This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘work’

What’s Up Wednesday: January

Oh, Wednesday is here! I don’t know if i’m excited about it or not! Ha!


Link up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday today. Every last Wednesday of the month, we all blog about what’s been going on with us. If you missed my posts last year, check them out!

What I’m eating:

Lately, it’s been a lot of my creamy chocolate fudge protein shake. I’m pretty sure I have one every day, if not, then every other day.


In the mornings, i’m swearing by my toast (I love the charred black on it so I like to burn my toast), avocado smeared on top, and then scrambled egg whites on top of that. Throw on some pace picante and you have a nutritious, filling breakfast.


I made my peanut butter cup protein pie when Morgan was home…and all I got was ONE SLICE and it was gone. She ate the whole thing in like 2 days. It’s good, friends, it’s good.


What I’m reminiscing about:

Well, since I just mentioned Morgan…i’m reminiscing about her being home this past month. She was excited to go back but we had some fun while she was here!

What I’m loving:

Lately, it’s been sleep. When I can get some sleep that is…I feel like i’m constantly tired. Monday night I crashed around 11:30, like didn’t even get my episode of One Tree Hill in because I was so tired. Well yeah, I woke up at 8:15 yesterday morning with no reason to. WHY BODY, WHY?


What we’ve been up to:

Mom has been gone this week visiting her dad so my pops and I have been watching The OC together like we used to. Other than that, we’re just trying to survive on leftovers, dirty laundry, and paper plates 😉 I kid about all that…we’re self-sufficient when she’s gone but it’s easier when she’s doing all those things. Haha

The OC - Ten Years Later

What I’m dreading:

Probably if anything, work this weekend. I’m working two jobs while i’m going to school full-time, so the last thing I want to do is wait tables on the weekends. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


What I’ve been working on:

Creating a healthy balance for myself…

Between work, school, sleep, exercise, food, seeing my family, a social life, and “me time” i’m just trying to find the right balance in a healthy way. Feel free to let me know if you’ve mastered it all. Share your tips!

My blog friend Angie did a great job talking about self care in her guest post, you should read it here.

What I’m excited about:

I officially activated my gym membership on Sunday. So now that i’m “up and running”, i’m ready to keep on it with my group exercise classes…but also (because this is just me) i’m a little nervous because now i’m like “I won’t like it”, “This is 2 years”, “What if I get bored with it?”, you know…just being my normal anxiety-filled self. Working on that too!


What I’ve been reading/watching:

I talk about what i’m reading on next Wednesday, February 3 for Bookworm Wednesday!! You should link up with Katie and I for that.


At night, you can find me re-watching an episode of One Tree Hill before bed. Am I the only one that loves the older seasons better?? I kind of feel like that’s how it is with all my shows though. My dad and I are thinking of not even going into season 3 of the OC because it gets all dark on us.


What I’m listening to:

Right now, i’m typing this post during my break in between classes so i’m hearing students walking around, typing, talking, etc while i’m playing NF radio on Pandora.

But when I get out of my night class, i’m heading home to finish watching this week’s Bachelor episode! Watching some of my favorite shows has become my “me time” lately when I need to relax!


What I’ve been wearing:

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, these leggings (well and other pairs) are on. When i’m sitting in classes all day I do not want to be uncomfortable. I always have some leggings and a t-shirt/tank/sweatshirt on.


And then MWF,


I’m wearing my work clothes with my coffee. Coffee is part of my uniform on those days. It’s just what M,W, F calls for 🙂

What I’m doing this weekend:

I’m working Friday night, which i’m bummed about because I could have gone to a family dinner.

Saturday is going to be my relaxation day. I usually always try to have one day each weekend where I don’t have anything to do. This gives me time for exercise, schoolwork, blogging, etc. I totally recommend this if you’re not doing it already!

Sunday i’ll probably do some yoga before I work the dinner shift at work.


What I’m looking forward to next month:

Next month, i’m looking forward to…uh…nothing right now. There’s honestly nothing about February that gets me excited. It’s cold, there isn’t a holiday off from school. Well I guess I can be excited because it is a short month???

Oh wait, I know…


Fuller House premiering at the end of the month!!

What else is new:

Nothing that I haven’t already shared!

What is my favorite Valentine’s Day treat:

As I looked at this question, I definitely thought of those little Debbie chocolate brownies with the icing and sprinkles. So random, but that’s what came to mind! However, #thankyougluten I can’t have them. Maybe i’ll try and make my own??

Last year, I made a heart shaped cake for my family because i’m #sosweet 🙂


Nothing too exciting, but that’s what’s up this month!

Friday Favorites


I’m glad you’re back for another week of Friday Favorites; thanks to Andrea, Erika, and Narci for hosting. The weather is finally moving towards staying in the 60/70s during the day. Ahhhh…. as Andrea says #fallelujah

FALL1 Work day.


