip: I keep a summer foundation and a winter foundation because I’m always darker in the summer as most of us are.

FINALLY after I finish that process, I complete my eye make-up to let my face dry. Then I will use brush #6 to put bronzer #7 on my cheeks for some color. HOMEGIRL IS PALE. And then on top of that I put blush #8. Done and done.

Voila! Fool proof I tell ya!


Since this was a lot of information for one post, i’ll talk about other beauty products another time.

And just in case you want other “Let’s Talk” topics, I posted about:

Guys (I took a blog break)
New Years

A little update…

Whew! Well hey, happy Thursday!

Things are busy over here if you can’t tell by my lack of blogging last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and yesterday. I’ve had presentations on papers on finals and all of that FUN COLLEGE STUFF. But the good news is that I am done with 3 of my 5 classes this semester!! Boo to the yah!


One of the very best parts about blogging is not only the fact that I get to write about my life, experiences, and other random things that interest me…but also that I get to meet people I normally wouldn’t if it weren’t for blog world.



Cheers to y’all!

So as some of you already know I’ve decided to change directions with my career (also what I have been wrapped up with). I decided that I want to go into the health and fitness industry…in particular, I am in the process of becoming a health and wellness coach. Earlier this week I got my pre-approval to sit for my health coach certification. So once I do that…i’ll be a certified health coach and officially starting my own business.

While I willl create my own website for that business, my personal blog might change a tiny bit. It’ll still be a lot of my personal life, but I am going to start gearing my posts more towards health and fitness. Sooooooooo….with that said:

What do y’all want me to post about? Is there anything in particular?

I mean whatever it is…chia seeds, recipes, workout regimens, my routines, a certain kind of spice to cook with? You name it. Anything health, fitness, and wellness related!

Also, because of the fact that I will be starting my own business and marketing myself I’m trying to grow my network. Please follow me on all social media so I can follow you back!

Instagram: @mollymiddleton01
Facebook: Colors of Life
Pinterest: mollymiddleton1
Follow my blog via e-mail (on the sidebar).
Follow me on Bloglovin’.

And for the person who shares the most of my posts on social media (Pinterest, Bloglovin’, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and can get their friends to like and follow my pages will be sent something very nice in the mail next week!!!!!

2016 Bucket List Check-In!

Being that it’s the first Monday of April…holy cow…and 2016 is 1/4 of the way done….holy cow…I thought today would be the perfect time to do a little check-in on my new years resolutions.


Like I said in my introduction post earlier this year, I decided to make a 2016 Bucket List. Here’s what I came up with:

This year, i’m focusing on fitness.


*Be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see. Still working on this one…I have definitely improved in this area, but I wouldn’t say that i’m where I want to be yet.
*Get my group exercise certification. This is still a thought right now…I am doing a lot of research and could potentially be going down this route soon.
*Work out 5 times/week no matter what is going on. I’ve done this goal since the first week of January! My spring break week I only got 4 workouts in because we were at my grandpa’s and there’s no gym close so I’m not going to stress about that.
*Finally get a gym membership. Complete! January 3rd I officially became a member!

This year, i’m focusing on contentment.


*Go on a mission trip. Currently praying about this opportunity.
*Spend each morning in Quiet Time. I’ve done awful about this goal. I’m trying to be better about this but most of the time I just forget. If you have recommendations for this…do share!
*Join a small group. I participated in Online Bible Study, I have my group of girls on Wednesday night, and I might be going to home group with them on Mondays.

This year, i’m focusing on independence.


*Graduate college. August, August, August!
*Find a (full-time) job. Looking…
*Say yes this year. I truly think I could be better about this. I’ve been working on it, though.

This year, i’m focusing on happiness.


*Do something i’m uncomfortable with. I want to do something that’s going to push me mentally and I can’t say I have done that yet.
*Find happiness with something. You know, I think I am getting here… 😀
*Be in my room at 10:30PM. Nope, not always. BUT I have been better than normal! I honestly forgot about this one though so I need to be more conscientious about it.
*Work on being satisfied. This will always be a work in progress. I think a lot of my goals are going hand-in-hand this year, and they will all take time.

So that’s been my 2016 so far. How have YOU been doing?!


Follow me…


…and my Simplified Planner on over to The Low Country Mama as i’m guest posting today. You’ll have to go over there to see what about 🙂

Happy Wednesday!

Time Out.

Today is different.

I cancelled what I had planned for today because I decided last night that i’m taking a break from blogging.

My break was unplanned, but after a lot of thought, completely necessary.

I’m waking up this morning to a list of changes that I decided last night needed to be made in my life. There are some things I need to focus on more and some things I need to focus on less. And in order to do that, i’ve got to cut back in certain areas of my life. Right now, one of those areas happens to be blogging.

It’s time I quit putting all of my focus/energy into everything else of this world and get right with myself for a change. (Ps. I totally understand Lace from The Bachelor right now when she said she needed to focus on herself). And as I know it sounded crazy when she said that I’m sure this sounds crazy too. But I’m looking forward to seeing how God will use this time. Because I know for darn sure that He will.

I’ll miss you all, but I hope to be back soon!



On Monday the 11th, I turned 22 years old. Oh, my i’m getting up there 😉

How did I spend my 22nd birthday you ask? Well, guess what? You’re about to find out!

I woke up and hit the gym for an 8:30a.m. BodyCombat class. If you haven’t tried one of these classes before i’d totally recommend it. It’s a mixture of boxing, kickboxing, and muay thai, teakwondo, and other forms of martial arts. It’s so fun and I totally leave feeling like a bad a**.


Once my class was over I met my pops for a Starbucks because #duh. We sat there for an hour and talked about life, and money, and the future and other kinds of daddy/daughter topics. I love going to Starbucks with my pops.


Once I got home, I showered, and grabbed some breakfast. This is my go-to breakfast people. A slice of toast with avocado and 2 egg whites on top with some salsa. SO GOOD and I crave it all the time!


My mom and I facetimed grandpa after I was done eating to chat with him and let him know my mom was going up there soon. We just had to remind him it was my birthday, but then he wished me a good day 😉


It was then that I decided the birthday present I would ask for was an hour of quality time with each of my family members. Because that’s just me. Everyone responded naturally. And wanna know something? Still never got my hour with the brothers.


Mom is in mattress shopping mode so we went and tested out a bunch of different ones for a couple hours.


And then had to test out some new outdoor furniture!


