This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Okay. 4 days and then it’s the last Monday of January…haha WHAT? I just turned 22 though. That’s crazy in and of itself. But every last Monday of the month Andrea and Erika host a link-up. This year, it’s “Let’s Talk” and this month, it’s all about New Years.


Seeing as I am hosting my online Bible study on Mondays, I decided to post mine today so I could still link-up on Monday.

A couple weeks ago for Show and Tell Tuesday, I introduced myself. Part of that post was dedicated to my new year’s resolutions. This my 2016 bucket list…you can click the link above for the explanations to each 🙂

This year, i’m focusing on health and fitness, so physically I want to:

*Be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see.
*Get my group exercise certification.
*Work out 5 times/week no matter what is going on.
*Finally get a gym membership.

This year, i’m focusing on contentment, so spiritually I want to:

*Go on a mission trip.
*Spend each morning in Quiet Time.
*Join a small group.

This year, i’m focusing on independence, so socially I want to:

*Graduate college.
*Find a (full-time) job.
*Say yes this year.

This year, i’m focusing on happiness, so mentally I want to:

*Do something i’m uncomfortable with.
*Find happiness with something.
*Be in my room at 10:30PM.
*Work on being satisfied.

And this is what i’m looking forward to this year, or what i’m hoping each month holds!


Turning 22.


Working our Church’s high school retreat. Fuller House premiering. My friend Valley having her second baby.


Spring break and possibly going to Omaha. Going to see Morgan one weekend (maybe)! Em coming home for her birthday weekend.


The semester ending!!! This is all I can think about, y’all!


Celebrating momma for Mother’s Day. Having a month off of classes until my summer term!


Maybe going on vacation with my pops! Celebrating another Father’s day for the ol’ man.


Dad’s birthday. Ry’s birthday. Possibly attending a mission trip!


Rick’s birthday. GRADUATING COLLEGE.

This Fall will be interesting since i’ll be graduated and possibly with a full-time job. OH BOY.


Morgan’s birthday. Seeing grandpa for his birthday.







Now I can’t wait to look back at this post in December and see what actually happened in 2016! I’m sure i’ll be adding to this list and I think of more but it’s almost 1AM and i’m tired and therefore my brain has shut off on me. You know how that goes. #nightowllife

Comments on: "Let’s Talk…New Years" (20)

  1. I love this because even though you have what’s going on each month, we have no idea how your year will actually turn out! Graduating college and starting a real job is so exciting. I have to say it’s a lot of change all at once but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this new phase in my life and I’m sure you will too!!


    • I think I will! I’ll be happy to finally get out in the real world and navigate my way through. I’m just over this phase of school, classes, and all of that!


  2. The fact that you include Fuller House made my morning. I can’t wait to chat about it with you! Also cheers to us graduating and being real adults! Yikes and yay!


  3. And… We both posted about New Years today. How weird is that!


  4. Girl I feel you on looking in the mirror and being proud of what I see. I struggle with this far more than I’d like to admit.

    you have such a fun year planned. I was so stoked when I graduated I could hardly focus on anything haha.

    I don’t know about you but I’m turning 22!!!!

    Have you started looking for jobs? I started looking before I graduated and it took me 6 months from graduation to get a job!

    liz @ j for joiner


    • Oh yes, i’ve been interviewing and looking. It’s a difficult process but I feel God will take care of it! And yes, the mirror thing…it’s a daily struggle for me honestly. I’m hoping that this will be my year! And you too 🙂


  5. So exciting that you’re graduating this year! Reading through the list of months and big things happening makes me realize how short a year really is! I mean January is already almost over, which is so crazy to me!!


    • I know, I was thinking the exact same thing! I always think time moves by so slow but in the grand scheme of things…it’s going to go by ridiculously fast. Just like 2015!


  6. rothseri said:

    Looks like a great year you have to look forward to!! I am also planning on a mission trip this year. So exciting!!


  7. Ah I love seeing everything you have to look forward to! A happy 2016 it sounds like! Missed you!
    Linds @ Not A Mom


  8. So excited for you to graduate and move into the “real” world! It’s a weird place and I’m still figuring it out myself but it’s lots of fun too! 🙂


  9. So many exciting things to look forward to this year!!! Yay for all your goals. I need to lay mine out still.


  10. so much going on but you got this lady! cant wait to keep up with your blog! its super cute! hope you’ll drop by mine as well 🙂


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