This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘gym’

Fitting Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule

I know this is something that a lot of people struggle with. Time! How do we find time??? Look, we all have lives right? We work, we go to school, we have our kids to take care of, etc. And sometimes it’s just not feasible in the season that we’re in to hit the gym as much as we’d like. So I sat down and thought about some tips I would give someone who is busy but wants to fit exercise into their schedule.


1. Decide if you’re an AM or PM workout person

I’d call this the first step. This is key because when you figure out what you like, you’re that much more likely to do your workout. If you don’t know, try both. I’ve found myself doing both at different times. It’s just whatever season I am in at the moment. Let’s face it, if you have all your energy in the mornings, but you try to continually workout after work at 5PM you will crash and burn every time. Get to know your body.

2. Next, PLAN

Prepare your gym bag ahead of time. Every night before I go to bed I make a penciled list of everything I have to/want to accomplish the next day. I then write down the times for everything I have to do and then write in times for things I want to do. That was I can prioritize.

3. So make it a priority

Once you decide if fitting a workout into your day is important to you, make it a priority. If you’re an AM exerciser, get that booty up early enough before work. If you’re a PM exerciser, go straight to the gym after class/work. If someone says “hey let’s go to dinner tonight” make sure to schedule dinner at a time that you can get your workout/shower/and change beforehand. Make it a priority.

4. Motivate yourself

If you like to workout in the AM, wear your gym clothes to bed. If you like to workout in the PM, plan a healthy and yummy dinner in the crockpot so you can look forward to that afterwards. Buy some new gym clothes. Get new gym gear. Download some new music that you’ll be excited to listen to. Find something that you like and learn to motivate yourself with it.

5. Get an accountability partner

It’s important to have accountability partners in all aspects of your life…spiritually, emotionally, etc. so why would your fitness life be any different? There’s strength in numbers, my friends. If you have a class or workout set up with your friend to both be at you are less likely to skip it.

6. Use those lunch breaks

For real. Take a walk during your lunch break. It’ll get you outside with some fresh air and it will get your heart rate up. After sitting down most of the day, your body will really appreciate it. You need a break anyways.


Keep it short, stupid. No i’m not calling you stupid. Instead of “Keep it simple, stupid”…keep it short! Just because you’re not working out for a long time doesn’t mean you won’t see benefits from exercise. Do some HIIT for 30 minutes, walk around your neighborhood, follow a quick yoga DVD, do some squats in your office for a break during your work day. Try some moves I showed in my stability ball video. Just get moving.

8. Multi-task

You all have seen my pictures before…I read while I walk the streets of my neighborhood. I know, some of you are thinking about how unsafe that is and some of you are wondering how you could be coordinated enough to do that. Well, I’m really not that coordinated! You’ve also seen pictures of me studying for exams while walking the treadmill. Hold some planks while you’re scrolling through Instagram. I do them all. I love them all. I love to exercise while I am doing something else.

So these are just a few tips I have…there’s definitely more where that came from. Now share: what do you like to do??

Friday Favorites

Oh, this week. I am glad this week is over. I have my big ol’ Finance final tomorrow morning and I know NOTHING Finance related. I’m just ready to get it done and hope I pass it so I don’t have to re-take the course. If you need me…i’ll be studying all night long. Sigh.

Friday Favorites2016

But it’s still Friday and we’re linking up with Erika, Andrea, and Narci for Friday Favorites today!


When I’d paint my nails or get them done as a young lass I always got pink…or red because they were always safe and my FAVORITE. So a couple years ago I made a vow to not do either of those colors so I could branch out. Last week however, I went with this pink Flirt Alert and love how bright it is. It just puts you in the mood for Spring!



Last Thursday Reeana and I met up at Starbucks after not having seen each other in a while. I got there early to do a little quiet time and read. Meeting up at Starbucks with one of my best girl friends and drinking coffee is for sure one of my FAVORITE things. Oh and don’t forget to read my thoughts on Hoda’s book. That was a FAVORITE too.