When we got home, I was hungry so Morgan and I went to pie five for some personal pizzas. THEY HAVE AMAZING GLUTEN FREE CRUST!!! And they only look at me a little funny when I don’t get cheese but it’s fine because I was craving pizza and it was amazing.


I mean, obviously. Thanks for the mid-chew photo Morg!


I ate 22 slices, 1 for each year I was born. Or did I??? If you’re not familiar with Pie Five, I seriously recommend you try it if there’s one near you. I thought this was just a normal pizza place, you put in your order and then wait for them to bring it to your table in about 15 minutes. Nope, you go in and create your own pizza and then it takes FIVE MINUTES to cook. Hence the name Pie Five. Amen to only waiting 5 minutes for your pizza to cook, am I right?! Go there!


When we got home I decided I would just go ahead and make my own cake. I didn’t have a cake and I would feel bad someone having to make a gluten and lactose free cake (and icing), so I did it myself. It was Danielle Walker’s recipe and it took me about 2.5 hours. Yes….from 3:15-5:45 I was in the kitchen making a cake.


But honestly, look how cute it turned out?? I’m not quite sure why we have a power puff girl, but it worked! I always wanted to be the yellow one and Morgan always wanted to be the green one because those were out favorite colors. Haha!


I had to head up to school for something from 8:00-10:00 so we didn’t go to a birthday dinner Monday night, so we each ate a slice of cake instead. I made my brothers since it took me so much time and then mid-slice when they found out it was gluten and lactose free they no longer liked it. #annoying


I mean y’all I don’t want to toot my own horn, but toot toot. This layer cake was AMAZING!  I want another slice now that i’m writing this post.


After we ate and talked for a bit I went up for my thing at school and then when I got home around 10 we opened my “presents”. AKA gifts that were re-gifted because #myfamrocks and then we all hung out and finished watching the Clemson/Alabama game


Even though Clemson beat us, I was still rooting for them because ANYONE but Alabama please!!!! #sorryalabamafans


Mom and I watched Monday’s episode of the Bachelor and I read some blogs before bed. And get this??? I couldn’t fall asleep Monday night. I got 3 hours of sleep. And it was the first day of classes yesterday.



So what did I get?

My mom gave me a camera (that I still have to go pick out) so I can take pictures of my brothers playing baseball this year and then we’ll also have some good quality Christmas card pictures. I’m excited about this!

Morgan gave me a necklace that she said she had picked out way before Christmas too.

Ryan gave me his old iPad because he didn’t use it anymore. He got it from Santa so that made for a couple mouths to drop when I opened the gift (including mine) but that’s just like a 14 year old boy.

Rick gave me nothing…well, technically a month worth of being nice to me because when he asked what I want that’s what I said, but that won’t happen.

And my dad said he hasn’t decided yet but I have a feeling that it will be a trip to San Francisco since i’ve never been to Cali and the Red Sox are playing there this June. It will be another tradition of a trip 🙂

Birthdays are exciting but it seems like as we get older they’re just even more anti-climatic. It’s just downhill from here right? 😉 22 will bring me college graduation, (hopefully) a job, a couple vacations, time spent with family and friends, hours at Church and volunteering in different ministries, and of course probably some tough times. But i’m ready for it all! I’m truly just thankful to be alive and well.

Here’s to 22 and all that’s in store this year!

Show and Tell: Introduction

It’s the first Show and Tell Tuesday of 2016…for those of you who don’t participate already, I recommend it! These are fun posts to write and read of other people. You simply write on the topic, find the link-up at the bottom of Andrea‘s post and go through everyone else’s. Do it! 🙂

Momfess-Show and Tell Tuesday 2016

So today’s topic is a little about myself…hmmm. A whole post to telling you about me. Oh boy 😉

Where to start?

I’m a daughter…

…and a sister.


I will choose my family first before anything.

A friend…

A Starbucks enthusiast…

…but only because McDonald’s doesn’t have Soy milk.

Which leads me to food allergies…if you want to know what life is like without gluten and lactose you’ve come to the right place!

I am an exercise fanatic. I’ve recently found a passion for health and fitness and i’m looking at possibly doing something in the future within that field.

I’m turning 22 in a couple of days and graduating college in August (FINALLY!). I’m pretty much an open book.

I’ve been a Red Sox fan since a young, young age and would choose baseball as my favorite sport. I am a total left-brain and find a lot of joy in planning and organizing.

And most importantly, I find my identity in Jesus and try as hard as I can to live my life like He would. I’ve had a few struggles in life so far, but I feel like it’s taught me so much at the same time. I consider everything in my life a blessing and do my best to find the positive part of everything.

I’m just your average girl.

As for my resolutions this year…i’m doing them a little differently. This year I decided to make a 2016 Bucket List. I sat down on New Years Eve-yes my New Years Eve as a 21 year old was spent at home. That’s another thing about me. I’m fine hanging at home on the biggest party night of the year. Maybe i’m not just the average girl 😉 And New Years Eve night was spent writing down 3 things under the 4 categories that I think are most important for any individual. It’s my 2016 bucket list.

This year, i’m focusing on fitness.


*Be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see.
*Get my group exercise certification. I’m still contemplating this one to be honest, it’s been on my mind a lot lately, but i’m not sure if i’m wanting to put in the time and work for it yet.
*Work out 5 times/week no matter what is going on. I think this goal and healthy eating will help my fitness goals and i’ll be able to take progress pictures. Hopefully, then i’ll achieve physical goal #1 above.
*Finally get a gym membership. For the past couple months i’ve been testing out gyms across our area to see which one fits me the best. I think I have found one, so I need to sign up!

This year, i’m focusing on contentment.


*Go on a mission trip. I haven’t been on a trip since 2011 and it’s now 2016. That’s five years…it’s time for another mission trip!
*Spend each morning in Quiet Time. I’m going to do my veeerrrryyy best to spend the first 30 minutes of every day with Jesus. I think it will make a difference for me in how the rest of my day goes.
*Join a small group. Whether it’s another Bible study, a group of young adults, a group of women, or something. I want to find a small group to get connected with.

This year, i’m focusing on independence.


*Graduate college. August, August, August!
*Find a (full-time) job. Boo. This is bittersweet. Right now i’m loving the free time i’ve been having so it will be sad when I have to go work full-time again.
*Say yes this year. This is self-explanatory.

This year, i’m focusing on happiness.


