This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Not Satisfied.

This post today was totally unplanned, but has been sitting heavy on my heart lately so I just went with it. Don’t worry I won’t type your eyes out 😉 I attempted to keep it short and sweet, which is hard for me sometimes haha.

I don’t want to be someone that puts up a front. Sometimes I feel as though bloggers do. Like, since we don’t know each other personally (as in we’ve never been in the physical presence of one another) I feel as though it’s easy to play ourselves up on the blog. But i’ll let you in on a secret here. While i’m very open and honest in my posts, I’m not always open and honest about being a happy, satisfied, and positive person. Most days I try to be. But a lot of the time that just doesn’t happen.

One thing I know to be true is that i’m very hard on myself. I’m an over-achiever. I’m an over-analyzer/thinker. I’m a people pleaser. Add that all together and you find anxiety. I often think about how hard I am on myself. I have this need for achievement, and according to Thomas Armstrong’s 12 stages of life, that’s right in line with my age group (technically enterprise but same thing).

I put an extraordinary amount of pressure on myself to achieve. I want to achieve my ideal body. I want to achieve that 4.0 one semester. I want to be liked by everyone around me. I want to be the best. I want, I want.

But then when months of working out doesn’t get me my ideal body, pulling an all-nighter for my exam doesn’t get me an A, someone tells me that they don’t like me, and i’m defeated. I’m left feeling as though I have failed somehow because I didn’t reach my goal. I didn’t achieve.


Here’s what i’m talking about.

At the end of last semester I was hanging out with my friends. We were in the car and I got my grades for the past spring semester. I looked online and saw I had a 3.355. I asked them if that was good and Emily said, “Yes, that’s so good!” But I wasn’t happy with it. I wanted better. I’m not satisfied.

Sometimes i’ll be working out and notice that i’m not doing my intervals as fast as I should be. I should run longer. I should be able to hold my poses in yoga longer. I should be able to do more reps. I’m not satisfied.

I’ve been working out for however long now and i’m not seeing “the perfect me” when I look in the mirror. Or my hips look wide. Ladies…..? And i’m not satisfied.

I’ll cook a meal for my family and I know how to follow the directions perfectly. My family will tell me it’s good, but I still get worried that they’re just trying to make me feel good about myself. And i’m not satisfied.

The amount of time that I spend in my spiritual life is not where I think it should be. So i’m not satisfied.

I know what you’re thinking…then change things! Right? I mean why is it that i’m never satisfied? Is it bad? Is it good? I think each to a certain extent. I think it’s good that I don’t get comfortable where I am. I should always be striving to do better. And to become a better person. For me. But it’s when I let those expectations spiral too far that it becomes bad.


My main worry right now is why do I spend so much time looking in the mirror trying to figure out how I can change myself. I spend so much of the little free time I have worrying about my body image. Or comparing myself to others. I always told myself I was never going to be one of those people, yet here I am. Never say never.

I know i’m going to struggle with this for a while. Some of you can relate, right? Do you feel the same way as me? I think it’s so important to remember that…




But it’s hard, y’all. It makes life hard when you’re not ever satisfied. How do you change it? Honestly, I think to be satisfied, the best thing to do is think of /do the things that make me happy in life.

From here on out, i’m making a conscious effort to not dwell on the bad, but focus on the good – the things that make me happy. I mean that’s what life should be about right? Doing what makes you happy. When I die, or if i’m sitting in my hospital bed thinking back on my life I want to remember all the things that made me happy. The things that made my life fulfilling and worth living. When i’m laying in a hospital bed I won’t be worried about how wide I think my hips look, or how high my GPA was as long as I got my degree. Or any of the petty things that don’t matter that much!

Happiness comes from within. Today and tomorrow and after that, i’m choosing happiness. And I will do what I need to do to get to the point where I am satisfied and at peace.

I don’t know what your life has been like lately, but these are a few things that make me happy. I’d encourage you today to write a list of what makes YOU happy. It really can change your perspective.

Comments on: "Not Satisfied." (22)

  1. A few things…a 3.35 is GREAT! And your body looks fantastic! Think about what your body has done for you. I know exactly how you feel though. I constantly am wanting more from myself. But instead of wishing things away try focusing on the now. A perfect GPA is fleeting and really only matters in the short term perspective of life. A perfect body is superficial and doesn’t reflect who you really are. Give yourself some grace to evolve!!! Love you girl!!


    • That’s all very true. It’s so easy to tell myself those things, but I really need to live my life that way. Which i’m working on! Love you back!!


  2. Molly – I love this post! I know I struggle with not being satisfied (and worrying about EVERYTHING) a lot. And honestly it’s exhausting! I was talking to my favorite professor about this one day and she gave me some really great advice. She said at the end of the day rather than beating yourself up right before you go to bed… When you’re in that stage of just laying in the dark and thinking, thinking of everything good that happened in the day. Even the small stuff. (Making it to work on time, not getting in an accident, having food to eat, seeing friends, liking your outfit) go through every single hour and think of all the positives. It takes a few weeks but a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulder because the positives start to outweigh all the things we worry about 🙂 happy Wednesday, friend!


