This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Stranded: Books

Hi! It’s been crazy around here. We’ve been packing boxes and running errands and all sorts of things these past two weeks so my blogging as been sporadic. I’m hoping to get back on track soon…hang with me!!!

Today I’m participating in Shay and Erika‘s stranded link-up and we’re talking books.


What 3 books would I take off my bookshelf if I was stranded on an island?? Ugh, this is hard. I don’t know if I would want to read or if I would be too pre-occupied and anxious to read. You know what i’m saying?!


The first book that I would try to make sure that I had was some sort of guide for surviving on a deserted island. You know, ’cause i’m all practical and stuff 😉


I’d get this book so I could figure out WHAT THE HECK TO DO. It looks helpful and probably would be a good read as a just in case. In this guide you’re suppose to figure out how to signal for help, get drinkable water, and catch food. I’ll need all the help I can get!


If I was stranded on an island I would want a funny book, you know to entertain me and also keep me sane.


So i’d pick Bossypants by Tina Fey because…
-SO MANY OF YOU recommended it and really loved the book
-I haven’t read it before, which I’d love because I don’t read books more than once
-It’s also an autobiography which is my favorite!
-It was rated on buzz feed’s most funny books

Win, win!


And the third thing I would take with me is a series. You know, have a long drawn out series to read to keep me occupied while I am waiting on someone to come rescue me. That’s a good idea, right?!


I’m normally not into all the mystical creatures and made up stuff with vampires and witches, but Morgan LOVED the Twilight series along with just about everyone else. I’ve seen the movies (and liked them) but I haven’t read the books. Do you suggest I take this series or would I have a better series to read while I’m stranded??


YAY FOR READING!!! Except I probably wouldn’t be this happy and I wouldn’t have a school book with me. Haha!

So what do you think? Would you keep it practical or would you just take your favorites? I’m really hoping I would never be in that situation!

Ps…to see my reads for 2016 click here! And in case you’re looking for other great options, check out a link-up I host on the first Wednesday of every month (don’t worry it doesn’t interfere with this one) called Bookworm Wednesday!!!


Comments on: "Stranded: Books" (17)

  1. I loved Twilight, too! Harry Potter would also be a good one – something with a lot of books. 🙂


  2. I am SO not into vampires or mythical creatures in general but couldn’t put Twilight down! Bossypants has been on my to-read list forever, need to remedy that 🙂 Liz @


  3. Rebecca Jo said:

    Oh girl – get on that Twilight series. It’s so good! & so much better then the movies (as always)


  4. Oh, I need to add Tina Fey’s book to my list!!!


  5. I need to read this Tina Fey book! I love autobiographies too! Great minds think alike with the “how to get off the island” type of books!


  6. Stopping over from the link up! Girl, if you’re stranded on an island with the survival book, I’d want to become best friends with you! I didn’t think to bring anything practical, so I’d be the one crying, curled up in a ball, waiting to be rescued! haha! I’ve heard Bossypants is hilarious, I need to read that one! And yes, the Twilight series is great! People always compare Harry Potter to it, but they are NOTHING alike. (I’m guessing because they are both mythical?) I would choose the Harry Potter series over Twilight, but Twilight is a great, fun, easy read! have a great day!


  7. I’ve never read the Twilight series but I don’t think I could get into it….but I LOVE Harry Potter 🙂 and Tina Fey’s book is probably amazing!


  8. I’ve read Chapter 1 of the first Harry Potter book like 8 times…I can’t get past it! Molly, I’m reading Bossypants now! It’s good!


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