*Do something i’m uncomfortable with. I want to do something that’s going to push me mentally.
*Find happiness with something. Happiness comes from within, which is why I made it a mental goal. I want to find something that I wake up every morning excited for!
*Be in my room at 10:30PM. This has already been hard and it obviously won’t be possible EVERY night but I think it will be a good time for me to relax and reflect on the day. During this time i’m writing down something i’m thankful/grateful for every day. (Got that idea from Reeana, thanks Ree!)
*Work on being satisfied. I think this will be hard because it’s difficult for me to be satisfied, i’ve already figured that out. But i’m working on it this year i’m going to start by writing a list of 15 good things about me and keeping it somewhere that i’ll look at it.

So that’s me. And that’s what 2016 will hopefully look like for me. I hope if this is your first time here you come back, and if it’s your 320957238 time to read all of that, bless you.

Happy 2016!!!

Not Satisfied.

This post today was totally unplanned, but has been sitting heavy on my heart lately so I just went with it. Don’t worry I won’t type your eyes out 😉 I attempted to keep it short and sweet, which is hard for me sometimes haha.

I don’t want to be someone that puts up a front. Sometimes I feel as though bloggers do. Like, since we don’t know each other personally (as in we’ve never been in the physical presence of one another) I feel as though it’s easy to play ourselves up on the blog. But i’ll let you in on a secret here. While i’m very open and honest in my posts, I’m not always open and honest about being a happy, satisfied, and positive person. Most days I try to be. But a lot of the time that just doesn’t happen.

One thing I know to be true is that i’m very hard on myself. I’m an over-achiever. I’m an over-analyzer/thinker. I’m a people pleaser. Add that all together and you find anxiety. I often think about how hard I am on myself. I have this need for achievement, and according to Thomas Armstrong’s 12 stages of life, that’s right in line with my age group (technically enterprise but same thing).

I put an extraordinary amount of pressure on myself to achieve. I want to achieve my ideal body. I want to achieve that 4.0 one semester. I want to be liked by everyone around me. I want to be the best. I want, I want.

But then when months of working out doesn’t get me my ideal body, pulling an all-nighter for my exam doesn’t get me an A, someone tells me that they don’t like me, and i’m defeated. I’m left feeling as though I have failed somehow because I didn’t reach my goal. I didn’t achieve.


Here’s what i’m talking about.

At the end of last semester I was hanging out with my friends. We were in the car and I got my grades for the past spring semester. I looked online and saw I had a 3.355. I asked them if that was good and Emily said, “Yes, that’s so good!” But I wasn’t happy with it. I wanted better. I’m not satisfied.

Sometimes i’ll be working out and notice that i’m not doing my intervals as fast as I should be. I should run longer. I should be able to hold my poses in yoga longer. I should be able to do more reps. I’m not satisfied.

I’ve been working out for however long now and i’m not seeing “the perfect me” when I look in the mirror. Or my hips look wide. Ladies…..? And i’m not satisfied.

I’ll cook a meal for my family and I know how to follow the directions perfectly. My family will tell me it’s good, but I still get worried that they’re just trying to make me feel good about myself. And i’m not satisfied.

The amount of time that I spend in my spiritual life is not where I think it should be. So i’m not satisfied.

I know what you’re thinking…then change things! Right? I mean why is it that i’m never satisfied? Is it bad? Is it good? I think each to a certain extent. I think it’s good that I don’t get comfortable where I am. I should always be striving to do better. And to become a better person. For me. But it’s when I let those expectations spiral too far that it becomes bad.


My main worry right now is why do I spend so much time looking in the mirror trying to figure out how I can change myself. I spend so much of the little free time I have worrying about my body image. Or comparing myself to others. I always told myself I was never going to be one of those people, yet here I am. Never say never.

I know i’m going to struggle with this for a while. Some of you can relate, right? Do you feel the same way as me? I think it’s so important to remember that…




But it’s hard, y’all. It makes life hard when you’re not ever satisfied. How do you change it? Honestly, I think to be satisfied, the best thing to do is think of /do the things that make me happy in life.

From here on out, i’m making a conscious effort to not dwell on the bad, but focus on the good – the things that make me happy. I mean that’s what life should be about right? Doing what makes you happy. When I die, or if i’m sitting in my hospital bed thinking back on my life I want to remember all the things that made me happy. The things that made my life fulfilling and worth living. When i’m laying in a hospital bed I won’t be worried about how wide I think my hips look, or how high my GPA was as long as I got my degree. Or any of the petty things that don’t matter that much!

Happiness comes from within. Today and tomorrow and after that, i’m choosing happiness. And I will do what I need to do to get to the point where I am satisfied and at peace.

I don’t know what your life has been like lately, but these are a few things that make me happy. I’d encourage you today to write a list of what makes YOU happy. It really can change your perspective.

Colors of Life: A Homebody

I just realized it’s been 5 months (tomorrow) since i’ve done a Colors of Life post. Who am I??

For those of you who aren’t aware, or may be new to the blog let me just introduce myself. My name is Molly. I’m 21 years old. And I am a homebody. There now you know everything about me 😉

Seriously though, I am. And if you would have told me this 3 years ago I would have laughed at you.

In my middle school years I didn’t really get along with my parents. They nagged me about everything and did whatever else parents do to ruin your life at 13 years old. When I was in high school it was the same thing but I chilled out as the years went on. By my senior year I really started to love and appreciate my parents. I realized they actually are good people and good at their job!


In high school I also liked going out and doing things. I’d leave for weekends at a time and didn’t think much about it. I loved home, but I loved doing other things with my friends. It was the perfect combination of each.

But then I went to college.

I’m sure I’ve already touched on this in a couple Colors of Life posts. The fall semester of my freshman year was awesome. I loved Oklahoma, I ate pizza at 3am, I joined a sorority, I went out, I gained the freshman weight, and I had a blast doing all of that. Well, maybe not the gaining weight part. But I also loved that I still could go home when I wanted to. I was only 2.5 hours away. It was exactly what I had imagined when choosing to go there in the first place.


My spring semester hit and something started changing for me. I didn’t mind being at school, but I loved being at home more. I was sad leaving home. I missed home by the time I got back to Norman…and had a couple weeks before i’d get to go back again. That’s when I finally realized…I’m a homebody.


