This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘annie downs’

The ULTIMATE Colors of Life Blog GIVEAWAY!


Right now we are in between two of the best Holidays of the year. And to show you just how THANKFUL I am for you, today i’m giving away the ultimate Colors of Life blog gift. It’s a MERRY Chranksgiving (Christmas + Thanksgiving ;)).

Ya know, since this is the Colors of Life blog I decided to go with a theme. I am going to giveaway an item for each Colors of Life post i’ve done this far. All to make a HUGE gift.

 One of my first COL posts was about my time at The University of Oklahoma. So for my OU post, i’m giving away these tailgating napkins. I just don’t think some of you out there would’ve appreciated the ol’ crimson and cream like I would 😉


My next post was on Friendships. For my friendships post i’m giving away these initial mugs for the winner and a friend of their choice, along with a gift card to Starbucks. Those two can enjoy a Starbucks date with new mugs!

monogrammugs-anthropologie  + starbucks-giftcard

The post on my health leads me to think of a healthy lifestyle. One thing i’ve found that really works for me as well as something I really love…is yoga. And what’s the number 1 brand for yoga? Yep, Lululemon. For my post on health, I threw in a Lululemon Headband. LOVE these. This one is the flyaway headband and is highly recommended.


Then I blogged about my relationship with Jesus. When I think about that relationship I think of the way Jesus and I talk..through the Bible. I’m including a Bible in this giveaway, if you have one that you like…give it to someone else who might not have one!


I talked about Quiet Times, so next is a copy of Jesus Calling, because this is what I use during mine and I definitely believe you need this in your life. Again, if you have a copy, I challenge you to give it to someone who might not.


As for crafting…I crafted one of these chocolate sleigh (thanks Pinterest). You need chocolate. And it fits the time of year.


Eating Disorders was a hard one for me to think of something for. However, I chose to give away food…two of my favorite bars/snacks/desserts to keep me healthy but still feeling good about myself. Ps i’ll be willing to negotiate your favorite flavor if you’re not a fan of mine 😉


Being an introvert is something else I know about myself. For this COL I chose this wooden plaque. I feel like there are so many meanings to it, and I really like message especially when referring to introversion.


The color of my life that is blogging led me to give away a pair of earrings that every. blogger. wants. or has. It just makes sense.


Having a Military Father. Gosh, well i’m not giving away my dad so instead a red, white, and blue picture frame. It’s festive, fun, and will be great decoration all throughout the year. Cute army guy not included 🙂


Anxiety and Depression really go hand in hand for me. The best temporary relief for these two colors of life is Bath and Body Work’s Aromatherapy. I promise you will love it.


A Homebody. To which many of you can relate. I read Let’s All Be Brave by Annie Downs about being brave. She talked about leaving home and other life experiences where she was forced to be brave. It really made me think and now I want someone else to read it and be challenged by it!


And last but not least…A Night Owl. These socks are my absolute favorite. You can pretty much find me in fuzzy socks no matter the season. And these are night owl socks. They’re perfect!


Some of these items I don’t have because it’s going to be personalized based upon the winner. Therefore, I don’t have a picture of everything together.


All of this…PLUS

THESE? I mean, i’m just excited about today!

Sorry the widget isn’t showing up…click the link below to figure out how you can enter! Winner will be announced MONDAY MORNING!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck! PS…you might want to tell your friends to enter (then you might have a better chance of winning the friendship gift ;))

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