This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘blogging’

Colors of Life: Blogging

Duuuuuhhhhh #colorofmylife


Is good networking.

Gives you something to do in your free time.

Keeps you sane when everything is crazy.

Gives you something to look forward to.

Is fun.

You learn stuff about yourself.

Today I thought i’d go ahead and answer some questions people have about blogging!

How did you start blogging?

To tell you the truth, I never thought i’d be blogging. The only reason I had heard of it was because of Hilary Duff in the Perfect Man when she was “the girl on the move”, do y’all remember that? Then when I found Shay Shull’s blog, I was hooked. I think i’ve got her to thank for finally taking the plunge to start my own blog. And now I can’t NOT blog.

What if my family doesn’t like blogging?

I think i’ve already mentioned—my family isn’t so keen on the whole me blogging thing. They just never grew up like that, you know putting yourself out all over the internet. I’m not saying that they aren’t supportive, they just don’t understand. And that’s okay. Because this is my thing. And thats #1 that I love about blogging.

Why do you blog?

I’ve only been “full-time” blogging for 6 months and i’ve already loved going back and reading about vacations this past summer, someone’s birthday, or a random Thursday in the middle of September. Just those kinds of things. I love to scrapbook and I feel like this is my online scrapbook that I can share with other people. I’ve found myself up late when I can’t sleep just writing posts (I learned I love to write, too!), planning the next week, and reading some of my favorite bloggers pages. You feel connected to people that you wouldn’t even think. Sometimes you find that you relate to someone, or you can see that someone already went through something you’re going through, etc. It can be a support system for some people. A source of entertainment for others and what have you.

How do your friends feel about you blogging?

The support i’ve gotten from my friends has been crazy. Crazy in a good way. You know, I was wondering how my friends would think about me blogging, because i’m the only person my age (besides Reeana but she only does sometimes) that blogs. I’ve been asked when they will be featured and “is this picture going on the blog?” They’re awesome. I love that they read it every day too. Now if only they’d blog with me 😉

What would you say to someone who wants to blog?

YOU HAVE TO DO IT! We can be blog friends!! Haha, no i’d tell you to just do it! (Thanks Nike) If you don’t like it you can always shut down your blog, but how will you know if you don’t just jump in?

What makes a good blogger?

Definitely someone who is honest. We don’t want to read a fake blog. You have to pretty much be an open book, you are sharing you life with everyone! Someone who likes to write. I think good bloggers also engage their readers. I’d love to have more feedback on my blog, but I know many times people don’t like to comment directly. Anyone can blog! It takes time to build, though.

But what if I don’t have anything to talk about?

Does anyone ever really have anything they just HAVE to talk about? Nope, a blog is just your personal feelings or opinions on a subject. You’re not going to be boring if you’re just being you. Sometimes I feel like what if I was more like this blogger or that blogger. But then I wouldn’t be myself, you know? Those other people have their own blogs. But you might find you have a lot more to talk about than you think you do.

But most importantly, blogging has to be for you! Yeah some of your readers might go back and look at old posts, but you’re going to be the one that looks for a specific post about your family on the third tuesday in october a year ago. You know what I mean?? I love finding new blogs. And I love blogging!

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