This is just one thing i’ve been thinking about a lot lately knowing that I can’t live at home forever (ugh, who made that rule??? Ha, kidding!) There’s probably good and bad things about being a homebody. Loving home is good. It’s where you’re from, it’s who you are, and you should be proud of that. But sometimes it can be suffocating. Sometimes it feels more safe to me to stay home and have dinner with my family then ask a friend to do something in which I think I would feel awkward…i’m an introvert. And I think these two things probably go hand in hand.


Being a homebody is comfortable. Like I said, loving home is a good thing. But too much of a good thing can be bad. You’ve heard that before.


I think that with being a homebody comes bravery. I’ve got to be brave and sign up for something when I feel like it might be weird, awkward, and uncomfortable. Did that this past semester. I’ve got to be brave and take the job in another city when my anxiety keeps telling me i’ll hate it. Did that this past year. I’ve got to be brave and make the decision to talk to the girl that’s standing by herself. Did that this weekend. I’ve got to be brave enough to do things on my own, so when the time comes that I am on my own again, I can conquer it…how do the kids say it these days…like a boss! 😉

Home will always be home no matter if i’m living there or somewhere else. I know that. But sometimes it’s hard for us to actually accept that. And in reality, I could probably be anywhere with these 5 and be happy…


…because home is where my people are.

My Church is doing a week of prayer this week. Every day this week we are to set aside some time and just pray about everything that is on our hearts. For me this week, i’ll be praying about being a homebody and being more brave in my life. Which leads me to my question for you…how can I be praying for you? I would be more than THRILLED if every person that reads my blog today would either comment a prayer request below or e-mail me their prayer request if they don’t want it public. It doesn’t have to even be detailed, I just really want to be praying for you.

Have a good Monday everyone 🙂

Own It



It’s the second link-up of the owning it series. I love Christina and her blog and i’m more than excited to go through and read every own it. She guest posted over here a couple weeks ago and you should check that out if you haven’t already. I don’t know how she makes everything so fabulous, but she does!


 I am a night owl to a T. I get all my energy when everyone else goes to sleep. It’s so strange, but strangely I love it. It’s just me time and I don’t feel like i’m missing out on anything. And I just function better at night, like:


Okay. Hi, yes that’s me! Hence it being midnight and i’m just finishing this post up. NO I’M NOT A PROCRASTINATOR!


Confession: These glasses have 0 prescription in them. I’ve always thought the look of glasses is cute. I’m lucky enough to have 20/10 vision in my eyes and i’d never want to have real glasses. Yet, I like fake ones.


My bear likes them so that’s all that matters.
And yes I have a giant bear that sits on my bed.


I recently discovered I have a crooked smile. If you look you can see that my mouth on the left side of this picture is up higher.


PS I LOVE MIMOSAS. Do you think my boss would care if I brought one this morning? Yes? No? I probably shouldn’t? Fine.


^^that’s a pretty good one to show the crooked smile. Also, how pretty is my girly swirly Emily??


I have no shame in sitting alone.


At Oklahoma I would always eat lunch by myself while studying or reading. At Church, i’ll sit alone if my family doesn’t make it. Most people I know can’t go out in public alone, but I have no problem doing that at all!


Sometimes, I annoy myself.


To where I just want to give myself this face. I’ve told my mom this and she laughs and says that’s weird. But there will be certain times where i’m talking and i’m just thinking “Will you ever stop?????” I’ll get annoyed listening to my own voice. Now could you imagine what a day in the life of my mind would be like…I can’t 😉


My family has never had a dog before.


We’ve begged and begged and begged my parents, but i’m 21 years old and i’ve never had a pet. Sike, I take that back. I had a fish who I named George after Curious George (Oh! That’s another one! I LOVE CURIOUS GEORGE!!!!) but he died. And I just really think I need one. PLZ mail me donations and in the subject line put: “Molly needs a puppy fund.”

Greatly Appreciated.

Xs and Os.

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve, oh sorry, I mean Thursday 😉
And check out my first “Own It” post.
And I owned a few things on Friday’s Likes and Dislikes.
And then once you’ve read both of those I will dismiss you to read other blogs.

Friday Favorites: WomAn Tell All + Likes and Dislikes

How d’ya do, Friday?

I’m giving you a little break from vacation recapping and finally answering those questions i’ve been talking about. You know, my Woman Tell All series that I just kind of made up one day. Because that’s just who I am and what I do. I was so excited about this because I feel like y’all actually want to know more about me!!!! WHAT? YAY! Thank you to everyone who asked some questions!


1. What is on my bucket list?

I actually talked about my bucket list right here. I have added to visit all of the MLB stadiums, too. I have a list going on my computer and so far i’ve only been to 2….:( if anyone is a baseball fan out there and wants to go to a game, hit me up!!!

2. What is my career goal?

Oh, my career goal is probably to be my own boss…and the second part might be a little strange to some of you. My ultimate career goal is to own a retirement home one day. I have a huge heart for the elderly and I want to do whatever I can to make them happy. Which brings me to question 3….

3. What is my passion?

My passion has been the elderly for as long as I can remember. I feel like I hear so many negative things from people about their grandparents and “old people”. It just hurts my heart. I’ve spent a lot of time volunteering in assisted living facilities and retirement homes and so far I haven’t wanted to quit that goal.

4. Best/worst date you’ve ever been on?

Best date i’ve been on: I feel like it’s kind of weird to talk about an ex…but in reality I think my best date would be probably any time my ex and I would be hanging out when we were dating. I’m not really about extravagant dates. I’d rather chill. So that’s my best date.

Worst date i’ve been on: Sooo I don’t know if this is TMI for some of you but here goes…my freshman year at Oklahoma I went to a date party for one of the fraternities and each guy had two dates. My date took my friend and me and beforehand we were hanging out in his room drinking, um, water with some other girls and we then all went to the location for the date party. My date and I were kissing and I looked over to find out that one of the girls that we were with before was staring at us. I thought it was so weird and creepy…but come to find out they were actually talking. So I felt like the worst person in the world. That’s what it’d be if that’s actually considered a date.

5. Favorite memory from childhood?

I feel like I have so many here. 1) I never took naps when I was at daycare. I still don’t like sleeping. I still sleep very little! 2) Sitting on my dads lap in the kitchen of our Virginia house watching golf. 3) Riding bikes and traveling with my dad. 4) Punching my sister in the nose. 5) Saving my brother my drowning when I was like, 8. 6) Mom making me chicken fingers while I watched Oswald….I could go on.

