This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

February Goals

January Goals

  1. Get my office finished and decorated before classes start on the 12th.
    1. Well, my office was not decorated on before classes started, but it is finished now!! If you missed it, you should check it out here and let me know what you think of my amateur decorating skills!
  2. Get back into the hang of school.
    1. UGHHH DON’T REMIND ME ABOUT SCHOOL! Okay that was a little dramatic, but i’m like maybe a month in and i’m tired of projects, and homework, and lectures. And i’m getting senioritis a semester early. I’m in 6 classes and 5 have group projects….so that’s a little much. However, this new school had been a good thing for me.
  3. Finish reading the Language of Flowers.
    1. I didn’t finish it!!! I was reading some other books that I definitely forgot about this one. But I will finish it!!!
  4. Get to Yoga and Church EVERY Sunday.
    1. Yes sir, I have!! Every Sunday morning you can either find me at yoga or teaching at Sunday School before the sermon I usually attend. Gimme some credit here for only taking 1 day to sleep in versus 2 days??? Are you patting me on the back yet or am I alone on this one?

Let’s get to the fabulous

february goals

shall we?!

  1. Be IN BED by 10:30 every night.
    1. I’m such a night owl it’s kind of ridiculous. I do end up regretting that when the alarm sounds at 6:30 haha. So my goal this month is to be IN BED by 10:30, not walking there. Not getting things ready. Nope, in bed! I’m getting strict! I need to reduce these bags under my eyes!
  2. Go out!
    1. I’m making it a goal this month to spend time with each of my friend’s that are in town. I don’t want to get overwhelmed with work and school. I want to enjoy my friends while they are within miles of me 🙂
  3. Read a book (or two).
    1. I’ve been reading a lot lately and I think it’s good. My mind is in school mode or work mode about 80% of the week. So, I think it’s a good refreshment for me to unwind with some reading. Plus, i’ve got some great reads happening right now (i’ll tell you about them sometime this month i’m sure!)
  4. Do something special for someone for Valentine’s day.
    1. I love holidays. And I really don’t love Valentine’s day. I’m hoping this year I can do something special for someone whether it be a sibling, a friend, a coworker, etc.
  5. Make 85+ on all my tests this month.
    1. February means midterms. There’s a week this month that i’ve got 4 tests? I think that’s what it is. I don’t know. But I know that i’ve got to do good in these classes because it’s my first semester that my GPA starts to count.

Can I do it?


Pep-talk Thursday just happened. Hey, have a good day. Make it a priority today to sit down, look around, and say “man, life is good.”

Oh, tomorrow i’m announcing my giveaway winner. Be sure to enter while there is still time!!!

I have decided to give this bracelet below from Taralynn’s to one of you lucky readers.


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There’s the bracelet on! Doesn’t it look good with the pink crystal bracelet and the floral shirt??

To enter, follow me on Instagram @mollymiddleton01 and comment on this post! Winner will be announced Friday during Friday Favorites 🙂

Good luck everyone!!!!

Your comments make my day! xoxo

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