But another FAVORITE of ours happened to be when this lady walked in and legitimately had these dragon spikes weaved in through her braid. What in the actual heck? It all made sense when we walked out and she was knitting yarn characters together…



I created my own little ham, egg, and cheese. When I was young (apparently I am reminiscing today) my FAVORITE breakfast used to be ham, egg, and cheese sandwiches from Casey’s General Store. Now that I can no longer have cheese and bread I improvise. This morning I threw canadian bacon, egg whites, and spinach into a pan to heat up/cook And then melted some cheese on top. Hey…it works! 😉 And tomatoes on the side because it’s one of my FAVORITE things to eat right now too.



I told you last Wednesday that I was so excited to try out Shakeology because eveerryyyoonnneee talks about how it is their FAVORITE. Well, it finally came in the mail Wednesday night. We already had plans for dinner…


…but first thing yesterday morning I made it! I asked Kylie why it was so little and she informed me that you’re suppose to put more liquid in it #shakeologyfail #imanamateur. I liked this one it tasted like brownie batter so I’m excited to try the strawberry (probably today).



You can’t read my tank, but it says “the gym is my happy hour”…here’s a red one. I think mine came from Target but it’s only the plus size one online. (Target has buy one, get one 50% off all women’s clothing and shoes right now by the way!!)

My Insanity class was at 4:30 this day, so I got there around 4:10 to stretch, get out of the house, relax, and take this necessary selfie. ALL MY FAVORITES. I get compliments and I feel like a powerhouse in it. Don’t you have clothes that make you feel powerful too?!



I did this the other day and I know I’m awkward, but I wanted to share my FAVORITE easy little exercise to do right now.


1.It’s weird watching yourself on video, I made some strange faces.
2. I’m sorry for all the “um’s” I didn’t prepare before hand this was improv!!!
3. Super cute thing I do with my hands at the end…*covers eyes*.
4.  THIS stability ball comes with 2 workout dvds, a yoga band, and a pump. Such a good deal for less than $14!
5. I hope you still love me after watching this. After all I did thank you (haha I don’t know why, I think for watching)!

Okay have a super weekend!!! Come Monday I am going to be a happy camper. No class for 3 weeks! Booyah!

Inside My Gym Bag

My gym bag…otherwise known as my purse. But seriously, it is. I carry my gym bag more than I carry my purse!


I’m an organization junkie and I feel like I have mastered some “tricks” to keeping my bag organized and effective. So I thought we could talk about that today.

Now, I usually go dressed and ready to the gym, but this is what I take with me every time.


All the necessities, right in my Lululemon bag, this is a similar one. I got mine for Christmas a couple of years ago and it still holds up nicely. It’s super sturdy which is needed because sometimes my bag gets heavy after my wallet, water bottle, and yoga mat are all thrown in there.


I love a clear bag! Right here is a cute 3-pack of clear toiletry bags for a great price. These might have to be my next investment!

It’s so much easier being able to see what’s inside to make sure I have everything. In this bag I keep my body wash and washcloth, chapstick, lotion, all toiletries (including make-up removing wipes), along with extra hair ties and headbands. I always, always keep multiples of those because that’s the worst if you get to the gym and realize you don’t have them!


This little bag came with my Lululemon bag and it’s where I keep a change of clothes. I keep separate bags because I always hated when I would throw everything inside my main bag and then it was a maze trying to find what I was looking for. This process is so much easier!


It holds my gym clothes (for when I used to workout after work), or it will hold my school clothes (if I workout before I go to classes for the day).


I always keep an extra pair of socks, underwear, and a sports bra in here as well. Those are also things you don’t want to forget about!


The side zipper pocket holds my yoga mat cleaner, body wipes for if I just need to wipe sweat off my face real quick, and the female necessities. You never know when you need these and I keep them in the zipper pocket so they don’t fall out/are seen. Nobody cares to see that stuff!


The other side of the bag is more pockets without the zipper. I keep my workout watch, headphones, my keys, and my phone on this side. This makes it easier to reach those things without having to dig to the bottom of my bag. I learned that the hard way when it took me 5 minutes to find my keys one time after just throwing them in my bag.


At the very bottom of my bag I keep all of my “workout specific items”…you know, socks for Barre class or wraps for boxing class. I don’t always need them, but when you do, you do. You know what i’m saying?


