This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘workspace’

#FavThingsParty & Project: Show Us Your WorkSpace

Happy Monday to you! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

Favorite Things PArty

Well it’s currently 11:21 and I just found out about the Favorite Things Party with Andrea and Erika. My original post is still going to be underneath, however I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to participate in a link-up party! So, i’ll highlight a few of my favorite things and then proceed on with our regular viewing….which will be good so stick around! And don’t wish hateful things to happen to me due to the length of this post :/


I know i’ve been saying this a lot, but Target is being completely awesome and basically GIVING us stuff. Right now, some of their scarves are buy one, get one 50%, so with that they will be suuuuuper cheap also free shipping. Also, they’re adorable. Also, don’t forget Christmas coming soon. Let me just tease you:
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I bought this first one recently. And i’m soooooo excited to finally wear it.
Get you some of these plus other darling ones HERE


Desk Organizer


As I will mention below, I really like this organizer and how there are enough compartments to keep all of my things. HERE is the one that I got.

Jesus Calling

jesus calling

I used Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence in college after I got it as a graduation present. Y’all this is such an easy devotional for kids, adults, etc. It’s my favorite thing right now and I love follow along with it. It will be such a nice thing to wake up to in the morning with your cup of coffee. It’s so relatable and I feel like every day speaks to me.


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Can we just talk about all the beauty in these pictures? Starbucks has really been keeping me cozy…and awake during this fall season. Nothing sounds better than a good ol’ Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte with Soy to start your morning. But then on my off days or when i’m not making coffee at home i’m digging McCafe iced mocha.

Christmas Movies


I know it’s only October, but as soon as these Christmas movies start playing on tv, i’m watching them!! I’m also thinking about ordering this Family Holiday Gift Set – 20 Movie Collection. What do you think?? Are you with me? Or not quite yet?


I was recently contacted by a company, WeWork and they asked me if I would be willing to show my current work space and what I love about it. WeWork is a co-working company that builds communities to empower people to do what they love. I didn’t hesitate to participate one bit, especially because i’ve already showed you my closet and my room. So now we’re like totally besties you know. Why not show you the work space??

My workspace is one of the most important spaces that I have. And I think it is for most people too. Besides your room/your house/apartment/etc this is where you spend most of your time. My post is going to be a “doing the best with what you’re given” version.

If you read in the tour of my room you saw that I was stuck with all the furniture that was in the room before I moved in. Therefore I was given the challenge of using what I was given into “my” space. Challenge accepted, family! Now, let’s jump right in.

So, here ya go! This is my “desk”. As you can see there is not an actual desk in this room, however I took the middle shelves out of these armours and turned it into my version of a desk that I do my work at.


This next part is my actual “desk” side. This is where I do work for Colors of Life, plan events, work on my school things. I write my papers here, I play pandora here, I write the blog posts here, I can do it all from my little nook! All the magic happens here 🙂


Here’s a closer view of the desk part of it.


I keep my motivational quotes on the back so I can look up at them and read it when I want to! These are from Andrea over at Momfessionals, she made some free printables and if she posted more I would take print those bad boys out. ’cause I neeeeeeeeeeed more. Hint, hint Andrea 🙂 Bible verses and inspirational sayings, it makes the best decor!


On the desk part, I keep an organizer next to it. Pens/Pencils, stapler, scissors, tape, extra paper, you name it. I don’t have a drawer unfortunately so this is what I have to use. The file folders behind the organizer are what I use to keep my spare papers straight. “To do!” “To file” “To read” whatever kind of papers I need to keep separate.


And then of course my computer, phone, mouse, all sit next to eat other. I have a little speaker in the back that I can hook my phone up to. Then above is a little under shelf basket. This is where I keep really important things that I don’t want to misplace, right now a recipe is sitting there that I want to make. And the top shelf hold books that I want to read, my bible and journal, and my exercise journals.

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I made the left half the side for me to watch tv, or put dvds in when i’m working. I lifted the tv on an old locker shelf and then was able to store my dvd’s underneath. I can turn the tv to face anywhere in the room in order for me to see it.


See here’s my old locker shelf and all my DVDS underneath. It works, y’all!


Above is where I keep my recipe books, DVD player, textbooks, school things.


And when i’m feeling extra tired, I might go cuddle up on this furry chair or use this big ol’ bear as a back rest while i’m working. College students are not given enough credit. It’s tiring being us!! 😉


What I love about my workspace:

  1. It’s all mine. I can make it what I want, and it’s not bothering anyone else.
  2. I love that I have a tv next to it so it can distract me from actually doing work 😉
  3. Surprisingly, I love that it’s a small enough space where I can’t spread out all my papers. I’m forced to be organized.
  4. I love that everything is right there next to me.
  5. I LOVE that I can look up and see my inspirational quotes surrounding me when I may get overwhelmed.
  6. I love that it also incorporates my “bookshelf” and textbook holder to save me space in my room.

 What would I add to my space?

  1. I’d make it a little bigger, if I could knock out the two sides and make it a huge long piece of furniture, plus make it deeper, i’d be in hog heaven.
  2. I’d add some frufru to it. Maybe I should put some Christmas lights or boas or something to make it more girly. Hmmmmm…currently pondering that thought.
  3. Because I am such an organizer, if I had unlimited funds I would totally hop on over to the Container Store and do something like this… everything has it’s own place…aaaahhh organization
  4. I would like adding something sort of similar to this as well, so when I get those random thoughts that I know I need to write down (happens ALL the time) I can do so quickly before I forget.

So there ya have it. Thank you WeWork for contacting me to be apart of this project!
Be checking their social media sites to see if I am included in one of their posts!!!
We Work:

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