This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘armband’

Friday Favorites

It’s Friday, Friday gonna get down on Friday!!! Bringin’ back that Rebecca Black…it’s time to link-up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci again!



 1: The spontaneity of an uno night with my siblings this week.


One random day this week we had nothing going on after school, so a couple hours at home my sister  says “i’m bored” as we were sitting around, someone decided we should play a game. The only one we could all agree on was Uno because we hadn’t played in forever! And it was fun. The little things.


: My new running armband.



Y’all, I bought myself something! I decided I was going out and buying one myself because I was tired of carrying my phone in my hand and getting it sweaty and worry about dropping it, etc. So, after I did more research I found this one for a lot cheaper than what I bought it. It’s less than $13!!! It says it only fits iPhone 5 and up, but my 4 fits perfectly fine. I was looking around the other day  and also found this iPhone Armband for less than $3. Honestly, you don’t even have to be a runner, but if you enjoy working out and listening to music I would highly recommend one of these! And for those who have a Galaxy, here’s a similar Samsung Galaxy Armband.

3: The little things in life, like picking up my brothers from school.



I totally sound mom-like looking at this picture, but I enjoy spending time with my family. I enjoy being able to help out my parents, so now that my mom is gone this week, I take over her duties. It’s kind of fun picking them up from school and having those couple minutes to hang out, even though they probably don’t enjoy it as much as me 🙂


4: Samoas


This has definitely been my go-to dessert this week. These are my absolute faaaavorite girl scout cookies and make a yummy dessert when you’re craving some chocolate. We order about 20 boxes every year…our girl scout loves us for that. We always make sure we have them year round!


: Jesus time.

Honestly, there’s no better way to start your morning than with a little bit of Jesus. I’m planning to post about my Quiet Time and also about my morning routine in the near future.

jesus callingIMG_0549

If you want a wonderful devotional to help guide your special time with God, buy yourself Jesus Calling I promise you will enjoy it. It is so uplifting, true to life, and it has spoken to me many times. If you don’t have the financials to get this devotional, please e-mail me and I will find a way to get you a copy.

Everyone have a GREAT weekend!!!

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