This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


Welcome back y’all, it’s another week of Friday Favorites! I’ve got a new graphic as number 4, because it’s a new month! Join me and link up with Andrea, Narci and Erika today 🙂


Morgan went to an alternative concert with her friend one day last week, and we went shopping for her to get a beanie. We were walking by this Christmas tree at our mall, and of course Molly wanted a picture. So Molly got a picture! And she was not feeling it. Go figure she’s pushing me away.




My pops and I went on a Starbucks date saturday morning. He sat on his phone the whole time while I had to watch him. #rude #adultsthesedays



The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. We came home Sunday after Church and we decorated and decorated. We finished our outside lights and the inside decor…this time of year is so cozy.



Dec. 1 means Jonathan turned 21! He had his birthday dinner that night and I met up with him, his family, and another family friend for some good ol’ grub. He was then brought out a dessert and we sang to him. Happy Birthday to my pal!



Tuesday night after work I went and picked up my Christmas tree skirt that I won from Andrea’s blog thanks to the lovely Moon Pie Designs. I had to see how it looked once I got home, but i’m thinking it’s going to go on our upstairs tree that’s a little smaller.

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It’s getting extra extra Christmasy around here. Our good friend, Fritz came out to see us, and later that night I spent a good hour and a half decorating the tree because nobody else would put the ornaments up and I couldn’t put presents under there until the ornaments were up. And I wanted my presents to go under the tree already!

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I babysat last night and before the littlest went to bed we had to put out their elves (not elf on the shelf) and feed them water and crackers, or else they wouldn’t hide. I love seeing what traditions other families have, and it’s fun to watch kiddos get all excited about these kind of things!


And that’s it. It’s all Christmasy in our city right now, officially! It’s so wonderful!!!!

Your comments make my day! xoxo

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