6. Best gift you’ve ever given/received?

Best gift given: Any gift that the other person wasn’t expecting. I love surprises that aren’t expected! (You’ll see below)

Best gift received: I’d rather do things than get things. The best gift I ever received was any kind of trip i’ve gotten to go on, like Boston this past May on or some event i’ve gotten to attend, like a concert.

7. What is your favorite food?

Anything homemade. First of all, it’s hard for me to even eat anything at a restaurant due to the amount of GLUTEN AND LACTOSE IN EVERYTHING. But also I just like cooking, it’s like a little experiment every time i’m in the kitchen.

8. What is my life goal?

There are a couple of things that I want to accomplish in life before I pass on. I want to do something I love for a living, become a wife, become a mom, and bring at least one person to Jesus. That’s on my bucket list, too. But it’s also my life goal.


The second half of today’s post is courtesy of some of my FAVORITES, Kylie at Kylie McGraw, Emily at A Little Bit of Emily and Julie at Say Yes to Happy for nominating me to do this. I love it when people think of me to nominate for something. So thanks, girls!! You da bomb! 🙂

10 things I like and 10 things I dislike are coming your way.



1. Family. Y’all had to know this was going to be #1. My family is everything…extended family and immediate. Nothing makes me happier than spending time and sharing memories with my favorite people.

2. Iced Coffee. To me, there’s nothing I like as much as sipping on a good cup of iced coffee in the morning while doing some work or writing or watching something.

3. Those moments that you have when you’re sitting there and you’re just like “man, life is good”. I know this has to happen to some of you, it can’t just be me. Sometimes i’ll just be sitting somewhere or thinking about something and I randomly go into deep thought about how good life is and how much i’m blessed.

4. Surprises. This one is kind of strange because I like surprises and I don’t like surprises. I like them if I don’t know about it at all, like no suspicion whatsoever. I’m pretty good at reading people and situations and if I have any indication there right be a surprise, then I don’t like it haha

5. Positive people. With today’s world, there’s just so much negativity from the media and with technology. Lots of people hide behind their computers and are so hateful. I love people who are just naturally positive. It’s so refreshing to come across someone with that kind of personality.

6. Seeing results from working out. I work out for many reasons – for my mental health, emotionally when I need to think, physically to keep healthy. But my favorite part is when I actually see some results. It makes me feel like my hard work is paying off.

7. Having things in common with other people. I’m that person that you’ll be sitting there having a conversation with and you’ll say something and then i’ll get all excited and be like “ME TOO!!!!” Plus, we all know having something in common with others usually brings immediate friendships.

8. Quality Time. I don’t care with who but I love spending quality time with people. Family, friends, strangers, acquaintances, this was my literal love language. When I took the test “quality time” came up first. 🙂

9. Cleaning. Call me crazy, but I love to clean. Like even cleaning bathrooms. I love freshly vacuumed floors, the smell of clorox in the toilet bowl (stop what you’re thinking nasty, i don’t go sniffing toilet bowls for fun. you can just smell it okay!), and counters being cleaned off. It just makes me happy!

10. Blog comments + new readers. One thing that makes me really happy is when I get an e-mail saying someone has commented on one of my posts. It makes me feel like people do care about what I have to say and like my blog! Haha and getting new followers is always fun too. I just like making new friendships and meeting other people.



1. The media. I feel like it does more harm than good to be honest. The media is all about their ratings and yada yada and it just makes things worse. Half the things that are made a big deal, wouldn’t actually be if it weren’t for the media.

 2. Unappreciative people. There are times i’ve taken friends out to dinner. And while I think it’s very polite and nice to offer to pay, we usually don’t let them pay (we as in my parents). Sometimes I just wish that people would say “thank you” more often. That’s all it takes is a simple thank you and not expecting something.

3. Laziness. It irritates me when people are lazy (cough cough my siblings) and don’t do anything. It’s probably just in my blood to constantly be moving and working. Hence liking cleaning.

4. Hearing people chew. I hate when it’s quiet and I can hear people chewing, the sound of it just really grosses me out. And swallowing too, that’s so weird!!!

5. Traffic. I mean there’s no beating around the bush on this one…traffic just tests my patience like nobody’s business. I SERIOUSLY dislike working in the city because of traffic.

6. Technology. I know this is kind of strange and I know i’ve probably said on here before that I like technology. But it irritates me to no end when i’ll be at lunch with someone and they’re on their phone the entire time. While there are many positives to technology, there’s a lot that’s bad with all this access to information and technology.

7. When I can’t breathe out of my nose. I soooooo dislike when I have a cold or something and I can’t breathe out of nose. It’s such a hassle. Oh and when I can only breathe out of one nostril too!

8. Morning breath. It’s inevitable, but who likes it?? First things first, as soon as I bat my eyes open i’m brushing my teeth!!

9. When people talk to me early in the morning. Speaking of mornings, I am not a morning person. I’ve tried numerous times and it just doesn’t happen. My body and mornings don’t work together. That being said i’m usually not Tigger bouncing on my tail in the morning so if you try to talk to me….beware. I just don’t understand why people want to wake up and start yapping!!

10. Fighting. Fighting is stupid. I don’t even like boxing and frankly don’t believe it’s really a sport. I don’t like when my parents fight or when I fight with friends, my siblings, whoever. It’s so pointless and it’s such a waste of energy and time.

I’ll nominate some of my other FAVORITES:

Randi – Randitions by Randi
Jamie – I Don’t Eat That
Angie – Pace with Grace
Christina – The New Mrs.
Katie – Better Off Benedict
Astleigh – Hill Collection
Rachel – Floral and Fudge
Jamie – The Celebrating Momma
Lauren – Post Grad In Progress
Shelly – The Queen In Between

Whew! THAT WAS A LOT OF WORDS TODAY! If you’re still reading, bless your soul. I’ll mail you a Starbucks gift card for being such a trooper. But really, happy friday y’all!!


Good Morning, everyone!

I was contacted earlier this month by the social media team at Chobani to write a post about someone who I think deserves a break.

When trying to come up with someone I think that needs a break I just kept thinking about all the people I could nominate. So I started asking myself – who works really hard and doesn’t typically get recognized? Sure my parents work really hard. That’s just a given. But who does a job I would never want to do? Who probably isn’t appreciated as much as they’d like to be? To be honest, I drafted my post this weekend, but could not for the life of me decide on who I wanted to nominate. Now it’s currently 11:35 and i’m writing this post with the perfect nominee in mind. College students. It doesn’t matter what kind of college student…whether you’re working towards an associate’s, a bachelor’s, or a master’s degree. College students deserve a break.