A few more things to note:

1. I keep a beach towel in my bag…but always a lightweight one. I don’t know about you, but we have lightweight and heavy beach towels. I always use the lightweight ones because they are easier to stuff and they aren’t as bulky and heavy. I will usually use this as my towel if I shower at the gym , or to towel off from the sauna, or a towel to wipe off sweat during my workouts.

2. If I am going to yoga, that towel is usually replaced with my yoga mat, unless I am just carrying it by hand.

3. I always keep a cheap ol’ pair of flip flops at the bottom of my bag for if I am showering, or using the sauna after a workout, or if I want to let my feet breathe after a sweaty workout.

4. I “re-stock” my small extra clothes bag first thing when I get home if they were used so I don’t forget. You don’t want to end up having to sit in some sweaty clothes because you forgot your extra pair.

5. Keep travel sized toiletries in your bag. They are easier to handle and cheaper to purchase too.

Now let’s go hit the gym with our organized bags! And then we can jump in the pool afterwards? 😉


Tell us about your gym bag! Am I missing anything?!

Show and Tell: How To Win My Heart

Ah, yes. It’s that time again…show and tell with Andrea!

Momfess-Show and Tell Tuesday 2016

So you wanna know how to win my heart, huh? To be honest, I kind of feel like i’m filling out a profile. I can just see my friends making fun of me now, haha! But in the name of #blogworld we’re doing it.

First, you might want to wake me up with some coffee. For you and for me.


And you see that B in the background of this picture? With the red and the blue? Yeah, to win my heart we will probably take a trip to Fenway.


Or if you’re more of a football person, I don’t discriminate. We can go watch another sport besides baseball. As long as we can see the Sox play at some point 😉


If you’ve won my heart, we’re probably going to the gym together.


And on our first date we most likely got frozen margs with a side of chips and salsa because #indulgences


To win my heart, you’ve got to be okay with my scented candle obsession.


AND YOU HAVE TO BUY ME A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know where you can get one too!


We’ll probably spend a lot of time watching some of my favorite shows…we can watch yours too. I can be fair.

You’ll have to be okay with a gluten free/lactose free cake on my birthday.


And my constant obsession with trying new recipes/foods even when they go wrong.


You’ll have to accept me on my days when I look this good…because more often than not this is how you’ll see me 😉


You’ll have to get along with my family. And they will have to like you. I know some people don’t care if their family gets along with their significant other…but there is no way. Not for me.


To win my heart, you’ll have to want this many kids. Ha kidding. But seriously my significant other will want kids because I know that’s where a lot of my joy in life will come from…raising a family.


But most importantly…if you’ve won my heart…it’s because God has your heart first.


I mean, is that so much to ask for?? 😉 Really though, I could care less about chocolate and flowers and jewelry…those don’t mean anything to me. I took the 5 love languages test and I got quality time BOTH times. And now as i’m done writing this post and looking back i’m seeing a lot of what I said was quality time related. So there ya have it…now i’m just hoping I haven’t scared off any potential contenders at this point. Haha!

Have a great Tuesday!




In case you missed any of my S&T Tuesdays for 2016:

Momfessional Moments (I didn’t participate)

And here are all my 2015 Show and Tell posts.

What’s Up Wednesday: January

Oh, Wednesday is here! I don’t know if i’m excited about it or not! Ha!


Link up with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for What’s Up Wednesday today. Every last Wednesday of the month, we all blog about what’s been going on with us. If you missed my posts last year, check them out!

What I’m eating:

Lately, it’s been a lot of my creamy chocolate fudge protein shake. I’m pretty sure I have one every day, if not, then every other day.


In the mornings, i’m swearing by my toast (I love the charred black on it so I like to burn my toast), avocado smeared on top, and then scrambled egg whites on top of that. Throw on some pace picante and you have a nutritious, filling breakfast.


I made my peanut butter cup protein pie when Morgan was home…and all I got was ONE SLICE and it was gone. She ate the whole thing in like 2 days. It’s good, friends, it’s good.


What I’m reminiscing about:

Well, since I just mentioned Morgan…i’m reminiscing about her being home this past month. She was excited to go back but we had some fun while she was here!

