This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

So on November 6th, I posted about my fitness goals for Friday Favorites.


And then for my Friday Favorites in between that time  from 11.5.15 to 12.5.15, I updated you (well really myself) on my progress and thoughts each week.

Today, i’m done with Month 1…and here are my thoughts!

  • No eating after 8:00 p.m. As you would have seen in my progress posts I didn’t do this every week. Here’s why: I think the big hype surrounding this goal for most people is 1. when you go to sleep, your metabolism slows. Therefore, eating close to bedtime means that the food will sit in your stomach while you’re sleeping. And 2. A lot of people just eat to eat, not because they’re hungry so adding that along with your slowing metabolism creates weight gain. But sometimes I didn’t have dinner if I was at Church or an exercise class…so I was hungry after 8:00. Some days I followed this goal, others I didn’t.
  • Meal prep every Sunday for the week ahead following the 21 day fix plan. I found this goal difficult because making food for just one person is hard. I always have so much left over and I don’t want it to go to waste. I’ve been making recipes sporadically throughout the week if I run out of something, so i’ll take leftovers to work for lunch or eat whatever my mom has made for dinner that night.
  • Eat 5 small meals without snacking in between those. You know, I decided to go with this goal because i’ve been told we need food every 3ish hours.  But y’all, sometimes I don’t get hungry every 3 hours. So with this goal, I ate when I was hungry. However, I really tried to stay within the lines of 5 small meals a day.
  • Work-out 5 days a week. I nailed this one. I used this month to try out different yoga studios/gyms. I used those free week passes that most clubs give out. I did everything from hot yoga (read Lindsay’s post on hot yoga here), HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), hot pilates, Turbo Kick, U-Jam, Cize Dance, Les Mills’ BodyPump, etc. You name it, I tried it. This was fun because I got to try a lot of different gyms/instructors and figure out what I really like.
  • Cut down on the carbs. Soo cutting out carbs. I actually learned a lot this month. I re-downloaded the “My Fitness Pal” app. I was very iffy about getting this app again, but I trust myself to use it healthfully. I wanted to see what foods had what nutrition added to them. And really I found what I was looking for…I found that I was getting close/going over the amount of sugar, fat, and carbs my body should intake in a day. If nothing else, i’m more conscious about what i’m putting in my body.


Month 2 Fitness Goals:

Below are my fitness goals for 12.6.15-1.6.16. These goals are tailored more towards myself, my body, what i’ve learned, and what I think is reasonable.

  • No eating within an hour of a meal. Sometimes i’ll eat something, and then 20 minutes later i’m like “i’m hungry, I want more food.” I think the truth of the matter for me is that I thought of something that i’d like (usually a QuestBar or a Larabar) so I just crave it. Unless my stomach is growling at me…which I highly doubt…I need to wait at least an hour. Which leads me to…
  • No QuestBars or Larabars more than 2 days in a row. I love these little bars. Both brands I could go to town on. While i’ve never had more than 1 a day, i’ve reallllly wanted to. I believe all things in moderation, but i’m also not going to deprive myself because the Larabars especially are made of good ingredients. I think after having a bar for 2 days in a row, I need a day to take a break.
  • Continue working out 5 days a week. This month i’m planning on trying a few more gyms. Once I try about 4 more, i’m picking one to become a member of. After going to all these classes i’ve just realized how much I miss working out with a group of people, even if they are all strangers. We all have at least one thing in common!
  • Be in bed by 11:00. This sounds late to some of you, but this will be a challenge for me. I’m a night owl, remember? Lately i’ve been falling asleep around 12/1ish every night and waking up around 7. I need more sleep. I know it will benefit me mentally, physically, and emotionally. Sleep is so important! So it’s a goal this month.

I obviously didn’t go to fitness school (seeing as I don’t even know what it’s called) but, i’m teaching myself a lot with these goals, so use them if you want!! Do you have goals for yourself??

Oh…ONE MORE THING that I know you’ve allllll have been waiting for. Our giveaway winner. A big ol’ congratulations is in order for…

Tara Sparks!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Shoot me an e-mail at within 24 hours to claim your prize, Tara!

As for everyone else, thank you for entering. We had over 300 entries…so exciting!! If you didn’t win this time don’t worry, more giveaways will be in the future for Colors of Life readers. Love you all! XOXO.

Comments on: "Fitness Goals: Month 1 Complete" (14)

  1. Ahhh I love these goals!! I’m such a fitness/nutrition junkie that this speaks to me! Thanks for sharing friend 🙂 Impressed you were able to make it to the gym 5 days a week!


    • Oh good. Honestly that makes me so happy that someone else can get something from this as well 🙂 I’m patting myself on the back because I was at the gym at least 6 days (one week 7) times a week. Hehe!


  2. Killing it girl! Thanks for the inspiration this morning..I need it!! Happy Monday!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  3. My Urban Family said:

    In bed by 11 is something I keep telling myself to work on… and then it ends up being 2am. Doesn’t sound late to me! ha


  4. Awesome workout goals! I’m currently trying to add some strength training in with running…do you get any of that with your classes or are they mostly cardio? I’m trying to get some ideas! 🙂


    • I highly recommend it and i’m so glad you’re wanting to! For the classes, I usually pick at least 1 strength class a week to attend. Last week it was a Les Mills BodyPump class. My arms were burning! (and legs). Another week at a yoga studio it was called “Sculptflo” which was heavy on weight activity. I try to mix it up as much as possible because it’s good for my body and i’ll also get bored if I don’t 🙂 Hope that helps!!


  5. Omg I was just thinking this. I am getting 8 hours of sleep M-F this week. IT IS HAPPENING!


    • Honestly, every single article I read about health/fitness talks about how important sleep is. I figure they all can’t be lying 😉 It’s a hard goal!!!


  6. Nice work on your goals for the month! I think its important to be adaptable if needed as you learn along the way and it sounds like you did that!


  7. OMG NO WAY! THANK YOU!!!!! I have been out of internet/tv since Thursday (I’ve had to bum internet off of work) and just got it back up today!!!!!!!!!! emailing you!


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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