Okay before you jump to the conclusion that i’m a procrastinator as I’m sure some of you are probably thinking back to that 11:35-getting-around-to-my-blog-post comment and questioning where my priorities lie…can I just let you know that this is the first time i’ve been able to sit down in the quiet of my own room all day? Because not only did I sit through a 2 hour lecture at 8:00am, but right after that I went straight to work for the rest of the business day. Because I have to figure out how i’m going to pay that infamous tuition bill. Because it’s true what my parents told me about money not growing on trees. And then after work i’ve got to figure out how i’m going to get dinner prepared at a decent time. Because immediately after scrambling through the pantry to find something I can throw together to call dinner I know i’m going to be sitting at the end of my table, head in my palm, math homework spread out in front of me, chewing on the cap of my pen (gross I know), trying to figure out how i’m going to complete 2 assignments by midnight over material I couldn’t understand through my professor’s thick accent. And 3 hours later when i’m finished with that I realize I forgot what fresh air felt like being cooped up all day so I take a walk. When I finally get back in the door I am able to spend a few minutes chatting with my family.
And it looks like the next thing you know you’re opening your laptop at 11:35pm to finish your blog post for the next morning. And to each his own…


And college students wake up and do the very same thing the very next day. Don’t get me wrong here – i’m not naive enough to think that changing a few things around could create more time. Maybe spending an hour or so talking to the family could be used writing my blog post? But that’s the kind of stuff that keeps us sane. Maybe for some college students their hour work-outs keep them sane? We all do what we have to do.

And you know, the majority of us have been there. We know what it’s like. We can relate to those professors we can’t understand. We can relate to the homework assignments over material you can’t figure out how to do. We can relate to speeding straight from school to make it to work. And we can relate to not wanting to go to work because we are just plain tired. How many of us have a professor who’s pulled them aside or e-mailed them saying: “You’re doing a great job?” or “Keep up the good work.” According to, in a given year 2.35 million students enroll in college, and only 1.75 million will graduate. Close to half will not graduate…why is that??


But regardless, college students get it done. They pull all-nighters to pass an exam, they take on a week’s worth of projects and papers and tests because all of their professors decided to schedule them at the same time, they take classes throughout the summer semester so they can follow their degree plan in order to graduate on time, they worry about how to balance work, school, socializing, and Church. College students work really hard with little recognition. College students have a job i’d never want (ha). College students probably don’t always feel as appreciated as they’d like. So to my fellow college students past and present, cheers to you, this is the #breakyoumake.


Now i’m headed to my 8:00 exam…. 😉
See you back here same time, same place tomorrow!

Favorite Things Party: Hair Products

I always know when this post comes around with Andrea and Erika it’s the last week of the month. I mean, seriously, May flew by!!! It’s almost June. That means i’ve been done with Spring semester for a month now. Why does summer go so fast 😦

Favorite Things 2015

I really wasn’t planning on posting today. I wanted to spend the weekend not on my computer and hanging out with my friends and family, but I remembered today’s post was the favorite hair products and knew I had to join in. So instead of taking today off, i’m taking tomorrow off.

When I was younger I never really cared about hair products. I shampooed, conditioned, and was done for the day week. It was great. However, now that i’m older i’m realizing that I have to start taking care of my hair. It’s just another perk of this whole getting older thing. You have to start caring about and taking care of yourself. A crazy concept 😉

When picking out shampoo and conditioner I always went for the cheapest, smell goodest (yes, I just created this word) stuff. Or most of the time mom would just get it and i’d end up with Pantene. And it worked!

My list of favorite hair products is going to be a little different than your average persons. Thank you balding genetics. And thank you health issues.


So all 7 left to right…

1. Prescription Shampoo

I’m not going to go into too much detail about this one because obviously it’s a prescription from my dermatologist. So, I don’t have ideas for y’all about shampoo because I have to use this certain kind. And it does NOT smell good 😦

2. Tigi’s Catwalk Hair Spray


I have no idea how or why we started getting this hair spray, but it is the absolute BEST. It smells awesome. I have another hair spray that I use, but it’s super sticky (if that makes sense) that it’s almost impossible for me to brush through my hair at the end of the night. This hair spray does it’s thing, but it’s not impossible to work with afterwards. This product is often times fought over between the females in our house!

3. Suave’s Detangler


I don’t use the detangler all the time, however when I do need it…this stuff is great.

5. Rogaine


I’m sure this little product is different than your list as well. My dermatologist told me to use this along with my prescription shampoo for maximum hair re-growth. I would definitely ask your dermatologist first any of you who are wanting to use this. However, I have seen results. And women can totally use men’s rogaine!

6. Moroccan Oil


When I first started losing my hair mom read something about Moroccan Oil being a good product and suggested I try it, but the first time I got the little travel size because it’s not the cheapest thing and I wanted to make sure I liked it. Well, that tiny little travel size was gone within weeks. I love the smell of Moroccan Oil (If you can’t tell, i’m all about the smell.) and to be honest i’m not really sure what it actually does I just like to put it in my hair. Ha!

7. Beyond the Zone Flat Iron Protection


When I was on Acutane (I know. I’m a mess.) my hair was super, super dry. This was also my first semester at OU and I was constantly curling or straightening my hair. I went to cut my hair and the hair dresser asked if I was using a heat protectant. I did in high school, but I stopped because I didn’t understand it’s purpose. Now I tell everyone to use heat protectant! You need, need, need to use this on your hair! This is my favorite or Sally’s Beauty Supplies generic brand is also a good one.

7. Pureology – Conditioner and Shine Max


So because I have to use such dehydrating products on my hair – prescription shampoo and rogaine – my hair stylist recommended that I get a hydrating conditioner. I had used pureology when I was younger and remembered really liking it, so when she suggested I purchase pureology I didn’t hesitate a bit. I love pureology. It really does hydrate my hair and make it a lot more silky while smelling minty and leaving that clean feeling on my hair.

As for the ShineMax, I don’t use that all the time, but when I do want a little shine in my hair I put a little bit on my hair and it adds a little shine…hence it’s name 🙂

Happy Memorial Day! Here’s to hoping your hair looks fabulous this wonderful holiday 🙂

Show and Tell: How you got your name


This Tuesday i’m linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals to share how I got my name. I don’t have kids and I don’t have pets, so you just get to hear my story 😉

I always asked my parents different times how I got my name because I was hoping eventually they would reveal something different haha. And they obviously weren’t lying about it because it was the same ol’ story every time.

