This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘girl time’

Friday Favorites: Must Haves

Happy first Friday of March, peeps! This time next week I will be in full on Spring Break mode. Oh, am I ready for that!!!

Friday Favorites2016

We’ve got some things to cover before Friday can officially start though. Blog your FAVORITES from this week, link to Erika, Andrea, and Narci and let’s get this Friday started!


La Croix


La Croix is a carbonated water beverage with 0 calories, 0 sweetener, 0 sodium, 0 everything. The only ingredients are “carbonated water” and “natural flavor”. I must warn…this drink is an acquired taste. I basically had to force myself to like it, but now that I do, it’s my FAVORITE. La Croix has become so refreshing for me when I am wanting something with a little flavor. You know, since all I drink is water. Other than my water and back coffee this is the only drink I can have on my sugar detox right now. I especially love it because it doesn’t bloat me thanks to no sodium or artificial/any sweeteners. These are the 3 flavors I have in the fridge now, but there are SO many options. Give it a try if you haven’t already!


Clarisonic Mia


For Christmas, I asked for a Clarisonic Mia. I just wanted to see what all the talk was about…now I get it. My Mia 2 has become my FAVORITE beauty product. I tried to research the 3 versions to know which one to specifically ask for, but I couldn’t figure it out. I asked her why she chose this one and she said that after reading all of the reviews it was like a no brainer that the Mia 2 was the one to go with. It has made my skin so clear looking and feeling and just more “lively”. I get compliments all the time and I especially love the fact that I don’t have to use my hands to wash my face. Word on the street is that using your hands will cause wrinkles. No ma’am.


Girlfriend Time


Now if you were here on Wednesday you might have seen that instead of Bookworm Wednesday this month, I switched it up to TVworm Wednesday. And you also read that I love watching my FAVORITE shows with my FAVORITE people. While my momma was out of town this week, my girl Alyssa came over on Monday night and we watched The Bachelor and The Voice.

Alyssa and I were best friends in high school and when it came time for college she went to Texas Tech and I went to The University of Oklahoma.


We lost touch after being so far away, but she recently graduated early in December and now she’s back in the DFW area for her job. I’m so happy my friends are coming back to town. Alyssa and I had so much fun and spent the night giggling about random things and arguing about who is actually going to win the Bachelor! She’s all #teamlauren and i’m all #teamjojo.


Aromatherapy Pillow Mist


One thing to know about me is that when it comes to Bath and Body Works…I love love love candles, aromatherapy, and vanilla bean noel. My FAVORITE product from B&BW that got me hooked on the store in the first place is their aromatherapy, specifically their stress relief one. I adore this stuff. I have the lotion, the shampoo, the hand sanitizer, the body wash, the bubble bath soap, the chapstick, and…the pillow mist!


I spray the pillow mist well, on my pillow before bed at night. I spray it actually all over my bed and in my floor fan (to diffuse it throughout the room) and it seriously works. Not just stress, but it just relaxes me when I take a deep breath. Try the bubble bath soap too! You need this in your life.

In fact, when I went over to our host home from the Church retreat a couple weekends ago, the mom at the host home said “What do you have in there because my daughter and I were talking about how amazing it smells.” I told her it had to be my deodorant because I hadn’t sprayed anything. She said it’s almost like aromatherapy and that’s when it hit me…it was my pillow mist. That I had sprayed a couple days before. Not even on my blanket. It’s so great, friends.




Speaking of our host home at the retreat, the mom introduced me to Stevia while we were there. She said to “only put a drop because otherwise it’s overpowering” and she was right. I loved it so much that I went to buy it the following week. I put one drop in my black coffee (when i’m not on my sugar detox) and it’s perfect. Again, another product that I recommend if you’re trying to limit sugar. And just because it’s a healthier way to sweeten your FAVORITE morning up of joe.


Not only do people use this in coffee, but a lot of people use Stevia as a liquid sweetener in their foods. I bet if you Pinterest this, you’ll find a lot!


Milk Frother


And since we’re talking about coffee…and Christmas. I got a milk frother for Christmas and it is so fun. I had been wanting one for eh…forever and Santa came through! I knew nothing about these originally. The one I have has a cold, warm, and hot milk setting. This day I did the cold setting…which is why I think it turned out bubbly below:


And see it in action:

I re-watch that video and can’t help but laugh. Because i’m weird. And awkward. You’ll have to forgive me 😉 But now you need to get cha some of my FAVORITE Stevia with my FAVORITE milk frother and make some delicious coffee this weekend! I gave you all the good products!


