This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

June Goals

Now…I realize it’s halfway into June already, but I thought we could still do some June goals this month. I’ve still got plenty of time to complete them! But before I get to June’s goals…let’s check out how my goals for May went. Happy Monday!


  1. CELEBRATE no school!
    1. I did celebrate, but only celebrated for a little bit because now i’m back taking a summer class. Boo!
  2. Make it to Church twice a week.
    1. I made it to Church every Sunday. And I think all but maybe one Tuesday I went to my young adults service at Church. I’m happy to connect with other Christ-followers my age and meet new people that I know have at least one thing in common with me. The spring semester is over now, so I am just waiting for the summer semester to begin!
  3. Read two books.
    1. I’m still reading Goodbye Ed, Hello me….didn’t finish a book this month! Usually by the time my head hits the sheets I can fall asleep.
  4. Catch some rays!
    1. Definitely did this! Whether it was laying out with Morgan, watching the Red Sox, or swimming with the cousins. I was outside and enjoying it and I can’t wait to keep it up this month as well!
  5. Do something unexpected for someone else.
    1. I tried to surprise mom with a book our pastor recommended, but turns out she surprised me with it. Read about that here.
  6. Push myself.
    1. Everyone who knows me knows that i’m not a crazy social person. This probably comes with being an introvert, and also the fact that I just like to be alone sometimes. Or with my family. While I love my friends and hanging out with them, I don’t need to be with them 24/7. Everything in moderation I say. That said, I did a lot of socializing this month. A lot more than usual. I’d say that’s pushing myself, because there were some days that I definitely just wanting to sit at home on my couch and watch some Netflix or something.
      I celebrated this gorgeous bachelorette, went to her wedding with some friends, made mudslides with Em and T
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      Spontaneously went on a hike with Reeana, and hung out with Em, Tyler, and Christian for a week!!
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June Goals


  1. Finish Morgan’s graduation present.
    1. It’s going to take me a while to finish Morgan’s graduation present. I’m hand-making her a scrapbook. It’s suppose to be a surprise, but I feel like she’s already seen everything spread out across the floor of my room. I guess the surprise will come when she finally looks in it 😉
  2. Have a quiet time every day.
    1. I was very good about doing this for a while, but with all of my activities i’ve been slacking. I don’t want to just “go to Church” on Sundays. I want to spend some time with Jesus every day. I haven’t officially decided, but I am either going to start waking up earlier or doing this right before bed. My goal is to make sure it happens every single day.
  3. SURVIVE going to school and work every day.
    1. I feel like I have a love/hate relationship with summer school. But the fact that i’m going to school 8-10 and then going to work from 10-4 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday just makes for a worn out girl! This month, i’m working on surviving!!!
  4. Cross something off of my bucket list.
    1. I haven’t looked at my bucket list in a while, so this month i’m planning to look at it, find something to cross off, and accomplish it! I might as well start now…what am I waiting for?!

Comments on: "June Goals" (8)

  1. Yay for summer classes (kidding!) glad you had a fun May… Your dress at that wedding was so cute 🙂 I have that same love hate relationship with work and school right now. I feel your pain girl! Can’t wait to hear about the bucket list adventures!


  2. I love the idea of monthly goals, it’s so much more manageable than year long resolutions. Looks like you had a great month of May!


  3. I’m taking two online courses this summer…they’re shorter than a regular class, but they’re a lot of work! We can do it 🙂 I like doing my quiet time in the morning but I usually fall off track when I go home which is terrible ha! Good luck 🙂


    • It’s just a love/hate relationship! Haha I used to do mine in the mornings, so hopefully that’s what i’ll go back to. It’s just a good way to start the day!


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