After I finished class Friday morning, mom and I darted over to Old Navy’s sale, but didn’t get to stay long because I had to work all day. both shifts. lunch and dinner. during my break I came home to eat and work on my paper, and after the dinner shift I fell asleep so early. Friday was not eventful, but i’m glad I was able to make some money…and spend it at Old Navy 😉 That’s how you’re supposed to do it, right?




Y’all it’s so much fun to celebrate friends, but it’s even more fun to celebrate friends who have little ones. My buddy since 7th grade Jonathan, the one i’m squinting with above, was blessed with a little nephew. I can’t wait to finally meet baby Isaiah. The party was decorated so cute and i’m glad I was able to make it! Yellow and gray are my absolute favorites. And I made the little tricycle guy above to take as my gift 🙂


Yummy bread and cheese.


Sunday funday of course included Church, yoga, daddy-daughter golfing, and family time…but what I am MOST glad about on sunday was the fact that I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have found gluten-free bread that doesn’t fall apart in my hands and holds the sandwich together. (Aldi’s loaf in their section is new) AND cheese that is lactose free, will melt and doesn’t make me gag. (from Trader Joes) Of course my two favorite grocery stores. If you look you can see the melty cheese and it’s such beautiful thing. So this is a total win. Total win. You’d be happy too if you were me 😉




Monday, sweet Avery was SO excited when she opened up her mailbox because her Halloween costume was in the mail. She’s such a precious little fifth grader. Her and her friend are SweetTarts and Nerds for Halloween and she talks about it all the time. I’m so glad she’s excited and looks darling in her costume.


Ry’s football game.


Ry has football games on Tuesdays, and i’m glad I am able to watch him play. This was his first game to play in this year because he cracked a bone in his ankle and was out for a couple weeks. This will be his last year in football because he just wants to focus on baseball in high school. He said he only played this year ’cause his friends were. Funny…I was like that too when I chose to play softball in high school.


Iowa State Cyclones.


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For some reason wednesday mornings are always tough. It’s the middle of the week, i’m usually exhausted, you know how it goes. So I took my coffee to class in my FAVORITE Iowa State cup…part of me will probably always wish I chose this school because of how much I loved it on my visit. However, things happen for a reason and I became a Sooner. I’ll forever be glad to root for those Cyclones though. Anyways, I got this cup in Iowa this summer. My cousin Dani, who just so happens to be my (not really) big sister (and is having a baby in a couple months!!!!) graduated from ISU, so I had to send her a picture of course.


Meaningful pictures.


While I was on Twitter yesterday I came across the picture. And i’m glad I did. It was a good reminder of how your personal outlook can affect every day. It’s about how you have a choice to see the “Colors of Life” when you’re dreading spending the day at work, or seeing someone you don’t want to, or going to class, or doing the laundry, or whatever it may be.

Choose to see the sunshine today! We made it to the weekend!!!

Weekend Recap

This weekend started off with me driving the cart for mom at Costco, because that is her second home. I swear she’s there at least once a week, if not more. I always tell her how much of a groc-a-holic she is. But it’s fine, our pantry is stocked all the time. And I don’t have to pay for it. So yes mom, I shall drive the grocery cart around for you!


And then Friday night I worked. This is not me, but my friend Maddie had to scrape something off a shelf at work because our manager made her….the things we do to stay employed and this just cracked me up. #shortpeopleproblems


Friday night after work I stayed at my friend Emily’s apartment for the Susan G. Komen race for the cure early Saturday morning. So yes, here we are having been awake at 6:15am for the race. Tired. Don’t want to exercise. Food. Hungry.


And here we are acting exhausted and worn out…after walking the whole 3 miles 😉


And then iHop happened. Because when you burn calories, it’s necessary to go eat your calories again you know. #welovefood


If you look closely across the table is Chicken Fried Steak…um Maddie (scraping things off shelf Maddie) ordered cfs and eggs at 10:00am….debating whether i’m still claiming her as a friend or not. After ihop we went back to Emily’s apartment to hang out, gossip, play would you rather, and do some other girly things. And then I went home and napped in my wonderful dark room, with my king bed. Yes, Tired. Hi, beautiful :-* (kissing face)

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I had off work Saturday for the race…whoop, whoop! So I went with my mom and we met up with my dad at Morgan’s soccer game.


Sunday afternoon we all went to Oktoberfest for the first time.



We heard German music.


Sweat outside for a bit.


Saw some weenie dog races.


Taste tested some salsa.


And tried out some German food.


Sunday when we got home, it was back to work for me. Relaxing after being randomly sick saturday night. Working on the blog and working on school work.


A fun weekend in the books. Family, friends, food, and fun! My kinda day/s.

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