    • Thanks, Randi! I’ve actually heard of something like that. I really think it’s all about your attitude and perspective. Last night (and I think i’m starting it going forward) i’ve been writing down all of the good and positive things from the day that made me happy. We’ll see how it goes for me, i’m sure it’ll be great. Happy Wednesday to you too!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Emily said:

    Hey Molly! I’m a new reader and I absolutely love your blog. Thank you for being so honest and genuine. I relate so much to this post today and I wish you all the best as you keep choosing happiness 🙂


    • Hi Emily! Thanks for reading and for commenting, i’m so glad you’ve found my blog! It makes me feel good to know that others relate to my post and get it. Have a great day!


  4. “Happiness comes from within.” This. I love love love this. Maybe I can borrow it for my next quotes post? Anyway, I’m glad you’re going to try to be less hard on yourself and enjoy the good! Plus, a 3.35 is great!


  5. My Urban Family said:

    “Happiness comes from within.” This. I love love love this. Maybe I can borrow it for my next quotes post? Anyway, I’m glad you’re going to try to be less hard on yourself and enjoy the good! Plus, a 3.35 is great!


  6. Thank you for opening up Molly! I can totally relate. I want to be more confident but I struggle with comparing myself to others and trying to change things about myself to make myself “better”. There’s some pressure in the blogging world to be a perfect versions of ourselves but I love that I’ve connected with blogs like yours that keep it real and share our ups and downs. We are in this together! 🙂


  7. Girl, YES. I get anxious about a few things, and my people-pleaser ways are definitely one of them. So much so that I find myself feeling super guilty about things that I shouldn’t feel guilty about. (Like having to say no to someone, even if I have a legitimate reason, and stuff like that that I think is letting someone down.) I also do some major over-analyzing too. And sometimes reading blogs I think can add to that anxiety, when everyone’s life (and sometimes our own) look so perfect so we wonder why our life isn’t really like that. But posts like these put it into perspective and make me realize that everyone has their own battles to fight@


    • Exactly!! That’s the struggle with social media now days too…everything looks so perfect. But it’s really not! I’m so glad this post put things in perspective. Sometimes it’s okay to be a mess and unhappy! It makes us appreciate the good more 🙂


  8. You just touched so many people by writing this post!!! YES to all of this. It’s good to not be satisfied so that you don’t get complacent and you try to be better…but when you start to get exhausted because you aren’t satisfied, that’s when it’s bad…and that’s what I’ve been doing this whole first semester of teaching and grad school and friends and church and AH! I’m finding my zen in 2016. 🙂


    • Let’s go to a yoga conference in 2016 and both find our zen hahah. I don’t even know if you like yoga! But I’m so glad you and everyone else can relate. Life’s better with more GIRLPOWER!


  9. Megan said:

    I love this post & can relate so much! I have been a perfectionist my entire life & struggle with being satisfied as well. And it’s exhausting! It’s so hard to focus on the positive things & to always remember that life isn’t as bad as I’m making it out to be (in my head, that is, hah). Thank you for this post! It was definitely something I needed to be reminded about. 🙂


    • No THANK YOU! I’m so glad you needed it today. And that you read my blog. Not being satisfied is exhausting you’re right, which is why i’m realllllly trying to work on it!


  10. I agree with all of this. When will we ever be good enough for ourselves?? But I think deep down we know and love ourselves. Not in a self-centered way, but in an independent & strong way. God made us just how he wanted. We have to honor him and love ourselves so that we can love others and they can love us! I think we need to focus on patting ourselves on the back a little more whenever we do something well. So often we will focus on what we can do better and let what we do good slide. Loved this post!!


    • Yes, this goes back to the ol saying “We have to love ourselves before we can love someone else”. I agree with patting yourself on the back. Thank you for reading, my friend!


  11. Although I know it isn’t easy, thank you for your honesty, Molly. What you are describing is so common and I can relate. What helps me is staying grounded is faith knowing that God created me to be the person I am and that I am perfect in his eyes. Even those people you compare yourself to have insecurities and I can bet they also compare themselves to others and feel inadequate. Its a vicious cycle if we keep ourselves in it. I try to manage my expectations and use setbacks or shortcomings as an opportunity to learn something about life and about myself. Giving ourselves grace is so important! We are all human and struggle with it at times but if you can keep coming back to that, it helps.


    • Thank you so much Angie! Giving yourself Grace is so hard sometimes, but so important. It’s refreshing to hear that other people are just like me, because while deep down you know it you don’t always remind yourself of it. At least that’s me 🙂


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