This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

December Goals

For my December Goals this year, I thought i’d go through this entire year and look at all of the things i’ve accomplished. I mean, that’s the reason we have goals in the first place…to accomplish tasks we want to complete. A lot of the comments I kept the same as when I recapped the months, but some I did change. Check it out 😉


January Goals

  1. Get my office finished and decorated before classes start on the 12th.
    1. Well, my office was finished when I was there!! If you missed it, you should check it out here!
  2. Get back into the hang of school.
    1. That semester I was in 6 classes with 5 have group projects. However, this new school had been a good thing for me.
  3. Finish reading the Language of Flowers.
    1. I didn’t finish it. Gosh, this should be my next book.
  4. Get to Yoga and Church EVERY Sunday.
    1. Yes sir, I have!! Every Sunday morning you can either find me at yoga or teaching at Sunday School.

february goals

  1. Be IN BED by 10:30 every night.
    1. This is always going to be a work in progress for me. When you work 20 hours a week, go to school 16 hours a week, and try to do homework sleep is often what I lack. The nights I was able to get in bed before 10:30 I felt good the next morning.
  2. Go out!
    1. I saw Reeana and Emily one weekend, Jonathan and his family a couple times, and hung out with some other people. Pat on the back, Molly!
  3. Read a book (or two).
    1. If I considered textbooks and homework a read, then I would have aced this goal. However, when I wasn’t doing everything else I needed to do I was trying to sleep or relax. I didn’t get to finish a book this month 😦
  4. Do something special for someone for Valentine’s day.
    1. I gave my coworker a little gift on Valentines day. She hates touching metal, so I gave her some covers for her keys so that she wouldn’t keep making me take our keys whenever we went to meetings and what not 😉 Also, I gave my parents little gifts. And made myself a cake because #imsothoughtful
  5. Make 85+ on all my tests this month.
    1. I really thought I was going to do this until I got my test grade for International Business (that class sucked).

march goals

  1. Give up sweets for a consecutive week.
    1. I remember doing the 10 day sugar detox at one point. Even though it’s crossed out, I don’t remember actually doing this consecutive week.
  2. Get my classes figured out for summer.
    1. I took classes last summer, just finished my Fall 15 semester, and have 2 left now!
  3. Do more home work-outs.
    1. I kept seeing Kayla Itsines all over my Instagram feed, so I decided to click on her and look through her posts. I went to her website and really liked her. I printed out her free week 1 tutorial and have been using that as a guide. I don’t always do the same thing every day, but if I’m not doing those I’m doing something else.
  4. Work. Sleep. Read. Repeat.
    1. I am halfway through the book I had planned on reading due to Spring Break and deciding to read before bed instead of watch Netflix. I worked a lot more during my Spring Break and you don’t have to tell me to sleep more 😉
  5. Accomplish all of my march goals.
    1. As you can tell, I did just that!!


  1. Tithe 10% of my March income.
    1. Check! I even got a letter back from my Church telling me thank you, which is so cool. I love that they do that! April’s check is already written 🙂
  2. Go through my closet.
    1. I definitely went through my closet. I took a laundry basket full of clothes down for my mom to go through and then we’ll take them to Plato’s closet to sell or give them away! Make room for more, right? 😉
  3. Finish school strong.
    1. This afternoon I take my very last final and then all I do is wait for my grades to post, hope they are decent, and sit back and do nothing. Goodness, I love May. And school being out. I think I did good based on my finals week, but time will tell! This is how I feel RIGHT NOW too. I love when the semester is over!
  4. Get spring/summer clothes for work.
    1. I went to Old Navy one Friday after work and shopped ’til I dropped. Seriously, shopping wears me out. I’m not a shopper, which is why I neeevvveerrr try things on in the store. Only if I have to. Usually I buy what I like, try them on at home when i’m comfortable and then decide whether or not I am going to keep them. I did keep a couple things that I bought this trip, but some are having to go back.
  5. Intentionally focus on my mental health.
    1. I was recently talking with my therapist the last time I went in to see her and she even admitted that she thought i’ve been doing a good job at realizing my irrational thoughts and what not. As long as i’m taking steps in the right direction that’s all that matters.