They already knew what they were going to name their boy if I was one because my dad’s name is passed down. My brother’s son will be the 5th generation to have the name “Richard”. My parents chose not to figure out if they were having a boy or girl for their first two. I definitely know that I don’t want to find out, but i’m guessing it will all depend on how my hormonal self decides to deal with that when the time comes haha. Anyways, so they chose not to find out they knew if they were having a boy he was going to be Richard and for the girl they really couldn’t come up with anything for a while.

Moms Day Pic2

All I remember is my mom telling me that my dad really wanted the name Hollinsworth Elizabeth Middleton – is that not a mouthful? They were just going to call me Holly for short. But right before I was born my uncle and his girlfriend named Holly broke up so they decided not to name me Holly. Besides that my mom saved me from carpel tunnel by not having to write that name down on my papers. She switched that a little bit to Molly thus, here I am, Molly Renee.

Scan 5

And that’s really it. Nothing too complicated.

If you want to know what i’m thinking about naming my kids (when that day comes in the far, far future) I decided it back in December here. 😉

Happy Tuesday!

Friday Favorites: I’m baaaaaaaacckkkkk Edition


Link up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea this morning! But first…


I’m not going to lie, it was weird not blogging this week. Part of me was missing. I wasn’t going to post today, buttttt I didn’t really stick to that game plan as you are finding out. I logged in a couple times this week to look at my posts and realized there wasn’t one. I still had to read my favorite blogs, I couldn’t go TOO far into the no blog world thing. Ha! I said I was going to focus on school and i’m glad I did this week because it kicked my butt. And next week and the week after probably will too. It’s fine. I’m fine. Just think: 3 group presentations, 4 finals, 1 paper. Wanna be me yet????

Let’s catch you up on how life has been being MIA…

I walked into my office last Friday to this big ol’ stack of papers that I needed to go through and get situated. Needless to say, I did not finish that day.


This is pretty much my favorite go-to outfit. A chambray shirt, colored jeans, and jewelry to match. I love me some casual Fridays.


Friday night took me to the baseball fields or Heaven, whichever name you prefer. Sunflower seeds, sunshine, and baseball. Ohhhhhhhhhh my favorite kind of Friday night.


This one played crappy, so he refused to talk the entire way home. And this is the best selfie i’ve ever gotten with him. How fabulous do I look? Tan, right? Gosh I knew I missed you guys.


Saturday morning MP‘s high school soccer team played in the regional finals game (ONE GAME AWAY FROM STATE!) They were ahead the entire game until the end. They lost in overtime. And I was so sad for her, I looked over at mom and said “I want to cry for her.” I remember that feeling all too well, but hey! She’s got four more years of her sport left.


We couldn’t be sad for too long because later that night was MP’s prom. And good gosh she was BEAUTIFUL! Seriously?! Little sisters aren’t supposed to be the prettier ones 😉


I somehow learned that I memorize things/study better when i’m up moving around than sitting down. It’s weird. I’m weird. I know. So for about an hour on Sunday and Monday I went walking around my neighborhood with my entrepreneurship review and studied. And guess what? Not even half of it was on the exam! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 I LOVE LIFE!

Is school over yet…?


Then to top off the middle of my week, Wednesday I spilled coffee on my favorite white shirt. Mom, grab the bleach!


And I was not in the mood to work out on Wednesday, but it had been a while and I knew I need to get out and about. I did a little ab work out and ran. I like to move it move it. I like to MOVE IT! No? Okay.


This has been in my life very day this week. Hot, cold, frozen I don’t have a favorite, just give me all the coffee!

My name is Molly and i’m officially addicted to coffee.


And that’s one of my group members in his military stuff. We always make fun of him because Thursday is flight suit day so he comes wearing a big ol’ green jumper. Except not yesterday, so now I feel like this is pointless.

Last night Morgan and I went shopping for a dress for her to wear to her soccer banquet.


And we failed!!!!


But at least I had a cute shirt on, am I right? Dad and I are going to Boston the first weekend of May to see my favorite match-up: Sox vs. Yanks, which is my birthday present from him. I’M SO PUMPED!

Okay, enough about me. How have YOU been?!

What 1 Year Can Do.

Because the little things become big things, right?

This time a year ago I was at my uncle’s 60th birthday party because I was scared to be without my mom for a weekend.


Now, i’m gone pretty much 75% of the day.


A year (and a half) ago I had 1 1/2 slices of this pizza and didn’t eat the rest of the day because I felt so guilty about it.


Now, i’m eating two packages of peanut butter crackers after my bowl of fruit after dinner because for some strange reason i’m still hungry….or i’m eating half of this pizza to myself.


This time last year I wasn’t working out at all. (haha at the picture right?)


Now, i’m working out about 6 days a week. Even if it’s a light work-out.


This time last year I wouldn’t get out of my house to hang out with friends.


Now, I see at least one of them every weekend.


This time last year I was just getting back into the swing of waiting tables all week, of which I was very anxious to do.


Now, i’m working in corporate America in the field I want to go into when I graduate college.


This time last year, I was very disconnected from God.


Now, I never miss a Sunday at Church, and i’m making an effort to spend time with Him every day.


This time last year I worried and fretted…? because I knew i’d have to make a decision about not wanting to go back to OU, or transfer to UNT or UTD. Of neither I wanted to pick.


Now, i’m one to one and a half years away from graduating from UTD.


This time last year I kept all of my “issues” a secret.


Now, i’ve been vulnerable and dedicated a page on my blog for them.


And this time last year, I wasn’t blogging.


Now, y’all aren’t getting rid of me 😉


And i’m sure this time last year God was looking down on me thinking I was going to write this post today, because He knew the plans He had for me. Like He says in Jeremiah 29:11. I’m living proof that change {for the better} does happen. It may seem like it takes forever, and sometimes it might. But brighter days will come. Whatever you may be battling or struggling with right now, just know it won’t last forever.


Colors of Life: Anxiety


Okay, if you have bad anxiety or anxiety in general, I am so so sorry! I actually never thought I had anxiety until I was told that I did. I grew up thinking that we were suppose to solve all our own problems. My parents are both very strong mentally and so I always thought that whatever happens to me I have to work out on my own. Little did I know, that’s not always the case. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing (obviously) i’m just saying it doesn’t have to be like that all the time.

