This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Happy Show and Tell Tuesday!


When Andrea first posted about this series and I was reading through them, today’s post is the one I was most excited for. I love, love seeing what a day in the life looks like for other people. Maybe because i’m nosy or maybe because I like getting ideas from other people?? Or maybe both.

I had this post all planned out too. I was going to show you what a day in the life of my work days looked like. However, as I mentioned yesterday…Friday happenings threw a wrench in that plan. So my day in the life was yesterday: What you do when you don’t have work to go to anymore.

I woke up and was lazy for a good hour. Usually, I would wake up at 4:30a.m. but yesterday it was 8:30a.m. Four more hours of sleep for this girl! Apparently it didn’t help the bags under my eyes because when I left yesterday morning around 11 they were there! Also, haven’t we all missed my wonderful selfies?! I have a feeling this outfit is going to be repeated several time this fall. Grey, plaid, a scarf, and booties. Yes ma’am.


After some breakfast, I loaded up mom’s car with some empty boxes to go move my stuff out of the office.


After turning in all my belongings and saying my goodbyes, I loaded the car full of my things. Remember my first office? Well, about a month ago when I got my promotion I moved all of this stuff into the new office. And now here I am moving it out. Sigh. And I was sweating obviously ’cause homegirl had to take her scarf off. That’s serious business.


By the time I got home around 2, I was ready for lunch. I opted for grilled fish and brussels sprouts.


And then I got the itch to bake…so I found my gluten free bread mix and went for it. Well…my bread is obviously bionic because LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED?! Hahahah i’m still laughing about this. What the heck!


Mom had people come to the house to give an estimate on putting new flooring in, so while they were doing that I assisted in getting out the Thanksgiving decor and putting away the Halloween decor. I love the colors that this season brings 🙂


After mom’s appointment ended, we had to return the rental car her and dad used for the weekend and stopped by the grocery afterwards.


We got home and she requested that I make her homemade hummus. And I did because what else is a girl to do with her life? I also made homemade cheez-its because mom’s all about sending sister a care package between Thanksgiving and Christmas. And can I just say she was over the moon about these cheez-its (she’s a huge fan of the regular kind so it says a lot!).


After I finished baking up a storm for momma bear around 6:30, I got a work-out in on our upstairs tv.


Once I was done and showered, I turned on my Blood and Oil episode that I missed while I set my schedule for next semester. ONE STEP CLOSER TO GRADUATION!


And then I grabbed my kombucha and watched the voice with mom. Now i’m sitting here writing this post while watching Friends and realized I didn’t even eat dinner. Oops.


And that was my day. Sometimes i’m thankful for having an extra day to myself, but yesterday was just weird not going to work as well as having nothing i’m required to do.

And just in case you missed any of my previous Show and Tell Tuesday posts:

Halloween Costumes
My First Job

The 5 people you’d invite to dinner

Where I was on 9/11

Who I was in High School

My Back to School Traditions

My Home

My Beauty Routine
My Yard
When I Grow Up
Favorite Party I’ve Hosted
How I Got My Name
My Favorite Vacation
My Favorite Room In Our House
How (2 of my favorite couples) Met Each Other
My Groundhog Day
My Organization Tips and Tricks
My New Year’s Resolutions

Oh and don’t forget!!!!

Tomorrow is Bookworm Wednesday…


…link-up with Katie and I while we share our favorite reads from this past month.

Comments on: "Show and Tell: A Day In The Life" (18)

  1. I had to skip this one because I just felt like I would literally bore y’all today with my day! I love that grey plaid outfit boo! You eat so much healthier than I do, I need it to rub off on me!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  2. That would be hard to move stuff out after the surprising news on short notice. Glad you were able to spend some time with you mom and that bread is hilarious! It has a mind of its own, I guess, ha!


  3. My Urban Family said:

    The bread is hilarious – like it had enough and wanted out haha


  4. I STILL haven’t done a day in the life post. I never remember! I love seeing what people do with their days! Maybe I’m weird. Hahaha.


  5. Your bread situation made me laugh! 🙂 I too love reading about everyone’s days 🙂 Have a good week!


  6. I absolutely love these posts! I’m with you though…I think it’s because I’m nosy hahah Looks like a great day! Was the bread good at least??


  7. Oh my gosh. I am so behind on my blog reading I missed your post yesterday. You poor thing! That is one tough week. It sounds like you made the best of your first day though!!


  8. Megan said:

    These posts are always so fun to read! That bread is crazy.. did it at least taste good?? What an awful situation about the job.. I’m so sorry! I hope you can find something soon!


  9. rothseri said:

    Thank you for welcoming us into a day of your life! I have never woken up before 5:30 in my life. Props to you girl! Loved this post 🙂


    • Ha! Yes, 3 days a week I was up at 4:30 and didn’t get home from work until about 5:30 that night. It was a struggle but at least I had 2 other days to sleep in. Thanks for reading :)!

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