  1. CELEBRATE no school!
    1. I did celebrate, but only celebrated for a little bit because now i’m back taking a summer class. Boo!
  2. Make it to Church twice a week.
    1. I made it to Church every Sunday. And I think all but maybe one Tuesday I went to my young adults service at Church. I’m happy to connect with other Christ-followers my age and meet new people that I know have at least one thing in common with me.
  3. Read two books.
    1. I’m still reading Goodbye Ed, Hello me….didn’t finish a book this month! Usually by the time my head hits the sheets I can fall asleep.
  4. Catch some rays!
    1. Definitely did this! Whether it was laying out with Morgan, watching the Red Sox, or swimming with the cousins. I was outside and enjoying it and I can’t wait to keep it up this month as well!
  5. Do something unexpected for someone else.
    1. I tried to surprise mom with a book our pastor recommended, but turns out she surprised me with it. Read about that here.
  6. Push myself.
    1. Everyone who knows me knows that i’m not a crazy social person. This probably comes with being an introvert, and also the fact that I just like to be alone sometimes. Or with my family. While I love my friends and hanging out with them, I don’t need to be with them 24/7. Everything in moderation I say. That said, I did a lot of socializing this month. A lot more than usual. I’d say that’s pushing myself, because there were some days that I definitely just wanting to sit at home on my couch and watch some Netflix or something.I celebrated this gorgeous bachelorette, went to her wedding with some friends, made mudslides with Em and spontaneously went on a hike with Reeana, and hung out with Em, Tyler, and Christian for a week!!

June Goals

  1. Finish Morgan’s graduation present.
    1. I made her a scrapbook because she always watched me make mine. I think she loved it 🙂
  2. Have a quiet time every day.
    1. I’ll be completely honest…I didn’t have my Quiet Time every day. I’m still trying to figure out my daily schedule. I feel like the best time to do my Quiet Time is first thing in the morning, but I have a hard time getting up in the mornings. A couple days this month I got up about 40 minutes before I needed to start getting ready and it worked. But some days, i’m just so tired in the mornings. Pretty much every day I get home from work I nap on the couch because i’m so exhausted. I’m still working on this.
  3. SURVIVE going to school and work every day.
    1. Guess what?? I’m here, i’m alive, I survived!! Only this week and next week and i’m finished until the end of August when I GO FOR MY LAST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!! Oh my gosh…someone pinch me.
  4. Cross something off of my bucket list.
    1. I didn’t necessarily do anything this month for my bucket list – a lot of it is “Get married” “Have kids” that kind of thing….but I was able to cross off visiting another MLB stadium. I did that on my Boston trip in early May. I also crossed off go on a mission trip. I did that in high school, but i’m currently praying about going on another one and where it might be to.

July Goals

  1. Quiet Time.
    • Every day I spent in Quiet Time. I may not have always been reading through my Bible at that time. Some days I prayed as I was driving. My goal for this month was to really just spend more time in the Word and with God.
  2. Memorize 7 Bible verses.
    Yep! Here are common ones that a lot of people know, if i’m memorizing things I wanted to start simple. I’m going to print them all out and hang them around my room. 🙂

    1. Micah 6:8 (MY Favorite)
    2. Psalm 118:24 (My blog’s verse)
    3. Mark 5:36
    4. Joshua 1:9
    5. Jeremiah 29:11 (My Church’s verse)
    6. Philippians 4:13
    7. Luke 6:31
  3. Clean out my closet.
    • I have a pile on my floor of clothes/purses that I am going to get rid of. I think I can do better, so i’m sure i’ll be adding more to the pile this month.
  4. Make 5 new recipes.
    1. IMG_8311
    2. IMG_8227
    3. IMG_8135
    4. IMG_7898
    5. IMG_8132
  5. Finish 1 book.
    1. Check, check, double check! I’ve read enough books to catch up for all the other months that I didn’t read. In total, I read 4 books this July. I have vacation to thank for that. My review of the books will be on the blog.