What I’m loving:

Lately, it’s been sleep. When I can get some sleep that is…I feel like i’m constantly tired. Monday night I crashed around 11:30, like didn’t even get my episode of One Tree Hill in because I was so tired. Well yeah, I woke up at 8:15 yesterday morning with no reason to. WHY BODY, WHY?


What we’ve been up to:

Mom has been gone this week visiting her dad so my pops and I have been watching The OC together like we used to. Other than that, we’re just trying to survive on leftovers, dirty laundry, and paper plates 😉 I kid about all that…we’re self-sufficient when she’s gone but it’s easier when she’s doing all those things. Haha

The OC - Ten Years Later

What I’m dreading:

Probably if anything, work this weekend. I’m working two jobs while i’m going to school full-time, so the last thing I want to do is wait tables on the weekends. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


What I’ve been working on:

Creating a healthy balance for myself…

Between work, school, sleep, exercise, food, seeing my family, a social life, and “me time” i’m just trying to find the right balance in a healthy way. Feel free to let me know if you’ve mastered it all. Share your tips!

My blog friend Angie did a great job talking about self care in her guest post, you should read it here.

What I’m excited about:

I officially activated my gym membership on Sunday. So now that i’m “up and running”, i’m ready to keep on it with my group exercise classes…but also (because this is just me) i’m a little nervous because now i’m like “I won’t like it”, “This is 2 years”, “What if I get bored with it?”, you know…just being my normal anxiety-filled self. Working on that too!


What I’ve been reading/watching:

I talk about what i’m reading on next Wednesday, February 3 for Bookworm Wednesday!! You should link up with Katie and I for that.


At night, you can find me re-watching an episode of One Tree Hill before bed. Am I the only one that loves the older seasons better?? I kind of feel like that’s how it is with all my shows though. My dad and I are thinking of not even going into season 3 of the OC because it gets all dark on us.


What I’m listening to:

Right now, i’m typing this post during my break in between classes so i’m hearing students walking around, typing, talking, etc while i’m playing NF radio on Pandora.

But when I get out of my night class, i’m heading home to finish watching this week’s Bachelor episode! Watching some of my favorite shows has become my “me time” lately when I need to relax!


What I’ve been wearing:

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, these leggings (well and other pairs) are on. When i’m sitting in classes all day I do not want to be uncomfortable. I always have some leggings and a t-shirt/tank/sweatshirt on.


And then MWF,


I’m wearing my work clothes with my coffee. Coffee is part of my uniform on those days. It’s just what M,W, F calls for 🙂

What I’m doing this weekend:

I’m working Friday night, which i’m bummed about because I could have gone to a family dinner.

Saturday is going to be my relaxation day. I usually always try to have one day each weekend where I don’t have anything to do. This gives me time for exercise, schoolwork, blogging, etc. I totally recommend this if you’re not doing it already!

Sunday i’ll probably do some yoga before I work the dinner shift at work.


What I’m looking forward to next month:

Next month, i’m looking forward to…uh…nothing right now. There’s honestly nothing about February that gets me excited. It’s cold, there isn’t a holiday off from school. Well I guess I can be excited because it is a short month???

Oh wait, I know…


Fuller House premiering at the end of the month!!

What else is new:

Nothing that I haven’t already shared!

What is my favorite Valentine’s Day treat:

As I looked at this question, I definitely thought of those little Debbie chocolate brownies with the icing and sprinkles. So random, but that’s what came to mind! However, #thankyougluten I can’t have them. Maybe i’ll try and make my own??

Last year, I made a heart shaped cake for my family because i’m #sosweet 🙂


Nothing too exciting, but that’s what’s up this month!


On Monday the 11th, I turned 22 years old. Oh, my i’m getting up there 😉

How did I spend my 22nd birthday you ask? Well, guess what? You’re about to find out!

I woke up and hit the gym for an 8:30a.m. BodyCombat class. If you haven’t tried one of these classes before i’d totally recommend it. It’s a mixture of boxing, kickboxing, and muay thai, teakwondo, and other forms of martial arts. It’s so fun and I totally leave feeling like a bad a**.


