This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

So this weekend I’m going out of town which means there is just no time for blogging.

With that said, I thought I would make today’s post a little introduction post. I know I have new readers that probably don’t really know anything about Colors of Life.

First of all…thanks for reading! I’m so happy you’re here!

This me…


I’m Molly. I’m 22 years old. I’m currently headed to Vegas for the first time in my life (haha).

I’m a huge baseball fan…especially the Boston Red Sox.

I love Jesus. I volunteer in my Church twice a week (on Sundays and Wednesdays) and enjoy every second of it.

I’m currently studying for my Health Coach certification and trying to start my own business afterwards.

I’m a Business Admin major with an emphasis in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior where I’ve worked in HR for a year and a half.

I love my family, I mean love them. I’m super protective of my family members and would choose them over anything.

I’ve dealt with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder and while those things do not define me I still talk about them. I’m hoping that through that I can help someone else in those situations. This is also why I have such a huge passion for helping others specifically in the form of health coaching.

You could call me a military brat. My dad recently retired but was in the Air Force for 30 some odd years.

And really there is so much more!

If you want to read more you should check out my introduction post from January. And this post on what Colors of Life is all about.

You can always read guest blogs I’ve done for other people:

How I Manage It All
5 Things I Love About Texas
Guest Blog Introducing Myself (A lot like this post)

And follow me on social media too:

I’d love for you to pin some of my pins from my “Colors of Life” board that you have specifically liked reading too. Oh, and follow me on Instagram to see what kind of crazy I may be getting into this weekend!

Instagram: @mollymiddleton01 here
Facebook: click here to like my blog
Pinterest: @mollymiddleton1 here
Bloglovin’: click here
Snapchat: I’m “mollymiddleton”

See ya next week if I’m still alive from Vegas 😉

Comments on: "New To The Blog?" (9)

  1. What a great idea – I might need to do one of these myself!


  2. Sarah said:

    I’m a new reader! Love that you did this post!


  3. My favorite about this….you saying you are not defined by those things you have battled! Signs of a girl with a healthy heart. 🙂


  4. You are adorable! You remind me of my daughter. Thank you for sharing “YOU” at my party today. Remember, “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”


  5. I always love reading these because it’s nice to find out more about the blogger 🙂

    I can’t believe you work so much and are finishing up school! Mad props to you on that, I couldn’t ever.

    Have fun in Vegas!! Olya over at Siberian American just wrote a post about what you can do there if you don’t want to gamble and drink!


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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