At Oklahoma, I remember having moments of complete panic where I would start shaking, breathing really heavy, and all I wanted to do was pull my hair out. Or slap myself in the face. Or cry. Or punch of wall. Just these extreme emotions and feelings. I couldn’t “snap” myself out of it and I wasn’t able to focus on anything else. I won’t go too much into that, but that last week in Norman (January of last year) was the worst week of my life to date. I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks multiple times a day.

Fear consumes maaaany people. Each day you wake up, you probably have some fear driven thought and if not when you wake up then at some point throughout the day. Again, everyone isn’t the same so i’m not generalizing the human population here. It could be: “What am I going to do today?” “How am I going to make money for my family?” “What college am I going to?” “I do not want to go to work and see those people.” “How am I going to do on this test?” “Will my mom or dad come home safely today?” Whatever your fearful thought is, we’ve all had them.


Now, if you’re saying: “I never live in fear.” I’d have to disagree. You may not think you do but look…while others are aware of their fears and fearful thoughts, many people try to avoid those fearful thoughts. Why? Because who wants to think about something that they fear? Nobody. This is where anxiety comes in to play.

If I have learned anything throughout my past year’s experience it is that when you rely on Jesus somehow your fears don’t seem as big. Jesus is bigger than any fear we can have. I can say this all day long, but the fact of the matter is that when you know Him, you know it.

Anxiety can be many things…

It can be fear. It can be stress. It can be nervousness. It can be a cloud hanging over your head. It IS mentally painful. It can be whatever, and it can come in many different forms. Anxiety is serious and it kills people.


I personally think this particular scene (if you’re a Bachelor watcher) was pathetic. And I think examples like this are how anxiety and panic attacks get such a bad rap in today’s society.


This little stunt pulled by Kelsey that she called “a panic attack” is not what happens. You don’t fall to the floor (maybe some people have, but that’s not what i’m talking about.)

7 tips for anxiety:

1. Get Bath and Body Works Stress Relief (Eucalyptus Spearmint) lotion or mist or whichever you prefer. Spray it if you need it! In all honesty, eucalyptus is a natural calming ingredient.

2. Pray!! Seriously, when you’re in the moment that’s the last thing you’d probably ever think to do. But really and truly God heals all wounds.


3. Talk to a therapist! Y’all, they are trained in these areas. They went to school and learned how to help people like us. Therapists will show you how to think differently and help you see how it may not make sense that you went from this thought to that thought. Anxiety comes from irrational thoughts.

4. It’s NOT YOUR fault! I remember thinking that it was all my fault I was having panic attacks and crying and calling my mom (as a 20 year old). I thought what could I possibly be doing that is making me feel this way?!


5. Know that you will get through it!

6. Take control. Don’t let it control you. Do what you have to do about your anxiety, but just know that if you don’t do anything it won’t get better. Don’t ignore your anxiety.


7. Find your “little things in life”. Find things that make you want to keep on keepin’ on. I’ll share mine with you tomorrow. 🙂

If you’re reading this and you know exactly what i’m talking about because you’ve been there or know someone who has/is there. I’m praying for you. Just know that God sees you! You are not invisible. We’ll lighten it up tomorrow. XOXO

Colors of Life: Blogging

Duuuuuhhhhh #colorofmylife


Is good networking.

Gives you something to do in your free time.

Keeps you sane when everything is crazy.

Gives you something to look forward to.

Is fun.

You learn stuff about yourself.

Today I thought i’d go ahead and answer some questions people have about blogging!

How did you start blogging?

To tell you the truth, I never thought i’d be blogging. The only reason I had heard of it was because of Hilary Duff in the Perfect Man when she was “the girl on the move”, do y’all remember that? Then when I found Shay Shull’s blog, I was hooked. I think i’ve got her to thank for finally taking the plunge to start my own blog. And now I can’t NOT blog.

What if my family doesn’t like blogging?

I think i’ve already mentioned—my family isn’t so keen on the whole me blogging thing. They just never grew up like that, you know putting yourself out all over the internet. I’m not saying that they aren’t supportive, they just don’t understand. And that’s okay. Because this is my thing. And thats #1 that I love about blogging.

Why do you blog?

I’ve only been “full-time” blogging for 6 months and i’ve already loved going back and reading about vacations this past summer, someone’s birthday, or a random Thursday in the middle of September. Just those kinds of things. I love to scrapbook and I feel like this is my online scrapbook that I can share with other people. I’ve found myself up late when I can’t sleep just writing posts (I learned I love to write, too!), planning the next week, and reading some of my favorite bloggers pages. You feel connected to people that you wouldn’t even think. Sometimes you find that you relate to someone, or you can see that someone already went through something you’re going through, etc. It can be a support system for some people. A source of entertainment for others and what have you.

How do your friends feel about you blogging?

The support i’ve gotten from my friends has been crazy. Crazy in a good way. You know, I was wondering how my friends would think about me blogging, because i’m the only person my age (besides Reeana but she only does sometimes) that blogs. I’ve been asked when they will be featured and “is this picture going on the blog?” They’re awesome. I love that they read it every day too. Now if only they’d blog with me 😉

What would you say to someone who wants to blog?

YOU HAVE TO DO IT! We can be blog friends!! Haha, no i’d tell you to just do it! (Thanks Nike) If you don’t like it you can always shut down your blog, but how will you know if you don’t just jump in?

What makes a good blogger?

Definitely someone who is honest. We don’t want to read a fake blog. You have to pretty much be an open book, you are sharing you life with everyone! Someone who likes to write. I think good bloggers also engage their readers. I’d love to have more feedback on my blog, but I know many times people don’t like to comment directly. Anyone can blog! It takes time to build, though.

But what if I don’t have anything to talk about?

Does anyone ever really have anything they just HAVE to talk about? Nope, a blog is just your personal feelings or opinions on a subject. You’re not going to be boring if you’re just being you. Sometimes I feel like what if I was more like this blogger or that blogger. But then I wouldn’t be myself, you know? Those other people have their own blogs. But you might find you have a lot more to talk about than you think you do.

But most importantly, blogging has to be for you! Yeah some of your readers might go back and look at old posts, but you’re going to be the one that looks for a specific post about your family on the third tuesday in october a year ago. You know what I mean?? I love finding new blogs. And I love blogging!

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