Blog Button


A couple weeks ago, Jacquelyn posted about her awesome goal of meeting 100 Bloglovin’ followers and that she was putting blogger’s buttons on her page. While we were e-mailing I said something about how sweet it was that she was doing that, but I didn’t have one so I couldn’t send it to her. Well, a couple days later I did have a button…and now it’s on her page!!

Thank you for being so kind, Jacquelyn. Sweet gestures like this are my FAVORITE. It is perfect! Bloggers, i’ve added my button to my sidebar. Feel free to grab the link and post it to your blog page 🙂


And there we have it for today. You must have everything I mentioned today people. They’re too good not to! I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I’m hoping to get my shifts covered so I can relax and get ahead on blog work and school work 😉

Friday Favorites: New Years Edition

The second Friday of 2016 is among us. And I hope that Andrea, Erika, and Narci are still doing Friday Favorites this year.

Friday Favorites2016

This is probably the only time i’m sad for a Friday to be here. And it’s because I know that come Tuesday, i’ll be sitting in classes for the majority of the day. Joy.


And i’ll probably be wearing something like this outfit. My aunt gave me this workout shirt and new running shoes for Christmas. She couldn’t have done better…I asked for new running shoes since mine were about 2 years old and very worn. These ASICS are a perfect fit. And the shirt is something I also wanted but didn’t have on my Christmas list. This is my daily uniform and it’s my FAVORITE. 🙂


I’ve said it plenty of times before, and i’ll say it again. ASICS are the BEST running shoes out there. That’s my personal opinion. And Nike Frees are the worst. That’s also my personal opinion and the Nike salesman that I talked to about them. If you’re trying to run/do any kind of workout in Nike Free shoes and you’re having problems, seriously get new shoes!


The day before NYE I went into work and she told me there wasn’t much going on, so I could leave. Well, I left and headed straight for Reeana. She got a new apartment over in the Fort Worth area, so I grabbed a Starbucks to sip on, turned my music up way too loud, and made the hour drive to see her new place and hang out for a bit!


I told her to pick a place to eat that was on her list to visit/try but she hadn’t been before because it was on me! The place she wanted to go to was closed (RUDE) so we went a couple blocks down to a bar/grill type place. She got a beer and we shared their fish tacos (YUM) and sat and talked about life for a couple hours.


I tried to get out of there to make it back to the gym before traffic hit the city, but I ended up getting stuck it in part of the way.


We had a mini-Christmas exchange with each other and along with some face masks, she gave me this blanket. It is my FAVORITE and I haven’t let go of it since I got it. This was the picture I sent her after I got a picture from her that she hung the two pieces of decoration I bought for her apartment.



NYE was me hitting the gym for an 8:30 dance class. HAHA to that. And then I went straight to work for the lunch shift. When I got home it was time for the OU game in which they lost to Clemson (WHATEVER LAUREN). My blog friend Lauren went to Clemson so I was texting her about it. And she made sure to let me know she was super excited about it 😉 The rest of the night consisted of me spending time at home cuddled up by the fire with my FAVORITE Molly milk and cookies. AKA Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough QuestBar and lactose free milk.


And then I went to bed after the ball dropped, because is that not what every 21 year old did on NYE?! #noshame #ilovesleep #anddoingnothing


It’s been rather warm for Texas around the Holidays. But on New Years Day when my dad wanted to go for a walk, it was NOT warm. Walking with my dad is one of my FAVORITE things to do, so I couldn’t say no when he asked…but a mile in and I was done because my nose was running and I had to work that night.



New Years Day night I went into my other job (which yes is waiting tables) and we were serving black eyed peas! Apparently it’s a southern thing, but you are suppose to eat black eyed peas on NYD for good luck. I love beans and traditions so this was one of my FAVORITES. Although…I didn’t have any. What, Molly?!


The rest of last weekend I spent working out and going to work. How typical for me. Man, I am so not ready to go back for another semester of classes. I’ve enjoyed this past week too much.

Here’s to hoping this weekend goes by EXTRA slow for us all! 😉

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