This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

October Goals

October is my very favorite month of the year.



When I was little, I always wished I was an October baby. January is so cold, dark, wintery, and anti-climatic because we just had Christmas and all the other holidays. Nobody is ever feeling a birthday celebration two weeks after Christmas. But, God chose my birthday (with the help of my parents) to be in January and not October so I got over it. Can you tell??? Because I rise above and I don’t hold grudges.

Kidding, of course. However, because I can’t do anything about not being an October baby, i’m choosing to celebrate October just because it’s well…October.

  • Football season is in full swing!
  • The weather fiiinnnaaallllyyy starts to chill.
  • Candles are a norm. (PS. I found a candle whom shall never be stocked in stores again because it will be at my house. All of the cases of it.)
  • Fall happenings are everywhere and decorations are officially out in stores.
  • ‘Tis the season for leggings, scarves, sweaters, and boots.
  • The anticipation of Holiday’s starts to arise.
  • Halloween movies start to play.
  • And most importantly: FALL BACK because homegirl loves her sleep. Even if it’s only an extra hour.

But first…let us chat about what I chose to accomplish this September.

September Goals

  1. Research essential oils.
    • I researched my essential oils. I found which ones are good for what type of issue, I found different prices and price points, and I found out that most people use them in a diffuser. And that most people speak very highly of essential oils. However, I also found that they are way over my budget, therefore I will have to wait until the Holidays and ask for them as gifts. Boo.
  2. Focus on another New Year’s Resolution.
    • I focused on this resolution this month:
      And I really think I did pretty good. At times, I caught myself wanting to scream mean things at other drivers, but then i’d catch myself. I think this will always be a work in progress 😉
  3. Meal plan.
    • I still have food left over from a couple weeks ago when I made it. My goal was to have things planned for when I came home starving, and I did. Maybe next time i’ll start halving my recipes though!
  4. Start calling Grandpa weekly again.
    • I don’t know what’s up with his phone but I called him about 6 times in one week and he never answered. But he answers my moms calls. And then it’ll just ring so we’re still working on that issue. Hopefully getting it resolved 😦
      grandpa-frog legs

October Goals

  1. Do something “Fall”.
    • Whether it’s going to an Oktoberfest, the pumpkin patch, apple picking, a haunted house, I don’t really care. I just want to do something Fall-like this month. I mean, this is the best month for it, right?
  2. Stay off of social media from 5:00-9:00.
    • This is hard. But it needs to be a goal, just last night I found myself perusing Instagram pictures for resumes and work out routines and then next thing I know i’m on a friend’s boyfriend’s sister’s best friend’s cousin’s page…and I could have been a lot more productive school-wise had I taken that time to study for my test this morning. (Oops – here’s to praying i’ll pass.) So October is going to be social-media less from 5:00-9:00 every night.
  3. Continue my morning meditation.
    • I’m sure this sounds crazy to some of you. It sounded crazy to me too, but in the mornings i’ve been using the “Headspace” app for simple meditation practices. It’s actually very interesting and is teaching me a lot. So i’m going to continue that each morning.
  4. Focus on another New Year’s resolution quote.

    • And here again I say #PREACHITARTHURFORMAN. Does anyone even know who that is first of all? But also, this is brilliant. We all weren’t made from a cookie cutter. We have our differences of opinions, preferences, thoughts, etc. and that’s the beauty of human-kind. So I need to remember that and embrace that this month….which leads me to my next goal:
  5. Start listening.
    • Listen (haha get it?), this is not me saying that I don’t listen ever. I have to when i’m in lectures at school. This is about much more. This October, I want to listen. And I need to listen. Listen to what God has been placing on my heart. Whether it’s scary, uncomfortable, easy, something simple, nerve-wracking….I need to listen. Because there’s obviously a reason for it. (And listening better in conversations with others is probably never a bad thing ;))

Alright, let’s do this October!

Comments on: "October Goals" (20)

  1. So many things to comment on! Being an October baby is great but my husband is a January baby so I have a special place in my heart for that month too <3! I purchased two essential oils but I haven't started using them yet and I need a diffuser but I'm with you the prices make it difficult to really submerge into the oil world. Excited to hear how your meditation goes, it really is such a healthy thing {I know I've said this already}!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  2. I admire you for wanting to stay off social media that long…I wouldn’t be able to deal! And I’m with ya with October…it’s a great month!


    • I know, I was talking to two people the other day and they said they have their phone on them all the time and I just laughed because more than half the time I don’t know where mine is anyways. So i’m hoping this goal will be easy!


  3. That’s funny that you want to be an October baby, because I am one and I always wanted to be a summer baby. My sister is, and she always got the really fun birthday parties (my grandparents had a pool.) Mine usually had to be indoors and fall is a busy time for my parents’ jobs. Also my birthday presents usually ended up extra back to school clothes….not that I complained about it once I became a teenager. LOL guess we always want what we can’t have right? Happy Thursday!


    • That is SO true. And yeah, I wanted a pool party one year so I had to wait 6 months for my birthday party haha…what is there to do in January?!


  4. My Urban Family said:

    Staying off social media during certain hours is such a great goal! I may need to adopt that one as well. It’s so easy to get sucked in!


    • Steal away…and yes it’s such a waste of my time too. So that’s why I decided after work (when I’m on a computer most of the day) to before bed I can find productive things to do!


  5. I’m an October baby, I really love being one now, I hated it when I was younger. But now for me it means fall is in full swing, the weather gets cooler and just fall everything.

    Good luck on the social media one, that’s a really good one! I feel like I’m always on it, I really need to slow my roll on that as well. Hope you can get to talking to your grandpa soon, definitely need to see what’s up. Maybe he needs to take it in?

    liz jo @sundays with sophie


    • Yes, I finally got a hold of him yesterday and I think he was pretty excited! The social media one is going to be hard but I think I can totally do it. Crossing my fingers!


  6. I’m a January baby too! But not until the very last day so it almost feels like February. I like your staying off social media from 5-9. I should try that but maybe every other day to ease into it haha!


  7. Good luck with your goals! I definitely like the listen one! It can be so hard, though!


  8. Okay I swear I was JUST reading your September goals! Where is the time going!? Doing fall things is a great goal because it’s fun and you’ll want to do it! I don’t think I could do the no SM from 5-9 thing just because of blogging!!


  9. having lived in cali for the last two years i am so excited to move next month and experience fall again. bring on the pumpkins and cooler temps and boots!

    and social media is like going down the rabbit hole it goes on forever if you don’t stop haha i totally relate!


  10. I seriously loved giving up social media (minus blogs) for Lent. I want to bring that back in my life. Although when I’m work I never have my phone anyway, so maybe it’s good for mindless entertainment at night. Idk! You DO just fall down the rabbit hole scrolling, and also, I hate the comparison game that you end up playing with yourself vs others. I’m a December baby and my favorite birthday party was when I had a swimming party at an indoor pool 🙂 My mom even let me and my best friend run into the place from the car in just our bathing suits. It was literally snowing and I have such a vivid memory of that moment haha!


    • Yes to all of that. I really don’t get on my phone a lot at work because i’ve got other stuff to do but it just came about last night actually and I was like do I really need this? No. #cheerstowinterbabies


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