This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘nantucket nights’

Bookworm Wednesday: February

It’s Bookworm Wednesday! Every first Wednesday of the month just blog about your reads, include this graphic below, and link back to Katie and I. It’s quite simple 🙂


Then you can go through the links to ideas from others on what to read next 🙂

2016 Bookworm Wednesday dates:

March 2nd
April 6th
May 4th
June 1st
July 6th
August 3rd
September 7th
October 5th
November 2nd
December 7th

This month i’ve been reading/spending a lot of time with a faith-based book, a “for fun” read, and a serious/school read.

For my faith-based book it’s been for Online Bible Study


We’re still reading So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore and it has been so challenging! In a good way. If you want to participate, you still can. Click the link above or the picture of the book on my side page. Once you get the book you can go through the posts and catch up! It is beneficial to all women (and men) who struggle with insecurity of any kind.

It’s a lot of reading the book, reading the Bible, journaling, and a lot of time. But so, so worth it!

I also started Winter Stroll this month since I got it for Christmas, but then I realized you have to read Winter Street before because it’s a 3 book series. So I had to close the cover…and i’ll go back another time. Sigh. I tried.


So for my “for fun” book, I decided i’ll go ahead and still get my Elin Hilderbrand on by reading her Nantucket Nights that I bought a few months ago.


Another book i’m reading right now is actually assigned for a class, but I think it will help me in my career as well. Actually I know it will because why else would the professor have us read the book and write papers on it??


The HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership is a book compiled with articles relating to leadership, what it means to be a leader, how to act as a leader, how to get others to respect you as a leader. I mean you name it. I’ve had the professor teaching this course for the past three semesters and every semester we have had to read the Harvard Business Review articles from different books and I go through them and really think about how beneficial it will be when I remember this as i’m in the workforce. If you’re struggling with this, whether in work, school, life I think you might find this interesting.

So that’s it for this month!

And to see my book posts from the past…

Bookworm Wednesday – January
Bookworm Wednesday – December

Bookworm Wednesday – November
Bookworm Wednesday – October
Bookworm Wednesday – September
Books in July
Books (and some Netflix) in June
Books in May
Books in March

Happy reading!!

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