This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

My mom is “blessed” every year on Mother’s Day because she’s out on the baseball field with one brother or the other for a tournament. This year was no exception as she was waking up at 4:45 to get her and brother out the door by 6:00. She asked if I was going to go with her and when she told me she was leaving before the rooster cockadoodledoos I said sorry Ma, love you. But not that much! 😉

Saturday after I went with dad to thing 2‘s baseball games, we got home, rested, and then he and I went Mother’s Day shopping. We tried to talk dad into getting mom this card, but it didn’t happen. I’m not sure why. It’s as big as Ryan. So cool.


So where were we? Ah yes, back to 4:45 waking up that was NOT going to happen. I set my alarm for 9:20 to get up and go to yoga. It was great. I’d get my 9 hours of sleep and all that good stuff.

WRONG. JUST WRONG. I woke up at 7:00am to tornado sirens and loud winds hitting the trees up against my bedroom window. I woke up once and went back to sleep not really thinking anything of it. When I woke up again I looked at my phone and saw two missed calls from my mom. I walked downstairs to her calling the house phone to tell me a tornado was headed to my town. Swell. See…if you look hard enough you can see 7:0something in the corner of the tv. And the color red, which i’m not actually sure what that color means but i’m guessing it’s not good!


So i’m half asleep, dad walks out, and we’ve got the news on trying to figure out what’s happening. ‘Cause it sure doesn’t look too bad out the window. AND IT’S 7:00AM AND I’M AWAKE. JUST LET ME REMIND YOU AGAIN.


Meanwhile my dad’s just casually walking around in the front to get the paper, opening up the garage doors, and standing outside watching the rain as the tornado sirens were going off. Like, hello, are you still asleep too?!?!


Nothing ended up hitting our town but there was flash flooding all around and pouring rain, obviously. My brother’s game got cancelled so Ry and mom were stranded an hour away trying to figure out if they could make it home without getting sucked up in a tornado or stuck in water on the highway. #happymothersdaymom

They got home finally and we all fell back asleep. I woke up to my alarm I originally set for yoga and it was just raining at that point so I still went. And afterwards grabbed some Momma’s Day Starbucks for the win!


I think part of my health issues lately have to do with me drinking soy milk and almond milk versus my normal, plain, boring lactose free milk. It seems like all my stomach can handle is lactose free milk. Fine stomach. SO at Starbucks I ordered my iced coffee without milk and the barista was so confused. She kept looking back at the guy who took my order and I just had to explain to her that I had to add my own milk when I got home. #foodallergyprobs


When I got home I made some eggs and went to Church…upstairs…on my laptop. I missed last week being in Boston and this week I didn’t go. I’m so thankful we have the ability to watch online.


Mom slept pretty much the entire day. I kid you not. Tired momma! So after laying around and reading for a bit I randomly decided I wanted a candle. I don’t know why you’re thinking that’s not normal. Naturally, I got up and went to Bath and Body Works and walked out with nothing because i’m not paying $10 for a candle smaller than the palm of my hand?!?!?!?! WUT. But I went to Target next door and walked out with a new swimsuit, eyeliner, marinara sauce, a new drink concoction i’m deeming my favorite, and cookie dough because #necessities.

When I got home it was already 5:00 so I started prepping dinner. It takes FOREVER to chop. We didn’t end up eating until about 6:30. But the finished product was magnifique if I do say so myself. We had mango, cucumber, and black bean salsa on top of grilled cod, green beans, and rice on the side. This meal is


For dessert (this is where the cookie dough comes in) I made Giada’s banana chocolate chip ice-cream sandwiches.


I couldn’t have one, so I can’t tease you by talking about how decadent it was. Instead I shall tease you with this picture. Do you hate me yet???


While mom was enjoying her dessert I took some of my funfetti cake out of the fridge, put some icing and lactose free ice-cream on the side and was happy. Sidenote: People use eating gluten free as a diet, but it’s definitely not…it’s just a way for them to say they cut out bread and carbs. Eating gluten and lactose free really doesn’t cut out anything for me, I just have different mixes I have to use. And ones that are a lot more expensive at that. Don’t do the whole gluten-free thing. It’s not as yummy and a lot more expensive. Okay, rambling over.


Soooo you want to hear the most funny part of the day? My other brother and sister were at my cousin’s graduation party this weekend and were suppose to come back yesterday morning. We got a call that their flight was cancelled and they can’t come back until Tuesday morning. On a 5:30am flight HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH so yeah, we couldn’t technically celebrate Mother’s Day because half the reason mom gets to celebrate the holiday was on the other side of the country. She proceeded to tell us that she gets two Mother’s Days this year. Oh….guess I need more cookie dough and fish. She opened dad and I’s present and Ryan’s present (of which we got the wrong thing yesterday at the store. total children fail.) and we called it a night.

I think she had 1/2 a good mother’s day yesterday. I love my momma and any chance I get to celebrate her. I hope everyone else had better luck on their mother’s day! 🙂

Comments on: "Momma’s Day 2015" (3)

  1. Oy so glad you guys didn’t get hit with a tornado! I was going to go to yoga on the National Mall on Saturday but it was gray and rainy (not nearly as bad as it was in Texas) and I was being a diva and didn’t want to lay in the wet grass. Ha! PS I really thought you were going to be able to eat that delicious dessert because Pillsbury makes gluten free cookie dough and I’ve seen it at Target before! But Funfetti is good too 🙂


    • I KNOW! I should’ve gotten it but I have so many cake mixes in my pantry right now it’s going to overflow.
      PS. why would they have yoga outside on a rainy day….???


      • Hahaha dessert is always a good idea:) And it was just kind of gray and misty so they went ahead with the event. I was just afraid it was going to pour! Ha


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