This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Posts tagged ‘grow my blog’

Monthly Goals: Aug Update/Sept List

Okay, back at the end of July I posted about my August goals. So today while I thought I would post my September goals, i’ll update you on those goals from August. Are you ready???

  1.  Read 2 new books
    1. I read The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks and The One & Only by Emily Giffin. Out of these two The Longest Ride was definitely my favorite, I finished the last 3/4 of the book in a day. It also got 4.5/5 stars. The One & Only is perfect for small town football fans. It received 3/5 stars, and Giffin fans say they weren’t disappointed.
  2. Do something nice for someone else
    1. Okay, working at a restaurant the last thing you want to do is work all day, both shifts. That normally means waiting on people for about 11 hours. I haven’t worked all day in probably 2 years. One of my friends begged me to pick up her Friday night shift after I worked Friday morning. Seeing as it was not something I wanted to do I definitely thought it was a nice thing for someone else.
  3. Work out 3-4 times a week
    1. Oops this was a total failure. I probably should not have made this my goal when I was out of town the first half of August. I only met this goal this past week.
  4. Host a get together at my house
    1. While it wasn’t at my house, a couple of us girlfriends went to a friend’s apartment to hang out.
  5. Make 8 new recipes
    1. Blueberry Waffles
    2. Blueberry Jelly
    3. Fried Brussels Sprouts and Cauliflower
    4. Grilled Lemon-Garlic Zucchini
    5. Pastry Crust
    6. French Vanilla Coffee Creamer
    7. Sea Bass alla Fiorentina
    8. Proscuitto-Wrapped Scallops
  6. Figure out what i’m doing about school
    1. I will be transferring to the University of Texas at Dallas. I applied the other day and will receive confirmation sometime soon. I’ve officially gotten it figured out and couldn’t be more excited.
  7. Spend more time in God’s word
    1. Wow, I didn’t even make it to Church this month and I am not very happy about it. Rather embarrassed actually. But this will change.
  8. Buy something for myself
    1. Nope, I didn’t do this either. I think I put it off because I bought my sisters birthday present this month, which was rather expensive.


I’m going to be completely honest and just say that I will have to do a few less goals this month with all of my activities. Here’s to beginnings of new months!!

  1. Get to Church EVERY Sunday and spend the Lord’s Sabbath day resting. I am not going to work and I changed my availability, but I will use Sunday as my family day, spend time on school work day, and rest day for the upcoming week.
  2. Make 5 new recipes.
  3. Work out 3-4 times/week. This will be especially challenging due to all of things I will have planned during the week, but my doctor said it is necessary for someone of my age to get their heart rate up at least 30 minutes 3-4 times/week, and it’s very healthy too.
  4. Establish a routine, whether it be a weekly/daily/monthly routine.
  5. Buy myself 2 new things because I didn’t do it last month. This is especially difficult for me because I just hate spending my hard-earned money on myself, isn’t that weird? It may be a bargain, but I will do it!
  6. Grow my blog! I’m hoping to gain more followers. So help me and share with your friends and family. And tell me what you like or dislike 🙂
  7. Get 3/9 of my Christmas presents. And a birthday present for mom!

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