August Goals Recap

  • Do Yoga and Pilates twice a week.
    • I did a lot of Pilates this month. I found a video that’s been pretty challenging for me in the best way possible. I have a yoga video but i’m really not a fan of it yet.
  • Drink 4 bottles of water a day.
    • This wasn’t difficult at all considering our heat was in the triple digits most days. Now that i’ve been more aware of the amount of water I drink I realize I go through about 6 bottles a day. I’m always thirsty and now my mom thinks I may be diabetic 😉
  • Focus on a New Years Resolution.
    • I think there were a couple days this month that I really did live out this quote. And some days I definitely did not. More so this month I stopped thinking/planning on certain things where I would wish time away and just started living. It’s a good thing.col-newyrres3
  • Get the “Shop My…” Page up and running.
    • She’s up, she’s running. Feel free to check out what’s there right now! All the information on how it works is on the page as well. I’m hoping that next week I can get more added. 🙂COLheader copy

September Goals

  • Research essential oils.
    • I researched my essential oils. Now they’re on my Christmas list!
  • Focus on another New Year’s Resolution.
    • I focused on this resolution this month:
      And I really think I did pretty good. At times, I caught myself wanting to scream mean things at other drivers, but then i’d catch myself. I think this will always be a work in progress 😉
  • Meal plan.
    • I still have food left over from a couple weeks ago when I made it. My goal was to have things planned for when I came home starving, and I did. Maybe next time i’ll start halving my recipes though!
  • Start calling Grandpa weekly again.
    • I don’t know what’s up with his phone but I called him about 6 times in one week and he never answered. But he answers my moms calls. And then it’ll just ring so we’re still working on that issue. Hopefully getting it resolved 😦

October Goals

  1. Do something “Fall”.
    • Getting a pumpkin spice latte was about as fall as I got. I didn’t have anyone that wanted to do this with me. 😦
  2. Stay off of social media from 5:00-9:00.
    • I stopped keeping track of this – so I can’t even remember what happened with this one.
  3. Continue my morning meditation.
    • I’m sure this sounds crazy to some of you. It sounded crazy to me too, but in the mornings i’ve been using the “Headspace” app for simple meditation practices. It’s actually very interesting and is teaching me a lot. So i’m going to continue that each morning.
  4. Focus on another New Year’s resolution quote.

    • And here again I say #PREACHITARTHURFORMAN. Does anyone even know who that is first of all? But also, this is brilliant. We all weren’t made from a cookie cutter. We have our differences of opinions, preferences, thoughts, etc. and that’s the beauty of human-kind. So I need to remember that and embrace that this month….which leads me to my next goal:
  5. Start listening.
    • This October, I want to listen. And I need to listen. Listen to what God has been placing on my heart. Whether it’s scary, uncomfortable, easy, something simple, nerve-wracking….I need to listen. Because there’s obviously a reason for it. (And listening better in conversations with others is probably never a bad thing ;))

November Goals

  1. Finish school on a high note.
    1. Still awaiting all my grades here. As long as I passed I don’t even care anymore! #senioritistothemax
  2. Find a job.
    1. I’m working part-time at another location. I’m thankful I am able to make money while i’m looking for something else. God will bring the right job at the right time.

And this December, i’m going to RELAX!!!!

Really, I learned a lot from these goals. I accomplished a lot that I wanted to, but there is also a lot to improve on. But they wouldn’t really have been goals if I completed all of them. Goals should be challenging, and some of mine were (for me).

To keep up with my Fitness Goals, click here.
To see my individual monthly goals, click here.
To see my New Year’s resolutions for 2015, click here.

I have a feeling i’ll be seeing you in 2016, Monthly Goals!

Comments on: "December Goals" (12)

  1. I love this! You have accomplished so much this year and you should be so proud!! I love setting goals…it’s such a great way to keep yourself in check!


  2. Look at you, wow! You’ve accomplished so much this past year! And you’re right, God will bring the right job along. Great things ahead for you in 2016!


    • Thanks! I’ve also realized that I want to make my goals I little more measurable so I can know for sure whether I accomplished it or not. I feel like some were wishy washy!


  3. You deserve to relax! Be proud of your year and all of your accomplishments! I’m proud to call you a blogger friend!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  4. Look at you! I forgot to do November goals. I am loving those December goals though!


  5. Megan said:

    You accomplished a lot this year! I definitely agree that this month should be spent relaxing!


  6. I’m finally getting back to blog reading! Anyway, I love that you showed your progress over a year. That’s a good way to look at all you’ve accomplished. I chose to relax for December too–I think there’s enough to get done this month without adding any extra goals, and I want to enjoy the holiday!


    • Yay, i’m glad you are because i’ve missed your comments!! And yes, honestly December just feels like a “kick your feet up and cuddle up in blankets” all month long. I don’t want to stress over goals and everything this Holiday season…just focus on the Holiday in general 🙂


Your comments make my day! xoxo

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