This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


I really just can’t help but laugh every time I think about doing these posts. One day back this summer when I first started blogging I had my post pulled up on my laptop and it was an #everydaymollay post. Littlest brat brother saw and told the other brat brother and they instantly made fun of me even more than they already do for blogging. Now my name is no longer Molly to them, it’s EverydayMollay. It’s kind of funny but i’m also like #sigh #littlebrotherprobs

Now, I know you’re DYING to know how I spend every second of my day. I know. Sooooooo…today i’ll take you on a trip through a typical Monday in my world!

Let me just start by saying that I never sleep during the days ever. Sometimes i’ll try to nap, but I end up laying there for a little bit, and then I get bored because I have too much energy and end up getting up to do something. But Sunday was different. Not only did I nap, but I slept. And I slept hard. For a couple hours. It was good considering that I couldn’t keep my eyes open to do anything, but it wasn’t good in the sense that I couldn’t fall asleep on Sunday night!!!

Here I am at 2:42 wide awake. I wake up at 5:45 MWF, so I got 2.5 hours of sleep that night…not so much a good thing for a long week ahead of me 😦 So whats a gal to do at o’dark thirty? She shall blog and cuddle with her computer. Ha! Officially accepting applications for a new cuddle buddy.


Naturally, first thing Monday morning I walked down to the coffee shop. After I was late to work. Monday….


I snacked on this fruit bowl (that I made when I couldn’t sleep Sunday night) pretty much all day. Goodness, I love fruit.


My breaks at work consisted of me studying for my Organizational Behavior exam that I took Tuesday morning. What a fun lunch, right? Wanna be me yet???? It’s okay to say yes.


And got a call from La Hacienda Ranch Monday afternoon. Now I want chips and salsa.


And then I had to leave work early to meet a group at school to practice for our presentation. And by the time I was finished practicing with them it was 5:00 and I sat in some traffic all the way home. Ahhh….Monday. Ahhh… life. GAG.


I got home close to 6, grabbed a snack (I can’t even remember what!), and got my work-out on in my homemade work-out room. Side note: when I have a house of my own I WILL have a work-out room so I don’t have to use a step stool against my couch as a sturdy bench. Obviously, i’m a pro improvisor.


During my work-out I walked downstairs to grab a water bottle and my mom made a look at me like why are you walking downstairs and you’re sweating. I said “Mom, if i’ve got to release some endorphins if i’m going to keep my sanity this week!” Geez. Mother’s just don’t understand, do they?


Then I sat on our top balcony for a little bit and studied while it was pouring rain. It was actually kind of nice. I think I found my new favorite spot around our house. Also accepting applications for a study buddy. And work-out buddy. Better yet, accepting applications for a new bff seeing as mine are hours away from me. Then maybe I won’t have to take sad selfies by my lonesome. Although let’s be honest…I totally don’t mind looking like a loser.


Then I got cold (what?! that never happens) so I went back inside and grabbed some dinner (I forgot some of this day’s pictures apparently). Afterwards, I GOT THE GOLDEN TICKET! I GOT THE GOLDEN TICKET! Yes. I won a trip to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. Also accepting applications for the lucky visitor that gets to come with me.


I showered and I studied some more and I fell asleep. With my lights on. And my notes still in my hand. Because COLLEGE IS EXHAUSTING!

So make sure you get your applications in people! Now that I look back at my day it seems like it goes pretty fast. Maybe that’s why it’s May. Next #everydaymollay i’ll take more pictures and maybe do something fun? Maybe.

Comments on: "#everydaymollay April Edition" (2)

  1. Hi, my name is Kylie and I like to study and work out and be BFFs and cuddle…except I live in Washington, D.C. Oops. You can ditch my application now. 😉 If I slept for 2.5 hours my Monday wouldn’t have happened because I would have the WORST migraine! You rock!


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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