This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Goals for August

Tomorrow starts August…what?! Where has the time gone this year?

Because August is the 8th month of the year, I’ve decided I want to create 8 goals for myself during the month of August. I’ll share them with you, and hopefully it will help me be accountable.

  1. Read 2 new books
  2. Do something nice for someone else
  3. Work out 3-4 times a week
  4. Host a get together at my house
  5. Make 8 new recipes
  6. Figure out what i’m doing about school
  7. Spend more time in God’s word
  8. Buy something for myself


Pretty simple today. Friday favorites tomorrow! 🙂

Your comments make my day! xoxo

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