This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Oh. Man. Weekends go by way too fast sometimes. I’m going to make this Monday a little better but starting off with the monthly

Favorite Things 2015

link-up with Andrea and Erika. And this time we’re talking our favorite accessory!

I truly thought that today I was going to be telling you about allllll my scarves and how I love them and on and on and on. Saturday night I was going through my pictures and noticed…wait my favorite accessory may not be a scarf after all. It’s probably a statement necklace. Not just any ol’ necklace. A statement necklace! And get this: I didn’t need to upload any new pictures because I had so many, haha!

A couple weeks ago I posted this one after I spilled coffee on my shirt. Yet, y’all didn’t so much notice the coffee stain as I was getting compliments on the necklace 😉


Often times I find MY necklaces in my SISTER’S closet. Funny how that works, right? We bicker about it back and forth. She ticks me off just about every time I found one of mine in her closet. But I still wouldn’t get rid of her if I could. Especially, when I can go steal one for myself….HA!


I have no idea how I got this one, but I find myself wearing it on more occasions than most. I just feel like it’s so unique, but can be put together with just about anything.


I’ve got this necklace in this pretty teal color, a brown color, and a black color. I haven’t been wearing them as much lately….but now that I just remembered I need to wear it, maybe i’ll bring it out this morning?


Pretty much the first section I go to in Target is, well, scarves because they’re the closest to the door, but THEN the necklaces. And I spend lots and lots of time looking through the necklaces and finding so many that I want. Like this one. It’s just so different and I like different.


I love me some yellow. Yellow anything, please! Y’all know that’s my favorite color so when I say this is my absolute favorite necklace, I’m NOT LYING!


This one just screamed “21st birthday” at me, so that’s when I wore it. And I loved it. It made a statement, matched my outfit, and helped me look good as I knocked back the mimosas 😉


I have a bunch of red necklaces. This happened to be one of my favorite outfits that I threw together around Christmas and this necklace went perfect. It had chunky with a lot of red to bring out the color in my leggings. And guess what? This is the most recent necklace found in sister’s closet. And yes, I totally acted like a grown adult when I threw a fit and got on to her about “never asking to use my things” and locking my door from now on.


The first day of work was no exception to the statement necklace rule. I wear. them. all. the. time.


And have them hung on my closet wall so I can just sit and stare at their beauty every time I walk into my closet.


I’m really not weird. I promise.

But you remember that favorite yellow necklace I was talking about for this favorite things party? And you know how you see it in the above picture on the right? Well, i’m going to GIVE ONE AWAY to you. Because it’s my favorite. And you are all my favorite. And YOU NEED IT! And why haven’t y’all told me it’s been since FEBRUARY when I had a giveaway? Way. Too. Long. But instead of my yellow i’m going to gift our winner with their favorite color:

To enter, use these four easy steps:

1. Comment below on your favorite color that you’d want in this necklace.

2. Follow me on Instagram: @mollymiddleton01

3. Like Colors of Life on Facebook

4. Follow Colors of Life on Pinterest

Gooooood luck, dear friends! Winner will be announced here on Friday morning. Make sure to come back then 🙂 You better be wearing a statement necklace today. And think of me when you do. ‘Cause you know I got mine on today!

Comments on: "Favorite Things: Accessory" (10)

  1. You have so many adorable necklaces …I can see why your sister can’t resist borrowing them! 😉 Have a fabulous week!! xo – Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate


  2. I wore a blue statement necklace last week but I LOVE HEART LOVE that flower one that you are wearing with the striped shirt at Target!!! So cute! And I like coral. 😉


  3. That first necklace is too cute; and I LOVE your peplum top!


  4. Emily Skillestad said:

    You are so trendy!
    Cut n’ Fun ❤


  5. Statement necklaces are my favorite accessory too! You have a fabulous selection!!


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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