This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘hobbies’


I picked up my hobby of scrapbooking really early, when I was in 7th grade to be exact. If I remember correctly this was the first hobby I ever had, besides sports if that counts. My mom was tired of hearing me say all weekend “I’m bored, I don’t know what to do” so she would tell me “Get a hobby!” And so I did. I never was a creative kid…totally left-brain over here, so this is as close to creative as it got for me.

I really enjoy taking pictures because I think it’s always fun to look at them and say “Ewwww, that’s what I looked like” or “Jeez mom, that’s how you dressed me?!” or “Oh my gosh I remember, that was so fun!” Whichever reaction that I have to the picture, I always love the memory that it brings, even if it wasn’t the most fond memory I have. It is still a memory.

Scrapbooking is another reason I started to blog. Scrapbooking is more of my tangible blog.

I think the majority of time when people think of scrapbooking it’s usually something like…the book you flip through with glitter and ribbons hanging out of it. Well that is true, but not exactly. Here’s what my first scrapbook I made looks like…

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Okay, this is the first page. See this is where you look back at the picture and say “Ewwww, that’s what I looked like?!”

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These are a couple more pictures from that scrapbook. I made this one summer I was at my grandma’s. It was my vacation to Houston/Galveston/San Antonio with my cousin, Aunt, Uncle, and his grandson.

It’s also fun when people give you scrapbooks. These two I got when I graduated high school. My friend, Alyssa gave me this one of just SOME of our memories.
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So cute. And to this one I can’t even say “Mom, that’s how you dressed me??” Cause I dressed myself then. 😉

This next scrapbook my family gave me when I graduated. Everyone including Aunts/Uncles, Great Aunts, Grandma’s friends, Grandpa, Cousins, etc. wrote me pages about their favorite memories and attached pictures. Here’s how some of them turned out:

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It’s still fun two years later to go back and look at the pictures. And read what everyone had to say their favorite memories were. I forgot about some of them.

The pictures below are a scrapbook project I completed two summers ago. I nanny these kids and this was the first summer that we spent together. I took pictures of all the fun activities that we did, put it on a 16×20 page, and framed it. I gave it to each of them at the end of the summer. When I went back this year I saw that they still had them, so that was really sweet to see. And it was fun to see how much each of us has changed in that time!

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This last scrapbook project I have for you is a page that I made for my big. Some of our friends put together a “Shotbook” for her 21st and had all of her friends make a page, so this is the one I made.


It’s not always glitter and ribbons. But it is memories! And a fun way to keep track of your memories! These were only some of my projects, but my favorite ones!

Friday Favorites

I wish I hadn’t been posting so late, we’ve been moving stuff around our house and getting back into the swing of things from being back from vacation. Today’s Friday Favorites with Andrea, Erika, and Narci are going to be my favorite things to do! Because, what are we without our hobbies?

1. Cooking


2. Working Out/Doing Yoga

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3. Reading


4. Finding a good bargain


5. Scrapbooking

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6. Like yesterday’s post said…gardening


7. Going on adventures!!

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Come back Monday for my post about our vacation last week! Have a great weekend!!

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