This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

I thought this would be a great thing for you guys to read, enjoy! (I’m adding things as I think of them)

  1. I am a perfectionist, a neat freak and a HUGE germ-a-phob.
  2. I have a fear of public bathrooms & use the paper towel to open the stalls & doors.
  3. One of my goals in life is to go to all 50 states. So far, I have been to 17.
  4. I would like to run a half marathon one day.
  5. I am a huge night owl & stay up way too late every night either on the computer, watching Netflix or reading.
  6. My room is usually very clean & organized (most of the time) and it drives me crazy when our house isn’t picked up.
  7. My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July.
  8. Fall is my favorite season. I am OBESSED.
  9. I wish I could sing.
  10. I am a control freak. Fortunately (& unfortunately) God keeps reminding me that I am NOT in control but HE is.
  11. I love making lists. Nothing feels better than writing down lists and then crossing something off!
  12. I enjoy the deep, authentic & real friendships in my life. I love sharing life, stories & experiences with others.
  13. My planner is color-coded…Yes, I am one of those people.
  14. My “nails on the chalkboard” is metal silverware. I haaaate when I can hear people’s teeth on silverware. I always use plastic.
  15. Although traveling is fun, I LOVE to be at home with my family, so while i’m finishing my college degree and living at home to save money, I am enjoying every second of it.
  16. And because I love big families/family time, I want 4 or 5 kids.
  17. I love to work, i’ve had as many as three-four jobs at one time.
  18. I have a huge obsession with the elderly, my ultimate goal is to own a retirement home one day.
  19. I only drink iced-coffee, i’m not a hot coffee drinker. However, there are occasions. In the fall/winter you can almost always catch me with a cup of hot tea to end the day.
  20. I drink everything out of a straw
  21. I am always hot! I’m totally the freak that has the A/C going in my car full blast during winter. This is not a joke.
  22. Bull riders/Cowboys are extremely attractive to me.
  23. Usually if i’m not busy all day every day, i’ll go craaaazaaayyyy! I’m probably ADD too.
  24. I’ve never liked breakfast so most of the time I just won’t eat it, or i’ll have lunch for breakfast. And on weird days, i’ll eat cereal for dinner.
  25. Kate Middleton is my cousin.
  26. I was kidding about the one above, but maybe i’m not, we are trying to figure it out.
  27. I had my first colonoscopy when I was 19 (hahaha)

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