Once my class was over I met my pops for a Starbucks because #duh. We sat there for an hour and talked about life, and money, and the future and other kinds of daddy/daughter topics. I love going to Starbucks with my pops.


Once I got home, I showered, and grabbed some breakfast. This is my go-to breakfast people. A slice of toast with avocado and 2 egg whites on top with some salsa. SO GOOD and I crave it all the time!


My mom and I facetimed grandpa after I was done eating to chat with him and let him know my mom was going up there soon. We just had to remind him it was my birthday, but then he wished me a good day 😉


It was then that I decided the birthday present I would ask for was an hour of quality time with each of my family members. Because that’s just me. Everyone responded naturally. And wanna know something? Still never got my hour with the brothers.


Mom is in mattress shopping mode so we went and tested out a bunch of different ones for a couple hours.


And then had to test out some new outdoor furniture!


When we got home, I was hungry so Morgan and I went to pie five for some personal pizzas. THEY HAVE AMAZING GLUTEN FREE CRUST!!! And they only look at me a little funny when I don’t get cheese but it’s fine because I was craving pizza and it was amazing.


I mean, obviously. Thanks for the mid-chew photo Morg!


I ate 22 slices, 1 for each year I was born. Or did I??? If you’re not familiar with Pie Five, I seriously recommend you try it if there’s one near you. I thought this was just a normal pizza place, you put in your order and then wait for them to bring it to your table in about 15 minutes. Nope, you go in and create your own pizza and then it takes FIVE MINUTES to cook. Hence the name Pie Five. Amen to only waiting 5 minutes for your pizza to cook, am I right?! Go there!


When we got home I decided I would just go ahead and make my own cake. I didn’t have a cake and I would feel bad someone having to make a gluten and lactose free cake (and icing), so I did it myself. It was Danielle Walker’s recipe and it took me about 2.5 hours. Yes….from 3:15-5:45 I was in the kitchen making a cake.


But honestly, look how cute it turned out?? I’m not quite sure why we have a power puff girl, but it worked! I always wanted to be the yellow one and Morgan always wanted to be the green one because those were out favorite colors. Haha!


I had to head up to school for something from 8:00-10:00 so we didn’t go to a birthday dinner Monday night, so we each ate a slice of cake instead. I made my brothers since it took me so much time and then mid-slice when they found out it was gluten and lactose free they no longer liked it. #annoying


I mean y’all I don’t want to toot my own horn, but toot toot. This layer cake was AMAZING!  I want another slice now that i’m writing this post.


After we ate and talked for a bit I went up for my thing at school and then when I got home around 10 we opened my “presents”. AKA gifts that were re-gifted because #myfamrocks and then we all hung out and finished watching the Clemson/Alabama game


Even though Clemson beat us, I was still rooting for them because ANYONE but Alabama please!!!! #sorryalabamafans


Mom and I watched Monday’s episode of the Bachelor and I read some blogs before bed. And get this??? I couldn’t fall asleep Monday night. I got 3 hours of sleep. And it was the first day of classes yesterday.



So what did I get?

My mom gave me a camera (that I still have to go pick out) so I can take pictures of my brothers playing baseball this year and then we’ll also have some good quality Christmas card pictures. I’m excited about this!

Morgan gave me a necklace that she said she had picked out way before Christmas too.

Ryan gave me his old iPad because he didn’t use it anymore. He got it from Santa so that made for a couple mouths to drop when I opened the gift (including mine) but that’s just like a 14 year old boy.

Rick gave me nothing…well, technically a month worth of being nice to me because when he asked what I want that’s what I said, but that won’t happen.

And my dad said he hasn’t decided yet but I have a feeling that it will be a trip to San Francisco since i’ve never been to Cali and the Red Sox are playing there this June. It will be another tradition of a trip 🙂

Birthdays are exciting but it seems like as we get older they’re just even more anti-climatic. It’s just downhill from here right? 😉 22 will bring me college graduation, (hopefully) a job, a couple vacations, time spent with family and friends, hours at Church and volunteering in different ministries, and of course probably some tough times. But i’m ready for it all! I’m truly just thankful to be alive and well.

Here’s to 22 and all that’s in store this year!

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