This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘attic’

Come on in…Home Organization

As Hoda and KLG say “Hello everybody welcome to Boosday Tuesday it’s October 14th”. There’s actually no mention of booze in this post so that’s awkward. Well I guess there was just there, but not anymore. I love Hoda and KLG and I just really wanted to say that. But let’s get this organization thing going!

I laughed at the thought of my home and organization used in the same sentence because people, 4/6 of our crew is unorganized. My mom and sister are total right-brainers. Some people don’t believe in right brain/left brain thing but I absolutely do.

Mom is obviously the one who’s in charge of the house. Dad says he is, but no no no. I tell her how unorganized her pantry is all the time and she said “this is my house. leave it alone” Ma’am yes ma’am. So needless to say, our home is not going to be the most organized house you’ve probably ever seen, however I can’t pass up the opportunity to link-up with Andrea. And this being my first “come on in…” I decided to give it a whirl.

momfessionals come on in

Soo… brothers, sister and mom being the unorganized part of the crew leaves my father and I the organized ones. I’ll prove it… Let’s go take a look in their closet. I missed last month’s Master Bedrooms (which is okay ’cause that’s pretty weird to show you my parents’ room haha) so this is my little bit of that. Here’s my dad’s side of the closet.

He has all his shirts color-coded, his pants hanging together color coded, and his dress shirts separate from his golf shirts. That’s what i’m talking about Pa!


Now mom’s side on the other hand….is colors thrown separately, a random ladder in the middle, and actually she just cleaned her closet last week so this is looking pretty good. Usually her shoes are a crazy mess. She says my organization drives her crazy. I’ll tell her about color coding my planner and she says “that’s just a sick mind.” Hahah I don’t think we’re anything alike.


and next to her side of the bed…


and her desk…


that she throws her junk on,…so she actually works from this part of the counter.


I won’t hold this against her too much because my dad does have a study that he gets to work at, and she only has that little ol’ desk. So i’ll go ahead and allow her to throw her things all over this part of the counter 😉

My mom tries to be organized, so I applaud her for that. For example, this is how she tried to organize our attic.


It’s still organized a little bit, buuuuuut now it’s like this:


crap thrown everywhere. I don’t blame her though she has 5 people putting their junk everywhere messing up “her system”. Part of her fall bucket list is to clean out the attic and then organize it by seasons. You go girl! She has our wrapping paper in a bucket when you first walk in. That’s organization, right?!


Then you walk downstairs into our laundry room (i’m not going to give you too much of a peak in there because that’s next months come on in…) but the closet is where all my brother’s baseball pants are stored with coats and shoes as well.


and our garage has my dad’s work bench that keeps all our nails/hammer/pool chemicals/etc. each of the cabinet doors is dedicated for the four of us from sports and everything.


Oh, here’s a good one. My dad has hung up all the license plates he’s had on the wall from when he lived wherever.


On the other side of the garage keeps our extra drinks that don’t fit in the refrigerators.


Our pool toys/ sports balls and gloves/ bike things


and next to the cabinets that we built into our garage for storage is our golf clubs and baseball bats.


Our pantry is a darn mess (except for what I claimed as the g-free section) so the only organized part I could find is the top shelf where extra Ziploc, parchment paper, and plastic wrap are kept, because we shop at Costco and have an abundant amount of extra stuff. That’s the way we roll.


And back upstairs in our game room closet is where we keep our board games, printer paper, card stock, colored pencils, etc. Another place to throw our junk basically.


I gave you a tour of my room and told you that one of my goals for October was to organize my closet after my brother and I switched rooms. Excitedly enough, I got started on Sunday. And it makes my heart so happy looking at my new closet. I don’t want to go into too much detail because that will be in another post (probably some time next week). However, I do want to tease you a little bit with this picture. I LOVE love L0Ve organization.


Our house is nothing like the container store (although that’d be a dream come true for me hahaha) but it’s our house and it works for us. And even though mom is a total right-brain, creative, unorganized woman I love our house and love what she does with it.

Link up with Andrea, y’all!
Ps. This week is crazy, busy week school-wise. Keep me in your thoughts as I might actually feel like making it a boozday tuesday. Midterms, finals, quizzes, tests, work, ahhhhhh.

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